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File: 100 KB, 238x360, Eckhhart_Tolle_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7821507 No.7821507 [Reply] [Original]

Who /Eckhart Tolle/?

I listen to his teachings every day. He's amazing.

>> No.7821509

what the fuck

>> No.7821513


>> No.7821517
File: 29 KB, 400x300, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's one of the twins from It's Always Sunny, I love that show.

>> No.7821522

I knew two people who followed his philosophy, both of them committed suicide.

>> No.7821524

I've read some of his books, It's pretty good.

>> No.7821527

In what order did you read them? I read the power of now so far which one should i continue with?

>> No.7821534

My dad loves him,
I gave my copy of the power of now to a french girl on a train and then banged her.

Cheers Eckhart.

>> No.7821544

He's hacking in House of Cards now.

The power of now: how to stop procrastinating and postponing death.

>> No.7821549


>> No.7821560

everybody who follows his advice ends up doing nothing.

>> No.7821566

Be here now. Alpert summed up anything Tolle has to offer years earlier.

>> No.7821622


then he's a great master, i suppose

>> No.7821633

beware anyone who spreads "teachings" rather than ideas.

>> No.7821647


it's actually the other way round.

"ideas" are the particular ramblings of a thinker.

teachings are a body of living thinkers that devote themselves to a truth that they have accepted as primeval.

>> No.7821672

case in point.

>> No.7821684

will this guy make me not sad anymore?

you dont have to reply

>> No.7821691

Better sad than a new age fag, but from a bit of skimming I did off of a pirated copy, he does have some good (albeit unoriginal) ideas concerning meditation and body-awareness so it's not a complete waste of time to read him.

>> No.7821730


true though

>> No.7821762
File: 93 KB, 800x800, Pepe-The-Frog-Happy-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he's great. This guy has had the most impact on my happiness on life, along with others. I'm ugly and virgin at 25 but I'm working on my PhD, getting fit and my hobbies. You'll forget the pain that you suffered in the past and your own mortality. You'll see the present as a eternity, so everything you do does actually mater, and it's always worth it to take risks

>> No.7821776

This lad seems like Alan Watts without the charm to me.

>> No.7821792

another conman I guess

>> No.7821816

> You'll see the present as a eternity

Does this just boil down to living in the moment? Not that it is an easy thing to do, but is a book really necessary for that?

>> No.7821830

>living in the moment

wh-what do you mean

>> No.7821926

Well not in the "yolo swag #420" sense, but rather in maintaining a fresh consciousness that's unburdened by ressentiment, regrets, fears and other recurring thoughts that bring worry and pain.

>> No.7821930
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1450761155937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about "social" pressure

>> No.7821933

What do you mean? Others cannot directly influence your reactions. The way you react to whatever they do to you, however horrible, is already predetermined by your own conditioning and disposition.

>> No.7821937

when the others opinions matter too much in your head

>> No.7821994

I guess that counts as well. It's up to you to determine how much weight you want to give such opinions. In general, it doesn't help to define yourself based on exterior points, whether they are spatial (those around you) or temporal (you from the past, you from the future) since those are always partial and thus prone to failure (even your past self, since viewing your past self from the present already distorts it).

>> No.7822058

Just watered down westernized Buddhism with less depth taught by a conman. If you're interested in his stuff just cut out the middle man and jump into raw Buddhism or any other eastern philosophy of your choice.

>> No.7822138

Have you listened to his videos on youtube?
He has an amazing presence and it always brings me deeply into the moment listening to him.

>hurr he isn't the one who discovered 'no mind'
No shit senpai laotzu was talking about this thousands of years ago same as jesus.
Still i am thankful for everyone who spreads the message and especially the ones who do so with great wisdom

>> No.7822196

care to share a link? the video you like the most

>> No.7822307

I read the first 50 pages of Power of Now. He told me not to think.

>> No.7822519

I'm wary of anyone who claims to have undergone a 'spontaneous enlightenment'. Either way: Tolle's message is OK. There is very little originality to be found in his teachings though - if any at all. Also: do not expect to find enlightenment through his teachings, no one ever has and - I suspect - no one ever will. Claiming he is a conman is not entirely unjustified.

>> No.7822638

This one is great

>> No.7822724

but doing nothing is hard

>> No.7822744

Self-help bullshit isn't philosophy.

>> No.7822762
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>> No.7822772




>> No.7822778


>> No.7822781

RSD Tyler is superior

>> No.7822782

As much of a meme as Zizek is, he's still an actual philosopher as opposed to self-help con artist hacks like Tolle.

>> No.7822978

the reason why tolle and many other "self-help" faggots are able to function is because they are quite literally fueled by the money and misery of other people.
people don't realize the dichotomy of the helper and the helpee. don't you realize you always feel good when someone tells you something moderately terrible about their lives then expecting some consolation, like you're put in the position of helping that person so suddenly you don't have to worry about your own problems, they have some terrible problem and when in counselor mode you don't.
that's also why i don't trust counselors and why i don't believe in talking about your problems to anybody unless absolutely essential. every counselor(except one) i've met clearly had past issues that they hadn't cleared up but of course in the role of counselor they aren't the crazy neurotic one.

>> No.7823208

How many counselors have you met exactly?

>> No.7823219

looks like a cuck desu

>> No.7823221


>> No.7823287
File: 100 KB, 1024x796, cheetos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of pragmatic advice beyond 'just be lmao'.

The guy had a spontaneous awakening, or at least claimed to have one, so he doesn't have a lot of experience with mystic practices. Good for him but not very practical for other people.

It's watered down Eastern thought for sure, but it's not too bad really.
Certainly wouldn't call him a 'hack' or 'conman'.