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/lit/ - Literature

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7821729 No.7821729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was the purpose of even accepting Slytherins at Hogwarts?

Wouldn't it have made much more sense to just tell the first year potential slytherins to fuck off back to the express? or better yet gas them?

in the entire series there wasn't a single good one from the lot of them, with the very lax exception of slughorn.

>> No.7821734

Why are you starting a thread about genre fiction written for pre-teens? This is the literature board, not the books board.

>> No.7821735

asian moot said that is the BOOK board :^)

>> No.7821738

>"this book is usually read in high school therefore it's shit!!"
Can we stop this meme?

>> No.7821740

Read the rules, kid.

>> No.7821741

iirc it wasn't like they were genuinly evil. Slytherin was one of hogwart's founders so there was a house named after him.

>> No.7821742


Because Slytherin are supposed to be the Conservatives and like all good northern Labour supporters you're supposed to despise them for no other reasons due to DAT EVIL WOMAN THATCHER and because mummy and daddy told you too.

>> No.7821743
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>> No.7821746

It was written for pre-teens.

>> No.7821754

>7 replies
>5 of which: "wah this isnt wallace or pynchon!"

harry potter is great

>> No.7821758

> All literature discussion is welcome, however fan-fic is not allowed.

so, what fuckboi?

>> No.7821763

This. Slytherins are pretty much all rich, many are conspicuously super white, and it's implied that they aren't tough, while the good guys have grit.

It's a cheap ploy to harness the resentment of proles.

>> No.7821764

There's a difference between 'book read in school' and 'book written to entertain children'.

>> No.7821771

What makes it great?

>> No.7821779


And let's not forget the fact that JK only decided to redeem Slytherin towards the end a little was after she became stinking rich.

>> No.7821780


You're putting way more thought into this than Rowling ever did.

>> No.7821789

Harry Potter isn't literature, and, in all seriousness, related discussion belongs on reddit, as its populace actually wants to talk about it.

>> No.7821795

Irrelevant. The text is what's out there making a statement, not Rowling.

>> No.7821796


This actually seems to be true

We never got to know much about the other houses besides Gryffindor. Just really lazy writing in general.

>> No.7821805

>authorial intent doesn't matter
Leave this board and never come back.

>> No.7821806

really great relatable (main) characters, very good plotting, just very entertaining in general. not perfect but its 4000 pages of pure fun.

people here that praise the hobbit yet scorn harry potter baffle me

>> No.7821813

Tolkien and Rowling are both shit. You don't know what makes good literature. It has nothing to do with characters or narrative.

>> No.7821814

>trying to find logic in harry potter

>> No.7821815

Because Tolkien was actually a decent writer, and his novels are filled with christian allegory. What's Rowling's novels full of? Plot holes and several thousand usages of the phrase "he stretched his legs."

>> No.7821817

It would have at least been something if the four houses represented the four atavistic archetypes, but she appears to have just left Ravenclaw out of it.
Friendly Strength
hostile strength
Friendly weakness
Le nerds who study a lot

Is there any textual evidence for Ravenclaw being hostile weakness, or did she totally flub that one?

Sure it matters in a lot of contexts, but it's not all that interesting in Rowling's case.

>> No.7821820
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>slytherin house is banned for being "insensitive"
>official language of hogwarts is abolished
>the distinction between muggles and wizards is abolished
>hogwarts is renamed "diverse and inclusive home for magic-liking people"
>curriculum is replaced by muggle theory because merlin is a "dead white wizard"
>the distinction between being able to do magic and not do magic fades
>everything is called "magic" and everyone can do "magic", including female "femzards" magical menstruation that happens at puberty because it is a magic of nature
>wizards and muggles begin to interbreed
>the muggle DNA is stronger
>hogwarts is consumed in flames in a Mudbro Lives Matter rally
>wizards are hunted down by envious mudbloods and muggles screaming "WHERE DA MAGIC! GIMME DA MAGIC!"
>they are clubbed and mugged as the angry muggle hordes try to find where the magic is hidden
>magic eventually no longer exists
>it is a new dark age
That's why.

>> No.7821836

ravenclaws were pretty independent and mostly didnt want any part in the potter shenanigans, keeping their noses in their books. most left with the slytherins at the final battle.

so i guess thats a decent representation of hostile weak.

>> No.7821838

lots of greek mythology all over hp. what plot holes? and im willing to bet there aren't more than half a dozen instances of legs stretching

>> No.7821841

Oh, true, forgot about them going with the skytherins there. I guess to my mind, hostile weakness would have had them doing a lot of insecure posturing, but ultimately I guess that wasn't necessary. Good job, Rowling, whether you meant to do it or now.

>> No.7821857

Tolkien hated allegories.

>> No.7821862

>J.K. Rowling believes 20% of the population are just always going to be ebul, irreedemable conservatives

>> No.7821863

Which house would you be in /lit/? I think I'd be in Ravenclaw because I spend ALL my time reading (lol I'm such a nerd), but I think maybe I'd be in Gryffindor because my friends say I'm just like Ron!!

>> No.7821866

>in the entire series there wasn't a single good one
There was Snape

>> No.7821868

Who should be mocked, vilified and kept out of the public arena. For the sake of equality.

>> No.7821869

hufflepuff cuz i huff the puff! lol get it guys?? 420everyday


>> No.7821903

This. Why discuss is it here and get shit slanged at your head while people on reddit actually want to discuss it with you?

>> No.7821962

Is this entire website not meant for shit slanging?

>> No.7822003

Merlin was a Slytherin
and he was the greatest Wizard of all time

>> No.7822009

Snape was only good in his ultimate motive to stop Voldemort. He was a pompous, cruel asshole otherwise

>> No.7822015

On the third day look to the east

>> No.7822018
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I bet you think Hitler was bad too.

>> No.7822019

hello /reddit/

>> No.7822038

Hufflepuff were worse

>> No.7822042

>a whole thread consisting of nothing but harry potter and cuckservatives shitposting

Heh. I guess doing anything but this would require you to have actually read some literature.

>> No.7822057

>authorial intent matters

No John,you are the reddits

>> No.7822076


Swastikas facing the wrong way trigger me.

>> No.7822083

It's a novelty mug.

>> No.7822094

Nerds are weak and can be pretty hostile in a low-key way.

>> No.7822102

>in the entire series there wasn't a single good one from the lot of them
snape. salazar. riddle. merlin.
there you have four of them.

except in the wizard world nerds are the strongest of them all.

>> No.7822111

>he enjoyed HP but not the Hobbit
Come on dude

>> No.7822124
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>> No.7822132


>> No.7822167
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If I remember correctly, the defining trait of snake friends is ambition, which isn't inherently bad, but pretty much bad anyways (according to the books and some outside stuff). People in this house do some sketch shit, and most of them are pretty short-sighted (I think of Slugthorn and Snape. Like, fuck, supporting Magic Hitler turned out for the worst? Who'da thunk?), but not all of them are little shits.

Weren't there a few dumb fuck/antagonistic Gryffindors? The Ravenclaws were kinda dicks too.

Whats a Hufflepuff?

>> No.7822203

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.7822251

Hermione is Rawandan you shitlord.

>> No.7822260



He was a creepy beta autist and a total asshole. Oh he wanted Voldermort dead too, big fucking deal.

>> No.7822269

>>nothing to do with characters or narrative
two of the most important parts of literature.
You're a fucking retarded piece of shit.

>> No.7822275

Actually a well written argument.

>> No.7822286

HP is for children. Small, elementary school level children. They care about "what happens next", they don't give a fuck or can even imagine giving a fuck about how many times "stretched their legs" repites along the boom. That being said, if you are a "lit girl" in your late twenties that lists hp as your favorite book, or if you are 14 and still don't feel the urge to leave hp behind and read edgy bullshit because you are in your "fedora/redpilled" stage (a stage you should outgrow by the time you are, say, 17, and move on to be a grown fucking man), then you have uncurable bad taste and you probably are a pleb. Sent from my IPhone.

>> No.7822350


reddit please leave