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/lit/ - Literature

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7828278 No.7828278 [Reply] [Original]

How's that novel you've been working on?

>> No.7828284
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Good, thanks. I've got all the outlining done and I've made a solid start on the actual writing. The prose is a poetic mess so far so I'll have a lot of fun sorting it out. How's yours?

>> No.7828297

i wish i were a cute girl's dog i'd lick her in inappropriate places while we were alone together until she relented

>> No.7828300


You post all over R9K. You use that photo everywhere.

>> No.7828304

It's going alright. Just trying to establish some settings and scenery

>> No.7828326

Mine is going nicely. It had started off as a screenplay but as I went on with the story I noticed that it didn't quite fit well so I moved in to a novel and its flowing nicely.

>> No.7828329

Cool. What's it about?

>> No.7828342

A father who's trying to relive his glory days back in high school and college but is having to face reality by setting a good example for his kid. Kinda hard to describe cause the way it's structure is very non linear. What about yours?

>> No.7828350

Trying to play with the idea of death but don't have a concrete idea yet

>> No.7828352

That sounds like it could be interesting. I hope he wasn't an american football player or making his son be one though, that's incredibly overdone.
Nah I'm done talking about mine on here. I need to work on it more before splurging about it.

>> No.7828357

Nah I am doing my best to keep it original as possible.

>> No.7828375

Good, although don't overdo it. Needs to be relateable. Good luck.

>> No.7828382

Will do. Good luck with yours too

>> No.7828385


>> No.7828406
File: 459 KB, 384x288, 1311190388805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I study history and literature at Oxford
>mfw I'm confronted with all the talented writers at my University
>mfw I will always be the person who reads, never the one who is read

why even continue with this life

>> No.7828439

you posted this in several other threads

>> No.7828456


>> No.7828461


this is the second time I ever posted this, stop talking out of your ass

>> No.7828533

The novel is antiquated as a medium of artistic expression.

Real writers focus on blogs and tumblr comments.

>> No.7828614

Halfway done. I can only write ~1000 words in one sitting before my head starts to hurt and I feel like I'm pushing through sand

>> No.7828696

I started my novel where my main characted gets abused emotionally and made to feel like shit every day by his peers and relatives. For some reason I decided to give him a 'power' (but he can't trigger it by himself and never manages to help himself with it). Now though, I think that was a gayass idea and want to get rid of it, but the amount of text i'd have to rewrite is discouraging.

>> No.7828703

Whats his special ability? What nen type is he?

>> No.7828735

the cosmic forces have given him the ability to stop time for a bit. however, since they are also fucking with him (like everyone else), his ability can only trigger involuntarily and only when he is receiving unseen before levels of abuse.

>> No.7828745

This seems as appropriate a place as any to do this.


>> No.7828747

just post some cp

>> No.7828756

Written about 300 words of stuff that's supposed to happen in the novels later chapters. Don't even have real characters, just a grumpy trader and a young adventurer. Do I just give up /lit/ anything you recommend I check out to help me get some structure going?

>> No.7828774

just do what you want famalam

>> No.7828814

Writing the Breakout Novel

>> No.7828820

Fucking shat all over it last night.

Don't know what do

>> No.7829151

Can't think of anything

>> No.7829176

going pretty well, thanks for asking. i'm presently 25,000 words in. i started in February and hope to complete a first draft by summer, if life things go smoothly. my first novel was sidetracked for a good half year due to unforeseen life stuff. i finished it though and am now seeking an agent. anyways, the one i'm working on shouldn't be more than 90,000 words and is about a hospice nurse who is haunted by her long dead twin, whom she feels responsible for her death when they were children. it's suspense/horror and slightly more commercial than my first one, which was crime oriented and 115,000 words in length.

>> No.7829214

read Stephen King's On Writing. it gives you sound advice, nothing extravagant, which is what aspiring novelists need more than rules on how to structure, create characters, or setting. you'll find a way to do that on your own because the only law in creative writing is Do Whatever Works for You.

>> No.7829221

keep procrastinating because it's difficult

>> No.7829230

1000 words a sitting is not bad at all if you maintain a strict schedule of doing so every day. after three months you'll have a draft if it's moderate in length. i write 1,000-1,500/day and sometimes more. keep on trucking, mate.

>> No.7829293


why would you post this more than once? are we supposed to be impressed by your unsubtle humblebrag?

>> No.7829540


>> No.7829666

Waiting for some more critique before I continue writing it. Asking my friend for some prompts to write some stuff for fun and practice in the meantime.

>> No.7829927


>> No.7829961

>you will never be a qt girl's dog who fucks her and gives the best possible companionship

>> No.7830172

Is it ok to have an amount of words as a goal? Or just simply stop writting when I feel like it?

>> No.7830198

i think that's a bit silly. just try to write as best as you can. 100 great words is better than 1000 ok ones, you know? good luck

>> No.7830210

Btw, has gaskun released his first tome yet?

>> No.7830234

finished, proofed, submitted to about a dozen publishers and agents, completely ignored, swept under the rug and forgotten for the most part.

i occasionally read it and giggle and then weep over the good parts, to remind me to not be such a fucking idiot ever again.

>> No.7830240
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you stop writing when the story has been told.

>> No.7830310

don't listen to the other anons. yes, it's okay to have a goal pertaining to length/word count. especially if you're a first time or aspiring writer/novelist. not only will it give you a handle on craft, it will also give you the experience needed to cultivate your own style. if you're going the non-fiction route, either advertising, academic writing, or journalism, word count is essential. when you familiarize yourself with it, you'll be better able to judge how much you can fit into a word count.

>> No.7830423

what was it about?

>> No.7830717

A period of time is much better, but you have to absolutely trust yourself to work to your full potential during that period of time.

>> No.7830730

I gave up on it... again...

I'll never be able to devote the proper time and attention to a full novel when I barely finish half my short stories. I still have two WIPS that I need to finish and another I want to get to that I have no idea how to make heartwarming or tragic

>> No.7830767

14,000 words. It's an erotic adventure story set in a Pacific Ocean so polluted it's become solid sludge, following a sexually-frustrated former male prostitute and the seventeen year old girl he wants to bang as they adventure through a world of tentacles, slime-based aphrodisiacs, alcohol, drugs and phallic body modifications in order to stop Elliot Rodgers/pol/ from taking over the world.

It's fun.

>> No.7830768
File: 8 KB, 200x201, 12341605_970867312958845_4757229355604706393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>period of time
Don't ever write anything, please.

>> No.7830891

I've got most of it conceptually mapped out, plus I always get drunk drunk and write intercalary excerpts and important scenes, which I'll include in the writing process. But the official writing process won't begin until I've finished my self-assign reading list of about 60. Mostly for perspective, inspiration and research. (Also, fuck the Oxford comma, f.a.m.)

>> No.7830929

Not working on a novel. Doing a 3 part poem since....November? Still editing, ideas come to me at the worst of time (at work and what not).

Waiting til May to submit it.

>> No.7830937

im just gonna publish a book of blank pages and call it post-post-post-modrn

>> No.7831153

Writing by number of words will most likely just lead to blasting out garbage at the end to meet your quota. When you're stuck there until your time is up, no matter how much or little you write, you're going to end up doing your best anyway.

>> No.7831164

never be afraid to throw away text, anon, especially not in the age of .git and cloud storage