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File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7817910 No.7817910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will the world realize that he was right?

>> No.7817914

Right about what? Ooga booga voodoo?

>> No.7817921

He literally wanted to create a global Neo Atlantean imperium ruled by an oligarchy of warrior aristocrats that would orchestrate the worlds alignment with a spiritual realm to bring about the resurrection of ancient Nordic super beings.

If course he was right, but the world wasn't ready for it

>> No.7817925

Can I be a Traditionalist but still masturbate to Chinese cartoons and play vidya games all day?

>> No.7817931

Don't all traditionalists do that? Isn't it in the nature of neurotic, who obsessively fights "degeneracy" to indulge in some sort of "degenerate" behavior?

>> No.7817942

Never, the majority of people deserve serfdom but they feel "more free" under capitalism or socialism. At least there is some self worth in being tied to the land that rather than being a wage slave and eating yourself to death on chemical shit, while watching the supercup on the tube. If you care what the masses think then you've failed.

He was right about magic, but the masses will never understand how its real. Neuroscience is beginning to understand that which was anticipated by "crazy wacko occultists"

>> No.7817943

Only if it comes with deep, forceful repression and a guilt complex that you externalize and impose on others. If your neck isn't constantly stricken in debilitating pain and stiffness from how tense with stress and repression you are all the time, you're doing it wrong

>> No.7817961

His idea of epistemology is literally the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. nigga is clownsauce

>> No.7817999
File: 152 KB, 1300x1300, 11545089-Uncertain-middle-age-man-All-on-white-background--Stock-Photo-bald-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is self worth in serfdom

>> No.7818047

Riding the tiger, brah. You're just riding the tiger.

>> No.7818285

Are there people who unironically agree with le riding the tiger man?

>> No.7819605

I love seeing Evola threads pop up.

>> No.7819641
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>He was right about magic, but the masses will never understand how its real. Neuroscience is beginning to understand that which was anticipated by "crazy wacko occultists"

Born in le wrong century.

>> No.7820701

Once it is probably too late.

>> No.7820730


>> No.7822472

/his/ is basically pol 2.0 plus he is an author so chill.

>> No.7822497
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>> No.7823572
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He wasn't. Pic related was.

>> No.7823580
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Reactionaries are literally the most autistic political ideologues.

>> No.7823664
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Why are reactionaries the most autistic? Most aren't, but autists seem way more likely to be reactionary than progressive.

OTOH, SJWs tend to be a coalition of all the other broken people, so there's some sort of special symmetry going on here.

>> No.7823680
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If your gonna like some mystical fascist at least like the one that was good.

>> No.7823705

Where do I start with this guy?

>> No.7823721

For fiction anything you can get should be fine if you understand the myths or practices it deals with. For non-fiction Eternal return.

>> No.7823742

more like julius ebola, amirite?

>> No.7823843

Daily reminder that the French Revolution was a mistake.

>> No.7824945

LOL. good one.

all of this is true.

Evola has turned out to be the unexpected winner regarding the question of modernity (or one of the winners)

stupid fuck. the answer is synthesis, but anyone actually informed in world matters right now, with good sense, is probably actually leaning a little more 'reactionary' by the current Left's standards. and reactionaries are much more clear-headed and honest than the Left right now (the latter of whom engage in some serious cognitive dissonance to continue to insisting on their reality-deprived worldview).

the Enlightenment as a whole was a mistake.

>> No.7824948


>> No.7824966

You must be such a noble, compassionate person. You should make sure to demonstrate this as much as possible on twitter and facebook.

>> No.7824973

Hey you sound angry. Don't worry, one day that girl will talk to you :-)

>> No.7824974


>> No.7824998

if you accept that egalitarianism is nonsense (ie not everyone is equal and humans are born with varying intelligence and capabilities, thus there is a natural hierarchy, thus some are born to lead and some are born to follow, and those incapable of following should be forced into slavery so as not to be a burden on others), then it follows that some type of feudalism or hierarchal order in which a significant portion of humanity plays the role of serf is preferable to democracy, democracy being a suicide pact with the lowest common denominator

no matter if you agree with evola or some other reactionary / traditionalist / far-right writer, you should pick one because the enlightenment and democracy are the death of nations

the end of the west will mirror the end of rome

>> No.7825006

>calls others autistic
>has gooktoon images saved on his computer

o i am laffin

>> No.7825094
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>> No.7825131

The thing about a feudal model is that there's no guarantee that the serfs are the ones who "deserve" to be on the bottom, or that the nobles deserve to be on the top. In practice, you'd have an incredibly corrupt governing body rife with nepotism.

Also Rome wasn't a fucking democracy you donk

>> No.7825132

The trouble with reading Evola's "muh Kali Yuga" stuff now is that we forget that the decadence he was criticising was modernism. If you hate the terrible postmodern world and read Evola, it seems as though he's agreeing with you but he isn't. Edgy teens who think they're special and superior love Evola for the same reason they love any ideologue who makes them feel as though everyone else is wrong and they are right. also is it possible for any fascist writer to not write about wooooo spoopy magicks

also lol at "the Enlightenment was a mistake" guy. Go to a sauna in 1980s California and have AIDS buttsex with Foucault, I'm sure you'll get on really well.

>> No.7825136

>if you accept one of the most controversial axiom, then...

>> No.7825140

>is it possible for any fascist writer to not write about spooks

no, since the very foundation they start building upon is the ideological equivalent of a native american burial ground in a horror novel

>> No.7825327

This is why the order of the ruling warrior aristocracy is built upon a series of contemplative ritual initiations that serve to align them with the transcendent mystery Tradition that is the pillar of their civilization

>> No.7825357

Schmitt said the spiritual battle is just as ruthless as the battle of men. Yes, we must always battle our conditioning within the postmodern world

>> No.7825618


> The Earth once had its axis right side up
> Atlantean Continent
> The Romans all believed in the imperial ideal and embraced "caste".
>After the war Mr.Krabs fell into a deep depression.

Look I love wheels as much as the next Wolverine, but you guys must understand that this man, though deeply read, saw much of things as he wanted to and within the limits of Perennialism. He also completely shifted gears following "Revolt" and the War. Seeing that the only political movements that could ever embrace his ideas (Fascism, Nazism) and disappointed with the occult milieu he simply surrendered to Nihilism. "Men among the Ruins" and "Ride the Tiger" are not victorious declarations. They are instructions on how to die with dignity. Still, the opening of part 2 of "Revolt against the Modern World" is pure D&D.

There are better things to read than Evola.

>> No.7825643

>implying wisdom in how to die with dignity in a world we don't belong in isn't exactly what most of us on /lit/ are actively seeking

>> No.7825647


Also part of the point was that the world would not understand him or any of Traditionalism. If it really was the Kali Yuga then the forces at work would prevent any real shift or social reform. From Guenon to Dugin there is a real problem with defining the actual machinations of the Yuga. Is it a metaphysical passivity? Is it the result of dialectical exchanges? Does man have any agency in determining any of it? Until this school of thought defines their interpretation of the Hindu time cycles they have no grounds for a social reform or political action of any stripe.

They were oppertunists in some degree. Evola was trying to break in on the far Right radicals of the day using his youthful background in magic and various traditional lines.

>> No.7825661


>Reading esoteric philosophy to justify pulling the trigger.

Hamlet was faster about this shit.

>> No.7825667


>You have to belong in a world to have a fulfilling life.

>> No.7825689

>hahaha, let's make a caricature of his ideas, I mean because anything that isn't basic bitch materialism deserves nothing but my conceited comments, rite?

If only you fuckers had the guys to give Muslims their shitty beliefs the same treatment.

>> No.7825694

It's men being divided from spiritual alignment with the Solar principle from the emergence of Telluric sensuality that draws humanity from Tradition into Aphroditic materialism.

The ideal was to form an order of men who would take upon themselves the Heroic task of resurrecting the Solar principle within themselves and forcibly subjugate civilization under a totalitarian spiritual imperium aligned with the Hyoerborean Tradition

>> No.7825709

Who are you quoting

>> No.7825723
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>he doesn't know Islam is ultimate traditionalist order
stay pleb kuffar

>> No.7825725
File: 211 KB, 760x567, tumblr_mcqryqWEZO1r2tbuso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamlet really does encapsulated the struggle men of Tradition face living with the condemnation levied upon us from the idealization of our higher selves for failing to actualize this ideal in our waking lives

>> No.7825729

Guenon was Sufi brah, Traditionalism embraces all spiritual faiths, pagan or abrahamic

>> No.7825731


>religion founded by a tradesman

Not really.
Every religion that starts with a prophet is a sign of a fall from the original doctrine.

>> No.7825734

The Islamic State is honestly extremely similar to what the fulfillment of Julius Evolas radical Traditionalist counter revolution would have came to be in many ways. It's honestly why I don't blame the men of the Islamic State for doing what they've done. They're attempting to restore spiritual alignment to their nation and people.

>> No.7825736


Guenon might have been a Buddhist for all I care, I'm not a Guenon-type of traditionalist.

>> No.7825742

That's why they call this age the Interregnum. Only on the epoch of regeneration will humanity utilise the ideals keep alive by Riding the Tiger

>> No.7825757

THey are a destructive nihilist response to the modern, globalised, unipolar world but they only want the inverse situation of global Islamist universalism

>> No.7825775
File: 41 KB, 717x508, just wu wei-ing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is not restauration possible in the modern world.
Evola left that idea with Ride the Tiger and I'm pretty much on his side in that regard. Apolitea. All that direct action and junta crap is only worsening it.

The only position to be taken by the man of Tradition is an almost Stoic Taoist one, where you go with the wave of 'degeneracy' ( how I hate that word, but whatever ) and do not interfere.

Why in the end would you want to consider "modernity as evil"? This sort of dualism is erroneous at best. What is unfolding now is as much part of the way of things as
It would be like detesting the fact you're old each day as an elderly person. What a waste that is.
It is certainly not progress, as much as the modern mindset likes to think, but it certainly is not "evil" either.

Also, I have some qualms with Traditionalism over how they don't seem to get the cosmology they're refering to. But that's a different topic.

>> No.7825781

you should read islamist philosophers like Qutb or Ali Shariati. /pol/-style western 'traditionalists' are merely a product of 60s narcissism, Ayn Rand-kitsch ideology and vulgar ressentment. They lack any sort of spiritual depth

>> No.7825784

>“Salafism, pure Islam, is on the front wing of the political struggle in the Muslim sector of the modern world. It is a fact and that cannot be denied. It is here that we meet the most clear and simple strategy, global thinking, well-defined goals: the establishment of the global Islamic State, the imposition of Sharia law, the organization of society on Islamic principles on a global scale, the doctrine of the 'house of war' (dar al-harb) wherever there is no 'house of Islam' (dar ul-Islam)', etc.... The Salafi project, radical anti-shia, anti-sufi, and anti-traditional – and this is not a distinctive feature of individual Salafis, but the obligatory metaphysics of all this movement. This ambiguity is reflected geopolitically in the close relations of Salafism (in particular, bin Laden and Al Qaeda), Brzezinski and the CIA during the Afghan war, that Americans have always used Salafist services, giving rise to interfere in the sovereign affairs of those countries which try to resist the United States (Iraq, Libya, Syria, anti-Russian Salafism in the North Caucasus), but on the other hand, it’s Salafis we also see active in anti-globalization, attacking U.S. forces. This ambiguity should conceptualize time and time again to bring round this dialogue, to explain all sides in the conflict. In the global battle against the Dajjal – the role played by Salafism? We have left this question open.”

>> No.7825786
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Yes, and this is most certainly what the counter revolution against the modern world instigated by a cabal of radical Traditionalist under Evola would have came to be. It would take shape like Apollo flaying Marsyas, sweeping through whole nations.

>> No.7825875

not even sure what you're trying to say my man

controversy does not imply wrongness

>> No.7826156

Oh, I get it. You want to live in a fantasy novel.

>> No.7826199

Yea, Verily, the Works of JJR Tolkien instilled in me a sense of Heroic Duty from an early age.

>> No.7826658

Wew lad

>> No.7826689


>> No.7826693

Is he wrong tho?

>> No.7826713
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>> No.7826760

>holding humanity back because MUH FEELZ TELL ME I AM A TRUE ARISTOCRAT

>> No.7826792

>implying the vast majority of humanity isn't trash
>implying allowing the trash to frolic around free under democracy and capitalism isn't what's "holding humanity back"

the only people who whine whenever serfdom is mentioned are those who know they would be serfs if it were brought back, ie fat internet NEETS

>> No.7826806

Slave labor keeps society regressed, as does retarded superstition, like magic and "muh divine bloodline."

Capitalism literally proved that you don't need noble heritage or any of that shit to be powerful.

>> No.7826819
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>> No.7826825

indeed and thanks to capitalism+democracy here are the huddled masses in the modern west, sitting alone in crowded city apartment complexes masturbating to cartoons and watching reality shows when we could have colonized galaxies

innovation and progress are always hindered to the degree of the amount of idiots allowed to make their own decisions, and capitalism+democracy exploits the vices of the lowest common denominator

"holding humanity back" lmao

>> No.7826849

>Implying it wasn't capitalist trade that brought about the Renaissance

If we still used feudalism we would still be living in castles and not wiping our asses.

>> No.7826861

Personal comfort and convenience should not be the object of civilization

>> No.7826891


we are on the reading board so you should take the time to read that I wrote capitalism+democracy several times

>> No.7826898

Yeah but is he wrong tho?

>> No.7826921

t. Nietzsche's Last Man

>> No.7827003


>> No.7827040

something tells me that if you weren't a fat NEET who lives with his parents you'd have a #FeelTheBern sticker on your car

>> No.7827167

Then what should it be? You're going to be begging for whoever's in charge not to take away your increasingly small world as they chip away at what you have left.


>> No.7828273

I only want to read Evola because he looks cool as fuck in that image and I'm a neo-luddite who hates social marxism.

>> No.7828302


Pro-tip: the Renaissance happened during feudalism.
Pro-tip: capitalism started its birth in the era of absolutist monarchies ( check out mercantilism )
Pro-tip: the industrial revolution happened before the mass men decided to have some of that gibs me dat

>> No.7828356

just read De Cues, Aquinas, and also La part maudite to have some understanding on Islam.
All the XXth century orientalists were shitty romantics and masons.

>> No.7828484

>implying the capitalist impulse didn't exist in the feudal mode of production
>>implying the modes of production are separated neatly into their synchronic domains

>> No.7828739

A Dugin-style Eurasian Autocracy seems pretty comfy if you aren't a serf

>> No.7829969


>> No.7830014

>social marxism

"Cultural marxism" is one of the most anti-intellectual memes of our time. Make no mistake. The decline of society has come fromf modernity and liberalism, we can't address the issue if we mistarget it

>> No.7830021

>those incapable of following should be forced into slavery so as not to be a burden on others
What if one is born with an extraordinary capacity to increase his place in the hierarchy?

>> No.7830045

If he were to be surrounded by obedient slaves who knew their place, his nature would be recognized as superior to his status and he would be initiated into a place proper to his nature by a true warrior aristocracy that sought the proper alignment of all things within the hierarchy. This also includes lowering those born into the aristocracy who have fallen from alignment.

That, or he will lead a slave revolt and will be put down like a dog by the higher authority he wished to usurp

>> No.7830094

Now that I think about it, this is actually a flawless system

>> No.7830101

nuclear war

>> No.7830178

In a proper realization of an aristocratic hierarchy, even the aristocrats with the greatest authority are themselves subservient to a transcendent higher power, recognizing the power and authority they wield not as their own, but granted to them through their natural alignment with divinity, never to be used frivolously but for the actualization of their hierarchical civilization and it's ideals. While this civilization is the antithesis of freedom and egalitarianism, it strives for truth and through subservience to something higher than oneself, it will allow the people under it's authority to know their proper place in life and find contentment in it

>> No.7830193
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>tfw dreading inevitable communist pansexual nonhierarchic worldwide leftist utopia

>> No.7830245

Don't dread the collapse ahead of us.
Civilizations of that nature are defined by a formlessness and inner instability, and would never be able to build the foundation for a long lasting utopia. The weaknesses of it's authority will allow the ideals of Tradition to emerge with renewed vitality to put order to the orderless, if there are individuals to take up this torch

>> No.7830271

>dude transporting sea floor farm grains to the moon with maglev trains lmao

>> No.7830278

listening to you fat virgins sperg on about aristocracy and feudalism because you honestly believe that the "warrior-aristocracy" would recognize your "true worth" that "evil softy modern society" doesn't appreciate enough has officially destroyed the lingering strains of my own teenage reactionary conservatism. Thanks!

>> No.7830341

I recognize that I would find my place in the hierarchy as a serf. I don't dream of this civilization from a desire to rule it, but simply to bare witness to it from within.

>> No.7830347

theres no trump or putin thread so ill just post this here


>> No.7830368

Trump is such a fucking memelord I love him

>> No.7830381
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>you fat virgins

>> No.7830392

if u want to be part of the "warrior aristocracy" u still can, join the fucking marines, do a couple tours in afghanistan, then become a private military contractor in iraq/syria and get the fatty war bucks, then if u get shot or captured or someting u can run for senate when u get home, ppl do it all the time, but u don't cuz ur no warrior and ur no aristocrat, ur a cartoon watching pokeman playing fatfuck

>> No.7830402

Neo-russia is Dank AF. Would gladly accept Putin's autocratic yoke

>> No.7830456

I know this is an anonymous board and I might be on here with a bunch of Saudi princes, but from the sounds of it, if Evola had his way we'd all be in some kind of neo-feudal situation, where we would be the serfs. I don't care how far right you want people to perceive you as, but fuck that. Read another book, faggots.

>> No.7830473


>> No.7830498

Why is that so awful?

>> No.7830513

Aristocracy is a hereditary thing. I know you kids wanna imagine yourselves among the elect, but you'd be right beside the NEETS.

>> No.7830516

>colonized galaxies
>space travel was first achieved by communist and capitalist nations
k brah

>> No.7830523

Why is working to death for no pay worse than being giving a chance to make something of yourself? Is that a real question?

>> No.7830557

It's true, radical Traditionalism would not lead to the colonization of other planets. A Traditionalist civilization would be anti industrial at it's core with a large rural population. There would be a sense of spiritual belonging with the earth

>> No.7830574

Serfs only worked for part of the year, and for the time after harvest were released to enjoy the fruits of their civilizations prosperity

>> No.7830741

>natural alignment with divinity
Whence cometh this divine figure?

>> No.7830750

when black people kill us in Civil War 2

>> No.7830782

unless you have a complete historical record of the genealogy of everyone ITT you should probably stop shitposting

I'll say it again: the only people who whine and complain whenever this subject is brought up are the people who know they would be serfs, ie fat virgin NEETs who post on 4chan and subsist off the work of others

>> No.7830798

I consider myself a modern aristocrat, for I posses an exceptionally high IQ, a rigid sense of Honor and originate from an illustrious bloodline including several civil war generals. I believe I shall merit a peerage when Trump gets crowned as Emperor of the West

>> No.7830803
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>tfw based on physiognomy and lineage I'd most likely be a land-owning farmer or artisan according to eddas

>> No.7830861

Lowbrow appropriation of the fedora meme. Lacks originality and wit. I'd give it a 2/10 at best.

>> No.7830885
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Metaphysical knowledge

>> No.7830952

>Neuroscience is beginning to understand that which was anticipated by "crazy wacko occultists
Gonna need some peer reviewed sources by legitimate medical journals on this bucko

>> No.7830958
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>> No.7830959

Why don't you try it?

>> No.7830968

I prefer zerohedge for my news regarding the confirmation of Evola's occultism by study of the human brain

>> No.7830994

19th century occultism evolved into 20th century Psychology which is evolving into 21st century Neuroscience.

THANK YA MacDonald(tm) and WALMART for all of mer nessesitiess [I am free]

>> No.7830998

Thats some lazy citations right there

>> No.7831000
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>Gonna need some peer reviewed sources by legitimate medical journals

You mean:

>"I just want to make sure you didn't make it up." Because if I made it up, then it stands entirely on my back. Like an American, the shortcut you use for difficult issues is to judge their proponent as a proxy. If you don't like some ideas, look for hypocrisy, discredit the speaker. Which will be easy to do with me, I assure you. Heavy drinking, womanizing, misanthropic... maybe not even a psychiatrist. There. Do you win?

>It is what you meant, even if it isn't what you meant. There's plenty of writing on [crazy wacko occultists]. But you're resistant: no, [crazy wacko occultists are] bunk. And impossible to understand. That stuff can't be right. You want science, you want something with bullet points and a standard deviation.

>> No.7831010

>le citations

You wouldn't know how to parse the journal articles even if they were linked. You're not STEM, nor are you well-versed enough in philosophy and literature to understand why your question was retarded. "Link le science articles" is what people who browse Rationalwiki ask, because fetishization of authority is what happens when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

If someone linked you to a Newscientist writeup confirming the ruminations of "crazy wacko occultists" there's a pretty good chance you would nod your head, agree, and move on. That's what you're asking for.

>> No.7831471

No, but Goethe was

>> No.7831475

In half the time with half the energy, you could have posted an ounce of data to prove your claim. Who is the fool here?

>> No.7831942

Or all he wants is some legitimacy from your claims. Authority from articles is based on being aware that, in order for something to be posted or acknowledged at all, it needs to have itself sources from researches or other established or trusted sources. And you are foolish to assume that he, or anyone in his place, isn't able to talk with knowledge on the subject. You provided few to no points from which he could say anything against since, unsurprisingly, you didn't posts sources which talk about the research.

>> No.7831951

>dude this wheelchair sucks i wish i had a tiger instead

muy enkekablo

>> No.7832110
File: 1.37 MB, 989x4160, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder for neets

>> No.7832324

>all that obscene waste of money
Either go full McDuck and invest it all into making yourself richer, or use it to advance mankind

Seeing extreme extravagance in that pic deeply angers me

>> No.7832334

The fool will always be the one who believes in Italian cripple magik.

>> No.7832457

According to who

>> No.7832468

lmao even this makes the NEET life sound better

>> No.7832487

>advance mankind
ha ha ha

>> No.7832506
File: 1.03 MB, 989x4160, slave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder for everyone else

>> No.7832518

>obscene waste of money

when u have a steady income due to valuable skills you don't have to cling to every last penny you can always earn more, only a talentless hack unable to rise above minimum wage would find that "obscene" lol

>> No.7832523

>only a talentless hack unable to rise above minimum wage would find that "obscene" lol

you mean 90% of the workforce in any given country

>> No.7832525

>thinks 90% of the workforce earns minimum wage

damn bro u need to get out of the hood and visit some white areas

>> No.7832531

my city was ranked 12th by Bloomberg for millennials who make more than 350k a year, i'm like damn just imagine how fucking ballin the top 5 must be

>> No.7832544

>San Francisco is synonymous with high-paying tech jobs and a tight housing supply, and 7.8 percent of the city’s millennials make more than $350,000.

>> No.7832748

No, it's a fair assertion to ask for empiricism in this line of thinking. The truth is this kind of knowledge, psychoanalytic metaphysics and occult theology demand a intrinsic motivation to pursue and will inevitably push you into the fringes of society

>> No.7832771


>> No.7832782

You sound enlightened by your intelligence. Is it safe to say you take no stock in phony gods?

>> No.7832798
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>Conform to pragmatic-positivist "common sense" techno-empiricism or you will be pushed outside the status quo and won't be able to talk to retards like me anymore

>> No.7832806

There's a reason why he was forgotten by history and only recently dragged up by most useless and pathetic of all of 4chan's population.

>> No.7832811
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Where should I begin with Evola?

>> No.7832814

>if you accept that egalitarianism ... (ie not everyone is equal and humans are born with varying intelligence and capabilities
Back to grade school with you; never post here again.

>> No.7832822

With Guenon and Schuon

>> No.7832826
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Mystery of the Grail followed by a reading of Le Morte D'Arthur

>> No.7832850

triggered serf detected

>> No.7832856

And according to certain theories isn't static.

>> No.7832879


>> No.7832886

This line of thinking requires one to be drawn to the knowledge that is rejected by the populist zeitgeist

>> No.7832910

Being pushed outside of the status quo should be an expectation

>> No.7832958

Path of Cinnabar for background and context on Evola's life, his insights into how he thought when he wrote his works and then Ride the Tiger.

Unless you really want to, Revolt Against the Modern World isn't a necessary read and Evola himself said that Men Among the Ruins is inferior to Ride the Tiger.

Then it's up to you if you feel the need to read his other books. He has some interesting insight on Eastern thought from a Western perspective.

>> No.7833001

Start with the Greeks,

>> No.7833691

Introduction to Magic and The Hermetic Tradition.

>> No.7833721

Naw I really just want one peer reviewed source.

>> No.7833737

>y-y-you wouldn't know how to read the source if I gave it to you.

Sounds like you made a statement that cannot be objectively defended through any academic research. Sounds like you aren't capable or able to make the argument you are making.