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7820508 No.7820508 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend some books about the history of fascism?

>> No.7820511


>> No.7820520


>> No.7820522

Crippled America.

>> No.7820536

I always think that building looks like the storefront of a shitty fashion label

>> No.7820538

I have read 1984, very good book
Do you mean Submission by Michel Houellebecq? Sounds interesting
I'll look into it, thanks

>> No.7820543

1984 is about Communism.

>> No.7820545

Haven't read it but there's an A Very Short Introduction book on fascism if you weren't already aware.

>> No.7820550
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a e s t h e t i c s

>> No.7820568

Has anyone read A History of Fascism, 1914-1945 by Stanley G. Payne? Just found it after googling around.

Nice, I'll check that out too
Right? Fascists are so stylish

>> No.7820574
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You should read this before anything.

>> No.7820612

Orwell was a socialist who hated authoritarian regimes. Retarded Americlap "libertarians" have completely perveted the meaning of 1984.

>> No.7820640

Will do, thanks!

>> No.7820654

The Plague - Albert Camus

>> No.7820682

are you being clever?

>> No.7822113

read Giovanni gentile

>> No.7822129

Libertarian in quotes, why? How have they perverted the meaning of 1984?

>> No.7822253

Orwell himself said the book was about communism gone wrong. It was a critique to his own chosen ideology.

>> No.7822263

A Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A. Hayek is the best one I've read so far.

>> No.7823124


>> No.7823413

This building is ripe for parody.

>> No.7823427

What's the difference?

>> No.7825051

thanks for the suggestions /lit/

>> No.7825072

The type of socialism that Orwell was afraid of was very popular with the left in his time.
It's only delusional BernieBros and CorbynCucks who think that mainstream leftism has always been as soft and liberal as it is now.

>> No.7825165

"Fascism is meaningless... it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily"

-George Orwell, 1944


>what did he mean by this?
>what did he really mean by this?

>> No.7825387

Il fascismo in tre capitoli, Gentile
Anything by Renzo De Felice

>> No.7825909

Any fiction books with fascism?

>> No.7825934

Yeah it's pretty good and gives a nice historical analysis of all the major Fascist movements in Europe. Payne can get too bogged down in details sometimes and bombard you with inconsequential facts but still worth the read imo.

>> No.7825952

This has nothing to do with the history of fascism, if you are referring to Houellebec...

A really easy read is Stephen Hicks' "Nietzsche and the Nazis" which outlines how Nietzsche's ideas may or may not have influenced the Nazi movement.

It's concise, and the full pdf is online.

>> No.7825966


>what did he mean by this?
It is over used and over simplified in order to label more things as it.

>what did he really mean by this?
All of the above plus "I don't get it".

>> No.7825970
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>> No.7826035

They misinterpreted the meaning from "authoritarian states are bad" into "leftism always leads into authoritarianism"

>> No.7826050

Just look up a uni course reading list. When it comes to histories of a subject /lit/ always seems to recommend tangenitally related books plus stuff that's actually part of the subject.

IIRC Roger Griffiths is a major current historian of fascism, though there are obviously hundreds of others.

>> No.7826054

Varieties of fascism - weber

>> No.7826057

authoritarian regimes with reactionary roots are inherently based on fear rooted in contemporary boogeymen and thus, a fascist regime in one place could justify their authority in their fear of one boogeyman (for example, commies) while one other fascist regime would base theirs on fear of say, an aggressive neighboring country.

fascism is and has always been about fear, which varies from culture to culture and is thus impossible to universally define.

>> No.7826064

>sit down to email myself a note about reading Gregor's book on gentile, "Giovanni Gentile: Philosopher of Fascism"
>check /lit/ because i have brain damage
>see this thread

Gregor looks neat

>> No.7826666

Well it does.

>> No.7826691

Not sure if it's what you're looking for but Homage to Catalonia

>> No.7826748

That can be said about any ideology when you're looking in from the outside. A stupid and worthless comment.

>> No.7826763

how can socialism be non-authoritarian, if it involves the theft and redistribution of wealth?

>> No.7826766

i wanna fuck that statue

>> No.7826772

nobody is more of a cuckold than the prole who lets the bourgeosie exploit him and take his wealth

If Trump instituted prima noctae, his supporters would be lining up to let him fuck their wives

>> No.7826809

>theft and redistribution of wealth
The masses seize control of the means of production, you mean.

>> No.7826817

B-B-But, he kicked those stupid brown people out of our country. I have no issue with my pure wife being taken by a pure, aryan beast like Trump!

>> No.7826822

"the masses" being the cadre and disposing of those means of production as they see fit

>> No.7826831

No, the workers would take over and give the means of production to all.

>implying Marxist-Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism are actually socialism and not just social democracy with death squads

>> No.7826854

>give the means of production to all.
and who's "the workers"? popular insurrection or the former employees themselves? what about non-urban agrarian workers? what about subsistence farmers? shall they forcibly be incorporated into the socialist system?

>> No.7826865

Anderson's "Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism" is pretty amazing

>> No.7828441

loving these suggestions.

>> No.7829114

A Doctrine of Fascism - Giovanni Gentile.

Literally wrote a book defining Fascism at Mussolini's request.

>> No.7829134

>implying social democracy has no relationship with socialism
>implying socialism is even possible

>> No.7829188

Did you forget anarchism or are you retarded?

>> No.7829985

>or are you retarded?
signs of a great discussion here.

>> No.7829996

Wait, fear is a natural and universal human emotion and has been a product of every state in history at some point. How would 20th century liberal captialism and communism have survived without the boogymen of each other and fascsm?

What constitutute the fear of todays liberal states? Threats to neoliberal economic prosperity