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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 223x270, pynchon3-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7819067 No.7819067 [Reply] [Original]

>What /lit/ thinks Pynchon is like:
>"Loool, I'll post about myself on /lit/ again!!! *unzips spork* Posting on 4chan while smoking weed and posting Gary Johnson memes is my favourite past time!!?"
>What Pynchon is probably actually like:
>"How did I get on to this /lit/ website? It's filled with degenerates. I never even use the internet either! I'll go and read The New Yorker for thirty minutes before writing an anti-Trump, anti-populism, anti-racism op-ed for the Times under a pseudonym. Then I'll read Chaucer for 30 minutes, silently contemplate it for 30 minutes, and then go to sleep."

>> No.7819080

probably accurate

>> No.7819090
File: 8 KB, 236x214, prole cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the fucking New Yorker
Middlebrow alert! Help, taste police, this man thinks educated people actually read the New Yorker!

>> No.7819092

I will never understand the populism is bad meme

>> No.7819094

well put, thomas

>> No.7819129

This, Jesus Christ. The New Yorker is for plebs who think they're being classy.

Just look at the ads in it some time. No person with any taste is going for that garbage.

>> No.7819143

didn't dfw publish a bunch of shit in the new yorker? oh, right , nuff said

>> No.7819146

you both sound very very middle class,. trying to project what you think rich people actually do

stay pleb

>> No.7819159

>conspicuous consumerism is "classy"
>caring about le class at all

>> No.7819188

>posting Gary Johnson memes
One thing I have noticed is /lit/ seems to have a seething hatred for libertarians. Like do you even freedom, plebs?

>> No.7819263
File: 56 KB, 223x226, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Yorker reading plebs getting salty
That magazine is literally nothing but propaganda, self-congratulatory back-patting and extremely conventional, boring stories and poems that wallow in their own refusal to have any kind of structure or impact. If you feel anything stir in your heart while reading the New Yorker, you should go ventilate your braincase immediately.

DFW published like one thing in there, and it was one of the least interesting parts of the very interesting "The Pale King." The selection of that piece over the rest speaks volumes about the magazine.

>> No.7819269

>interpreting my post as pro new yorker
strong reading comprehension

>> No.7819302

Fuck off, Ayn Rand.