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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 1000x562, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7825182 No.7825182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How Mira Gonzales hollowed out a copy of Infinite Jest and smoked weed from it: http://pastebin.com/ihz86CWZ

>I give the Infinite Jest bowl a 9.5/10. I would've given it a 10/10 if it was a book I actually read and enjoyed, and an 11/10 if the book wasn't written by a white dude.

Just a reminder of the kind of people read & published in today's lit landscape.

>> No.7825194

and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7825196

This was already posted. Pro tip for posting bait in /lit/: don't go the /v/ or /pol/ route and be like, look how shit these people are LOL!! Instead, be hysterically and effusively praising them. More effective, and way more entertaining a thread to read.

>> No.7825198
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>> No.7825203

>Just a reminder of the kind of people


>> No.7825204

What made you think I was baiting? You're the reason we can't have serious discussions on /lit/ anymore, and you're gulping down the same poison as Mira in her irony trappings.

>> No.7825206

She's clearly taking the piss, don't be so sensitive you fragile manchild

Alternately: go to bed Mira, stop posting this article here

>> No.7825208

>Hey you know this anonymous imageboard about literature
>well FUCK that let's talk about celebrity gossip!!!

kill yourself anytime

>> No.7825210

Because the very idea of making a thread for this utterly boring weed blog she has is so fucking ridiculous and just terribly sad and banal that I just have to assume you're baiting to keep my sanity.

>> No.7825211

"I was just pretending to be retarded xD"

also if it was Mira she wouldn't have circumvented ad revenue

>> No.7825214

>"I was just pretending to be retarded xD"

>> No.7825215

Yeah, and that's exactly how I feel about her writing career, it gives me the same sort of pain. Is that not worthy of discussion? I guess if you don't think so you can hide the thread and go away. Please do explain to me though how it's not board relevant. Because:
Mira Gonzales is a published poet.

>> No.7825217

Why are you acting as an authority on /lit/ when you lack reading comprehension?

>> No.7825219

It's not board relevant because it's goddamn -- the blog's not even that bad, really, it's just really quite bland, at the end of the day, and honestly no one of any worth gives a shit. You should delete this thread actually

>> No.7825222

Why didn't you use the special meme arrows when you were memeing kouhai?

>> No.7825226

Maybe if you were discussing her poetry I'd give a fuck! Maybe if this wasn't you LITERALLY blogging about someone else's blog, I'd give a fuck!

But you didn't, so again
Feel free to kill yourself, anytime!

>> No.7825227

Do you wish you were a janitor or something?

>> No.7825233

This is the subject matter of her poetry. This is the content she and other current young writers have to contribute to the literary world. It's meaningless, arrogant, bland ironic shitposting as an artform. I guess I was wrong in expecting to get some discussion about this here, since you're all clearly stuck in the same cyclical and dismissive bitterness as Gonzales and Lin.

>> No.7825238

Are you not realizing it's still board relevant because it's Infinite Jest?

>no one of any worth gives a shit.
O thank you, patron saint of worth, for letting us all know the dichotomy that divides the good souls from the bad.

>> No.7825239

yeah kinda

I wrote a draft for the janny app but didn't submit it because I doubted I'd have the time to give the job justice. I do now but whatever y'know.

>> No.7825241

Oh cmon don't give me that crap, everyone on this board doesn't like her and we don't need to reinforce that fact with useless threads

>> No.7825243

This is her weed blog. This isn't her poetry, ya silly goof ball.

>> No.7825247

who the fuck cares

impolite sage

>> No.7825258

You literally started the thread wanting validation to have a hateful circlejerk over some boring blogshit that triggered your thin-skinned ideology

If 'dude weed lmao' is all her poems say, you shouldn't mention such tripe since it's a waste of everyone's time. If her poems do say more, why didn't you post a poem or a link to a poem instead of to a fucking blog, or maybe make some actual discussion of her poems?

I'd tell you to improve yourself, but you obviously don't see anything wrong with your behavior.

So kill yourself, you hypocritical faggot

>> No.7825264

How about instead of creating obstacles for discussion you just don't post? You could be contributing instead of whining about lack of discussion. Your presence here is a net negative value, you are a drop in the bucket of what makes /lit/ the worst board on 4chan. Look into your bookshelf and seek positive enlightenment and mend your disgusting ways.

>> No.7825265

Who the fuck is mira Gonzales

>> No.7825266

If it's the worst board then leave fagtron

>> No.7825271

If you don't like my thread, vamoos.

>> No.7825274

This thread has been my property from the start.

>> No.7825279 [DELETED] 

How about we discuss literature at your funeral you fuck

We can discuss my favorite book, 'Boo Hoo /lit/ didn't join me in my non-/lit/ political circlejerk so I killed myself,' a true story, by OP

>> No.7825285

How about we discuss literature at your funeral you fuck

We can discuss my favorite book, 'Boo Hoo /lit/ didn't join me in my non-/lit/ political circlejerk so I killed myself,' a true story, by OP

>> No.7825289

I can't find that on amazon, do you have a link?

>> No.7825292

You will never be a janitor for more than a week, because your criteria for thread deletion is based on emotion and hostility. You will be benched after a week, at most. Please grow a pair and find a discussion you approve of elsewhere.

>> No.7825297

This thread is testament that Mira attracts the worst people, both her fans and dissenters.

>> No.7825300

Hm, you mean like how this thread triggered you into all these rambling epithet-laden posts?

>> No.7825302

I would give her some fuck for those pretty eyes.

>> No.7825307

I'm the aspiring janny, not that guy. There's more than one person railing on you here bud.

>> No.7825313

Bad shitpost responding to a good shitpost.

>> No.7825316

And both are wannabe janitors trying to impose their opinion on why a thread shouldn't exist when they have zero power to actually do anything.

>> No.7825319

Are you some sort of SA crossposter?

>> No.7825322

That's an extremely common pastime and I'm the only one that's actually expressed itt a desire for janny hood.
Nope. At least not today.

>> No.7825333

Yes exactly, only my triggered response is the holy task of telling some blogshitting crossboarder to kill themselves, whereas your triggered response was to crawl out of whatever godforsaken part of the internet you found this on and post this blogshit on /lit/

If you die, I continue posting about literature in other, good threads.

If you DON'T die, you stick around whining about fucking e-celebs that nobody but you cares about until your whining attracts even MORE non-/lit/ wastes of flesh who share your idiotic obsession with celebrities and literary 'culture'

In conclusion, kill yourself

>> No.7825341


>Just a remind of the people ... read...

I hope you're not talking about anyone outside of this woman's friends and family.

Her only hope is being hate-read, which probably why her marketing team posts her here all the time.

>> No.7825345

Every one of your assumptions is wrong, but I'm not going to waste my time pointing out how or why. I just want you to know that your ironic shitposting is pathetic and based off instantaneous assumptions, and that you bring the quality of this board down with your every breath.

>> No.7825348

I didn't even know about this person until I started browsing /lit/ so she can't be that famous

>> No.7825353


>if the book wasn't written by a white dude

what do you have against white dudes you fucking sexist/racist?

>> No.7825355

Yeah you sure showed me Mr. 'Guuyyyyyys let's hate on this random poet guyyssss'

I just want you to know that you should really kill yourself

>> No.7825356

If you're going to brush everything off then why even post. And it wasn't ironic fucker. I genuinely hate you.

>> No.7825359

That's Mira being coy.

>> No.7825370

If you genuinely hate the sliver of a person a post on a single topic shows you, you have alarming mental problems.
Could you point to me where I ever said anything remotely similar to that?

>> No.7825388


Oh so it was a quote from her? A hispanic woman takes a joking jab at white men, and it's supposed to be funny and nobody is supposed to get their panties in a knot over it?

What if I said:

I thoroughly enjoyed Maya Angelou's works and would rate 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' as 11/10 if only the author wasn't a black woman. Her being a black woman knocks the rating down a couple of pegs down for me to a solid 9/10. * joke*

How would that sound?

>> No.7825389


and it's not really "coy" in any way, it's pretty inflammatory

>> No.7825390

are you mad at being made fun of, or the general lack of moral and logical consistency with the "progressive" types

>> No.7825394

I can't point that out because you just IMPLIED a bunch of /pol9k/ ideology with your passive aggressive OP so you're free to backpedal and deny it all to continue stirring shit, as per your original goal.

Now, although I'm deeply amused you immediately went back on your 'I'm not going to waste my time' post to continue defending 'yourself' on an anonymous image board, now I'M actually done wasting my time with you, and unlike you, I don't have a paper-thin ego that hates on others but can't endure being hated upon.

You probably won't kill yourself, but I'm gonna sleep well tonight, still not knowing who the fuck Mira is or what her poems are like, but secure in the knowledge that OP was a tremendous faggot about it.

I'm out, and the wise will leave this /pol/ thread to rot.

>> No.7825415

It's ironic racism. I mean if you lay on the irony a little bit thicker people might laugh too, but in a sort of defensive, concerned, distanced way, which is frankly how I generally treat Mira's blog.
Nah it's coy.

>> No.7825422

>let me show you how passionate I am about something I know nothing about!
Get a blog, loser.

>> No.7825426

How is 90% of that even relevant? It's like I'm looking at a post made by filling in the blanks of a 'my precious ideology' template.

>> No.7825427

>incoherent yelling

good job sport

>> No.7825429

How is it ironic? I mean, I get that she intended it to BE ironic, but how IS it? How is it any different if I said 'I hate blacks!' but then defended my statement by saying it's irony? Her writing there wasn't even clever, it was superficially and one-dimensionally racial.

>> No.7825431

The impulse it is written out of could/should be more productively thought of as clickbait content production.
She is just a humble content producer a content farm, it's like your reddit karma.
Pathetic how the (you) farmers of le 4chan try to steer the traffic from the rightful content platform hosting this magnificent article. le paste bin neck eard male face + white ofc rme

>> No.7825434

You really shouldn't post when you're blazed, Mira.

>> No.7825443


How was i personally made fun of? And I consider myself progressive but I tend to view all people based on the same principles so it disheartens me when nowadays it seems OK to disrespect caucasian males specifically but any other group is out of bounds, and all of this is based on some flimsy rhetoric but is widely accepted nowadays WTF?

>> No.7825446

Are you becoming self-aware?

>> No.7825468

the double standard / inconsistency in outrage irritates you, then.

>> No.7825471


I thought coy meant reserved and modest. Here she draws punches and is trying hard to be "edgy", kinda like the opposite of coy

>> No.7825480


I agree, that was exactly my point, it just seems like an innapropriate racist joke, but for some strange reason, many people don't see anything wrong with being racist against white men

>> No.7825515


Yeah double standard and hypocricy is a good description of how I think things are nowadays in popular discourse

>> No.7825520

deal with it white cis scum

>> No.7825527


be sure to check your privigielelge at the door guuuyyyyssss LMAO

>> No.7825541


Two wrongs don't make a right

>> No.7825542

neck all human females now e.r. revolution
^mods sticky this

>> No.7825548


>> No.7825554


Erotic robots?

>> No.7825561

If you dislike her/the literary landscape, why make a thread about it? Mira makes enough threads about herself anyway.

>> No.7825563

elliot rodger

>> No.7825570


started drinking alcohol at 3pm
at 11pm i went to a party wearing the same clothes i wore on thursday
at 12:30am the guy i lost my virginity to told me he is having a baby
at 1:30am i ate drugs in the bathroom without telling anyone
i don't know how to maintain relationships
most of the people i've had sex with have negative feelings about me now
starving to death during sex is something i would like to do this week
every time i look at my computer
i fight the urge to open a word document and list everything i ate that day
here is what i ate today:
coffee, curry vegetable thing from whole foods, plum
i am most comfortable around people who criticize me because
i feel like anyone who isn't constantly criticizing me is lying
or expecting me to be something different
seems insane that you need money to do things like
develop a drug addiction, or move across the country
i don't identify as 'depressed' even though i feel depressed
seems unfair that i only get to feel a finite amount of things in my life
lately i have been assuming that dried fruit has more calories than regular fruit
i feel like 400 dead jellyfish in the middle of a freeway

>> No.7825576


What did he write?

>T.S Elliot Rodger

>> No.7825577

why do you think progressives believe they have the right to be as rude, condescending and mean as they want? why do you think this is the case?

Are they the "religious right" of tomorrow? Have these people always existed in some shape or form throughout history? Or are we seeing some kind of new ethos emerging?

>> No.7825580

well that is a poem

>> No.7825586

because we're literally better than you that's why eat shit !! HEH. lol.

>> No.7825590
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>> No.7825595
File: 44 KB, 776x602, tmp_3585-Get_a_load1895380052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


U on the wrong board son?

>> No.7825608

yes yes, but why do you think progressives think of themselves as being better than everyone else?

What is it about their values and belief system that informs them logically that they must be the one and only arbiters of moral truth? Their conclusions about society can't have come from a vacuum, no?

What's the logical process?

>> No.7825610

Nah I'm just funposting

>> No.7825617

Is Gonzales actually praised by anyone?

I've only seen her on meme threads on /lit/. I don't even know what she's written. I imagine only tumblr regulars like her because she talks about white males a lot.

>> No.7825623

I'm guessing Tao Lin likes her body of work but no one around here seems to have much genuine enthusiasm for her. As for Tao, I've seen some genuine praise of Tai Pei and Eeeeeeee and something else.

>> No.7825625


It seems that it is a reaction to perceived wrongs dating from back in history, like a rubber band springing back from accumulated force, but what they fail to realize is that both extremes tend toward similarity of each other and there is profound cognitive dissonance when the progressives seek to use the same methods in their anti-whatever crusade as the conservatives use

>> No.7825626

>her body of work
what did you meme by this?

>> No.7825631


>> No.7825639

but why doesn't this thought occur to them? why do they lack self reflexivity?

>> No.7825645
File: 25 KB, 600x396, 600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the worst mix; Mexican & Jewish.

>> No.7825649

>Just a reminder of the kind of people read & published in today's lit landscape.
She's a """columist""" for vice's women's section and exclusively writes about weed. Outside of this site barely anyone even knows who she is.

>> No.7825653

how fucking hideous

>> No.7825665



>> No.7825670

It's probably some pissed off autist this time, but what makes you think she'd care about ad revenue? She writes this shit for vice and they probably pay her by the post.

>> No.7825688

It's just a performance. It isn't real. We are entering an era of hyperpolitics where the status quo remains the same while political posturing grows ever more hysterical. That's the problem with both 'progressive' neoliberals and /pol/-teen reactionaries. Their politics are not based on reality, but on OTT reactions to the other side's media stunt pseudo-events

>> No.7825698

It's ironic because literally all of the guys she fucks are white.

>> No.7825707

It's bait. Content calculated to produce a reaction by exploiting your insecurities. If you get all 'offended' on behalf of 'muh glorious white race' you are taking the bait.

>> No.7825715

the first thing that led me to investigate this was observing how supposedly liberal and progressive people support mass immigration and diversity without realising that mass immigration as a positive diversification is a lie told by capitalists to exploit cheap labour force.

then how progressives consume garbage Hollywood media without realising that they are quite literally funding an institution filled with their anathema.

how political agendas are used by marketing companies to make you spend, and spend more. all those feminist, "healthy" body image ads...

is this a new form of Spectacle?

>> No.7825740

Because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.7825741

You're slow on the uptake, aren't you? This has been a thing for the past two decades.

>> No.7825756

Stunning and brave.

>> No.7825762

aggressive social progressivism is a relatively recent phenomenon, anon.

do you like my sentence