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/lit/ - Literature

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7828761 No.7828761 [Reply] [Original]

>High school years
>Read pleb genre fiction
>Enjoy life
>Look forward to my future
>Believe in Christianity
>Have many friends
>Want to study STEM

>Start browsing /lit/
>Start reading more literature
>Start looking at philosophy
>Lose my faith entirely
>Become more nihilistic
>Have bouts of depression
>Become cynical, bitter, and live in a constant existential crisis
>Want to study literature and philosophy

I'm 18. My life has only just begun. What is life? Does it get better? I feel too young to lose meaning already ;_;


>> No.7828769
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>Want to study literature and philosophy
Stop being depressed, and do that pre-law.

>> No.7828779

You can study literature and philosophy without going to college. Most books on the subject are easily available.

>> No.7828783

I rolled my eyes so hard that I'm now blind. Luckily, I can type from memory.

>> No.7828790

Is there any way to be truly happy? Is this a phase? Jesus.

>> No.7828794

Just tell me it's an edgy phase then

>> No.7828803


maybe you could not fall for the tortured intellectual meme, and not be a faggot.

>> No.7828808

>You can study literature and philosophy without going to college. Most books on the subject are easily available.

same goes for every other subject

don't go to college, just trust that you're a NEET übermensch and can become an expert on anything without any help

>> No.7828809

Well, telling yourself you're sad and depressed made you sad and depressed, so maybe try telling yourself you're happy and fulfilled and looking forward to learning new things? It's like you didn't even notice how you made yourself this way in the first place. Read some Heraclitus.

>> No.7828815

Some people (like urself) can't take knowledge and go on with a good life like the one you had. I pity people like you tbqhwy. But yaknow... Lets look at it positively:
Ya no there's no positives u should just out urself from lit

>> No.7828816

I'm not very smart. I don't consider myself an intellectual. I just kind of lost meaning and feel lost. Not in a "better than everyone else way." Just a lost way.

>> No.7828821

Are there books that could maybe help me stop being an edgy faggot like this?

>> No.7828823

stop living in books and start living in the real world. looking to lit and philosophy for how to live in this world is extremely stupid, and intelligent people seem to fall for this trick the most often. there's nothing at the end of that rabbit hole but a masturbatory conversation about the rabbit hole. use your brain on something that actually matters, like science, maths or tech.
read beautiful shit, shit that makes you feel something. other than the rest is all useless shit written by losers who chose thought over experience because they gave up.

>> No.7828827

The only problem with this is if you require a credential to actually practice in a field. Then college becomes a necessary evil.

>> No.7828830

STEMfag detected.

>> No.7828832

you created it, not the books. just stop being an edgy faggot and take responsibility for yourself.

>> No.7828835

Heraclitus like the guy said.. Give it a try

There's no magic book though, friend. You have to create that mentality to be able to live that reality. But you def don't want to keep being all depressed, it may be cute on the movies but its not cute and attractive irl.. It will only drag you down and make you dumb and so far removed!

Feel better,

>> No.7828840

What an utter anti-intellectual pleb.

>> No.7828844

God! Is it too much to ask for you to put a http:// and make it a link to click on? Seriously

>> No.7828845

Not really, for a lot of professions you do need a degree
Lel this guy. I like how STEM people are always like " WE ARE THE BUILDERS OF THE WORLD, BE 'USEFUL' LIKE US", meanwhile most of them do monotonous software-running jobs.

>> No.7828847

i'm sorry you guys are so afraid to live in the real world that you have to read books that tell you how to live in it, written by people who were equally afraid to live in it that they had to write entire fucking books about it.

>> No.7828852


>> No.7828854

>looking to lit and philosophy for how to live in this world is extremely stupid
Get a load of this guy

>> No.7828855


Get obsessed with the Greeks and classicism

Those niggas knew what's up. The problem is that our society has in it this pervading norm of nihilism. Religion is one last existential buttress, and in its absence people really have nothing affirming to fall back on.

>> No.7828858

Wew lad

>> No.7828860

Something of a straw-man. Reading books and "living in the real world" are not mutually exclusive. Nor were all authors recluses.

But, then again, being a pleb, and silliness, are strongly correlated.

>> No.7828871

Maybe the massive difference between my lifestyle and what I saw in what I read and discovered made me like this. I mean I'll just read more and try to change my outlook. Really, I was wondering if I'm an edgy teen and this will pass, or I have to get out of this myself.

>> No.7828875

Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.7828878

Start lifting

/lit/fit/ is the best combo

>> No.7828882

Morons love declaring their ignorance, it's (disturbingly) a thing of pride for them.

>> No.7828884

I'm currently reading The Republic, just so I can start somewhere. I'll try Heraclitus next, as was recommended, but what else are some key texts I should read?

>> No.7828886

It's both. You're blogposting on 4chan about how books made you sad. You're doing that. Stop it unless you want to be that person.

>> No.7828888

I do haha, it helps me focus and feel good about myself. /lit/ and /fit/ are my two main boards

>> No.7828889

philosophy is unnatural and retarded. forget all that bullshit, because look at what it's doing to you. philosophy is for the outsiders. the answer is simple

>> No.7828893

Alright, I just wanted input from you guys.

>> No.7828897

No problem, kid. Seriously, read Heraclitus; he's got all this "the way up is also the way down" shit covered.

>> No.7828905


the replies to this post prove how right he is

>> No.7828908


>> No.7828910

Try mushrooms.

>> No.7828911


You'll be fine

>> No.7828912

What is "natural"? Humanity is unnatural.

>> No.7828915

>philosophy is unnatural

That's quite the philosophical claim you're making, lad.

>> No.7828916

Already did :/

>> No.7828917

It's just pretty easy to spot you guys and your desperate need to prove your "worth".

>> No.7828918

How did u figure that out?

Can I pretend run? Like, running without leaving that place so that I can run in my room? What's that called?

>> No.7828920

Oh shit, a sign

>> No.7828922

i'm not against reading books? for someone who i assume reads a lot you certainly couldn't read my post.
i just find it pathetic that anyone would think reading lit or philosophy will help you function in the world. being in the world will help you function in the world, reading intellectualized self-help rubbish will only make you edgy and socially retarded which most of you seem to be.

>> No.7828923

Put on shorts. Go outside. Start running. Run until you're tired. Think about how you're finally starting to push your body and make it better. Repeat until it becomes a habit.

>> No.7828927

Again, why are you on /lit/?

>> No.7828930

yes but humans aren't

wouldn't say that

okay mr.intellignet-but-depressed-and-want-to-die-but-at-least-i-am-smart


>> No.7828931

Damn bro you're so intelligent.

>> No.7828933

So go to the best university you can, study literature and philosophy and go to med school, a T14 law school or break into consulting or finance. You'll study what you want, get money and have options if you decide you want to change direction in life.

You're growing up and this is normal, but don't cut yourself off from options just yet.

>> No.7828935

To be natural, forsake art, literature, politics, and everything else that separates us from animals

>> No.7828938

I'm planning on studying literature, philosophy, and going into business or law. Any life pitfalls I should be aware of?

>> No.7828944

Nice rejoinder. It's the STEMfag obsession to constantly remind others that their interests are useless or worthless, instead of just enjoying their own craft and allowing others to enjoy their. Not to mention, they often overlook practical uses to things dismissed as simply masturbatory, forgetting what their very studies branch from (inquiry into the nature of things). Why be dismissive? Why not just enjoy and let others enjoy?

>> No.7828946

or just meet halfway? no reason to feel depressed because some philosopher's bullshit

>> No.7828947

Hell yeah, nothing wrong with wanting to prove your worth, be successful, leave your mark on the world. If you cannot see a philosophical justification for that, and view everything as futile gesture, then I am afraid you are a sad, stupid person.
Study philosophy on its own if you are going to pick that option, stay away from literature.

>> No.7828948

Because he's a STEMfaggot. It's in his nature

>> No.7828954

Why should I stay away from literature?

>> No.7828955
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>meaning lmao

18 years of an education in spooks smgdh

>> No.7828958


why are you replying to me? i don't know what a stemfag is. i don't want to imply that art is masturbatory. i enjoy many things. i also read philosophy. just tell me this- how's your life going?


>> No.7828959

Should I read him or what

>> No.7828966

i also wanted to add
>Why not just enjoy and let others enjoy?
OP doesn't seem to be 'enjoying' anything atm, though, is he?

>> No.7828967

Don't read Stirner, it is utter claptrap. Purely a meme.

>> No.7828970

He's replying to you because you made a post that he, and multiple others, disagree with. You bashed literature and philosophy on /lit/. What did you expect?

>> No.7828972

i like books i just don't use books to run away from my life or as a guide on how to live it.

>> No.7828973


probably too late, I'd rec the noose senpai.ego

>> No.7828976

Mein Gott, pure egology

>> No.7828982

OP here, my plans are already to go into business or law. I'm not going to throw away my life. I just wanted input from /lit/ on the current state of my life as relating to literature and philosophy.

>> No.7828985

Doo you think we all read genre fiction or what you cumtwat?

>> No.7828986

>It's another STEM vs. humanities shitslinging session, mutual insecurity and all


>> No.7828990

I never made that claim. One can be unintelligent without being anti-intellectual.

>> No.7828993

you sound mad maybe you should read a book on how to stay calm

>> No.7828996

Yea, I didn't mean the thread to devolve into this, although it was kind if shit to begin with...

>> No.7828997

>Haha u mad bro go read some of ur stupid books xD
>On /lit/
what the fuck dude

>> No.7828999

mods sticky this

>> No.7829000

i enjoy those things, but i don't enjoy what they made OP think like

>> No.7829002

No, you're just a cumtwat.

>> No.7829004

What's wrong with Stirner? Is he just a meme here?

>> No.7829005

It happens to everyone. It's a phase

>> No.7829006

Primarily because OP is an idiot reading existentialism. How much of contemporary philosophers even care about existentialism?

>> No.7829007

just read mysticism m8 and become a sufi or something

>> No.7829008



>> No.7829010

I'm OP. I don't blame the books, I blame myself.

>> No.7829013

>stop being depressed
>study pre-law

>> No.7829017

OP, just read things other than existentialism. Analytic philosophy is by far the most popular form of philosophy in the US/UK, read some of that.

>> No.7829020

Any specific recs? I have a to-read list

>> No.7829031

I recently read The Point of View of the Universe, co-written by Singer, it's an excellent contemporary defence of hedonistic act utilitarianism.

>> No.7829035

Thanks. I just want a ton of material I can dive into.

>> No.7829050
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>> No.7829052
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I don't give a shit about whatever you typed, but here are two obvious problems you have:
1. You are on 4chan.
2. You are looking for advice on 4chan.

Go find your solution through the real world and self-analysis. You'll find nothing but memes and tryhard critics here.

>> No.7829074

if you're planning to go the drugs way of solving problems then that once you took shrooms with yer buddy won't do it. You need to get your mind broken, and not in the new agey way; you need to get to a level of fuckedness that'll break your perception as is. Pills and alcohol are really good to go by and easy to be functional on. you seen like a good kid, don't do speed or opioids.

>> No.7829084

I just tried it because I was curious. I've tried weed (obv) and shrooms, and want to try LSD. I tried 3.5g my first time, listened to a ton of music and really just felt very very surreal and weird after. I'm not big on drugs, but I don't see why not.

>> No.7829105

babbys first existential crisis

lots of us have been there, itll pass

>> No.7829118

you can study something in college that will get you a good paying job (STEM) and study lit and philosophy on your own

alternatively if youre planned o doing pre med or something like that you can still do pre med while majoring in literature, creative writing, anything really , as long as you do the pre med requirements

>> No.7829119

Look inside yourself to find your true self, look at the whole picture, not just at the parts of your personality, and attempt to become the best possible version of you. Don't regret it if you fail, don't ever fall into the "i should have x instead of y" that's nonsense, don't ever apologize for making at the time you felt was the right call, and be satisfied and appreciate that you are trying to be the Ubermensche, because not everybody has the will to look at themselves

>> No.7829120

This is true, you're eighteen. Be brave enough to trust your own decisions, you'll learn more from them than anything posted here.

>> No.7829122

What is this all-wise "real world" you speak of?

>> No.7829124

Also, get a gf, shit helps, even if it hurts in the end

>> No.7829125


my gott >>7828955

>> No.7829127

Independence and confidence in your own decisions, which comes from making your own decisions, whether it's going to college or to let some friends go

>> No.7829130

I kept my faith for my mother's sake

does that defeat the purpose?

>> No.7829133


>> No.7829136

Philosophy degrees are pretty good for jobs and other opportunities, friend:


Also, many STEM degrees have such a glut of graduates that the job markets for them are quite poor.

>> No.7829142

What utter nonsense, eighteen year olds are notorious for making irrational, ill-informed decisions.

>> No.7829144

One should only have confidence in making a decision if one is well-informed regarding the nature of the decision. One only has to look at the world to see how poor many people are in making good decisions.

>> No.7829147

Thanks guys.
I actually had a Christian gf before, but she was Pentecostal crazy. Tongues, prophecy, no kissing before marriage, the whole shebang. Leaving her was probably one of the things that triggered my loss of faith.

I have a different girl now, and you're right, she helps a lot. It feels good to just be lost in carnal pleasure sometimes. Idk, I'd be worse off without her. I'm currently in the IB program, and it's a pain in the fucking ass. I regret it so much, I waste so much time on useless shit.

>> No.7829154

Don't listen to them! You're EIGHTEEN! Teenagers are notoriously irrational, and very rarely make good decisions regarding important matters.

>> No.7829155

no shit, but there is no other way to go about learning how to make a good decision than from making bad ones. You have to know that you're going to make mistakes. Thinking everything you do should be perfect and absolutely in your best interest will give you an anxiety disorder

There is no book that will teach you the situational awareness needed to make a good decision.

the only way

>> No.7829158

Yeah, but I think I'm taking fairly rational steps. Uni, study what I love then into business or law. I can't really fuck up too much.

>> No.7829165

do recommend that he go to you for advice on decision making?

>> No.7829170

No, but I'm sure he could find good people in his life to consult on such matters.

>> No.7829173

And to add, what do you think I should make decisions based on then?

>> No.7829182

My parents, who I little emotional connection to and who would kill me if they found out I didn't believe in their God? My SJW teachers, who I find boring and pathetic? My friends, making dumber life decisions than me? The internet? I'm looking here now.

>> No.7829186

Get off my fucking board you dumbass. You're barely old enough to post here let alone have constructive thought.


>> No.7829187

but its still his decision in the end

nobody else can tell him what will be best for him, because its likely that he doesn't even know what he wants yet

you must at least agree that making mistakes in decisions are valuable in the sense of wisdom gained

>> No.7829190

You're 100 posts too late

>> No.7829202

sorry to tell you, but this board is like 50 percent kids under 20

>> No.7829204

I think that's all of 4chan

>> No.7829547

Practice mindful meditation, anon. I guarantee it will aid you. Infused with spirituality or otherwise-It has an observable effect on your brain and thus your mind

>> No.7829586

>and thus your mind

>> No.7829630

What is your gripe, friend?

>> No.7829644

>>Start reading more literature
>>Start looking at philosophy
>>Lose my faith entirely
ha, keep reading buddy.

>> No.7829683

Any decet nihilist would realise that the pursuit of unrealistic goals will only serve to make you unhappy.
Wealth and luxury do not matter, and the time spent working towards them is simply a waste.

One should attempt to carve out a little piece of happiness with as little effort as possible.

>> No.7829695


The answer no one told you is to read Kierkegaard, specifically Fear and Trembling.

>> No.7829703

Don't stay away from literature. If you're majoring in the humanities, double-majoring is generally a good way to go. Pair Philosophy with something else like history, literature, economics, or even a STEM field.

>> No.7829963

OP, being 18 is hard. You'll get over it. Go outside, stay off 4chan (or at the very least don't take anything posted here seriously). Do things that you enjoy with people you care about. Your life has just begun, but it's also quite short. Don't waste it wallowing in misery.

>> No.7830017

>"""""real""""" """""world""""""
get lost

>> No.7830043

the replies prove nothing silly

it's obvious bait and doesn't deserve any thought :^)

>> No.7830051

read him immediately

>> No.7830061

Nigga has a back like a raspberry

>> No.7830065

under 18 makes about 15-20 percent of 4chan. under 20 makes about 25-40 percent.

>> No.7830085
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High energy post, anyone who disagrees is a millennial undergrad cuck 2bh

>> No.7830113

fuck this guy

>> No.7830119

nigger faggot detected

>> No.7830233


>> No.7830259

Really, why, I want to know

>> No.7830268

who cares?

>> No.7830272

just study zen buddhism senpai

>> No.7830289

4chan isn't even twitter.
fuck off, bitch!
idk u and idgaf abowt yu.zzzz

>> No.7830290
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The instinctual fear manifest by dismissal and disengagement whenever beta males are confronted with anything contrary to their view or with forceful personalities.

>> No.7830306

I know. I just want to see him making his best to clarify this.

>> No.7830334


Do not listen to this jag-off. He is a supremely unhappy person.

The pursuit of something greater, a mission in life. These things will motivate you. Once you start beating people and stop losing you will be much happier. Competition and tension are good. You risk defeat and that makes the win that much sweeter. Work and sacrifice are good. Your value is tied directly to what you make or provide. Idleness and pleasure, these are bad.

If I'm right, you probably have a lot of free time and don't do all that much work. You can change man. I did.

>> No.7830655

leave immediately

>> No.7830662


>> No.7830712

That's the phase you're in if you're 14.
Holy shit you're 18 man, grow up you whiny little bitch, knowing there is no higher meaning in life is basically the foundation of adulthood

>> No.7830753

I don't have a ton of free time, I'm doing the International Baccalaureate Program (advanced classes). But my vice is procrastination, so I do have time to spend on literature and other interests.

>> No.7830802
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Depression and literature made me more Christian to be honest.

>> No.7830816

Honestly that image made me more christian years ago.

>> No.7830829

Weak minded fools

Retreating deeper into your ancestors meme garbage to deal with your/our insignificance.

Grow up, froggers.

>> No.7830845

>Retreating deeper into your ancestors meme garbage to deal with your/our insignificance.
I said Christian, not pagan.

>> No.7830853

>implying escape from the ancestors is possible

they are your soul
and the body is their knowledge

>> No.7830882

It's OK OP, that's pretty much how you're supposed to feel when you're 18. Keep living, keep reading, try to enjoy yourself when you can. It'll get better when you start to actually figure out who you are. Might take a while, just be patient.

>> No.7831469

I know you don't want to here this generic cookie cutter response but it this case it's true. You'll grow out of it. Or, you won't. And then you'll die.

>> No.7831486

Everything we read in High school:
>The Odyssey
>Romeo & Juliet
>Julies Caesar
>Shade's Children
>The Crucible
>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>The Power of One
>The Alchemist (but only the teacher read that)

I'm sure there were other short stories and excerpts here and there and a few analyses.

>> No.7831615

I felt like that kinda for a while. It stopped when I realized that it didn't matter.

>> No.7831617
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bless you.

>> No.7831688

meaningless platitude
I can't stand modern day pagans
at least Christians say things that actually mean something

>> No.7831696
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i've got quite opposite effect
the more philosophy i read the happier i become

>> No.7831726

>that image
i dont want to believe

>> No.7831732

but he is 100% right

>> No.7831840

Well, if you ask me I'd recommend studying what you feel you could do and be content with yourself. If you like math and don't mind working with kids, then why not. If you're shy and don't like those sort of interactions, maybe you want to be librarian. But don't be dumb enough to study something that's not in line with general demand.

I study philosophy and linguistics and while it's great to be surrounded by people smarter and more knowledgeable than you in that field, I'll admit that I wouldn't mind studying other shit and do philosophy in spare time, I'm almost sure I would even if I didn't chose it as a profession.

>> No.7831852

Nigga no

Parmenides: Nature > Heraclitus: Fragments > Plato: Chronologically > Aristotle: Metaphysics, Categories, De Anima, Nicomachean Ethics, then Metaphysics again.

Best way, imho.

>> No.7832224

You became a teen nihilist? Oh, don't worry, that's just the edge. In a span of 2 months to 3 years, you'll grow out of it.

>> No.7832232

/lit/fit/pol/ master race

>> No.7832259

What is this STEM/ lit dichotomy? I mean, I know its existed for ages on this board, but why not study STEM and just read books instead of being a typical STEM manlet who plays videogames and watches DC cartoons in his spare time? There's this belief on this board that the only way to understand and enjoy literature is to study literature in academia or be a writer.

Also, how did literature cause a crisis of faith or nihilism? If it did, I'd have to say your worldview and faith were on shaky foundations anyways. Not saying reading emboldens your faith but another dichotomy you live in seems intelligent/depressed, stupidity/blissfulness, nihilistic/aware which is also fictitious and self-harming.

I don't know how to tell you to "snap out of it" , honestly though the people who live with those beliefs are usually narcissists, which at 18 (not trying to be a dick) isn't too rare, so maybe you'll be ok. Just don't get some chip on your shoulder in your twenties otherwise girls will start to shy away from you if you constantly pretend like everyone who isn't depressed is an idiot. Nothing you are dealing with has to do with being well-read, knowledgeable or learned in philosophy.

>> No.7832275

Do STEM anyway. Never tell anyone you're depressed, specially women. Read philosophy and literature between calculus and physics. ??? Profit. Never be truly happy though.

>> No.7832278

Oh yes, I forgot. Browse /pol/ for maximum amor fati.

>> No.7832286

youre only 18?

oh my sides it get so, so much worse kid. just wait until you get that hollow feeling inside that never goes away

>> No.7832301
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You just need to come out on the other side, but only the strong-minded can make it.

>> No.7832303

You guys all seem like big smart adult people, talking about not every trying and being dead inside.

What the fuck happened, just not cut out for having a spine or something?

>> No.7832310

its just a meaningless uphill battle. like sisyphus, except sisyphus really isnt fucking happy he's miserable.

>> No.7832312
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>> No.7832319

thats fucking stupid. probobly the upper class can afford to be happy go lucky at the meaningless of life but the rest of us have to struggle to even survive, and when there is no meaning in that survival then whats the fucking point?

>> No.7832323

>thats fucking stupid.
You'll come around eventually anon

>> No.7832327
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>> No.7832333
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>> No.7832341
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Chemist with PhD in Mathematics.

>> No.7832349

This post is incredibly sane, good job.

>> No.7832374

>he hasn't made those spooks his property
wew lad

>> No.7833171

>wanting to study lit
People who do that are all wankers.
Study STEM. It's the true key to happiness.

>> No.7834013
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Xenoestrogens 2bh lad

there are very few men left.

>> No.7834604

breski u don kno shit'it

>> No.7834609


>> No.7834639
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This desu

>> No.7834765


How does it feel, you humanities cockmonglers? How is it to feel like paying some retarded faggot to give you a piece of paper that tells you that you have a piece of paper that tells you that you got a degree at a fucking layman hobby that tells you that tells others around you that you pretend to study something other than obscurantist pricks to seem well-read. I tell you, you fuckos, life ain't easy for limp-wristed, dumb pseuds. Ah, I mean it. I really do, I mean it. And one day, mark my words, one day the whole human race, as we don't know it, will see through youre seven layers of intellectual bullshit and consequences there shall be; will not be the same, you dicks.

The day of the rope for the useless academics is coming. Brace thy selves.

>> No.7834781

>Another /lit/ ruined my life post
Believe when I tell you that either way the weight of the world was coming for you with or without /lit/.

>> No.7835090

>implying masculinity exists

>> No.7835097

>Caring about spooks

>> No.7835127

this mangs

>> No.7835177

>he is a supremely unhappy person

Keep kidding yourself.
>work and sacrifice are good

Oh great, a self hating fascist is trying to give philosophical advice

Go read some Epicurus.
Don't listen to him son, he's an idiot.

>> No.7835296

I dream of an age when STEM majors would just stay on reddit to discuss their Hitchhiker's Guide and Rick & Morty

>> No.7835299

nausea by jean-paul sartre

>> No.7835924

>Justifying being a beta

>> No.7836522


>> No.7836606

Why do you feel this is the best way? I want to get into philosophy, could you qualify it a bit?

>> No.7836642

Shrooms done already, acid on the list

>> No.7836649


>> No.7836708

yes, loads

the issue is finding the book that can speak your personal language and end up where you arent an edgy faggot anymore.

i would recommend the bible, but you would read it as an edgy faggot and ruin it

so read steppenwolf, thats a good first steps into "horrifying loneliness with no respite"

then siddartha and youll be in decent shape pretty early on actually, and once again able to live life. you can stop here and be mentally lightyears ahead of the majority of people, but if you want to avoid any chance of relapse finish it off with some Tolstoy. No, not the novels, his short stories. His novels would hurt more than help at this point.

You read Tolstoy's Gospel in Brief and Circle of Reading ending with Hadji Murat

Then, you read Dickens. Any would do, but A Christmas Story is the ideal here.

then the world is your oyster. seriously, if the above regimen worked congratulations you've emerged from the other end a better person (i recommend reading the canon, if you dont know why then Harold Blooms the Western Canon is actually great here)

>> No.7836739
File: 100 KB, 800x568, 1404605330628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can change man. I did.

>> No.7836753

I've read almost the entire Bible. I used to be Christian. The faith has no appeal to me. I just kind of lost any conviction that any of it was the unquestionable word of God.

>> No.7836756

Don't worry anon atheism is just a phase we all go through. You'll come around eventually.

>> No.7836797

Not even atheist, just lost my faith. I'm still agnostic-theist.

>> No.7836923

Lit and philosophy are intrinscially different

Being a le epic neet autodidact will get you nowhere, but from what I've found, undergrad education in lit and phil get you nowhere given all the attention given to stupid garbage in undergrad classes

If you wanna go phil, get a math degree, and concentrate on anything logic related

If you wanna go lit, get a linguistics degree and concentrate on semantics, syntax, and pragmatics

These will teach you the foundations of what you should know. You can explore lit and phil yourself if you have the tools, and that is the real value of undergraduate education.

>> No.7836966

The fact you ever thought Christianity was the unquestionable word of God leads me to believe that you were misled into believing Christianity is something that it isn't.

Seriously, read Confessions by Tolstoy

>> No.7837409

Are you a Christian?

>> No.7838351

I've been studying Stoicism for the past year and I've seen a lot of similarities in it and nihilism. Does one come from the other? For me Stoicism has brought me immense happiness in the fact that most things are out of my control.

>> No.7838710

The Stoics were BTFO by Plato.

>> No.7838740

He was BTFO by sophists.

>> No.7838758

did i fuck that up

>> No.7838813

I have to know. Who is that sexy man in the picture?

>> No.7839172

Yeeee boiiii