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7818276 No.7818276 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Grimes fellow patricians

>> No.7818506

I love her

>> No.7818523

she looks like somebody ALMOST scalped her

>> No.7818529

God can't females just stop fucking advertising with their face? I get it; you're sooooooo special cause you're ugly-cute and have a neat haircut.

Tho honestly I'd rather men just be able to advertise with their face too desu. It's annoying that only one gender gets to do this.

>> No.7818536

Maybe you just can't do it because you're ugly.

>> No.7818537

cute males are able to advertise with their face

>> No.7818553

Nah I'm bisexual and actually quite good looking (I probably get more attention than both of you). I still can't get away with makeup tho - there's a level of performance that females can get away with that men just can't; I can wear pretty clothing and style my hair but that's basically it.

>> No.7818557
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Fuck every single one of you.

>> No.7818558

Err the bisexual bit was relevant because being an attractive guy who fucks guys I get people hitting on me almost every day (big gay population where I live + apps). Even then - still can't get away with makeup.

>> No.7818563

>who is cumberbatch?

>> No.7818568

holy fug she looks beastly in this pic.

>> No.7818570

>I probably get more attention
everybody gets more attention than me

>> No.7818614

> because I live in my mom's basement and she is blind

>> No.7818626


Here's your you.

As a small aside, reading in general, and reading Knausgård in particular at the moment, I'm feeling more and more comfortable just accepting that I hate attention.

>> No.7818633

>I hate attention
You sure you don't just hate the vicissitudes of it's distribution? Wassamatter? Upset that no one loves you all the time?

>> No.7818707
File: 53 KB, 544x350, Grimey ho....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7818732
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>always see posts about Grimes on /mu/
>assume theyre being ironic
>one day listen to her
>start off thinking wtf is this
>tfw actually like it desu

>> No.7818742

whats ur guys thoughts on the kennedy assassination

>> No.7818745
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>> No.7818747

Wow! Cancer spread to /lit/! Just great.

>> No.7818755

What are you talking about?

>> No.7818772
File: 239 KB, 610x710, Grimes_960xXPx_LIGHBTBOX_IMG_0915_c_Lux-610x710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7818804

I'm so happy she didn't die last night.

>> No.7818809
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>> No.7819138

daring synthesis of memes

intriguing stuff, but nothing too amazing


>> No.7819144

why is /mu/ ruining our board

>> No.7819183

I'm actually just a /lit/ shit poster, most 'raids' are just /lit/posters causing a bit of mischief

>> No.7820100


>> No.7820127

Get taste.

>> No.7820215

she looks like a t*rk

>> No.7820289

Mu isnt just one spammer

>> No.7820304

what a hideous mongrel. this is what happens when you feed ideas of extreme neo-liberal bullshit into someone's mind.

>> No.7820826


What is this atrocity, and what is it doing on /lit/?

>> No.7820907


>> No.7820921

I used to hate her, but Art Angels changed my mind.
The song "California" makes to anyone that has been to Los Angeles.
Even though she didn't write the lyrics, the English translation of Scream is more artful than anything I've seen in at least two decades.
Is she a libtard? I think so.
Is she no-talent electronica? I think that's partially true, but she admits as much in her most recent video interview.
I think her music represents people not being told what to do or how to define themselves, as this appears to be a reoccurring theme in her music.
To be honest I like the airy light voice stuff she does, although I didn't like it in her earlier work.

>> No.7821040
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x2000, Grimes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man in some pictures she looks gnarly but in others she looks like a major QT3.14

>> No.7821259
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Being able to use makeup is a blessing and a curse. It's not just an option that's open to women. It's expected and absolutely mandatory depending on the culture and situation. Meaning you have to cake your face up to hide your blemishes and enlarge and darken your eyes and redden your lips to be considered both attractive and respected at all. See any of the shocking comparisons of actresses in full red carpet caked makeup versus the way they look when going grocery shopping.

Also you could just use foundation and the lightest countering if you're bot looking to embellish and alter your face but just improve it.

Well that's her profile. It's not as ugly. More makeup also helps.

>> No.7821266

Just report irrelevant threads and move on.