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File: 52 KB, 530x800, 2566325-businessman-with-thoughts-of-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7824752 No.7824752 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be going away for a while...

>> No.7824758
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>> No.7824759
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Pic related

>> No.7824864

if I had the courage I would have taken all of you with me.

>> No.7824915

feels good man

>> No.7824921

This failing is mine alone.

>> No.7824930

Sorry dad. I had planned to wait until you'd died so I wouldn't upset you, but I just can't wait anymore.

I like this one.

>> No.7824946

I like yours too

I wouldn't have to wait though.

>> No.7824972

Only hell can warm me now

>> No.7824981

Let me sleep, just a little longer.

>> No.7824983

Someone online told me to kill myself, so I did. Jokes on them haha

>> No.7824994

I told anon to kill himself and he actually did it the absolute sadman haha!

>> No.7825099

Blame Big Dave

>> No.7825103


>> No.7825613

Anyone who acts all fucking sad about this is a liar and a vulture. You all hated me when I was alive, at least do me the courtesy of not posing with my corpse to make yourself look good. I hate.you all,
Ps sorry mom

>> No.7825662

worst one so far
the "haha" is a great note

>> No.7825684

Couldn't think of anything else.

>> No.7825692

burn all my writings. actually don't do that. publish them, but tell everyone that i instructed you to burn them.

>> No.7825705

Sorry mama, but you know how hard it was for me.

>> No.7825716


>> No.7825755

Well, no point in hiding it any more.

I have been cross dressing since I was very young and have a large collection of women's clothes.
Also a there are lots of drugs in my house (good stuff too, not weed or vapes, I'm not a faggot).

Feel free to have fun with these items.

>> No.7825766

>become a famous writer
>kill self
>leave a note that just says "Why, T.?"
>people debate for all eternity who T. was.

>> No.7825770


h-heh, yea...

>> No.7825789

I win.

>> No.7825793

gg no re

>> No.7825829

I wasn't depressed. I was just bored and tired. I'm sorry mom, big bro. You all had your own shit to deal with I didn't want to add this on top of it but I'd rather go by my own hand, at peace and my own choosing rather than wait for pain. You can be sad and angry but open your fucking eyes and actually chase your own happiness. Ani, stop whinging and moaning and get up on your own two feet, stop relying on mom for everything. Mom, stop inviting dependency from people. If you want to fuck off to another country, or travel the world, do it.

Don't be sad for me. I won't hurt anymore.

>> No.7825857

Niggas looking for me I'm somewhere smoking on dope
Say that life for me then nigga I'm a fuck yo ho
I brought the bank out with me nigga wells fargo
Glo'd all up, pull up in a gallado
I know, I know I know (I Know [x3])
Is it because my ice game bling like me, I know
I know, I know I know (I Know [x3])
Cause I'm getting gwop they don't like me and I know

I'm finna buy me a diablo, sit it on forgiatos
Coolin' with my padros, glory boys got dough
That's my squad though
Girl up shots though, fxck her though
Fuck a ho, she can give me top though
Then fall off, pull off in that 'rari though
Chief Sosa you flexin', these chains a lot though
Freestylin though, check my clothes game, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
100 thousand for these llama fucking Jesus, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
His bitch say she wanna hit the top, bitch fuck with me you might glo

>> No.7825864

All things considered, I'd give living a 3/10

>> No.7825879

What would a solipsist's suicide note look like?

>> No.7825885

If you're read this then I was wrong.

Sorry I was always such an asshole.

>> No.7825893
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"The spooks, they are after me." or alternatively don't leave a note, leave them guessing why or why not.

>> No.7827219

mom: it's not your fault. if anything you delayed this. i'm terribly sorry i had to go out like this, i hope you can forgive me, and know that i forgive you for anything you've ever done to me.

you can divide, keep, sell my stuff the way you see fit, i'd rather you didn't hoard it though. i love you and dad even though i never showed it enough.

pj; stop drinking and enjoying yourself so much in college. make sure you acually get shit done in your lifetime. i'm giving you my iphone, the password is "cats" do with what is on there that you see fit. tell my internet friends i loved them an absurd amount and they made my life a lot brighter. go into acting but only if you truly feel that is where you should be. you dont have to tell my real life friends anything, as i never really liked them. give joshua my leftover pot, show him how to smoke it because he's an idiot.


>> No.7827223

mom: it's not your fault. if anything you delayed this. i'm terribly sory i had to go out like this, i hope you can forgive me, and know that i forgive you for anything you've ever done to me.

you can divide, keep, sell my stuff the way you see fit, i'd rather you didn't hoard it though. i love you and dad even though i never showed it enough.

pj; stop drinking and enjoying yourself so much in college. make sure you acually get shit done in your lifetime. i'm giving you my iphone, the password is "cats" do with what is on there that you see fit. tell my internet friends i loved them an absurd amount and they made my life a lot brighter. go into acting but only if you truly feel that is where you should be. you dont have to tell my real life friends anything, as i never really liked them. give joshua my leftover pot, show him how to smoke it because he's an idiot.

sorry again.

>> No.7827234

I can't wait to do this.

>> No.7827271

"someone do the ouija board on me so i can tell bush did 9/11 bye niggers"

>> No.7827344

Isn't leaving a note a bit like yelling out your argument and then leaving the room? Either kill yourself or talk about whatever problem with whatever person. Not "you" in particular OP, but you know.

>> No.7827365
File: 39 KB, 600x400, ihateseals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born a seal.

I have lived the life of a seal.

I will soon die a seal's death.

>> No.7827371

The time give me an answer...

>> No.7827375


>> No.7827376
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>> No.7827381

I did it for the lulz.

>> No.7827405
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Mother I tried please believe me
I'm doing the best that I can
I'm ashamed of the things I've peen put through
I'm ashamed of the person I am

>> No.7827436

God will forgive me, maybe

It feels a little pretentious and awkward to just kinda make one like this
When I tried I didnt actually leave one but the fact that I'm still here probably hints that I never really planned to die, eh, who can reason with illness

>> No.7827445

"Had a bad day. I'm hanging out in the shed...Literally."


>> No.7827452

did he actually do it?

>> No.7827499
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>> No.7827625

I don't know what's wrong with me and I don't know how to make it better. I never tried to hurt anyone.

Send all my writing to my friend Scott as well as [meme] (he'll know what to do with it).

I don't think I'd leave a note, I'd just disappear, let whoever cares hope that I'm still out there.

>> No.7827842

"sorry to my parents and grandparents and whoever finds this note. don't panic.

I've killed myself and my body is at an undisclosed location of my choosing.

it wasn't a result of any specific event or individual. no one is to blame.

I simply had some problems with myself and decided to put an end to them."

I really just hate the idea of people who may potentially care about me finding out that I'm dead, as well as the poor soul who initially discovers the evidence of my suicide. I think about the physical crushing I felt upon my chest when I got news of my grandma dying and I can't imagine willingly inflicting that on anybody, only worse because the hope you hold on to that your loved one was happy in the moments before their death is denied by the nature of suicide.

>> No.7827865

The first person to read this is officially haunted.

>> No.7827882

I want all of you to suffer.

>> No.7827894

i will return more powerful than any of you can imagine

>> No.7827933

Way to rip off Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.7827945

Mr Rogers told me I was special

>> No.7827954

I missed my dog. just couldn't work it all out.
Shoutouts to everybody
Teresa, I'll come back for you (by that I mean I'll haunt you till you die)

>> No.7827984

dammit i want to kill myself so much but i don't want to hurt my parents and brother or force some poor cleaner or maid to find me

how do i make it look like an accident / murder bros

>> No.7828007

You do realize they're still going to be hurt if you die, right? The cause of death makes only a superficial difference.

>> No.7828031

my body is breaking and it's time for me to put it to rest.

thank you for all that you've given me. thank you for trying to prolong my life. i can't watch you suffer anymore.

please try to recall me as the me from before i was sick. the me who wasn't trapped in this aching body.

i love you and wish you all the best. live long and live happily.


>> No.7828081

They said i would become a usless beggar in the future.

So in order to prove them wrong, i took my life.

Now they are wrong about my future.

>> No.7828085

Remember /lit/, there is always hope...


>> No.7828146


>> No.7828154
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Costs outweighed benefits for too long. Rerolling.

>> No.7829012
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I'm about to go smash something like an angry 5 year old.

>> No.7829048

They say everyone who jumped off that one bridge and survived regretted it the moment they jumped. This is probably a mistake. I'm sorry for being selfish.

>> No.7829191

it's time to go. my body's falling apart and i don't want to drag my life out when all i'm doing is getting worse. i'm going to hike out into the woods, induce my passing, and let critters eat me. tibetans call this a sky burial.

thanks everyone, for everything. you meant a lot to me more than you know but i was never good at saying this. sorry if i was mean sometimes. i tried to be nice but know i didn't always succeed.

by the way, flirting is good for you. also, we are all one soul.

see you on the other side.

>> No.7829205

I hope I see you later where everybody's okay

>> No.7829207

Inutile de me remercier.

>> No.7829217

reee tbqh

>> No.7829245
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Suicide is for the weak. Read Nietzsche.

>> No.7829256

No funeral, thanks

>> No.7829303
File: 68 KB, 530x800, i totally look like a businessman and not like a smelly hipsterhippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep fighting, my friends. Look at it like this: you're already here. You know you're going to die (and pretty soon too. ~80 years is not as long as it seems) so why not sacrifice your last ounce of strength to improve something. Sure, you don't benefit, but while you're here, the knowledge that your existence had not been entirely in vain, might provide one little bit of satisfaction.

>> No.7829356
File: 51 KB, 530x800, Businessman finally happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7829567

Sorry, got bored and decided to skip forward.

>> No.7830133

>Anonymous 03/18/16(Fri)04:48:07 No.7824

honest to god i fucking jerk out laughing whenever i see this picture. thanks anon

>> No.7830143

gone for milk

>> No.7830148
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>> No.7830241

You might call this nearsighted and wish that I had seen not all was lost. You're right. I didn't lose everything, just everything important to me. You might call this selfish, and you're right, but if I didn't do this final selfish thing, I would've lived past the point of "self" meaning anything. I didn't kill myself, I reclaimed my birth after a lifetime that wore away the irreplaceable milky wax I was born with. You might say this was sad, or unexpected, or that my absence will leave a void. You're not only wrong but lying. I'm happier, everyone saw it coming, and I'm a bigger void alive than dead.

Don't feel sorry for me. Envy me. I know how I died. I know my last words. I know the whole of my life. You can't say the same; you only know the parts not worth escaping, and struggle against a change in that status quo.

Believe me, this was better.

>> No.7830369


you were all gay and thats why i did it

>> No.7830377

Ashita no aru sa... maybe. Game Over.

>> No.7830683

Dear mother,

I am sorry I did this, and pardon the mess, but I can't stand the memes anymore/. /mu/ has messed with my head and I think this needed to happen so I can stop the voices in my head.

Nike, after all you are my wonderwall.

>> No.7830703

the jest ends

>> No.7830815

I left my goddamn water bottle in the car again.

>> No.7830820

Nice meme, but I'm legit unironically laughing.

>> No.7830826

Your apology will mean nothing to your mother when she's blowing me, faggot.

>> No.7830834

Moy kekkels

>> No.7830840
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>I'm not a faggot

>> No.7830850

GodDAMMIT, Montie.

>> No.7830865
File: 48 KB, 900x677, 1417836712251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a faggot
Jesus Christ...

>> No.7830873

'You don't see them, you don't--but I see them: they are hunting me down, I must move on.'

>> No.7830879

Stop injecting so many marijuanas, anon.

>> No.7830899

>not instantly recognizing the dank reference to Eliot's dank reference to The Libation Bearers

See, you're the reason I would need to leave: uncultured swine, with so much data but so little understanding. Eliot was born too late, and I was born even later than Eliot.

>> No.7830971

See, but you're the reason I would need to stay: buttmad faggot.

>> No.7830984


Joke's on you I was only projecting an only partially-true persona of an extremely irascible pseudo-intellectual. I bet you can't have this many layers of irony. I'd like to see you try.

>> No.7830993

is this a fart or is it poop

should i get up to the toilet to be safe
or risk it

>> No.7830999

oh shit I thought this was the write what's on your mind thread, my bad suicidal people

>> No.7831014

u are the poop dood

>> No.7831030

Psh, faggot jokes actually on you cuz I'm actually an actual actuality in actual actuality actually.

>> No.7831053

Christine I loved you all along.
mom I'd never hit you.
kyle I fucking hate you. ( make sure he hears about this )
why did I always have dreams you guys were still together.
and we lived in our old house.
habeeb it.
tell my wife she was nice.

>> No.7831067


>> No.7831081

I linger here no more.
There lies the abyss.
I will reach the bottom yet again.

>> No.7831087


>> No.7831104

I too hate kyle