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/lit/ - Literature

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782727 No.782727 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: You post your three favorite books, and /lit/ guesses your favorite genre of music, age, sex, and political views.

The Three Musketeers
Anna Karenina
Snow Crash

>> No.782741

No one is going to do the guessing.

>> No.782744

Favorite genre of music... ska-punk.
Age: Early 20s.
Sex: Male... maybe?
Political views: Socially liberal, economically moderate.

>> No.782747

Oh. Almost forgot to post my own.

Ender's Game.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
The Art of War.

>> No.782752

As if anyone will try guessing.

Lolita by Nabokov
Ubik by Phillip K Dick
Post Office by Bukowski

>> No.782755

I'll play:


Music: Industrial/Techno
Age: 22-24
Sex: Male
Politics: Anarchist

My books:
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Battle Cry of Freedom

/good luck

>> No.782757

favorite genre: metal
age: 19
sex: male
Politics: Vaguely liberal, but not fully formed.

>> No.782758

Gravity's Rainbow
Finnegans Wake
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.782760

Favorite genre of music: Metal
Age: Under 20
Sex: Male
Political views: progressive right-wing nationalist

>> No.782762


Music: Rock
Age: 24-26
Sex: Male
Politics: Fascist

>> No.782768

Their Eyes Were Watching God
On the Road
The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.782769

favorite genre: classical
age: 26-28
sex: male
Political views: liberal-moderate

>> No.782771


Swing and a miss good buddy. Got the sex right.

>> No.782772

Music: Psychedelic rock and techno
Age: 21-ish
Sex: Probably male.
Political views: Socially, liberal. Economically, socialist. You probably vote Democrat if you live in the USA but they're too moderate for your taste.

>> No.782774

Male, indie, liberal.

At the Mountains of Madness
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
The Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.782775

Those were all me, just do you guys don't think I was trying to cheat in my first post by posting and not playing along.

>> No.782777


Progressive Rock

>> No.782780

Moderate-to-liberal socially. Moderate-to-conservative economically.

>> No.782781
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Wrong on music
Way off on age

Correct on psychedelic, though I hate techno
closer on age

close to correct on indie

This is the closest so far on everything. My favorite bands are the Mothers of Invention and Pink Floyd, and pic is my political standing.

>> No.782782


Male, 24-26, Top 40, Moderate

>> No.782785

favorite genre: rock
age: under 18
sex: male
politics: liberal, pro-capitalist

>> No.782786


I'm inside your head, man!

>> No.782787

Close enough.

>> No.782789

Though I'm 19, so age was just a tiny bit off for everyone's guesses.

>> No.782796


>> No.782798

The Trial by Kafka
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

>> No.782802

Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
Ender's game - Orson Scott Card
Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater

>> No.782805

Music: hardcore punk
Age: early 20s
Sex: female
Political views: Anarcho-communist

>> No.782809

correct answer is
Music: indie/alt rock
Age: 16
Sex: female
Political views: liberal

>> No.782810

Experimental rock
Social liberal, economically... Not so sure.

>> No.782812

Gravity's Rainbow
Blood Meridian

>> No.782813

You have good taste <3

>> No.782814

Wow, not bad.
Nearly spot on ;)

>> No.782816

The Martian Chronicles
Never Let Me Go

>> No.782817

Stephen King- Dark Tower Series
Robert Jordan- Wheel of Time Series
Shakespeare- Macbeth

>> No.782818

Progressive, psychedelic
Social liberal, economic moderate

>> No.782820

Except for the age (I'm 18) that's exactly right. Huh.

>> No.782821

Kafka on The Shore
Narcissus and Goldmund
Godel, Escher, Bach

>> No.782822

Naked Lunch
Crime and Punishment
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.782823

The Bell Jar
Water Margin(aka Outlaws of The Marsh)

>> No.782824

I think fans of Gravity's Rainbow alone have almost everything in common.

>> No.782826

Schopenhauer - World As Will And Representation
Rilke - The Notebooks Of Malte Laurids Brigge
Céline - Journey To The End Of The Night

>> No.782827


Favorite genre of music: ...Something technical. Free jazz, progressive rock, progressive metal. Something like that.
Age: ~20
Sex: Male
Political views: Moderate, capitalist

>> No.782829

Crime and Punishment
Blood Meridian

>> No.782831

Don Quixote
Shakespeare First Folio

>> No.782836

green eggs and ham
mein kampf
trolololololol these threads are lame-o

>> No.782838


>> No.782839

the stranger

>> No.782842

The Metamorphosis
The Hitchhiker Trilogy (counting as one)

>> No.782844


>> No.782850


Male. "Liberal" but probably realistic. Around 21. It's hard to say with music, but I'd say an oddball variety, if I had to guess a band/genre maybe modest mouse or experimental rock/pop. There's also a good chance you like/would like jazz or classical.

>> No.782854


Music: Variants of mainstream pop of 1965-2010~
Age: 18-22
Sex: Male
Views: Moderately liberal capitalist. Dislikes either poor, rural whites or poor, urban blacks.

>> No.782857


>> No.782864

Heart Of Darkness
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Invisible Man

>> No.782865

The Bell Jar
The Sound and The Fury

>> No.782869

Dante's Inferno
Stephen King's The Gunslinger
Can't Stop Won't Stop : A History of the Hip Hop Generation

>> No.782892

One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Invisible Cities.
Collected Work's of Carl Jung.
Little, Big. (I know I'm cheating, this would have been in the third slot but it's not very widely read)

>> No.782894

Finnegan's Wake
Atlas Shrugged
The Penis Was

>> No.782895

Annnnnnnd the guessing stopped.

>> No.782898

Fuck Yea

Wind-up bird chronicles
The brothers Karamazov
A tale of love and darkness

>> No.782899

Let's quit with the format and just state any and all assumptions we made about everyone else based on what they read.

>> No.782900

>Favorite genre of music: ...Something technical. Free jazz, progressive rock, progressive metal. Something like that.
All of the above, well done.
>Age: ~20
>Sex: Male
>Political views: Moderate, capitalist
Yes, no.

>> No.782901

Chronicles of Narnia
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter

>> No.782905

You are antisocial.

>> No.782910

The Book of Five Rings
The Earthsea trilogy
Discworld's Witches books
Male,mid/early 20s, liberal. Music is a toss up.
Old man and all that that entails.

>> No.782918


Either a troll, or raised Christian, somewhat imaginative but this is as of yet underdeveloped. Quite possibly ADD.

>> No.782924

Yes, I was raised Christian, and I have the worst attention span imaginable.

>> No.782928

You're trendy, in an "I'm not trendy" kind of thing. You read books because of the ability to throw around the titles and your opinions on them more than any other reason.
or you're a troll, but that's doubtful.

>> No.782934

My Ishmael
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Ender's Shadow

>> No.782939

you stumbled in from /b/ don't really read much but consider yourself well read, so you stuck around /lit/ you saw someone else post that this thread is cancer, so you decided it was too. You feel really special right now because you answered in a way that you think is ironic and frustrating.

>> No.782943


There's a distinct possibility that you think Dante's Inferno and Gunslinger are pretty gangsta. you consider this to be an end-all compliment. you are a hip hop elitist.

>> No.782944

self important people bashing other self important people for being self important

though I agree

>> No.782954


"sensitive artist" but haven't decided on a media or exactly what you want to express?

>> No.782955

You are correct sir, I am arrogant as fuck.

>> No.782956

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
Why I Am Not A Christian

>> No.782959


assuming troll, you are becoming bored with a stale and default sense irony but haven't quite realized it yet.

>> No.782960

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Thud! by Terry Pratchett
The Great Gatsby

>> No.782961

The Warriors
The Sirens of Titan

>> No.782962

Nope. I don't throw around these titles because few people i've met have even heard of them (except Stephen King). I just enjoy reading. And I'm certainly not being trendy.

>> No.782963

Stranger in a Strange land
Lord of Light
Zen and the Art...

>> No.782966

The Lost World (Crichton)
War and Peace

>> No.782968

The Prince
Enders game
Dune: Messiah

>> No.782969


somewhat narrowly atheistic, to a greater or lesser extent represses intuitive/imaginative functions. might benefit from reading more philosophy.

>> No.782972

good choices

>> No.782980

1984/A Clockwork Orange/Brave New World

>> No.782982

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford

>> No.782984

Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Lo Kuan-chung
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

>> No.782989

Crime and Punishment

>> No.782990


>> No.782991

sympathetic to conspiracies.

>> No.782994


Favorite genre of music: old Muse tracks, Deftones stuff like that.
Age: 22-25
Sex: Male
Political views: quite a secure left supporter

Here are my top 3.

Keep The Aspidistra Flying: George Orwell
Norse Myths: Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Great Shark Hunt: Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.782997

Infinite Jest
American Psycho

guess away, /lit/

>> No.782998

The Trial by Franz Kafka
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.783000

Fight Club, Into the Wild, On Walden Pond

>> No.783003

The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley
Younger Edda - Snorri Sturluson
Codex Seraphinianus - Luigi Serafini

>> No.783006

Mein Kampf
120 Days of Sodom

>> No.783010

Age: undergrad
Music: alternative rock
political views: libertarian
sex: male

age: mid 20s
music: nerdcore
political views: proponent of the separation of church and state
sex: sexy

age: 16-21
music: indie pop/chick rock
political views: non-political or progressive
sex: female

>> No.783012

Foucault's Pendulum
Naked Lunch
The Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.783014

age: 18-22
sex: male
political views: anarchist
music: metal

>> No.783017

age: 16-19
music: punk or whatever is "rebel" music these days
sex: male
political views: extremist

>> No.783021

Crime and Punishment
Infinite Jest
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.783029

sex: female
political views: pro-death penalty

>> No.783030

>age: mid 20s
Nope, 19.
>music: nerdcore
I like nerdcore, but I prefer stuff like post-rock and prog rock.
>political views: proponent of the separation of
Well, duh. Also, I'm a far-left liberal.
>sex: sexy
Horribly wrong. :(

>> No.783033

The Brother Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Brave New World

>> No.783039

Oblivion; stories
Invisible Cities
The crying of lot 49

>> No.783041

Sex: Male
Age: 17
Political Views: Libertarian

>> No.783044

>age: 18-22
good job, I'm 18

>sex: male
got this one right too

>political views: anarchist
nope, I'm more of a democratic socialist.

>music: metal
While I like some metal, I'd never call it one of my favorite genres. I'm more into indie rock, hip-hop, and electronica.

>> No.783045

Keep The Aspidistra Flying: George Orwell
Norse Myths: Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Great Shark Hunt: Hunter S. Thompson


>> No.783052

age: 19
sex: male
political views: liberal
music: hardcore

>> No.783054


all guessed by:

>> No.783055

Genre of music: Metal
Age: Between 16 and 19
Sex: Male
Political Views: Libertarian-leaning

And my books:
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft
Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen
The Wars, Timothy Findley

>> No.783064

politics: moderate? slightly left?
music: folk-punk

>> No.783067

These are my favorite fiction books:
A Scanner Darkly, Philip K Dick
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke
The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood

>> No.783069

age: 18
sex: male
politics: mid-left
music: post-rock

>> No.783070


Try me out

>> No.783074

Can someone do me before I go to bed?

>> No.783075

re-posting because no one is going to read that far up.

One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Invisible Cities.
Collected Work's of Carl Jung.
Little, Big.

>> No.783082

age: 19-20
sex: male
music: hm. classical?
politics: far left?

>> No.783083


The Bell Jar
The Sound and The Fury

>> No.783084

Sex: Female
Age: 21
Political views: Centrist
Music: I see you listening to punk and protopunk, stuff like the Velvet Underground?

>> No.783090

Proto-punk only. Damn, you're good.

>> No.783092

yes, I am 18 and left leaning. :) I don't have any particular musical preference so you got that kind of right too... Im female but 3/4 = not bad at all anon.

>> No.783096

Age- 24
Sex- Male
Favorite Genre- Classical
Political Views- Apathetic

>> No.783099


you got the sex and age, I do listen to classical but not primarily.

>> No.783100

Male, Left wing, Avante Garde Jazz, 21

>> No.783101

Great Gatsby
Enders Game

>> No.783102

>Age 24

Next month, actually!



>Classical music

I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I really like it.

>Apathetic to politics


Good job, anon.

>> No.783103

reposting since I guessed 5 other posters.

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford

>> No.783105

Male, 22, Libertarian, Electro

>> No.783109

Oblivion; stories
Invisible Cities
The crying of lot 49

>> No.783110

I saw Trainspotting and the Martian Chronicles and sensed a kindred spirit. ;)

>> No.783111
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Down and out in Paris and London, George Orwell
Dinosaur Planet II Survivors, Anne McCaffrey
The Death Rays of Ardilla, Capt. W.E.Johns

Pic unrelated

>> No.783113

Female, 19, Far left, Metal

>> No.783116

22, Male, Various forms of metal, Slightly right-leaning.

>> No.783117

Whale music (jokes)

>> No.783118

I also enjoy deep reads

>> No.783119

Lord of the Rings
Snow Country (Kawabata)

>> No.783121

Music: Classical
Age: 19
Sex: Female (or feminised male)
Political views: Liberal

American Prometheus -- Kai Bird & Martin Sherwin
Practical Ethics -- Peter Singer
Catch 22 -- Joseph Heller

>> No.783122


>> No.783124

Death metal

>> No.783127

You're also a 21 year old female who enjoys the Velvet Underground?

>> No.783129

male, 22, moderate and/or uncaring, 60's-70's prog

>> No.783132


Heart Of Darkness
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Invisible Man

>> No.783134


Not at all.

>> No.783135

Divine Comedy
Theory of Money and Credit
Debates In The Federal Convention

>> No.783136


Male, 20, anarchist, jazz.

>> No.783137

I think that's far enough down the page for a repost.

At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft
Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen
The Wars, Timothy Findley

>> No.783138 [DELETED] 

Both right on female and left. Correct stats:
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Music: Classical

>> No.783142

Both right on female and left. Correct stats:
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Music: Classical
Political: Democratic Socialist

>> No.783143

All governments are flawed but necessary. Thomas Hobbes etc.
I love Jazz.

>> No.783145

The Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserables
War and Peace

>> No.783146


You do not exist. Lovecraft + Jane Austen? Just no.

>> No.783147

80's metal

>> No.783151

Close brah. I'm 22, Libertarian, and I love the fuck out of 80's music in general.

>> No.783152


Male, 63, communist, classical.

>> No.783157

I enjoyed The Three Musketeers when I was younger but I've been afraid to tell people because it's just a kiddie book and has no literary value.

>> No.783164

Pale Fire
The Witcher series
Old Man and the Sea

>> No.783165

Infinite Jest
Dune Messiah
Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.783166

Well you got the gender right.

>> No.783168

Under the Eagle (Scarrow)
Harlequin (Cornwell)
Heart of Darkness

>> No.783169

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5
Mikhail Bulgakov - Master and Margarita

>> No.783170

Dumas was a literary genius. Work does not need to have a defined purpose to be important.

>> No.783176


Female, 15, ecology, Nu metal.

>> No.783180

I'm an anomaly.

>> No.783183

19 year old (Gay) male who enjoys the Velvet Undergound, but close enough.

>> No.783185

Crime and Punishment

Male, 17, far left liberal

>> No.783186

Oh, and you probably listen to themed power metal.

>> No.783188

The Master and Margarita
The Last Days of The Incas
The Trail

>> No.783195
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>> No.783197

22, Male, Liberal

>> No.783198

If I had a dollar for every time that line has gotten me slapped...

>> No.783203

21 male liberal

>> No.783210

But that's everyone on this board. (Except I'm female)

>> No.783223
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> Look at me! I have a vagina! I'm so special! Everyone needs to know I have a vagina!

>> No.783231


The Book of Five Rings
The Earthsea trilogy
Discworld's Witches books

>> No.783235

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.783250

22-25, female, liberal, metal

>> No.783251

Since you've missed me, and I've guessed several times:

Their Eyes Were Watching God
On the Road
The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.783253

Go back to r9k, fuckhead, we're guessing each other's sex here.

>> No.783254

20, male, democratic socialist, hipster garbage music

>> No.783259

Two of these are incorrect.

>> No.783263

20, female, left liberal, indie

>> No.783269

Damn, I thought I had it too. What's wrong?

>> No.783277

Now if I told you that it would be too easy, right?

>> No.783280

Nail on the head in almost every respect. :D

Libertarian socialist.

>> No.783283

Either way I give up.

>> No.783286
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Music: I love most of the music.
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Politics: Anarcho-syndicalism / Communism Libertarianism

My books:
Sci-Fi, Existentialism, Chronicles, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, History, etc.

>> No.783294

I don't think you know how this works....

>> No.783295

Well, you've guessed the "female" and the "left" parts :)

>> No.783296

I'm male, 25, liberal, and listen to jazz/folk music.

>> No.783297

78% of /lit/ is 20 year old males with leftist political views and who enjoy power metal.

>> No.783301

Again because no one guessed:

Lord of the Rings
Snow Country

>> No.783307

Hmm..I haven't read much yet, but I'll try

Catch 22
Good Omens

>> No.783314

Bah, guess I should have known a woman probably wouldn't like The Book of Five Rings. Still think you love power metal though.

>> No.783320

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Wizard's First Rule

>> No.783322

For you I will guess,

19-22, Male, moderate-left,.. I don't know what you kids listen to these days... prog rock/metal

>> No.783323

Song of Ice and Fire (series)
Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.783325

On rare occasion I listen to some, but not often. It's really not my cup of tea.

>> No.783327

Fuck power metal.

>> No.783331

political views: communist

>> No.783332

22, male, conservative or maybe right libertarian, metal

>> No.783336


The right answer was:
26, female, far left, classical music.

>> No.783338

19, male, left, pop/folk

>> No.783340

Nabokov's Lolita
Rectreations by Yuri Andrukhovych

>> No.783341

Well, I would have never got it because of Lolita.

>> No.783346

Bloody hell.

>> No.783353

Close enough :D

>> No.783355

28, male, moderate, jazz.

>> No.783358

IT by Stephen King
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite

>> No.783374


19. Male. Metal, Techno. Economically moderate, socially liberal.

>> No.783376

Pretty close. Music's pretty off though.

>> No.783383
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Crime and Punishment
The Black Company
The Master and The Margarita


>> No.783387


Male, 23, alternative rock and liberal.

>> No.783396

the correct answer was Hipster trash.

>> No.783398

18. Male. Left. Punk.

>> No.783403

The Naked Sun
The Trial

>> No.783409


I don't like power metal and am essentially politically apathetic but if I did start to care I wouldn't put to many eggs in either basket; just wanted to prove that I am a unique bran flake.

>> No.783417

I'm male and a little left of the centre, but I am only 21 and nowadays mostly listen experimental rock and hip-hop. I've been thinking of getting into jazz for a while, though, so perhaps I should take that as a hint.

>> No.783433


20 and female, but pretty fucking close. Kudos.

>> No.783438

Catcher in the Rye
Story of the Eye
Index (Peter Sotos)

>> No.783495

23, male, libertarian left, alternative

>> No.783523

Günther Grass - the Tin Drum
Voltaire - Candide
Yuri Olesha - the Envy
not my favs but I cannot demand from anon to knw the other ones. I should have replaced the Envy with either Bulgakov's Heart of A Dog or John Gardner's Grendel.

>> No.783532

If On a Winter's Night a Traveller
Eugene Onegin
Master and Margharita
Fathers and Sons

Couldn't limit it to three. I'm itching to admit more, quick, submit

>> No.783546


Favorite genre of music:as long as the lyrics make sense it is good
Age: 23-26
Sex: Male
Political views: of a Poet

>> No.783550

It's funny how words change their meaning
'ad' - to
'mit' - put
put to
Now it tends to mean allow or confess, although it can have other meanings

>> No.783552


You realize poetry and music are not synonymous, right?

>> No.783555

Single issue CP reform voter.
Classical music.

>> No.783556

Farmer in the Sky - Heinlein
The Time Machine - Wells
Space - Baxter

>> No.783560

Master and Margarita
Don Camillo and Peppone
terry Pratchett series

>> No.783562

when people talk about the "genre" of music they usually mean the music sold to the masses which always comes with shitty poems, bro.

What is your favourite music style then?

>> No.783566

Gene Wolfe - Wizard Knight
Frank Herbert - Dune
Ann Pancake - Strange as this Weather Has Been

>> No.783570

Alt-rock, hipster/lo-fi/folk rock/urban etc.
Libertarian but you odnt really care.

>> No.783574

prog rock
you can't really decide

>> No.783575

ACtually 18 male left anarchist, appreciate both art and popular music so you were sort of right there

>> No.783577

Down and Out in Paris and London
The Soft Machine
Dharma Bums

>> No.783580

I Served the King of England by Bohumil Hrabal
Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz
The Joke by Milan Kundera

>> No.783581

Dorian Gray
Prince of Nothing Saga

do it.

>> No.783585


>> No.783590

The Count of Monte Cristo
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Kafka on the Shore

>> No.783594



>> No.783596

...do it

>> No.783597

progressive metalhead. you've got long hair so i cannot really tell the gender.

>> No.783605


very very not close.

>> No.783606

female, probably polish/other eastern europe. liberal.

>> No.783614

David Coppefield
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Things They Carried

>> No.783622

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
The Fountainhead

>> No.783623

Agreeable music, Beatles Zeppelin Muse
Green Party

>> No.783627

17 and female. Music and political views are right on, though.

>> No.783629

>Master and Margarita
Russian. All Russians love that book. Requires a fair commands of Bolshevist antics.
>Don Camillo and Peppone
what's that?
>terry Pratchett series
Either a complete nerd or close to Tolkienists and Metalheads
too hard
cant do

>> No.783636


17 year old lady who likes Earthsea eh?


>> No.783637


Nobody wants to do me? ;_;

>> No.783638

not quite,
not quite

>> No.783644 [DELETED] 

Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead
Mein Kamf

>> No.783645

M' not Russian, everybody loes that book, not just Russians
Also read Don Camillo
It's a bout a priest who punches people who annoy him, talks to his imaginary firend-the Jesus and constantly fights with the local commie-Peppone.
Also hate Tolkien, Terry does a great parody of him

>> No.783646

Fantasy in general is complete schlock. Tolkein thought he was brilliant because he read Beowulf and decided that it was a masterpiece. It's not.

>> No.783652

Obvious attempt at trolling.

>> No.783653

>something German, sentimental, decadent and artsy fartsy
>attention whore.

music: Tokyo Hotel or some other kind of emocore
sex: yes, please
political views: either kind of liberal

>> No.783655

no, too advanced for most of /lit/

>> No.783658

I don't really read fantasy, unless it's a satire. What bodered me with Tolkien was the godawful blandness of the characters and the constant EPIC battles which just dragged.
Liked the few bar scenes tho

>> No.783661

yes, still, there's a whole market for Tolkienism

>> No.783664

Personally, I liked the EPICNESS of the battles; what annoyed me was how he described pointless things over and over again. Even then, after I read the three books, I felt it was definitely worth it.

>> No.783666


That doesn't make it a good market.

>> No.783669

>It's a bout a priest who punches people who annoy him, talks to his imaginary firend-the Jesus and constantly fights with the local commie-Peppone.
this just might be the best summary of DC&P

>> No.783675

Coin Locker Babies
Animal Farm
Memoirs of a Geisha

>> No.783678

It's me, Eddie
Delta of Venus
Quiet Days in Clichy

>> No.783683

oh gawd yes
the elves-the blandest race ever
You would think that immortal, forever young, nearly magical species would do awesome things, but no, they sit around, sparkle and write emo poetry
the last part may not be true

>> No.783684

female, 19, usa

>> No.783685


>You would think that immortal, forever young, nearly magical species would do awesome things,

They did a lot of that in the Silmarillion

>> No.783693


Male, 20, Europe

>> No.783696

age was close

>> No.783697

I might need to re-read that, but the only awesome elves were either evil or very very early versions that don't exist anymore in the LOTR

>> No.783701

First Blood
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Divine Comedy

>> No.783702


Music: not really
Age: yes
Sex: of course
Views: kinda


I see.

>> No.783704

Gulliver's Travels

>> No.783705



>not evil
>did awesome things

>> No.783710

Oh, I see, our definition of awesome varies

>> No.783711

-Everything by Tolkien and by Umberto Eco
In Borges I loved "The Aleph" but still I hated "Ficciones"

If the masses dig it it is "good". I'm a cultural democrat, hate me.

>> No.783713

Godel Escher Bach
Crime and Punishment

>> No.783719

things masses dig:
Justin Beiber
watching cars go round in circles for an hour

>> No.783724

male (you fapped to Lolita, didn't you?)
you don't like anything our present system has to offer

>> No.783727

go on, hate me.

>> No.783729


>> No.783730

Fingolfin - Fucked up the God
Finrod - built sweet caves, led Men out of 'dark ages'. fucked up old, cool Sauron
Thingol - Married a god, didnt give a fuck
Turgon - had cool sword, base hidden in mountain...not acctually that awesome
Maehdros - 1 handed, tried to kill everyone after they'd won so he didnt break the oath
Galadriel - really frikin old, stayed around to help out
Cirdan - built the good rings, stuck around ME
Elrond - whole bunch of shit
Glorfindel - beat OP sauron's army
Finwe - nothing, shouldnt have included him. bitchslapped by a spider

FEANOR - wrote history.

>> No.783744

>watching cars go round in circles for an hour
Was it Marcus Aurelius who claimed a stoicist shan't be discussing chariot racing. Too bad he didn't know how it was to become an upper class pastime. Only proves how he isn't eternal as opposed to Twilight.

>> No.783748


Male (Never fapped)
Don't enjoy music
Mostly correct

>> No.783755

The Illustrated Man
The Brothers Kharamazov
Herodotus' History

>> No.783756

replace the first dot with a question mark,
thank you.

>> No.783762


>> No.783765


> Dot
> Not period

>> No.783769

>not Menstrual cycle

>> No.783773


>> No.783777

>Menstrual cycle

>> No.783778

30 at least
tell your opinion about the karamazovs in one paragraph else you can't really tell if you're just saying you just trust Einstein and Freud in their taste.

>> No.783793

dunno which one, but deffo something by McCarthy, that should tell enough
the godfather
stranger in a strange land

>> No.783800

>else you can't really tell if you're just saying you just trust Einstein and Freud in their taste.


>> No.783802

30 at least

why so? 21 i say

>> No.783806

For Karamazovs. They need time.

>> No.783814

They both claimed liking tBK and both were fairly intelligent people. Why do you like it?

>> No.783820

Reposting since I've guessed a few and no one has guessed mine yet.

My Ishmael
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Ender's Shadow

>> No.783824

>Everything by Tolkien and by Umberto Eco
>In Borges I loved "The Aleph" but still I hated "Ficciones"
no guesses so far? You are terrible elitists, /lit/.

>> No.783829

the road
battle royale
animal farm

>> No.783834

23, male, moderate, thrash metal and some indie pop

The Brother's Karamazov
The Fall/The Plague tie for second
Sirens of Titan

>> No.783837

meant to say narcissists
>the road
dirty hippie
>battle royale
>animal farm
with a troskyist view on the Russian Revolution.

>> No.783841

The Rhinoceroses

>> No.783842

No guess for age or music taste, etc.?

>> No.783844

Alternative rock

>> No.783847

Ah, I didn't get that, english is not my first language and the whole sentence seemed incongruent.

Well, I thought it was a great book that portrays the human condition almost to perfection, Dostoievsky always manages to pull that off. Also, I loved the teology it contains and gives a very good idea of how people felt at the end of the 1800's, specially regarding religion and what part it should play in the future.

I am 21 by the way, that other guy was right.

>> No.783851

The Prince
Three man in a boat to say nothing of the dog

>> No.783867

i think we all should drop a line on why we like X if we already wasted countless hours on reading and rereading. I'm seeing M&M again and again and I don't have the faintest idea what it is.

>> No.783873

The Once and Future King
Les Miserables
Till We Have Faces

>> No.783891

wow almost spot on, just missed a little bit on the genres

>> No.783898

ahaha, not even remotely close on any of them.

>> No.783902

Reposting mine since no one's guessed:

First Blood
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Divine Comedy

>> No.783914

Master and Margarita
satirical and kinda abstract book by Mikail A. Bulgakov
Devil plus his crew comes to Moscow to fuck with people
Jesus H Christ is being crucified, we focus on Pilat
Guy is in a mental institution because hehad to burn his book, his lover turns into a witch, goest to his rescue

>> No.783932

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Three Men in the Boat ntmtd
Holy Grail (the script by Monty Python. Plenty stuff got cut)

>> No.783939

nobody posting good books gets an answer
that's sad

>> No.783946

does bump still work?
if not, restart the thread
it's awesome for tells you what to like

>> No.784009

Age: 27
Music: Classic rock
Sex: Male
Politics: Centrist economically, antiauthoritarian

Mine (again)...
American Prometheus -- Kai Bird & Martin Sherwin
Practical Ethics -- Peter Singer
Catch 22 -- Joseph Heller

>> No.784019

Music: Alternative rock
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Politics: Socialist

>> No.784025

Music: Classical
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Politics: Social democrat

>> No.784057

>Music: Alternative rock

That and 80s rock, yes.
>Age: 25

18, actually

>Sex: Male


>Politics: Socialist

I might be without realizing it. I don't have a good grasp on what socialism is exactly, and as such, I'm unaware of how congruent it is with my political beliefs.

>> No.784068

Male / 17 / Anarchist / Folk

>> No.784377


>> No.784950

Life of Pi
The Tao of Pooh
Unaccustomed Earth