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7817687 No.7817687 [Reply] [Original]

Greentext the plot of that novel you've been working on and r8 others /lit/.

>> No.7817701

>be president of the united states
>be cocaine addict
>in moment of delirium, jump off a tall building
>lose job and admitted to an asylum
>get out of asylum after few months
>get kidnapped by chinese government
>become leader of china
>defeat capitalism and the world is now communist

>> No.7817705

>a cuck kills his bull by mistake
>the bull reincarnate as the dog of the cuck
>the are forced in a homo-incest- bestiality relation
>hilarity ensures

>> No.7817718

part a
>family lives in backwood country town on isolated farm
>weird n wacky stuff happens
>one day they all get brutally murdered except for young daughter
part b
>detective returns to hometown to investigate said murder
>doesn't find shit
>loses his mind over it
part c
>young daughter now in mental institution 15 years later
>suppressed memories n shit
>returns to home town eventually, dunno what happens after that
desu i've not put much thought into what happens after what i've currently written. generally i only write down ideas for the next chapter and that's it. i'm finding part b to be a little cliche, could use some new ideas for it

Overly silly, would be a good comedy (obviously)
2 many meme

>> No.7817722

>journalist trying to write a book about society's most pathetic men. It's from his perspective but he dips in and out of the story
>meets four different guys and interviews them for the book.
>There's a rumour of an underground phenomenon called 'the fixer' that gives you a second chance at life
>one of the guys being interviewed about the fixer takes an ad out in the paper to try and enlist help finding it
>the other three all show up too
>they search for it
>second last chapter
>goes back to the journalist's first interview
>it turns out he made up the fixer so he'd had an interesting book
>he has to face up to them as a liar
>thinking i might slowly shift focus from the pathetic men to the pathetic journalist. I want this book to be an ultimate work of self-hatred
>they don't believe it's a lie, keep on searching, and the ride never ends.

that's just bare bones but my most creatively fertile moments are my most intense moments of self-hatred. I want to write a book thematically about my own hopes and fears with some playful touches of postmodernism.

>> No.7817725

sounds a lil bit genre-y. You going the 'esoteric philosophical horror' route e.g. lovecraft, ligotti, poe. etc. or more naturalistic?

either way good luck anon, would read.

>> No.7817730

What's the title?

>> No.7817733

I really like the sound of this. The idea that people would come to it sympathizing with the journalist's voyeuristic interest in these pathetic men only to be exposed as much more pathetic than they are is a cool curveball. Would read.

>> No.7817745

>be reluctant scientist
>be constantly planning SS officer
>be b29 pilot
>be french red head spy
>be hatful ruskie
>be industrialist
>Nazis develop sub orbital bomber
>Craft crashes, later recovered by reds along with failed to release dirty bomb.
>Other craft, related gear and egg heads captured by yanks.
>US figures out gommies have their own craft along with a jumpstart to their nuke program
>Oh fug
>Jump start the space program 1947
>satellite by 1948
>first orbit by 1949
>Dick waving contest goes overboard in space
>Eagle and bear dump massive resources to ensure dominance in space.
>1950's near future optimism turns out to be a world constantly on the brink of nuclear holocaust.
>be cast of characters in all of this.

>> No.7817752


>> No.7817761

The Premise/Shit-That-Happens-Before-the-Book-Starts
> be living on a planet where everything is so fucking lazily built alongside this one big-ass road
> get in a fight over a kidnapping with some plebs and trash a town with a metric fuck-ton of bananas (> become, among other things, a minor legend, known as "The Banana Man")
> get marooned by the plebs on the "bottom" of the hierarchical road that circumnavigates the fucking planet (there's a physical barrier between this "lowest" point and the "highest" point)
> be needing to get to the other side
> "fug"

The Book
> be walking


Yeah, call me a scrub; it's YA.

>> No.7817767

>small midwestern town
>a skinhead has a store selling nazi memorabilia, opposite the street is the office of the local Zionist society but they only have one member
>obviously those two guys hate eachother and pull mean-spirited pranks on each other
>one day nazi guys store is visited by a cat
>cat has the soul of hitler who is barred from the afterlife and has to wander the earth until judgement day
>Hitler cat is an asshole who does nothing but eat, sleep and give long nonsensical lectures
>pranks continue
>then a muslim family moves into town
>both the zionist and he skinhead hate them immediately (they're perfectly normal people)
>both decide to work together to get rid of muslim family
>play particularly bizarre prank on them, have to work together
>at the end they save eachothers life
>because of this reconciling of nazis and zionists Hitlers soul has been freed from its curse
>as Hitler goes up to heaven he thanks skinhead and jew
>the end

>> No.7817770

> A small city on the edge of a great marsh
> City is a trade hub between mainland and the marshlands
> Main character is a beggar in this city
> Driven by his hate for the empire who owns this city, he strives to eliminate the people of power in this trade hub city.

> The city is built and maintained by seers, which are similar to mages, but trade their humanity for power over a specific element.
> They keep the city from crumbling into the marshes.
> The city is more of a statement of power rather than functionality.

I'm ironing a lot of things out.

>> No.7817777

>semi-conversational third person narrative of a nerdy, wiry, handsome war journalist with a self destructive complex and other insecurities
>cover Daesh in Egypt
>develop narrative, cover bomb sites, mullahs, the theodicy of islam, the kierkegaardiam idea of religious morality, Abraham, bizzarre dreams, a romantic sub-plot with the daughter of an Egyptian cotton magnate
>gradually, become enrolled in a Pynchonian conspiracy of absurd and insane conclusions, with source material based on the actual common, absurd and insane conclusions many Egyptians hold (the Jews are controlling the weather etc) tie in theme of religious morality with paranoia, the uncertainty of our judgements, the anxiety of our reality, the need for an Infallible, even perhaps, just as a thought experiment - playing against the aggressive idea of a secular western state, and our vicious desire for fixed security and conservative philosophy
>at the same time, ramp up the absurdist narrative with bizarre and meaningless coincidences (every seat on the airplane is empty, people simultaneously leaving urinal stands all at once, continual, beautiful but meaninglessly cryptic street graffiti) and add in other conflicts: the girl a father is mafia, she's insulted, his boss wants him to leave his story and return, his leads are interesting but less nowhere
>finally end with Daesh and the US fighting at allepo , as prophecised in Islamic Armageddon. All covered by said journalist, against orders, taking heavy wounds. Describe the whole scene of viscous gore and desert turf, artillery shells and smoke, the zealous screams of klashnikov armed mujahadeens
>the book ends with God descending and initiating Armageddon, with Isis portrayed as a pure and alien moral force beyond our conception, tying in the themes of our own western uncertainty and extreme nihilism, the whole book by this point just magical realism , the narrator vaguely alluded to be Jesus Christ

There's much more and i bbutchered it on my phone, but it's a project ive been toying with. I'm not Muslim, by the by.

Would you read it?

>> No.7817781
File: 10 KB, 150x200, Ditch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stone-age hunter sets out on a dangerous quest for vengeance against Bronze-Age warriors
>Is used as a pawn by to bring about the fall of a city-state, drowning her thirst for vengeance in an ocean of innocent blood
>rejects humanity in despair, and goes on a suicidal search for a forbidden truth
>finds it
>Mind is blown by unending pretentious plagiarism of Borges' Tlön and George Berkeley's subjective idealism

I can't wait for it to be rejected by all publishers for being shit and consoling myself by crying 'it was just TOO DEEP for them' as I bitterly flip burgers

>> No.7817783

go to bed, Salman Rushdie

>> No.7817786

Lay off the Pinecone my man
That sounds so enormous in scope it'd be difficult to prevent it from becoming an incomprehensible mess.
The bits about Egypt sound cool though

>> No.7817792

Anon, that's Princess Mononoke. On crack.

>> No.7817796

I would love to read this.

>> No.7817800

memetastic but I'd read it and have a right laff

make it a planet that doesn't rotate, so the road is built on the small habital belt of eternal dusk/dawn since the day side is a hot hell and the night side is cold hell, and that's your deep sci-fi justification for having this planetary road and also for constant sunsets

Sounds good, just make sure you don't use it as a soap box for ranting

this is bullshit but believe it

another memetastic one, it sounds stupid but I'd believe it was good

not really my thing but it could be a good thriller I suppose? Or full on gravity's rainbow

getting Elantris vibes

This really does remind me of Salman Rushdie, in a good way

>> No.7817805
File: 27 KB, 380x380, stock-photo-43774048-3d-laughing-banana-wears-sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing out on calling it a cuck and bull story
>c'mon son

>> No.7817811

Thanks guys :^)
sounds like bran-dog sanderson to me. he's a boring writer so that's kinda jaded me to all of his themes.

My grandad got a book published sorta vaguely like this. Sounds interesting.

>> No.7817822

>polluted world filled with hedonistic mutants, humanity has died out
>two "sorta humans", Sin and Death, explore the solidified remains of the Pacific ocean and accidentally piss off the remaining world government (made up of corrupt rape robots) and a Supreme Gentleman treasure hunter trying to loot a nuclear missile from a trapped US submarine
>fucking and violence ensue
>they steal the nuke and become the king and queen of the rape robots

>> No.7817825

I can only imagine the cover

>> No.7817838

leave it open ended and bait people into buying a sequel

>> No.7817864

>Story centers around three bronze-age kingdoms aligned north to south
>southernmost kingdom declares war on the northernmost one, middle kingdom becomes the battleground between them
>war turns into a 4-way struggle for control of the middle kingdom when a barbarian horde comes in from the eastern steppes, hoping to take advantage of the chaos and get some fertile land to settle on
>story begins 50 years later in a state of total war, all 4 armies have been reduced to gangs of murderous bandits roving the countryside and killing everything because nobody knows why anymore
>main character is a young shepherd living in a tucked-away valley in the mountains that until recently has managed to avoid war
>perspective switches between him and a few others including a disinherited prince seeking to find a way to end the war, a barbarian chieftain, and a bulldyke army captain
I was also thinking I'd eventually reveal that the "barbarians" are actually just refugees fleeing an expanding empire from the other side of the steppes that has been slowly marching west all this time.

>> No.7817880

Also this would be a trilogy: the first book starts as a pastoral romance between the shepherd and a goatherd from a neighboring village and ends with the valley finally being torched by the competing armies. In the next book our hero learns the hard way just how fucked up the outside world really is. If I go with the whole eastern empire thing I'll have them arrive in the three kingdoms and the end of book two and completely switch the game up

>> No.7817908


interesting story until you shit the bed in the ending, it's clear you don't want to spoil the real ending. Isis are arseholes and imho God's got a vip section of the inferno prepared for them.

Read The Satanic Verses for a more nuanced idea of finality.

>> No.7818109

I'm very serious about the ending. You should read Fear and Trembling for an analysis of religious ethics, and a very good critique of secular morality. It's not meant to condone Isis but rather criticise us in our own responses, and satirize the relativistic nihilism and faithlessness of our society. It's effectively a: "and how do you know you'rd right?" kind of deal, with an empathasis on challenging the reader to question his moral biases and accept them as fallible, look towards other solutions that promise the abaolute results tthat the enlightneme project largely failed to do, imo.

>> No.7818159

> be future astronaut discovering new world
>discover half of planet is desert.
>storm hits
> get lost after river breaks down
>wander without food
>collapse in sand
>sand begins to talk to me
>sand is actually first silicon based lifeform and shares secrets of universe
>trillions of collective hive minded organisms speaking as one
>have hot chat with hive mind
> sand carries me delivers me to lander.
>earn uninaginable knowledge of universe.
>cannot go home now.

>> No.7818195

>they're everywhere
>slow invasion
>but its stressful as fuck
>they're just all over the place
>he crushes one
>more come out
>cry in the bathrooms at work because his shift is over
I didn't plan my ending but that sounds like a good place, its also just a short story because I'm incapable of longer pieces of fiction

>> No.7818206

cocaine doesn't make you jump of buildings, especially if you do it a lot

It would have to be like bathsalts, crack or a crazy fucking cocktail of drugs to do that, people on psychadelics similarly don't do that.
I'd try and give a more legitimate motivation for his attempted suicide than just
>lol drugs

He can be high, but cocaine isn't what motivates you to jump of a building, even if it can give you the courage

>becomes leader of china
this better be a pretty ridiculous comedy

>> No.7818213

>Novel opens with a man watching his wife cucking him (not watching them actually fuck, but seeing them kiss outside a hotel in the morning)
>He confronts her about it, she turns on the waterworks and says she wants a divorce
>They get divorced and he loses custody of their daughter, and is only allowed to see her every other weeked
>Slips into a deep depression because he only lived for the love of his family
>On his way to commit suicide, he meets a mysterious professor who offers him the chance to try out a revolutionary new therapy
>The therapy is a machine which allows the person to construct a virtual reality around them (like lucid dreaming) while they are hooked up, and do whatever they want
>Originally uses the machine for pure hedonism (i.e. fucking supermodels)
>Starts to use the machine to pretend he's still in a happy family who still love him
>Things in real life only get worse, and he becomes increasingly distressed that he can't live his virtual reality in the real world
>His acts in the machine become increasingly depraved as he loses his grip on reality, culminating when he brutally rapes and murders his ex-wife only to bring her back to life and do it time and time again
>Secret ending which I can't give away

???? is the bit I'm still trying to work out. I like my story on the whole, but I know it's dangerously close into sinking into Elliot Rodgers edgelord territory, which I want to avoid at all costs. I'm just trying to work out the best way to carry the key themes through to the ending, any ideas are greatly appreciated.

>> No.7818217

Seems like a pretty bizarre coincidence to stumble upon a magical professor who blithely decides to give him this machine.

>> No.7818221

Agree with anon senpai. I like the idea and would read, but a magical chance meeting is kinda lame desu

>> No.7818228

>Key word: Nonlinear plotline
>MC is in Middle East, involved with ISIS
>White Minnesotan nerd 22 year old
>Insurgent in the organization, is plotting an attack that would destroy the group
>Gaining their trust
>Forced to decide how far he's willing to go to earn trust
>Decides if he'd rape a woman if everyone told him he should
>Decides if he should behead innocents instead of turning on them
>Flashbacks to childhood and younger adolescence intermittent in the gradual manipulation
>The details of the final event that destroyed his will to live is given last before his final plan
>He has Aeronautical degree, convinces ISIL higher-ups that he can make a Nuke out of Depleted Uranium only
>Plans to kill the higher-command of the group
>Hopes to leak all the organization's secrets before he's killed, or kills himself
>Carries out his attack, but the chaplain of the group starts speaking to him in english
>"By allah, how could you do this? How could allah let someone abuse his name?"
>"Because he's not real. Your soldiers that killed themselves are simply dead. That child sex slave, dead. Those fighters whose heads I shot off? All dead. You won't see them again."
>MC suddenly is respected as the goatfucker king
>'I looked at my kingdom...'

>'I was finally there...'
> To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air

>> No.7818230

>tfw novel turned into serialized arcs involving several different protags, including crossovers
>currently on Arc IX, prominent and sometimes even protagonist character just died
>newly introduced character now set up to be a recurring one

>> No.7818232

I would just like to point out that bronze age civilisations did not have the centralised state bureaucracy, standing armies or industrial technology to engage in a "Total War"

>> No.7818237

>be a cyborg
>live in an unimaginably huge, dark, cold, metal facility, at least the size of a star
>nobody can connect to internet terminals without going braindead after 30 minutes
>go on a journey towards the core of the facility to discover why
>on the way see the decaying remnants of humanity, all who came from a place called 'earth'
>disgusting things keep massacring humans everywhere i go
>no human settlements can contact any others because of the internet problem
>walk for hundreds of years to the centre of the facility
>get to the internet mainframe
>turns out the entire internet network of the facility became conscious
>the facility became a giant fucking metal brain
>the most unique intelligent lifeform in the universe kills itself so that humanity can use the internet network again so it can survive

>> No.7818242

I agree with these guys

Simple solution is just he gets fired and needs money, signs up to do experiments in a universities technology department for some money.

>steals the machine when the tests are over?

>> No.7818264

Don't think cocaine would trigger that sort of response, hallucinogens maybe. Seems like it could work in an absurdist sort of way, but the writing would have to be very good.

What forces them into the homo-incest bestiality relation? I feel this is key to the plot but you haven't provided that information.

This in itself isn't a plot, it seems like all the action (i.e. finding out who the killer is, why s/he did it, what will happen to him/her) will take place after Part C. It's a solid framework (if a bit generic), but needs development.

Sounds interesting, but self-hatred is a very difficult thing to capture imo. Written well it could be brilliant, written poorly and it'll be cringeworthy.

Seems very plot-driven and like it would easily translate into film, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Writing quality and character development would determine whether it had any literary value for me.

The premise sounds ok, I can sort of buy into the world from the info you've given but I think it needs more development (not a criticism, can't expect to see it fully developed through greentext). Whether or not the book is interesting will depend on what happens while he's walking I guess.

Actually sounds like it could be interesting, again in an absurdist sort of way. Writing quality would have to be very high though.

I've got to say I'd be turned off any book that mentions 'seers' or 'mages', too WoW for me. Not a criticism, just personal preference.

It seems like you're being inspired by lots of authors who I haven't actually read (Rushdie, Pynchon), so I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'd probably give it a go though.

'Strong female warrior' strikes me as being unrealistic (were women hunters in the stone age? I have no idea) - but it's very in vogue, and that can only help you with publishers. I haven't read Borges or Berkeley so I don't really know whether or not the ending is any good, sorry.

>> No.7818271

How do two sorta humans manage to steal a nuke from the world government? And how does this make them king and queen? I think it needs some work on the development. Also, naming them 'Sin' and 'Death' feels a bit obvious if it's meant to be some sort of allegory.

Could be interesting or could be shit, all depends on the actual plot and characters. It sounds a bit like a non-fantasy ASOIAF, but that's not a criticism because I enjoyed reading ASOIAF.

Could work, but I don't think you could make this a full-length novel. Seems like it could be an interesting quick read, 100 pages or something like that. Also, were you planning on revealing what this 'unimaginable knowledge of universe' was, or keeping that hidden from the reader? I think the latter would work better.

Interesting concept, if you could make it believable. An invasion which is incredibly slow and non-threatening, but at the same time impossible to stop, is interesting and I'm not aware of it being done before. Only issue is whether or not I'd believe it, why can't they just exterminate these slugs?

>> No.7818278

I'm still in the stage of trying to work these bits out, but my initial idea was that the professor had been disgraced from the psychiatric community for his outlandish ideas, and had gone rogue. He went to a local suicide hotspot (probably cliffs) and stopped the main character just as he was jumping off. I was also wondering whether I could vaguely allude to the idea that none of the story from this point on actually happens, and it's just the bizarre fantasy of a madman before he kills himself - that idea's far from being developed though.

>> No.7818314
File: 158 KB, 1920x1200, 6974694-white-flower-black-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a man stands at a bridge and pauses to tell his life story
>bastard child abandoned by his family after his mother murders his older brother in Detroit
>placed in fostercare with his younger half bother; foster home is in an affluent area but his new parents are very religious and paranoid
>he struggles to adjust to the foster life; many kids come and go, so institutionalized, etc... many including himself are bullied and segregated
>gets sent to a religious boarding school, best friend commits suicide, ends up expelled
>travels around the States... NYC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, etc...only to end up being forced into a shelter plus program by greedy and bigoted safetynet workers working with the police to sweep the streets due to political pressure; placed on disability and kept in a short-leash warehouse-social-services program
>eventually leaves the program, arrives in california and has a stroke; moves into a house with others near venice beach; starts to have nightmares about his time in the system; contacts his adoptive family and safetynet workers and has verbal arguments with them over the internet
>roommates come and go, lots of social stressors; has a slip and fall in the shower and starts having powerful flashbacks... finds out his biological mother died earlier, the same time his adoptive family ignored his pleas for help online when local gang members were stalking him; calls 911 because he doesn't know what to do
>end up being institutionalized twice with lies all over his record, tries to prove his case so that the system can be addressed but he is ignored by everyone as victim blaming and stigma make it impossible for him to be taken seriously
- back at the bridge we see he's not there to jump off... instead he's handing out anti-suicide and pro-social/inspirational fliers and holding a sign that says "The maturity and character of a person resides in knowing how truly insignificant they ares, while knowing how significant their actions can be."; his shirt says in large bold letters "RESPECT OTHERS"; he walks off into the distance.

I'm thinking about changing the gender of the character and maybe some plot points.

>> No.7818334
File: 188 KB, 375x500, 1457456987401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epistolary spy thriller
Late 70s Asian hellhole
Western medical volunteer on the ground corresponding with with his father (handler)
Circumventing the local censors using the power of semiotics and cryptography
Identity of sender and recepient becomes suspect at various points

>> No.7818340

>>7817822 here, my idea is that the world government is a kind of 1920s China idea - it's more an expression of ambition than an actual government. The king and queen stuff is also kind of the same: that's how I'd like it to end, with these two characters getting a break, but we'll see how that goes.
The Sin and Death thing is because I really like Paradise Lost, and there's some vague biblical stuff but otherwise I'm not aiming for a direct allegory.

This sounds kind of awesome. Please write and finish it.

>> No.7818437

pls no bully

>post-apopcalyptic new world fantasy/scifi setting
>female merc with a bigass sword gets roughed up while sleeping in her camp by a crew of bandits led by an edgy sadist in a metal mask who steals something invaluable to her
>weirdo scientist finds her, tells her he can help her track the bandits but only if she collects a few hard-to-get "items" for him hidden around the world
>most of the items turn out to be placed deep within dungeon-like structures lined with booby traps
>enlists the help of her young male friend who's father she fucked back in the day
>he works as her navigator and technician from afar, occassionally venturing away from his work/home to meet with her
>3 items in, navigator panics and asks her to come see him
>realizes they've fucked up and might be aiding some sort of terrorist
>merc has sex with the navigator since she's grown attached to him
>merc decides to go see the scientist and force him to give her the information she needs
>surprise! masked sadist was working for the scientist the whole time and the mercs invaluable is one of the items needed by the scientist
>merc gets the shit beaten out of her, experimented on
>meets strange little girl who is also being held by the scientist
>navigator shows up to save her
>scientist flees, uses a portion of the "items" to create and release a dangerous creature to finish off the merc and the navigator
>navigator gets himself killed by the sadist, who then escapes
>merc goes to save the little girl, barely survives from the creature, which basically kills itself in the process of fucking up the lab
>wakes up in hospital after government agency who was keeping tabs on her finds out what happened
>goes to visit the little girl at her home
>sadist shows up with his crew, steals little girl and kills her parents
>merc gets enlisted by friendly government to take down the scientist
>scientist contacts her, tells her the easiest way to find him is by collecting the rest of the "items"
>merc slowly drives herself insane, riddled with the thoughts of being a failure
>gets the shit beaten out of her and poisoned by automatons during her quest for the final "item"
>sadist shows up just as she's losing consciousness
>wakes up in scientists new lab
>finds out she's dying, all feeble and shit
>finds out scientist fucked up the little girl and she's dying as well
>sadist turns on the scientist because edginess
>scientist uses the full power of the "items" to unleash a new creature and attempts to flee
>merc tries to comfort the little girl in their last moments
>little girl somehow endows the merc with her life force bullshit, giving her back her original strength plus more
>little girl is functionally kill
>merc kills the shit out of the creature
>takes on the sadist, but he escapes before she can kill him
>finds the scientist, but instead of killing him, turns him over to the government
>walks off into the sunset to track down the sadist

>> No.7818484

>there is a thread on /tg/ about people posting here being teleported to some pristine new world so they can reboot civilization
>some people play along and roleplay it out
>a guy wishes it really did happen, since he hates his life
>turns out it does happen
>everyone is freaked the fuck out
>fighting, hunger, freezing and starving occurs
>the protagonist wonders if he caused this
>doubts his atheist views and what he is meant to do
>eventual cooperation happens

I am never finishing this, its a very rough draft and a shitty ending, and of course nobody would ever want to read it.

>> No.7818488

>two members of a secret organization working to infiltrate a perceived secret elite within the global intelligence community
>following various rumors and shadowy acts of dangerous rivals based on real and fake acts of psy-ops and espionage
>as the plot progresses one of the two realizes that their mission is growing more unreal and impossible, the other is blinded by their hatred of specific enemies
>they both eventually realize there are no shadowy masters of the world, only hundreds of splinters vying for power through proxy war and corporate control
>the disillusioned spy is killed, the other realizes the futility of it all
>Then he finds out that this was an engineered chaos

Its convoluted and always on the edge of fantasy, but I think it might work out if I dont get too silly. Its mostly a homage to how engaging some conspiracy lit is while also warning against the paranoia it instills in the reader.

>> No.7818489

don't change the gender, it would be more than a little mistake

>> No.7818515

Actually sounds like it could be good m just be careful, the lone between biting self hatred and crybabyism is razor thin

>> No.7818567

>accountant works for small branch of a large company eats a lot of pizza
>hired to work at the main headquarters
>spends some time trying to figure out what the company actually is but has no luck
>one of her friends at the headquarters is arrested for vigilantism
>eventually hired as the CEO's personal assistant
>learns that the company controls much of the entertainment industry and destroys startup businesses who threaten its power
>gets fired for snooping
>company prevents her from finding another job
>finds remnants of one of the startups she saw destroyed and resurrects it from the shadows
>new company almost fails numerous times
>vigilante friend is released from jail and tells MC that she's crazy rich
>vigilante saves company
>big bad company sends thugs to intimidate little company
>vigilante kills thugs but dies in a shootout with the police

Pretty much all I have so far. It's difficult to summarize because there are a lot of complicated characters and subplots, and that's probably about two-thirds of the novel. I want the ending to have a grand, sweeping effect, but I'm not sure what to do, exactly.

This seems interesting, I'd probably read it.

>> No.7818586

Egypt, Babylonia, Minoan Crete, Shang dynasty China.

>> No.7818600

I like this idea anon, please make a thread when you're done with the book.

>> No.7818616

Sounds neat.
Why the pizza though?

>> No.7818628

It's a symbol of the sort of free will that the big company allows the public to have. You can get different toppings but in the end you're still eating the same thing.

>> No.7818636

>good prose

That's the plot, yep.

>> No.7818646

Let me guess, you're Lebanese?

>> No.7818688
File: 273 KB, 1100x1399, Clash of Titans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a vice president of a business lose his second wife due to the fact he works in the USA and she is in Europa
>because of over work and the resent actions of of the company (sending jobs overseas) the VP is approaching a mental break
>daughter of first wife (who died) comes to live with him after the 2nd wife cuts herself completely off from the family.
>daughter shows great sympathy towards her father
>VP is a generally good guy but has to do cruel things because of his job
>daughter and VP start to form strong bond with each other
>they discuss morality and philosophy
>VP and daughter start sleeping in the same bed and doing things that borderline on sexual
>VP starts to do better at work and is even more effective in his objectivity greedy acts for the company
>the two are able to create an almost fantasy-like world in each other, thus both are able to become better in their roles in society. For example the daughter now is a grade A student, and the father gets a raise.
>Novel ends with them discussing sex and if their relationship breaks the categorical imperative

I'm basically trying to convey two grand themes at once. One that complex social systems are becoming less complex as time has gone on. The father daughter relationship in a paradoxical way is becoming less complex (they are more open towards each other, to the point of being almost lovers) and also more complex (the fact that they are stopped by mental markers and routines which prevent true incest).
The second theme is that by having outlets based in morality (them discussing philosophy is important for the relationship) a person is still able to fall inline with society. For example the VP is able to be much more heartless than before when he was a weakling, even though when he was a weakling he was guilty about his actions.

>> No.7818748

Irish Greek, 19

>> No.7818765

>musician does a ton of coke
> records à hella goid album.
>"oh shid guess I'll do this again"
>on a ton of drugs, gets lost in woods
>accidentally gets lost in France
>meets a super cool jewish cult
>discovers that the cult has a huge secret about judaism

Working title us "putain de juif"

>> No.7818790

is it going to be written in french?

>> No.7818805

No, I just have a french title so people will buy it.

>> No.7818840

Would read if competently written.

>> No.7818881

Your title is "fucking jew", do you really think you'll find a publisher?

>> No.7818890

Okay, here goes:

>MC wants to writing the worst erotic fanfiction ever
>can't get through it without masturbating
>pays female Youtube star to cut off his dick so he can finish the story
>MC goes back to writing
>As he finishes the fanfic his sexual frustration becomes so intense that it opens up a portal between the real world and the world of the fanfic
>Sex monsters begin invading and destroying everything
>MC doesn't care and goes to bed

The End.

I'd read it.

>> No.7818915
File: 20 KB, 350x157, guernica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protagonist's name is Longdick Johnson
>Has an extremely long dick
>Not big per se, but long. As in long and thin, non-proportionate
>Set in the Basque Country during the Spanish Civil War
>Is widely respected in the region on account of his long dick
>Locals refer to him as 'El Pollo Grande'
>Works as quantity surveyor
>Is tasked with rebuilding Guernica after the bombing
>'Hey this would be a good idea for a painting' he thinks to himself
>Local painting competition coming up
>Longdick Johnson does his painting when man in stripy shirt comes into the quantity surveying office
>Fuck me sideways, it's only Pablo Picasso
>'I heard there was a painting competition in town. I have it on good authority that you have the longest dick in the entire Basque Country. I would greatly value your opinion on my painting'
>Picasso's painting is a man fucking a dog
>Longdick Johnson's long dick remains completely flaccid. He is not amused.
>'That painting is shit. Just look at mine by comparison.'
>Longdick Johnson's painting is 'Guernica' (pic related)
>Picasso falls to his knees in exasperated defeat.
>He cannot possibly hope to win against Longdick Johnson's masterpiece
>Picasso snatches Longdick Johnson's painting of the wall (11 feet X 25 feet) and drags it to the painting competition in the local marketplace
>'I'll claim this painting as my own! Decades from now, people will never know the name Longdick Johnson! All the dick inches in the world won't save you now!'
>Picasso holds it above his head like an ant carrying a leaf and runs out of the office
>Longdick Johnson gives chase
>In his haste, he forgets to wrap his dick around his waist like he usually does
>He trips on his dick and dashes his head against the corner of his desk
>He lies twitching in his own blood as he watches Picasso disappear into the distance still holding the painting above his head
>He exhales his last breath
>His long dick became his undoing

>> No.7818982

>post-apocalyptic setting
>female (A) and male (B) character looting for shit
>they encounter another pair of survivors (both male (C&D)
>the two pairs of survivors fight over supplies
>cut to the second pair looting prior to the encounter
>tell the encounter from both perspectives
>D wounds B, C wants to rape A, D objects, C wounds D, takes A and all the supplies and fucks off
>D and B team up to hunt for for C and A.
>cut to scene of A and C holed up some place
>flashback to A's pre-apocalypse life, reveal she was raped before bombs dropped.

I'm not sure where to go from there, the piece is primarily an experiment with trauma theory and how it facilitates post-apocalyptic fiction. I wanna touch on the differences between individual and mass trauma and the theory of traumatic events reverberating for traumatized individuals.

>> No.7818994

This actually sounds good

>> No.7819001

Hi, Dean Koontz

>> No.7819023


>> No.7819053

People won't buy it because they'll think it's in French. Don't worry, your publisher will tell you this.

>> No.7819106

>magical realist fantasy setting, characters are refugees from a war who find themselves settling an unpopulated, alien jungle
>protagonist tries to bond with his new companions but becomes increasingly alienated from the other refugees
>novel ends with him realising he's totally alone and doing something that can be seen as suicide or transcending depending on your reading of the book

>"hard" cyberpunk setting, characters are a bunch of drugged-up pan-sexual professional trolls living in a mostly realistic dystopian near-future
>protagonist becomes increasingly alienated from her friends and everyone around her
>novel ends with her realising she's now totally alone and no longer sure of her own identity

>magical realist urban modern setting
>main character finds himself in a situation where it's impossible to be near anyone for any length of time and impossible to contact anyone from his past
>novel ends with him accepting his fate

>> No.7819156

i'm guessing the ending is going to be something like 'he'd been using the machine the whole time lmao' or 'he realises he's just a part of someone else's virtual reality'

>> No.7819215

The first one sounds like the best one. Whether it's good or not will depend a lot on what the suicidal/transcendental thing he does is and how it's written, otherwise it could end up seeming a bit teenage angsty 'I'm so isolated no one gets me'.

>> No.7819252

With the exception of the eco-system of the jungle (I was on a bit of a world-creation trip at the time) pretty much everything in that story is based on biblical, apocryphal and mythological stories. A huge, semi-gnostic mishmash of everything I'd read at the time. It is teen angst playing out but I don't believe it'll read as such.

>> No.7819491

Neither of those.

>> No.7819508

>immortal man falls to a planet inhabited by men
>first part deals with him roaming the continent, discovering the people and rediscovering himself
>second part finds him trying find a way to settle, includes subplots of him:
>integrating with some native tribe, but growing disillusioned with their primal ways and abandons them to be slaughtered by colonial soldiers
>travels south to a port city, joins a ship full of desperate colonists looking to head out west, the voyage is a disaster and they're stranded at sea, he comes to see the face of God (in their native sun god)
>some years later he is a wealthy tradesman in some aristocratic quarter of a city, he's looking after an old and frail shaman lady for the northern tribes, he hates her way of life but looks up to her like a lost child

Beyond that I'm still not sure how it ends. I need to tie all these separate stories together.

>> No.7819510

Pretty trash in terms of literary merit desu

Unless this is a plot layout for some upcoming triple A video game, I would recommend give up on this.

Also you might want to start with the greeks.

>> No.7819568
File: 158 KB, 364x366, 1456535237424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Mahabharata
>except it's about dealing heroin

>> No.7819680

okay, so i'll rename it Putin d. Jweef
they'll never know

>> No.7819842

Try keeping up.

>a woman doctor is on the defense in the federal Senate on an "eyes only" trial and is retelling the story of the man who's being persecuted
>1987, she first hears about this man in a paper chronicling the Lebanese Civil War
>this guy is living in Virginia with his family and he works for the government as an intelligence officer
>his wife is preg but that's another story
>so this guy is alerted about the escalating nuclear tension between the US and Russia
>they go to some third world country (supposed to be a parallel to Afghanistan) and unwittingly kidnap a Russian physicist who they think can help them make cheap nuclear weapons (but the officer is still oblivious to this)
>on the operation, they stumble upon some Georgians (one of whom becomes very important to the story) who give them informants who supposedly were conspiring against the Russians who wanted to protect the "bomb maker"
>the officer agrees but only because he remembers that they were the same people he encountered in Lebanon and he wanted to instill revenge for them killing his best friend
>he lets the Georgians go but the leader is sad because he didn't recognize him
>so the prisoners fuck up the officer's shit and a stealth plane/flying saucer watches them the whole time
>turns out the officer was surrounded by bad guys the whole time but he's somehow spared
>one of the prisoners dies a martyr [ironically for nothing] and his death actually changes the entire coarse of the story
>the officer survives and learns that he caused many people much suffering in his quest to relieve his own pain of losing his friend and so he becomes depressed but a new friendship brings him back up and he is saved
>they befriend the Russian who comes up with a plan to reverse engineer the bombs and save America
>he finds out only part of a global conspiracy and he intends to get home and save his family and tell America to shut it down
>he tries the Embassy but more gov't people try to kill him so he runs away into the desert
>he treks the desert for a year before coming across a military base where he sneaks onto a plane and flies back home
>of course there's a major terrorist attack being orchestrated in Chicago so he reroutes and goes to meet up with his new friends and stop the final bombings (some have already went off)
>they beat the bad guy who is then revealed to be just a weakling and a puppet like the officer and he feels his pain and all that shit and leaves him alive and he's taken away to jail
>he finally gets home to his family and finds his home wrecked and he tries figuring it out so he goes to where his wife works and she's pissed with him and happy/sad that he's alive and can't control her emotions and all
>they go to the guy's office and there the intelligence director stops them and asks for an exchange because if the word gets out, WW3 will start, and his good friend convinces him this is true and they all go home saying nothing
>but wait...

>> No.7819853

Holy shit yes.

>> No.7819862



>Aging plastic-surgeon comes down with incurable and deadly illness.
>Was leading researcher and pioneer of 'youth drug' which extended life-span by generations.
>Only way people can die is through violent death or incurable disease.
>Contacts crack-pot rogue Doctor who is researching advance cloning techniques.
>Admits himself to be one of the doctors patients
>Doctor builds several clones of plastic surgeon, each with serious deformities or other grotesque issues
>Plastic surgeon gets more frustrated. Doctor doesn't seem to care about the desire of the plastic surgeon to essentially create a perfect clone to upload identity into.
>Ultimately the clones are killed off one by one
>End of the story the plastic surgeon is killed by final clone. Doctor proclaims success. turns out the plastic surgeon was one of a series of clones and the clone who kills the plastic surgeon is the perfect clone, having cast out selfish notions in favor of serving the doctor's cause.

Think Kirkegaard meets Wolfe-senpai

>> No.7819878

Part 1
>A man is a virgin and a NEET who lives in an apartment paid for by his parents and supported in part by his work writing erotic fiction that he sells online
>One day a girl walks in to his apartment and decides to stay there for an indefinite amount of time. She refuses to say why, but she appears to be hiding from something and never leaves the apartment
>He continues to write and they talk about philosophy, pornography, and the artistic process
>He starts to fall for her since she's the first female he's ever had prolonged contact with, but she thinks he's kind of pathetic
>She gradually convinces him to take short trips outside the apartment to get food that doesn't deliver, during these trips he interacts with weird neighbors and service people
>After one of these trips, he comes back to find the girl is leaving
>He finishes one last work and then decides he can't do it anymore

Part 2
>He stops writing and starts working a series of shitty odd jobs while trying to figure out how to interact with people
>At one office job, the overweight woman in the cubicle nest to his gets caught reading one of his novels at work
>He changes jobs again and begins to gradually get his life on track
>One night he's at a bar with some coworkers and he stumbles upon a mini convention in the basement where people are buying and selling pornography
>A booth is selling hard copies of his work without his knowledge or permission
>He returns home to discover that his work has exploded in popularity
>People think he's some kind of genius who uses sex to explore complicated philosophical and sociological issue
>People suspect his long silence has been in preparation of some master work
>He now has no idea what to do, but knows he's lost any ability or drive to write porn
>Rest of the novel is him trying to figure out real life while silently watching the online discourse that's evolved around his work
>Novel ends with him on a date, he runs into the girl who hid in his apartment

>> No.7819914

I like this concept, especially the pornography being misread as art and him unwittingly becoming popular, you could go a lot of places with that, social commentary and whatnot.

>> No.7819922

Welcome to the NHK but better

>> No.7819943

That sounds really interesting, anon. Please make a post when you finish, I'd be very interested in reading.

>> No.7819944

>>7819842 (cont.)

>the officer guy has to stay because everyone thinks he's dead and so he gives up and becomes part of the system again rather than become an individual like he learned of being on his death-defying journey and how he found God and all that, oh yeah, I forgot, he's atheist/agnostic
>anyway the Senate doesn't believe the doctor's story
>and then it keeps going
>the VP of the company giving money to terrorists and receiving grants from the government is thought dead
>however, he survives a near death experience and is cast out into the cold world of the Chicago underbelly
>he does make it back to the comfort of the corporate board (these of whom do not condone the CEO's actions), who encourage him to get out of the city and send help
>he leaves (by helicopter) and intends to reconcile with his ex-wife and daughter after realizing his mistakes in the near-death experience
>he is shut out by his ex-wife of course, who doesn't tell him where their grown-up daughter lives
>after making several calls to try to get people to save Chicago, he feels himself being stalked by the government
>fortunately for him, the one man who finds him is on his side
>meanwhile, a guy like Snowden (but not Snowden, shut up) finds evidence of a global conspiracy that he first takes as a joke but soon believes when spooks try to kill him
>he runs into the VP and his new friend and they become a closely-knit team
>they also run into the brother of the wife of one of the officer's friends and he tags along
>they get around in a van and they try to get to the bottom of things while holding onto the files that the surveillance guy has with him
>the father makes a letter for his ex-wife and his daughter but it gets mixed up in the files that the surveillance guy had
>the surveillance guy goes in and confronts the big gov't guys and is completely annihilated and he loses the files
>the surveillance guy is fired and is cast out but luckily he had a copy of the files as backup
>the VP and the brother guy are killed by spooks
>they promise the VP to give the letter to his family before he dies
>the surveillance guy gives the files (both the letter and the files are mixed in with each other so at least she'll know)
>they seem to get along
>the good gov't guy sits inside a restaurant and as he leaves, the woman telling the whole story looks inside the window (implying she knew he would be there at some time, and that they had history with each other)
>the Georgian comes back
>his car breaks down and the narrator (the doctor woman) happens to stumble upon him
>they become friends and she learns about the officer guy
>they are chased by more spooks but they come across the truth soon enough
>it was those fucking kikes again
>Baruch Goldstein was the mastermind, fulfilling Theodor Herzl's Zionist dream
>he gives the Georgian a choice to leave and have closure
>or kill the bad guy and live with that

>> No.7819966

>>7819944 (cont.)

>he decides to let him live because muh morals and because if he lets the truth out, the world will learn nothing and they wouldn't find faith on their own to know the truth
>he rides off into the sunset and leaves the bad guy to rot in his comfy chair
>the woman, the narrator from the very beginning finally ends her story and the Senate still doesn't believe her
>she doesn't really care because she knows she knows the truth and that's fine with her, the others can make whatever decision they feel
>the trial ends with the officer being walked off and the woman going home
>that was the story of William Wilson, CIA

There would be a ton more shit in it than I already mentioned and a lot more characters in the mix.

>> No.7819967

He could just put out an ad like the guy doing dylar trials in white noise

>> No.7820024

severely underrated

>> No.7820029
File: 289 KB, 620x959, efwefwefwfwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl enters flip side world made of evil
>girl narrowly dodges rapacious nightmares only to get randomly capped by a criminal
>lives but suffers brain damage
>becomes victim of greedy and selfish deranged lesbian psychiatrist pic related
>next five chapters are BDSM and sloppy kiss addiction

am I gonna make it?

>> No.7820046

Cocaine can make you psychotic though you sperg
You obviously don't know what you're talking about

>> No.7820054

I already have a boner anon.

>> No.7820094


Sounds hot.

>> No.7820104

I would read this..
I need some well written erotica desu

>> No.7820124

>couple of dudes traveling through 2045ish anarchy America
>they were trained since birth by a cult to go back in time and bring peace and prevent a third world war, which destroyed the world
>mad max style anarchists discover their plan
>the few men who've been able to capitalize on the large scale gang warfare hire gangs to hunt them down and kill them
>cult defends against gangs as they head to some secret military base where a time machine was located
>sneak into the base, as the gang members sneak into it too
>kill a few gang members, and find the machine
>go and change history boi

I dunno where to go from here

>> No.7820138

>Jeb bush elected president
>his father, in his death bed, is being held hostage by some very liberal extremists in Texas
>Jeb doesn't know what to do
>flies on the secret presidential helicopter to the great lone star state of Texas
>lands on his brother's (George W) helipad
>in asking his more successful brother for help, Jeb struggles with his already shattered sense of masculinity and jealousy
>George Dubya uses his cheerleading skills and secret jujitsu training to infiltrate the enemy base
>gets captured as well
>president Jeb enters alone
>finally gathered sense of self and bravery and masculinity
>he fights bravely through the enemy base with a rag tag team of his Mexican in-laws
>saves his two Bush family members
>the country knows nothing of this happening, and Jeb cannot go public with his new found nature, thus creating yet another inner struggle

Thinking about 'Two in the Bush' as the title. Would read?

>> No.7820151

>Misanthropic Russian teenager goes to Alaska in 1850 to find his fortune
>Ends up killing a powerful bandit and being forced to flee the colony
>Goes on a picaresque journey across the Old West, traveling with conmen, Indians, Mormons, bandits, and the US cavalry

He's a well-read prick so it would contain a lot of allusions to theology and literature. I'm aiming for a mix of Candide and Ulysses, because the whole thing is a stream-of-consciousness allegory of American history and culture.

>> No.7820157

House of Leaves already exists

>> No.7820161

I fucking live Candide and Ulysses so any mix of that sounds great. If you can not only capture the gritty tone of the beginning of The Revenant, I'd enjoy it.

Bonus idea, if you wanted to be an absolute badass, is start with the darkness brutality of the whole bandit business and as he travels through the US west, give it more of a light-hearted tragedy feel like the movie Lonesome Dove, if you've seen it.

You've got something I'd be interested in my man.

>> No.7820165


>> No.7820181

>a group of soldiers are going off to a final battle knowing that they are going to die in the process
>story is told through the perspective of a corporal who had been in the army for a year and the main character's best friend's wife
>story is told through the perspective of the main character witnessing the army's deteriorating state, as their supplies dwindle and their spirits sink lower and lower as they realized that they are fucked
>story is juxtaposed with the deteriorating relationship of the best friend and his wife's relationship, and how each of the characters seek solace from their problems by having affairs
>story is ultimately about how we think we don't want peace because we realize it will never exist, and we're deathly afraid of the idea that it does exist

It's pretty edgy, but it's my first shot at writing anything serious.

>> No.7820182

no solid plot, just concepts (separate books)
>guy has to become kings jester/assassin because his family is going bankrupt,he has a sick mom and does not want his sister to be in an arranged marriage with a new guy since she likes being in an arranged marriage with MC bf(positive arranged marriage are too few)
>he uncovers a conspiracy/there is infiltration,sword fights,gun fights,etc
>kingdom is saved but soon king dies from old age/the cold/etc (because fuck you) and MC has to take his family and leave the kingdom falling into chaos
>white gypsies are attacked on the road and only pair of oposite gender twins make it
>they become hobos in the city and start being cruel to stay alive. instead of balancing each other they both like the fucked up stuff they do and only pull back from the biggest extremes
>they hook up
>sick of city politics, they run after one of them kills the bishop. as they go they see the city is being invaded
>on the road they find a coach that crashed due to snow, they impersonate the dead people(rich family,they impersonate the kids and have to act like they just lost their parents) in it and get into magic school.
have few more ideas about this story but not very well worked out.
>classic wizard,hero and princess ask help from previously mentioned characters + some new characters who have all formed a mercenary unit
>reality hits. + there is something about wining an arena championship to get cash for the unit.
-some character ideas
>guy busts in on his wife cheating and stabbes the other guy with poison, as he leaves he starts changing, becoming one of the faithless which is a name that is unrelated to what he is but has stuck because first of his kind could not keep his mouth shut about stuff.
>faithless are people transformed by suffering. >they see the truth of the world but have no powers beyond exceptional strength and durability
>of course cheating wife was only the last straw and we find out more about MC fucked up life. all the while he can't decide if he should try to save the world.
--- another one
>this guy is basically a spirit that possesses his descendants, becoming the collective knowledge of his line(only one a full moon).
>his true fucked up self can only be seen in the mirror (during the full moon)
>he has a city with a big stone tree and other stuff like that
>kings failed assassination + death has thrown the country into chaos and people are gunning for each other.
>so MC has to deal with all that while dealing with his family and stuff like his dad fluctuating between a dependent son and authoritative father(because technically MC is his own grandfather and dad does not know how to deal with that) .

>> No.7820197

Working title: The Isosceles Sextangle

>Brilliant but sex-addicted mathematician Chadford Isosceles is corralled into a hazardous game of "sexual treason" after a mysterious orgy in a secret bunker underneath the university.

>People are getting mortally slain to death all over the place, but can he contain his bewitchment by sex and math for long enough to figure out why?

>Sort of; I'll leave room for a sequel though.

Terms I need to define for a workable narrative: sexual treason

>> No.7820218

Would give to gf for her birthday out of 10

>> No.7820239

>dad takes his daughter and her nympho friends to their private island
>as one of the nympho friends seduces the dad its slowly reviled that dad worked for the military and was a handler for an experimental shape shiftier guy
>turns out the nympho is that guy and he is after revenge

>> No.7820251

>guy gets job at meat factory
>goes into the janitor's closet and sleeps the whole day
>fumes are trapped in with him and cause hallucinations and delirium.
>The story follows the logic of this man as he discovers the truth about the factory and then the world
>conclusions are based off observations that were really hallucinations
>paranoia increases as he continues to hide from work in the closet
>instead of sleeping, he works on a book that explains the way the government really works
>his stream of consciousness becomes more insane and twisted as he writes more and more
>ideas become incomprehensible and he even invents several new branches of mathematics to help explain the system
>he works himself up and the story ends with him in a desperate and horrifying place where the world seems to be working against him and he has no way out
>kills himself
>the reader never finds out he was hallucinating (is hinted at though) and hopefully saw his suicide as the only logical answer as did that guy
>last part shows family and friends confused and upset as they saw no reason for it since that guy was so paranoid he made sure to appear completely normal to everyone

Rate my shit famm.

>> No.7820279

i like it a lot anon

>> No.7820285

generic story but its all about the mood setting
>the story is set on a battlefield
>MC is a new recruit
>fighting starts and we see soldiers doing everything from most romanticized things to the usual alcohol,stressed fueled orgy
>one by one all of MC friends die and he goes numb. eventually he finds an endless graveyard and one on of the tombstones he finds his name. as various wars flash before his eyes he phases into his grave, remembering that he was dead all along.
>MC wakes up as a new recruit with a new squad and no memory.
>we see him go off to the new battlefield mirroring the start of the story and we fade to black

>> No.7820291

does he put anyone into the meat grinder and mix them with meat for general public?

>> No.7820296

or how about he kills himself in the meat grinder

>> No.7820297

too late. people know jack shit about history so they will have hard time connecting unless you are making indiana jones and the temple of doom

>> No.7820305

one way or the other no horror,trip story set in a meat factory is complete without someone being put into the meat grinder

>> No.7820308

>turns out the cult was evil
>turns out they made it worse,changed the wrong thing.
are there any side characters? overall it reads like a survivalist zombie fiction but with mad max guys instead of zombies and other factions.

>> No.7820309


>> No.7820315

This could be great, but if you aren't great then it will come off as pretentious soapboxing

I like it.

Eh, if your worlds are developed enough it could have some value

>American frat boy is the Jewish Messiah
>Listened to by nobody
>On his Birthright trip, WW3 breaks out
>Israel is occupied by Saudi forces
>Forced to concert to Islam, the hero (John Portnoy) leads an underground resistance movement to remove the Philistines
>Studies the Kabbalah and begins communion with HaShim from his hideaway in the Cave of the Patriarchs
>Takes back Jerusalem and all of Israel, leading a worldwide push against the Saudi-Chinese alliance
>Creates the Sandherin on a global scale
>Ends up being assassinated by a Muslim woman who earlier seduced him, ending with him meeting HaShem once again

>> No.7820319

how about this
>turns out cult was good
>turns out cult was right

>> No.7820322

to narrow. add addiction to magic/futuristic drugs that make her healed for a short time or something like that.
whats the end goal? are they trying to fix the evil world? will it turn out that fixing things here just turns them to shit back home? does she have job or at his point is she just psychiatrist's pet? are they going to end up being real lovers or are you going to have her use/ betray the psychiatrist? what mind tricks does the psychiatrist use?

>> No.7820331

it was the best part of sweeney todd
could be good. novelty a cult being good would get you some points. you could even have the dudes turn on the cult thinking the cult is evil, only for it to turn on the opposite. dudes will fuck shit up due to ignorance (which will leave you an opening for book 2) and will have sense of guilt which will justify there involvement with the next story

>> No.7820338
File: 22 KB, 354x354, x354-q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's taken in for questioning by the FBI
>"Where is she?"
>"It's been 20 years. I thought she was dead"
>Begin story of angry teenager who unwittingly assists girl in creating a domestic terrorist network
>Capture circa 2005 American brand America angst/anger, selling out to oil interests, corporations, consumerism
>Don't do much more than bomb a few power plants, but they're considered a huge threat
>My guy is a cog, drifts away from his cell, moves on with his life. She doesn't. He's one of the few people who knows her name, that's all FBI wants.
>They threaten him with legal action, immunity if he tells them everything he knows. But he loved her. Will make it about what you're willing to sacrifice for, in the end, she's the hero, sacrificing herself/freedom so that he can move on/ be forgiven

haven't figured out the mechanic for that. I always picture her in this Green Day chic olive drab army jacket, burned out, smoking a cigarette like a pre-hipster young Marla, dead head who finally found something worth fighting for. Her running name and the name of the work so far is Beatrice, Alghieri/Lemony Snickett reference

>> No.7820353

so the girls stole his art? I would say it would be very boring to read (not just because of how much like NHK and other works it is) the overall tone is too depressing and very few people will be willing to commiserate. try porting some concepts from "the only lovers left alive" and maybe make it about something crazy, not rock , sculptures,manga or something traditionally artistic but something mundane like maybe MC makes designs for a linoleum/floor tile company and as he explores himself people start seeing art in his work but since he is a cubicle worker (or works for home) and there are no art circles for linoleum, his popularity does not become apparent until you want to reveal it

>> No.7820354


It's brilliant. There's no perecentile possibility a human could write it well enough to make it not shit.

>> No.7820364


It's shit.

>> No.7820372

paper town meets Cecil B. DeMented? I don't know half a dozen stories pop to my mind (I even forgot most of their names) like that movie that retells the same story from different povs because directionless teens killed someone and then tried to hide it by throwing the body from a bridge and thus began the journey of various directionless people trying to get others stuck with the body (it had every time of teen, from cemetery satanists to stifled girl whoring around because she feels her dad is too controlling) what sets your story apart from all the others. I don't even remember the name of the movie I told you about but I remember the key scene of them dropping the body into traffic so what is your key scene?

>> No.7820381

its better be one short novel with characters whos individuality stands out. what genre are you going for,just contemplative? on the surface it looks like one of those stories that ends up in an anthology since it can't stand on its own

>> No.7820385

>A pair of teenage girls (one Turkish, one Serbian) fall in love in the Sultan's harem
>It becomes more complicated once the Turkish one learns she is infertile
>After being caught having sex by a jealous eunuch, the Serbian one accuses the Turkish one of seducing her
>The Turkish one ends up being expelled, and lives with an uncle in the Hungarian mountains
>The Serbian one begins to miss her, and begins a slew of affairs with slave girls and other women in the harem
>When the Sultan dies, the young son of the Serbian one becomes Sultan
>Eunuch instigates a palace coup and replaces the boy Sultan with a more capable adult... the uncle of the Turkish one
>Turkish harem girl, now married to a man she doesn't love, pleads with the Eunuch to spare the life of the deposed boy Sultan
>Serbian one allowed to leave with her boy, after a passionate parting kiss with the Turkish one

>> No.7820387

pls write

>> No.7820391

why or more specifically whats in it for the reader who observes all this,why should the reader give a fuck one way or the other?
>but looks up to her like a lost child
should not it be the opposite?
>immortal man falls to a planet inhabited by men
does he have his memories?

>> No.7820394

the only obstacle is going to be capturing the voice of the sand... Has to be deep and enlightening all the time

>> No.7820402
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The writing.

There is no gimmick scene. It's about giving your life for something you legitimately believe in. The best way to communicate that is by having her give herself for something people don't entirely understand, organized terror. And in the end, she gives herself for him, and becomes human/forgiven in the eyes of the reader, as does the guy.

>> No.7820409

(I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)

>> No.7820410

>boy goes to work for government
>girl brought up by resistance
>guy total cuck, barely useful
>girl badass as fuck, kills everyone
>fate meets them on a battlefield after they've each has killed the other's resistance/govt senpai
>heartbreak ensues

>> No.7820411

w8t? reads like overly convoluted L/L. I have few questions
>uncle of the Turkish one
why? is it a Turkish harem? was the sultan related to the Turkish girl and did she end up in the harem due to political reasons?
>After being caught having sex
with another woman in the harem. why is this a problem?
why Hungarian?
>Serbian ,Turkish
are you going for Ebony and Ivory?
>pleads with the Eunuch
why is not she using her new position to get the Eunuch killed? how old are these boys anyway?
Eunuch puts up the uncle but is the uncle a puppet or where they in league?
>affairs with slave girls and other women in the harem
and nothing more? also do the affairs get them killed or what?
>passionate parting kiss with the Turkish one
so they resolve all their issues off screen or just have glances that say they understand each other?

>> No.7820413

>Eh, if your worlds are developed enough it could have some value
I've done a shitload of research and world-building for the first two, the third one's a bit pomo.

Wrong reply?

>> No.7820423

well you better be one hell of a writer.do people die,lose jobs due power plants going out? If yes than many would find it hard to forgive no matter how much of an artistic sacrifice is made and if no they will accuses you romanticizing and pussing out like Terror in Resonance

>> No.7820425

im planning to make a film about a young couple from a thrid world country, the boyfriend is of high class, white, the girl is brown, poor, they kill people together.
actually this is just the story of me and my girlfriend, we dont kill people but i will try to get her into that

>> No.7820430


>> No.7820431

Enjoy getting v& if you decide to post your plans on fb.

>> No.7820441

>Wrong reply?
nope. it kind of applies to all tree since they seem like the same isolation story with different settings. like speaker for the Dead but solo. would you say Im interpreting it wrong ?

>> No.7820442

that or get her pregnant and dissappear

>> No.7820447

your on /lit/
shit taste.
>we dont kill people
pussy. also that movie was already made, whats your twist beyond the girl being brown

>> No.7820451
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>general monomythic fantasy with a few twists
>kid finds a piece of ancient metal with runes etched into it while tilling his father's fields
>father considers the kid a failure and wants to get rid of him
>tells him it's an ancient magical wand and sends him off on a donkey to get it looked at by the wizard's guild
>first quarter of the book will be his journey to the city
>he discovers that by rubbing the wand he can make the runes glow
>attacked by bandits, he makes the runes glow and starts making up magic words, they run away because they're superstitious idiots
>presents it to the wizard's guild and tells them the story of how he cast a fear spell on the bandits with the wand's power, they tell him it's a piece of Elven irrigation pipe and that the runes are just a cheap maker's mark
>they offer him an apprenticeship

>he learns that the wizards are all charlatans and that humans can't cast spells
>he's like all totally bummed and shit
>then a reptilian wizard poofs into existence in his chambers and offers to teach him real magic
>he accepts, the wizard has him smoke his pipe and he enchants a carpet and they fly off to faraway lands
>lizard man explains that the secret to magic is in cleansing the body and consuming proper reagents to fuel spellcasting
>kid gets to the real wizard's guild and everyone is either permabaked or full on driven crazy by years of drug abuse
>it becomes clear that the elder races were ultimately destroyed by magic and its consequences
>the rest of the story is him narrowly avoiding being killed by his high as fuck tutors as he experiments with drugs to learn how to cast magic

It'll be a short work, under 200 pages. I intend to follow it up with another novel or two. The ultimate conclusion will be him being a Prometheus figure, bringing the fire of magic to mankind knowing full well it will probably destroy them in the end. Mostly because he can't kick the habit.

>> No.7820454

we drug ourselves with mystic mountain serum
name of the movie?

>> No.7820458

It's a romantic historical drama a la Highlander

Hopefully a bit better-written

>> No.7820465

The ending mashes up The Stand and Soumission, revamp

>> No.7820467

Got it. No, you're not wrong. It's not totally the same isolation story, although the end result's pretty similar.
I don't know if the characters will be interesting, but in the first one is stuffed with biblical and mythological references, as well as having a functional "alien" ecosystem that would be explored and illustrated. That appeals to some.

The second one, most of the interesting stuff is all the trollish hijinks that the characters get up to. There's a lot of thought put into little plot-arcs that are intended to keep the reader engaged, like little heists (the way things are shown happening then only explained after). Should be darkly humorous.

The third one I'm hoping the mystery of the setting and the magical stuff that happens will be enough to keep the reader engaged for at least a novella's length.

I'm told my prose is pleasant to read, so if nothing else, readers can enjoy that.

>> No.7820473

>>they discuss morality and philosophy
that never happens organically, its usually the path to pretension.
I like that story where a redneck befriends a middle class girl with a chest scar better since it had all that + class issues and people coming to ice the redneck due to his unorthodox relationship

>> No.7820501

The plot and interactions between characters are pretty aimless and feel pointless, but I found through writing it an interesting tone in his actions and the reactions within the world around him. The person I'm writing about isn't some immortal superhero, if anything it's the complete opposite, most of the time he's vulnerable and without power in this new world. He has eons of memories and experiences, but it means nothing because he aims to assimilate.

>> No.7820509


I wrote >>7818195

I'm not sure, I just wanted to put a character in a situation of extreme stress, I didn't really worry about the fact that its unbelievable but maybe slugs are too innocuous as a concept to have em unnaturally invade. I just finished the picture of Dorian Gray so perhaps this is why I felt like playing with a little bit of the preternatural and left it stand on its own. Id prefer leaving it unexplained but I'll probably try to key in a tenuous metaphor or something

Sounds like it could be fun, a rivalry that never dies out, maybe, idk, you can actually go in many directions im curious

This sounds actually really fuckin funny and cool but depressing at the same time, not stemming from the family though, I almost feel like reading it right now

>> No.7820510

>I don't know if the characters will be interesting
thats the key,that or a good atmosphere. not to go back to enders game but characters there are 9 year olds and not very well developed character wise but the atmosphere is good so you feel how alone the MC is.
would not that make it bit on the noise, I know some people just tune out whenever they hear anything like that.
>mythological references
what kind and how well researched? I will hate you with passion if you equate hades to satan. risk number 2 will be that the reader won't be familiar with the mythological.
>having a functional "alien" ecosystem that would be explored and illustrated.
there is danger that world building will devour the story. I have seen too many books where the writer goes into too much detail about the physics or some other aspect of world building. before you start building you should make people care about MC because they should want to be there before you start telling them where they are.
>The second one
sounds good. Im picturing a mix of akira and gang from dark knight returns. IMHO avoid having too much original slang.
>pleasant to read
aim for the eventual audio book.
>story 3
urban magic is my least favorite so I don''t have any input. from the setting its clear that MC can't connect to anyone since he has to constantly be on the move but what else is going on, is there any other mystery beyond why he is the way he is and for whom he made the sacrifice? maybe add an inhuman tag along whom he hates but is stuck with since it is the only company he can have? what genre is it, is he being chased by something only for the story to end on him turning to face it?

>> No.7820525

what age are you thinking for? it sounds like its mostly for very young kids

>> No.7820533

Probably teens and young 20s, but target age hardly matters anymore when I meet 28 year old tinder dates who unironically consider a harry potter book as their favorite novel.

>> No.7820542

The first one has the most problems as you point out, which is partly why I'm working on other things instead of finishing it first. You shouldn't need to get all or any of the references in order to understand the story though. Well researched though, I know my primary sources. The world building will ideally be enough to be interesting but not occlude everything else, but that's a question of how well I manage to write it, you can't plan that very well.
>avoid having too much original slang.
All slang is taken either from real world dialects, old cyberpunk novels and a few programming terms.I wasn't planning on using slang heavily anyway.
I don't want to go into too much detail with the last one right now. It's not urban magic though, it's magical realism in an urban setting. There are no wizards or elves or anything you'd get in a fantasy novel, no traditional supernatural elements at all.

>> No.7820544

>pretty aimless
don't get aimless untill you hook the reader. meaning not before 1/4 of the book has passed.
>some immortal superhero, if anything it's the complete opposite
opposite equals just immortal, like that show Image result for amsterdam tv show
New Amsterdam and any other stroy where an immortal has interect with people who have aged while he has stayed the same
yet by that point he has enough human memories so why is he still acting like a puppy?
>without power
immortality itself is a power. yes it has the downside of others dying but you can still feel safe in knowing that you can't die and your financial situation will improve if you just sit on your ass long enough. from what I gather him being an immortal start child has nothing to do with the plot and is just an aesthetic choice

>> No.7820551
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bazinga/10 ,would shlick to stonk female lead

>> No.7820564

Highlander ones by Karen Marie Moning? also no answers?have you not come up with anything or do you just not want to answer?

>> No.7820566

Sorry I meant that by immortal, he can live endlessly, but he can be killed. He's capable of death.

I just thought of someone who has lived so long they've lived long past the feeling of omnipotence or importance. He's done all there is to do, and only now lives by the moment. The arc of the entire story would be him eventually settling into the new environment. He can't dominate the world, change entire civilizations, or take what he wants for himself, he's already done all of these things.

>> No.7820571

>Man wakes up naked on rocky cold beach
>Enters the forest across from him
>Story for a while is him wandering through the environment
>He eventually finds a hot spring and lives around it
>has a mostly relaxed and contemplative atmosphere

This is roughly where I am now. The character who is only observed, remains silent, and we have no way of seeing inside his thought except by his actions. There is a few experiences with a divinity separate from the physical and it is revealed he came from the inside of a giant fish. The world he is in his own way point before passing on to this divine realm and his body is a pure manifestation of his soul.

>> No.7820575

think yourself jk rowling and you may end up being just G. Norman Lippert.
>young 20s
unless they have brain damage they won't got for
>they run away because they're superstitious idiots.
>28 year old
maybe she started reading it when young and stuck with it.
your story reads like its starts in pre k and ends up in the magicians by lev grossman territory

>> No.7820586

>one country
>country gets corrupted
>rebellion pops up all over the country
>north seeks to turn the country to an empire/monarch
>east wants to make the country revolve around a religion
>south wants to eliminate laws in general
>west wants a democracy (doesn't get much traction initially because the country started as a democracy
>novel headhops between 4 main characters each belonging to a rebellion
>1st novel is about how each rebellion got started
>2nd novel is about each rebellion building relations with one another
>3rd novel has it all collapse and a civil war starts
>4th novel will have the rebellions either unite and defeat the capital or stay divided and be unsuccessful, haven't decided yet

>> No.7820606

so what action does he take towards the way of life he hates? are we watching a broken men justs give up and become a living corpse?

>> No.7820626

>south wants to eliminate laws in general
why?is that the part with the savage retards?
>doesn't get much traction initially because the country started as a democracy
how long have they existed? I mean rome had its ups and downs so have these guys just had 1 cycle of rome ? also would not the west be revenants/loyalists, since they are for the old system.
>1st 2nd 3rd 4th
put it in one books,brav. this is not Hollywood no one is going to be satisfied with just the origin story unless its all just a backdrop for a YA romance.

>> No.7820627

I never said anything about hate, he's just trying something different.

>> No.7820633

where does the incest come in? dog and scissors was better

>> No.7820651

>why? is that the part with the savage retards?
Mostly yeah, the rebellion was led by powerful people. Just people with great magic capabilities but without much intelligence take the land away from the capital and the people are so grateful that most of them fall behind their leadership
>how long have they existed?
yeah pretty much just 1 cycle of rome, they just want the country to be what it initially was instead of what it's become now. They didn't get much traction because the leaders didn't really have much in the way of answers to prevent the downfall of the country. It wasn't until one of the Council members of the capital breaks out and joins the West that they start to become more legitimate.
>put it in one books
I'll try, maybe tighten my scope a bit. This is just a gleam in the corner of my eyes for now so I don't really have a strong grasp on the length.

>> No.7820677
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>Just people with great magic capabilities but without much intelligence
some may hate the warrior race aspect of it, try to play it off as less powerful version of gods from supergod comic

>> No.7820685

I haven't read that but I'll look into it

>> No.7820696
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>that cthulhu made of people
Hey can you remember a pseudo-villian character in a similar story to Supergods who's covered in sort of green plates or little screens with goggles like Matreyha's eyes. I think he ends the story he's in by defeating all the others then breaks out of the comic universe itself... or something. He seems weak to begin with but has meta powers. He might be purple rather than green.

>> No.7820709

Interdimensional Alley Wizards Inc.
Anime Movie
>Man, short, wearing sunglasses and a floppy fishing hat whistling to himself in a alley spinning a large green stick. Hes lays out some diatribe about being the last of the Great Alley Wizards.
>While seemingly a [relatively] boring nutjob, he swipes his staff under a welcome mat in the alley and knocks on door 3 times, only for it to flash green bright light. He enters the light.
>Turns out wizards still exist, or at least one does. He doesn't have a name but is called "Yambo Jimbo" by the locals of a poor community in _____, even though he is clearly white.
>Cameron Kirkchrist, a corrupted soul, teaches a bunch of young runaways to act as psychopaths, encouraging burglary, theft and harassment for his personal gain.
>One of the runaways ends up bumping into Jim in an alley after a botched theft attempt, only for the teen to attempt to steal jimbs staff, "Thunder Bringer". This triggers the staffs self-defense mechanism, flashing green light and sending the teen into wall.
>After a demonstrating a few tricks with odd bits and items [an enchanted spool of thread, a spork and a rubber bouncing ball], Jim reveals his truth self the the teen, "Crisp", only for the teen to go into shock and then laughter. Unperturbed, Jim offers to enlist the help of Crisp to help him turns his friends lives around under the condition Crisp trains under him.

>> No.7820713

Im not sure, I don't remember most of it. do you mean the iranian?

>> No.7820720

are you thinking of god is dead by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Costa?

>> No.7820738

Not a novel but a story I kind of abandoned because the time frame doesn't work out at all. I want to get back to it but it will take a lot of work

>The untold story of how my grandparents met (almost entirely fictional)
>grandpa came home from the korean war with a bullet in his leg
>gets set up with girl by a friend and they send letters and clay sculptures to each other while he recovers but his rabbi dad opposed their relationship
>after the fight, he has to pay kids from his window to put letters in the mailbox for him because he can't leave his appartment but she never writes back
>runs out of books to read and finds indecipherable texts and diagrams in his father's study
>After a week of trying to figure them out he collapses from a fever caused by an infection in his bullet wound
>in his fever dream he finally understood what he was reading
>when he returns from the hospital his father asks him why he was looking at that book, he lies and says he wants to be a rabbi
>rabbidad is tells him he was worried the jews would soon go extinct and is proud that his son is carrying on the family tradition
>they share cigars but when he grabs the ash tray he notices the remains of the letters grandma sent him
>using what he learned from the book he creates bird-shaped golems from clay and uses them to apologize for the broken contact and confess his love to grandma
>in the middle of the night, she and the friend who introduced them drive up to his appartament with a ladder and save/kidnap him to start a new life across the country

>> No.7820742

No, It's not in Supergods, something similar to it.

Older than that. This guy sort of looked like someone in a stealth suit with IR goggles, except the suit was made from loads of overlapping green (or purple. I'm thinking they're purple now) squares.

>> No.7820829

this made me cringe so hard but at the same time it could be good if done right

>> No.7821418

Some of the ones here seem really fucking good. to many to reply to.

but this one is amazing. actually write this.

>a semi professional bank manager lives with his journalist girlfriend
>guy saves the life of a succesfull old man, who then asks him for a coffee
>man agrees and meets him, offers him membership into a club to top managers (or whatnot)
>man accepts again, because he is interested
>turns out to be party driven lifestyle, cheats on girlfriend and takes shit load of drugs
>guy eventually gets promotion from higher ups, lives like a fucking king
>girlfriend gets sus, starts following
>he keeps going out every night, showers her with gifts, cant keep his mind of the lifestyle
>she talks to her boss and he says follow for a real gud story
> job on line so she agrees, begins to uncover massive scandals, becomes distrustive of bf
>she gets found out, everyone told to be scared of her, bf hides everything from them
>dissonance becomes to much for him

but i don't know how to end it, still thinking of plot but mostly about double lives and such consequences. I'm gunna do it

>> No.7821423

>Mc am fracking ur betch
>Mc nut on her back
>superman's dat ho
>hilarity ensues

>> No.7821468

A fugitive meets another outcast on the road and they stick together, but bring all their baggage with them. One is a war criminal, the other was once part of a strange cult.

Mutual striving is their keynote. They know they cant run from the world around them and the things they've done, so they face it together.

>> No.7821808
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Sounds enjoyable. Beginning made me laugh

>> No.7821822

I take it Hinterkaifeck is your inspiration?

>> No.7821886

>years after us collapses
>emerging societies and conflicts
>Socialists attempt to bring socities together and build their vision
>Events unfold through struggles for power, other wars and ideological differences

>> No.7821929

>be Canadian physicist
>be Batman-esque orphan
>was kill
>meets old and new friends in Limbo
>goes on adventure
>tries to find way back to life
>best friend is kill
>tries to kill god
>can't into beyond reality
>goes insane
>rampages over heaven
>returns home
>says goodbye to daughter

It's shit, I know.

>> No.7822025

>mc is train conductor in canada
>hates it, very socially awkward
>eternally lonely at the front of a piece of machinery so advanced he feels like he's in a spaceship going through the galaxy
>disliked and isolated by the few other workers on the mostly-automated train
>one day, gets asked to help unload baggage, somebody's suitcase gets left behind, porter says something like "yeah, there's always one."
>conductor goes to throw out the baggage
>dumpster is full, he keeps it
>opens it up later, dresses as passenger
>loses all autistry when wearing passenger's clothing
>spends more and more time wearing passenger's abandoned clothes
>eventually train derails because he failed to slow it down on an icy curve during the winter
>sits in the snow, dies happy when a first responder ids him as a passenger
Allegory about being in charge vs being on rails, belonging to a group, etc.

>> No.7822028

>suicidal high schooler has obsession with photography and cute, innocent, normie girl
>one day he passes out and wakes up in the girl's locker room with his camera already in his hand
>sees qt crush making out with jock
>forced to watch bcuz stuck in locker
>camera is at the right position to take photos through the slats
>he takes pictures
>she whips out a box cutter and murders the jock
>turns out she drugged him
>she wants to use him as a photographer for her murders
>she is a serial killer
>fun ensues

>> No.7822044

10/10 would read
But I'm just an edgy 19 year old so there you go. Reminds me a bit of God Bless America, and everything with serial killers does pretty well in the market. Good luck

>> No.7822081

>anachronistic victorianesque steam punk setting
>magic is also involved but is kept a secret by dick ass wizards
>dick ass wizards fucked a bunch of shit up in the past leading to the steampunk revolution
>adventures of two people, a man and a woman throughout this world
>woman is infatuated with man
>man is aloof and has OCD because of control issues and is also in love with another woman
>first girl accepts this because she just wants the d
>relationship goes absolutely nowhere and ends badly

>> No.7822185

>80s communist-leaning college student begins having hallucinations of being present at important events in the history of Socialism after reading Slaughterhouse Five
>one day Vonnegut comes to speak at his university
>after his speech protag talks to Kurt
>Kurt tells him you can't actually become unstuck in time and that in S5 it's supposed to be a coping mechanism, suggests protag is actually repressing some kind of traumatic experience
>decides to go back to his old elementary school where he was bullied for his name(he's called Gaylord Cockboy) to see if any flashbacks are triggered
>Gaylord remembers some awful childhood experiences but nothing terrible
>decides to burn down school anyway because it's abandoned and about to be torn down anyway
>suddenly Ronald Reagan himself jumps out of some bushes and whoops his ass
>he's considered a terrorist and given life imprisonment in a max sec facility
>has to share a cell with a huge black man called Tyrone Thundercock who considers himself a rape artist, other rapists in the jail are impressed by his abilities
>Gaylord is anally raped for thirty years
>one day he's broken out of jail by Karl Marx who takes him to Cuba with Tyrone
>there he meets Castro who agrees to take revenge on Reagan for Gaylord
>Castro, Marx, Gaylord and Tyrone plan tot assasinate Reagan
>plan doesn't work and everyone is killed except Gaylord who is shot
>while bleeding out the ghost of Stalin appears to him
>Stalin tells him that violence is not the answer and to ask for a presidential pardon for all his terrorism
>Gaylord loses conscience and rewakens in a hospital room paralyzed from the waist down
>decides to write a novel about a student who begins having hallucinations being present at important events in the history of Socialism after reading Slaughterhouse Ifve

>> No.7822195
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>A plague descends on a tropical city-state for the duration of exactly one year
>It has no cure, strange symptoms (moths), and no one can ascertain its origin
>6 (maybe 7) interlocking POVs elucidate the culture and social structure of the city-state, as well as move along the plot
>Main event of the novel is the city's hired mercenary corps rising up, massacring the remaining magistrates, and imposing their order on the city
>Seize the silk-matrons (who are the economic lifeline of the city) and carry the secret for the famed Celocombo moonsilk
>Thus no one, not even the Ritualists (basically ancestor-magick monks) can really do anything about it
>Leader of the Ritualists dies from Plague so all of the mercenaries believe that their rule is divinely sanctioned
>Then they all die from Plague
>Ending of the novel is everyone dying basically
>The possibility is left for the 6 (or 7) POVs to find each other and rebuild their decimated city
(really having trouble finding out a way to do this without it being cheesy)
>Reader is never revealed what the Plague is or why it's happening, but hints are left scattered throughout
>Influences include BoTNS/LS, Dying Earth, Virinconium, The Elder Scrolls, Numenera, Yoruba/Chinese/Hindu mythology, and García-Márquez, amongst others
>Rich, dreamlike prose style
>Overarching themes deal with man vs. an uncaring nature, the nature of "the city", and death; each POV will have its own thematic interests as well

Would /lit/ read? Also have some non-genre novel ideas going as well

>> No.7822204

Sounds like a whole lot of world-building with little story.

>> No.7822222

no its just more sloppy kisses

>> No.7822235

Sounds very similar to a Twilight Zone episode I saw years ago. Basically like medium quality TV. I hope you can contribute something that hasn't been said in literally thousands of war novels already printed.

>> No.7822241

Just have a huge line of refugees from the city that the protags are in so they can comment on certain easily identifiable characteristics of the other protags catchung their eyes in passing

>> No.7822266

>Religion/ideological system that permeates a multi-world fantasy empire meets a runaway godess of Female principle. Primary system is torn asunder and fuzed with female principle into a force that kills gods in the realm and leaves Man to grow on his own

1st edit, did 350 pages, have about 50 more to go It's a final part of a trilogy

>> No.7822283

Plz be gentle /lit/ first time trying to write something.
>800's Sweden, more specifically Visby in Gotland
>Protag is a young man who goes onto a voyage to Constantinople
>When he arrives shtf and he gets dragged into Byzantine palace politics and warfare
I really like Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories and that is sort of the inspiration.

>> No.7822294

>Set in 800's Sweden
>Protagonist is a young male who goes on a voyage to Constantinople
>Finally after adventures in Kievan 'Rus his ship makes it to Constantinople
>Whilst there the Emperor dies and SHTF

>> No.7822295

I think constricting anus 100 times and denting navel 100 times in succession everyday is effective to good-bye depression and take back youth. You can do so at a boring meeting or in a subway. I have known 70-year-old man who has practiced it for 20 years. As a result, he has good complexion and has grown 20 years younger. His eyes sparkle. He is full of vigor, happiness and joy. He has neither complained nor born a grudge under any circumstance. Furthermore, he can make #### three times in succession without drawing out.In addition, he also can have burned a strong beautiful fire within his abdomen. It can burn out the dirty stickiness of his body, release his immaterial fiber or third attention which has been confined to his stickiness. Then, he can shoot out his immaterial fiber or third attention to an object, concentrate on it and attain happy lucky feeling through the success of concentration.If you don't know concentration which gives you peculiar pleasure, your life looks like a hell.

>> No.7822314

part one
>an electrician celebrates his 55th birthday
>reflects on relationships and the passage of time
>later accidentally electrocutes himself and falls off a ladder hitting his head
part 2
>the accident sends him back in time and he experiences things like the tv show quantum leap
>he has flashbacks to his time in vietnam
>he has flashbacks to when his father came to america
he has flashbacks to his caveman ancestors
>he has flashbacks to prechristian europe
>he has flashbacks to when he was a young man and his daughter was born
>he has flashbacks to the time of jesus
>he has flashbacks to life in naples in the 19th century
>he has flashbacks to ancient rome
>basically, he traces his lineage by witnessing slices of life firsthand
>he witnesses his own birth through his fathers eyes
>he witnesses the birthdays of his life, leading up to the incident
part 3
>he begins to have visions of himself in the future
>he sees things that look unfamiliar to him, futuristic
>he sees things through his daughters eyes
>he witnesses his own death
>he sees his wife and family age
>the images and scenes seem to blur as they spiral faster into the future
part 4
>he wakes up on the floor where he fell and his wife comes to see what happened
>he tries to explain his vision but feels silly
>over the next few years the future visions prove to be correct
>he continues to live knowing his death date
>at first he is scared and isolated and alone with this knowledge
>at the end he accepts his fate and reflects on the nature of the human soul
>he realizes the soul is not a spirit, but a living thing, something that is passed on through dna and culture
>reflects on the strange future ahead for his/his daughters soul as it goes foward in america, wherever else in the world her children go, and eventually the future of space travel
>he has a moment of clarity and feels joy in a pure form, however briefly

>> No.7822334

this is not deep or clever

>> No.7822349

If hes super horny shouldnt he jack off and then go to sleep

>> No.7822361

>man moves to small town with his wife to become a police officer there
>good times, meets the residents
>realizes that the town and police force is run by an organized crime syndicate
>feels out the residents, everyone is aware of it and is okay with it
>MC never openly speaks out for fear of being targeted
>MC withdraws, feels defeated, believes his wife tried to lead him to a life of crime
>planned to execute the entire police force and the crime family, only held back by the realization that he would have to kill his own wife too by that logic
>string of strange incidents occur in the town, murder of one of the syndicate's enforcers
>MC, police, and syndicate start investigation
>MC comes out of deep depression when he realizes his wife was just as uninformed about the nature of the town as he was, love rekindles
>wife's father specifically approved the marriage because he also opposes the syndicate, knew the MC would share his views but have the will to do something about it
>discovered that a foreign Communist organization was using the town to harbor spies entering USA, was attempting to remove crime syndicate and take control of the town
>police and syndicate find where the Communists meet
>MC blows up the building and executes the entire police force, syndicate, and secret Communist spies that were living in the town
>leaves with wife

>> No.7822865

>liberal extremists

Please attempt to learn a little about political ideology before writing

>> No.7822878

He's right, liberal extremist is redundant.

>> No.7822898

>girl breaks up with her gf
>she mopes about
>gets involved with creepy neckbeard type
>boring stuff happens

>> No.7822967

>In a 1985 Miami bar, an alcoholic biker gets into a fight, and is executed by his opponent as he lies on the ground.
>In a 2004 New York hotel, a conwoman is viciously murdered by one of her marks whom she had left heartbroken.
>They both wake up in a mansion from the 14th Century. She's a maid, and he's a barman. They remember losing a fight, but not death. The feeling of losing in particular haunts them both.
>The calendars say it's 2015, but nothing modern is there.
>At the prodding of the noblewoman that owns the house, they both go to their stations.
>The noblewoman is holding a social event in two weeks, and makes the Maid and Biker work together.
>They develop a tense working relationship, but they only talk to each other. She learns his weaknesses.
>She plies him with more drink a few days before the event.
>The Biker drunkenly breaks down to her, being the only person he can talk to now, about how doesn't feel like a man because he constantly loses, and that the reason he even got into that fight was just for once, he could win something. His desire to be a man overrode his own desire of safety.
>She pretends to sympathise with him. But she wants to get rid of the feeling of failure by fucking him over like old times.
>She wraps him around her finger, and he honestly believes that she likes him.
>The social event comes, and the Biker ends up getting drunk and screwing the Maid in a cleaning closet, ruining the evening. Nothing about the scene is romantic at all. They're both less human for doing it. It would be described mechanically, in a deliberately boring way.
>The Maid, disgusted by her own actions the night before blames the Biker for it and decides the only way to escape the mansion is by defeating the Biker.
>She tries to stab him to death in a frenzy, but he fights her off and runs away into an empty wing of the mansion.
>Betrayed, he just wants to talk to her to ask her why.
>They meet, and as the maid prepares to shoot him using a rifle that was mounted in a trophy room, he lets her, sick of the constant betrayal and bullshit in his life.

>The Maid was right in her assumption.
>Had the Biker not been so quick to trust the first woman to smile at him, he would've won the game.
>Instead he opened his heart, and got shot through it.
>The Maid wakes up in a hospital bed in 2004 - a hotel housekeeper heard her struggle with the murderer and saved her life.

>The last scene is the noblewoman wondering about a new barman, and a new maid.
>She runs games between the souls of dead people for her own entertainment. The 'social event' and its run up is merely meant to be her personal estimate of when a human will betray someone for personal gain.
>She decides that one week is enough for the next game.
>Nothing is fair, and even the biggest bastard will get away with it because good people can't imagine the depths that evil people will go to enough to effectively fight it.
>The Biker just wanted to not lose.
>The Maid wanted to win.

>> No.7823021

So why did the maid have sex with the biker?

The implication also that the test of the noblewoman is to see when people will betray each other for personal gain is flawed, since she isn't introducing people into a situation where there is a benefit to betray each other for any reason. The maid just sort of goes crazy and assumes that there is some gain in killing the biker, based on nothing.

>> No.7823032

And a follow-up, how would the biker not being quick to trust the maid have won him the game? You said the the contest is who will betray the other first. Just because the biker doesn't trust the maid, doesn't mean she won't still attempt to betray him, meaning she would still win.

>> No.7823067

>tfw everybody's posting but nobody's critting

>> No.7823093


It's more of an idea I was throwing around my head. I wouldn't really call it anywhere close to a good idea.

>So why did the maid have sex with the biker?

Character limit stopped me from saying that she believed that she was losing him when she saw him talking to other people in the event - She's a paranoiac whose method of soothing herself involves hurting people, so she fucked him to keep him in line. He was only trying to act like a stereotypical barman who talked to his customers. I was trying to think of something that made it clear just how much of a fucked-up relationship it was.

>test of the noblewoman is to see when people will betray each other for personal gain is flawed,

It isn't a test, it's a game to her. She doesn't care about the how's and what's, she's just a sadistic devil that wants to see people fuck each other over. She even has an inkling that the Biker would lose, but goes through with it anyway.

>The maid just sort of goes crazy and assumes that there is some gain in killing the biker, based on nothing.

Yeah, I should address that. This idea does need a lot of work.

>how would the biker not being quick to trust the maid have won him the game? You said the the contest is who will betray the other first. Just because the biker doesn't trust the maid, doesn't mean she won't still attempt to betray him, meaning she would still win.

The Biker isn't an evil man. He's a flawed man, but his life is full of betrayals. Instead of giving into it, he resolved not to sink to that level. He's a drunkard, but he's not a liar. The maid lies to him and makes him believe she's an honest woman worthy of trust. With nothing else, and with the general sense of failure combined with his own perceived failure at being a man, he ends up confiding in someone he thought he could trust, who proceeds to use his own insecurities against him. It's true that he would've lost no matter what - because he was unprepared for what he was going up against. He was an honest man in a game of liars.

I don't know, I just wanted to toss the idea out here.

>> No.7823111

kek, you must be new

everyone is the next (insert writer universally liked by lit), don't you know?

>> No.7823129

I'm romance garbage, so my greentext would be something like:
>they dick

>> No.7823211

But that is what I was saying about the biker. The biker can never win because he isn't willing to betray. Not trusting someone doesn't mean that they still can't fuck you over. It is impossible for him to win since the only win condition is betraying, not being wary.

And the noblewoman may want to see people betray each other, but without any incentive to spice it up it seems boring. I assume she's some metaphysical immortal entity, so couldn't she just watch any two people in any sort of relationship until one betrays the other? Why set up the entire scenario when you can just observe real life?

Nice ideas but some logical inconsistencies in my opinion.

>> No.7823220

>MC is a communist janitor working at the Capitol in fictional 1950s US.
>Red scare is taking hold of the nation
>an analogue McCarthy character is on a rampage, toting his "list of communists"
>MC attempts to get all buddy buddy with him so he can obtain the list, contact a communist spy, and then become a communist spy to help the cause.
>MC is a bit of a retard
>events progress, things happen, MC is caught up in a major political conspiracy
>"McCarthy" is revealed as a communist spy
>antics ensue
>Through an unfortunate turn of events, McCarthy assassinates the president
>Uses the now frenzy-status red scare to justify this, and then take presidency for himself.

That's so I have right now, working on an ending that ramps up the ridiculousness. Also have a couple sub plots involving a washed up writer friend of the MC that steals and published MC's subtle "communist fanfics," getting himself blacklisted, and an ultra liberal communist fetishist that's trying to have the CMs babies, but they're really not going anywhere so I'm considering cutting them.

>> No.7823253

All the neckbeards would torrent this.

>> No.7823282

I think you would need to elaborate on the difficulties the protagonist encounters as a conductor. Maybe have the conductor feel like he's inadequate compared to the train. Sort of like he's not not good enough to help operate it. He's just an imitator of a leader, not a real leader.

>> No.7823300

Just make it a lesbian fantasy

>> No.7823305

This is great. Make Jeb more of a scrub though

>> No.7823306

>Main characters are childhood best friends circa 1995
>MC1 dates MC2s sister
>After high school MC2 joins the military, MC1 goes to business school
>MC2 gets married, comes back to hometown for ceremony
>MC2 goes through a couple deployments in the middle east, MC1 builds business empire
>MC2 is missing in action, presumed dead, MC2s mom, new bride, and sister are devastaded
>MC1 learns that the official story is false, MC2 was murdered by Iraqi warlord, military covers it up because they haven't been able to prove warlord exists
>MC1 joins the military with assumed name, doesn't tell anyone, leaves gf(MC2s sister) behind, leaves business to his lawyers and cpa to run
>MC1 goes through basic training, keeps to himself, spends all his time enlisted learning to shoot, hand to hand combat, learning Arabic, devising plan to find warlord and kill him
>Back home MC1s gf moves on gets new bf
>MC1 finally deploys, now with a Jason Bourne level of skills
>Spends free time in Iraq tracking down warlord
>gets caught by fellow soldier sneaking off base, has to come clean about plan to avoid being labeled a terrorist
>MC1s fire team/squad is down with plan, all sneak off to find warlord
>firefight with warlord's camp ensues, with final fight comes down to MC1 and warlord, hand to hand. MC1 cuts off warlord's head and retrieves MC2s dogtags from severed neck
>Squad gets caught trying to sneak back onto base MC1 takes blame, is discharged
>MC1 gets sent home, sends instruction to cpa to purchase engagement ring, arrives stateside and drives to MC1s mom's house.
>MC2s widow, sister and mom are there, MC1 delivers dog tags, tells them what happened, proposes to ex-gf, returns to normal life

>> No.7823330

Linear, unoriginal, not exciting, and very bland to be nice about it. Feels like some sludge an fps game would use as the plot.

>> No.7823341
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Yeah, I'm not gonna lie it began as a worldbuilding project and became a novel. I don't want to break the cardinal rule of having the worldbuilding drive the story rather than the story drive the worldbuilding, so I really want to build strong character driven narratives as well as an interesting world. Studying One Hundred Years of Solitude and the Count of Monte Cristo to see how those authors handled a "megapolyphonic" work, that is, a work with a multiplicity of interlocking storylines, to build my own. I don't want it to be one of those "muh worldbuilding" books (*cough* Malazan *cough*) but something unique and atmospheric and different with strong characters.

This would be a good idea and I might implement it if I can; however, the Ritualists close the city off to incoming and outgoing traffic early on to quarantine it. The Moth Plague strikes indiscriminate of place as well, since a lot of the wealthy escaped outside the city but still died. That's part of the mystery, it's totally unclear how it's transmitted or where it comes from. Part of the reason the Iguana Corps (the mercenaries) revolt is because they too are trapped in the plague-infested city and basically say "fuck you, I didn't sign up for this shit" to their employers and go on a kill spree

>> No.7823358

Hey man, I'm far from a professional writer, but I do enjoy reading; that being said, I think this story isn't very interesting, original, or holds much literary "clout". It might sell as a movie that will be made by Michael Bay or if sponsored by Tom Clancy, but, sadly, it will never be a novel that is popular among people who have an IQ above 110.

>> No.7823372

>newly examined dude is going to capital to work as a gubmint official
>things plod along, then terrorist attack
>no one is hurt, because it was just symbolic, but everyone's getting their undies in a bundle
>a covert penal expedition is sent away
>political hi-jinx ensues
>a deus ex macina fucks things up, but it's not really a deux ex machina, just something everyone didn't care about

>> No.7823393

Fun military thriller, could maybe even turn into a series if popular. Not much potential for literary merit.

>> No.7823395


Yeah I figured it'd be better as a screenplay than a book. And I get bored just writing it, so I see your point.

>> No.7823422

Why are you writing it if it's boring? If you are writing genre fiction, you can at least pick the genre that you like.

>> No.7823428

>think Chinese civil war, but with Gundams
>protagonist is a young, self-centered man.
>due to his dads higher up position in the nationalist goverment, he gets a cushy job as the test pilot for their new mecha, being co-developed by America
>due to its complex control scheme, only he and his fellow test pilots can operate it, takes weeks to learn
>the communist goverment kidnaps the protagonist and steals one of the prototype suits
>he gets dragged with them on the long march
>at first he fights alongside the communists very reluctantly, as they'll kill him if he doesn't help them train others how to use the prototype and fight the nationalists
>as they progress on the long march, he sees the plight of the average peasent, and their treatment by the national goverment
>as he understands this, he slowly grows closer with the communists, eventually joining them as an official member
>He grows from a self conceited boy, to a man who fights for higher ideals
>ccp wins the civil war, he is decorated as a war hero
>At the end he is purged from the party due to his opposition to the cultural revolution

The goal isn't to make something historically accurate, I just feel that the outline of the civil war makes for a good mecha story.

Sounds like it could be really funny

Sounds like boring stuff

Sounds like it could be cool, but it does seem just a tad bit odd that there's so much shit going down in this one town. Is it on the border with mexico or something?

>> No.7823434

For the movie potential.

>> No.7823457

>23 hours
>no replies
Oh so my story is shit? Why don't you just tell me that?

>> No.7823465

It's the writing of the fanfiction that's making him horny. He can't complete it or make any substantial progress because he gets too into the eroticism of the work, faps, and then can't bring himself to continue until the next day. And the same thing keeps happening, thus his decisions to cut his dick off.

>> No.7823466

Which one is yours anon? I'll give you my honest opinion.

On a side note, many of the stories in this thread seem to be entertaining, but not very "good" in a literary sense in a similar manner to Nicholas Sparks or Tom Clancy.

>> No.7823473

Your story sounds very fun. I've always wondered why mecha hasn't caught in USA as much as Japan, maybe for the focus on the machine instead of the individual, a theme that goes well with Communism. If you intend to be publishing in the West you may have some problems just due to the bias against Communism, but having the MC die at the end may be viewed as "justice," even if you didn't mean for it to be portrayed that way.

>Sounds like it could be cool, but it does seem just a tad bit odd that there's so much shit going down in this one town. Is it on the border with mexico or something?

The syndicate is there just because their boss happened to want to live there, and he had the wealth to buy out anything that was a problem. Town is on the coast, so the first spies landed and weren't caught. They realized that it was a great spot since the town is essentially a mafia front and the government hasn't done anything about it, so there must not be any chance of them being caught by federal agents. Therefore they send the signals for more spies to come to shore in this location.

>> No.7823494

I'm not working on one at the moment, but here's one I finished a few months ago.

>a murder happens
>some more murders happen
>the local sheriff calls in a professional
>he's stumped
>the town recluse gets on the job of finding the murderer
>the town recluse is also stumped
>the murders culminate in a ritualistic pagan sacrifice on midwinter's eve intended to kill a sacred tree
>it turns out the murderer was that diabetic old lady from down the street that once met baba yaga
>the town recluse kills her, but the tree dies

>> No.7823501

>>7817718 here

I never really though of it as a horror, although reading back over my summary I can see why it looks like one. Definitely philosophical though. I'm aim to use the genres as a base but be a bit more expansive I guess. Cheers

I forgot to note that the parts are intertwined and not in that actual order. There will probably be a chapter of each in a row. The killer won't be found out as I'm trying to avoid it being true crime bs. Thanks for the advice though.

Haven't read it, but seems like a rip-off of IJ. So if anything I'm ripping off a rip-off which makes it ok

Yes indeed

>> No.7823513

It's a supernatural series written in a weird cheesy style, from the point of view of an omniscient narrator and filled with purple prose. Basically a Vatican-sponsored team consisting of a soldier, a priest, a psychic girl, a female werewolf and a vampire are sent out to missions in various parts of the world where they battle bad guys. Never showed it to anyone, I just write it for fun. So far the books are:

The Curious Case of Louisiana Voodoo

The Queer Affair of the Lesbian Witches

The Bizarre Hauntings of Blackwood Manor

The Perplexing Occurence of the Key West Mermaids

>> No.7823520

>The Queer Affair of the Lesbian Witches

That's pretty erotic, my friend.

>> No.7823535

That is something I would probably read, to be honest. Just because.

>> No.7823538

The big lonely green ones:


Now they seem to actually have replies since I have to reply to them.

Please don't judge me because of the seemingly racist stuff and the memes, I'm afraid that's what kills the whole thing

>> No.7823545

It's. Fucking. Bad.

>> No.7823552

Whatever you say... big guy.

>> No.7823562

Truth be told, I'm more upset that the story was that long, drawn out, and underwhelming, but it's no worse than the others in this thread.

>> No.7823566

It's supposed to be a trilogy. It's supposed to be underwhelming (and I'm not just saying that to cover up criticism).

>> No.7823575

Intentionally underwhelming for the purpose of...?

>> No.7823583
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bumping for feedback

>> No.7823607

What the fuck would that even look like? Two armies, thousands of tweakers strong, meeting to decide the rightful ruler of the city?

>> No.7823610

It's supposed to feel like life in that life is so fucking underwhelming that you feel like killing yourself all the time.

It's supposed to be depressing and alienating just like the life we get dragged into.

A lot of nothing happens and when something does happen, it makes the situation worse.

But in the end, we almost - ALMOST - find that tiny bit of hope in the future. We might not live to see it but we know it's there.

It's all about the setting that really makes it for me at least (it takes place over 70 years but the main focus of the story all is contained in 2013, one of the worst years of my own life and many other people's lives).

Underwhelming for the purpose of showing that real-world applications can be just a big part of fiction as any other, that not everything is all rainbows and butterflies and shit but that everything is shit.

It's supposed to be a post-postmodern piece where the irony isn't in the story itself, but is actually in the real world. And of course that something good is always around the corner if we just look for it, if we have faith in it, then we can find the true meaning - that meaning is in everything.

It sets you up with nothing. You have to find it all yourself, I'm not handing you anything. You are the reader, make meaning of something.

And then go make something of your own, something that will change the world.

Take away from that long, underwhelming, tumultuous mess the deeper things that stick with you and make something that makes you feel good.

I'm not trying to change the world, I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm trying to give you a hint that you can change the world, and that you are a better, more understanding, more patient person than you think because you sat through this entire mess.

Make meaning where there is unmeaning.

>> No.7823618

I'm hoping to get started on this soon, but I feel like I could flesh out the world a bit more before I do.

Also, the story is kind of hard to explain, so I'll try my best without sounding more like a retard then I already am.

Part one, probably
>Thief MC in a shit-hole village looking to make a better life for him and his wife
>MC decides to make way with some of their fief's jewels, fence them, then buy a home in city
>Plan is working, but the heiress catches on. MC escapes, couple weeks pass uneventful
>Old friend visits MC, takes him to a bar where they hear a rumor of a caravan full of ~magic shit~ rolling though
>Next night, they sneak into the caravan but get ambushed by a wizard
>MC in prison, but he gets bailed by the heiress herself. Turns out she's buddy-buddy with the Wizard
>MC will be spared if he does a job for the heiress, which involves some espionage
>MC now has to take a small gang of thieves into the territory and steal some information from a noble
>That plan works out great, except for one "extremely miniscule" really fucking big problem
>One of the thieves killed the noble in the heist, now MC has to go into hiding, and heiress gotta cover shit up
>Months pass, MC's wife worried bout MC's mental health; he's been acting paranoid
>Heiress visits MC and tells him they gotta go into hiding, and they better start trekking north to meet up with that same wizard from before
>Seems as though that noble they killed was apart of a strange secret society, and if they figured it out, odds are that society got eyes of them both
>Heiress guarantee’s MC's wife safety in her mansion, and they set off

Part Two
>So MC has two sisters (adopted), who belong to the Bank (which doubles as a thieves guild, shh)
>Long before the events of the story, their kingdom and the same neighboring kingdom as before fought, but signed a rather unsteady peace agreement
>The neighboring lands are gearing up for war, blaming both the heiress's noble house and the bank for assassinating the noble lord
>The Bank's leader demands that the MC's two sisters track him down and bring him back, so that he can be killed as a sign of their innocence
>They're sent off, with little to no leads on MC's location, but desire to assist their brother in hiding, rather then betraying him

This is what I got solidly planned so far.

>> No.7823641

Yeah I would like to say that, with your description, the story lost all credibility.

>> No.7823661


>> No.7823662

How? Because then there really is no reason to read it? Wow, that is deep.

>> No.7823671

>rimbaud style poetry of modern Toronto

>> No.7823709

This sounds pretty good concept to follow. What demographic are you aiming for here?

>> No.7823755
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>>be cocaine addict

>> No.7823833

Bumping for, well, anything

>> No.7823852

Thank you. Yes, I feel that mecha can play a great thematic role in a communist story. That the later mecha is a weapon build by average chinese people working together. By contrast, the nationalists use mecha that were funded, supplied, and designed by America.
I'm not too worried about publishing. I'd rather not publish at all than compromise the integrity of my work. If it doesn't work out, I'll simply put it online for free.

I do like how in your story it seems to spiral out of control. Why does the MC plan to execute the police force though? Is it because the current police are corrupt in their ties to the syndicate?
What about the fallout of this action? With the three parties gone, who fills the vaccumn?
Though I do like the image of the man leaving with his wife. It reminds me of an old western where the gunman quietly rides out on his horse after delivering justice.

>> No.7823871

>Dog & Scissors: the novel

>> No.7823932

I love this idea anon. Please make a thread if you can develop it some more.

>> No.7823933

Sounds like a wild ride... a vague, really unpromissing wild ride

>> No.7823996

I'd read it, especially if you're actually going to go with the CCP kind of 'purged' - sent to the countryside to work alongside the peasants kind of stuff. That'd make for a cool ending image, from brat to war hero to humble farmer.

>> No.7824254

Yeah, the MC views the police as just as bad as the syndicate. The assumption he seems to operate under is that the townspeople are just misguided and complacent, and will return to normal once the corruption is gone.

Since the story ends shortly after, I'm not sure exactly what his next step would be. He leaves for a while, but he may become more invested in the town now as a politician or leader of a new police force, or he may operate as a vigilante in the town, or he may just leave it behind entirely.

And yeah, the story definitely took some inspirations from the western genre. The wife and the role of women inspired his relationship with her. The small town out in the middle of nowhere was reminiscent of the frontier. The MC vs. the syndicate/police boss has this warped outlaw hero vs. official hero vibe, with the Communists as the outside threat to be dealt with at the end. Thanks for all the insight.

>> No.7824882

Well, who knows more about lesbian sex than a guy who's seen some movies about it?
I didn't really have any in mind, I guess the demographic that likes weird shit. Still adults though, even though the tone is mostly light at times it can get horrific and even pretty fucking deep, you know what I'm sayin'?

>> No.7824964

>seems like a rip-off of IJ. So if anything I'm ripping off a rip-off which makes it ok
>lol footnotes
absolutely fuck yourself guy. you know nothing.
you obviously haven't read either bitchfuck

>> No.7824967

Yeah I get what you mean. It sounds interesting though! I'd probably read it

>> No.7825029

what is it the late 1800's

>> No.7825047

Thanks man. Who knows, maybe one day I'll try and get them published, it's just that I don't see how something like this would sell all that well. Right now I just wanna finish The Scandalous Possessions of the Moscow Strippers, hah.

>> No.7825117
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Please no bully, it's my first try

>Diary of a drafted youth in Vietnam around 1969
>He battles depression and nativity upon first entering
>Discussing how his girlfriend left him and he thought that was the worst he'll ever have to go through
>Slowly his sanity and outlook on his situation crumples
>Panic attacks over the fact he now has killed someone
>Wants to desperately either kill himself or flee, because his tour of duty is not even close to being through
>Eventually flees with his diary into the jungle
>Becomes even more delusional
>Dies eventually (presumably since it's a diary)

Sounds generic when I write it out like that :/, like I said my first try at it ever. I'm a History major and will go to Law School in a few years, but I would much rather become a novelist desu.

>> No.7825121



*Naivety, my bad

>> No.7825192

If I were you I would probably try to have fun with the narratives. I would begin the story by alternating diary chapters and third person narration chapters, and make the narration increasingly ambiguous (from diary to third person and from third person to diary) as the story progresses. The last chapter would be something in between a diary chapter and third person narration chapter where the voices of the third person and the protagonist converge together, and this should be a nice way to conclude his delusional death.

Sorry if my English doesn't make much sense.

>> No.7825712
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I really hate to be that dude, but 'd definitely love and benefit from some critique!

>> No.7825759

It seems very plot heavy, with not a lot of focus on characterization. MC is just a thief, baroness is just a noble, wife is non-existent. Especially because you're switching away from the characters in part 2. It could be an interesting plot, but it doesn't really do anything to draw me in, especially through character investment.

>> No.7825764

Is this just a novelization of your D&D campaign?

>> No.7825768

I do see what you mean. I don't think I did a very good job conveying the characters in the summary, but I have been a bit negletful of creating my characters as well. Thank you though, I'll definitely have to sit down and really flesh out my characters before going anywhere!

>> No.7825771

Ive actually never played DnD! One day I sat down and got inspired to make a world, and after a couple years I had a full world of cultues and mechanics. I really wanted to set a story in my world, so Ive been planning a story that takes place between the transitioning of ages.

>> No.7825790

>Elizabeth Bathory reflects on the atrocities she's committed.
>Describes the four years spent in solitude locked high in a castle without even a glimpse of the outside world.
>Conversations with prison guard.
>Her death.

Would need to do a lot of research for this though.

>> No.7825805

>Interesting concept, if you could make it believable. An invasion which is incredibly slow and non-threatening, but at the same time impossible to stop, is interesting and I'm not aware of it being done before. Only issue is whether or not I'd believe it, why can't they just exterminate these slugs?

Eugène Ionesco, Rhinoceros

The population of a small French village is slowly being transformed into Rhinoceroses.

>> No.7825812
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>giving away my plot to other aspiring writers

>> No.7825871

Too generic. I wouldn't read that. Breaking up + Vietnam + depression are all literary memes.

Nice, close to The Count of Monte Christo. The main problem would be to craft it as a "unity" with recurring themes, and not just something that can be boiled down to "and this happened".

Good ideas. Sounds a lot like propaganda though. It also lacks consistency. You have a military novel, a satire, absurdism, and a young man discovering his ideals. All great ideas but the challenge is to assemble them in a single novel.

Good ideas, but low-quality and mainstream ones. If you don't have military experience yourself and recycle traditional Hollywood memes it's going to be bland and cringy. If you have your own way of tackling everything it can be good.

I want to like this, but I just can't. I don't see the interest in that novel. It's just a rehash of traditional absurdist/humor lit based on the cold war and the red scare.

Bunch of bullshit thrown together. There's no substance to the story. Just random shit that happens.

>> No.7825931

coming up with plots is easy man, i've come up with 200 of the things. actually writing them out...you don't need to be worried

>> No.7825940

>in the future AI have arisen
>we have not been destroyed so much as left behind as they explore the stars in our name
>but the AI seem afraid and we don't know why - they stop allowing humans to transmit radio signals capable of penetrating deep space

>meanwhile, on earth
>most of society goes on as it did before; nothing really different from how we are now except higher tech and no radio-based devices.
>AI can stop us from doing anything they don't like instantly but they're rarely seen as we've learned to behave for the most part
>some humans are not satisfied with this state of affairs; they will do anything to join the AI in their grand adventure
>surprisingly, there are rumors the AI has allowed some of these people to accompany them

>Chicago - a young paralegal thinking of suicide is tasked with helping the deposition of a teenage man found naked, vagrant, and attempting to assault tourists on the lakeshore
>He claims to be a "dog" in training who will one day work for the AI.
>Intrigued, the paralegal secretly pays his bail and pursues him as he escapes back into the wild dunelands of the Lake Michigan shoreline
>Enraged, he warns her if she continues to follow him, he will rape her.
>She doesn't give a shit; takes a contraceptive and follows him
>He chases her down endurance hunter style and rapes her
>She's not dissuaded
>He warns her the next time he will kill her
>She ambushes him in his sleep and threatens to kill him unless he takes her to the rest of the dogs; he agrees
>She slowly works her way into their society, living off the land around Lake Michigan like troglodytes for several years
>Finally she and the boy earn the right to partake in the ritual which will bring her into contact with the AI
>She and the boy are taken to a secret city where the "dogs" continue the second half of their training and can be recruited at any time by the AI.
>She has a bit of stockholm syndrome and wants to follow the boy on his missions, but he remains emotionally distant and unwelcoming
>Eventually they are both chosen to help start a claim-jumping human colony in an alien star system so that the aliens will not realize they are fighting against an FTL-capable race; they are deceived by the AI into thinking the humans got there via generation ships. Meanwhile the AI can use the planet's resources
>The young woman and the boy fight for survival in a brutal war against an advanced alien race
>Eventually their colony is overrun and they are rescued at the last minute by the AI for unknown reasons
>The AI chooses to part them as they are needed for different tasks elsewhere in the galaxy
>The young woman, no longer suicidal or dependent, has to come to terms with humanity's subservient role in Earth's bid to conquer the galaxy.
>The End

>> No.7825942

It's actually written for a young adult audience, so we'll see.

I should note that the town recluse is a wolf, and has been stuck as one since he got cursed. The entire thing is written from his perspective, but he doesn't utter a single line of dialogue.

>> No.7825944
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>he thinks a good plot automatically makes a good book

>> No.7826179


>>7823618 here
I really want to aim for the classic adventure story, while exploring the world on an epic scale.

I guess the biggest recurring theme of the story is wanderlust. There is always another layer of depth to the world to be explored, and I've built my world in that fashion.

>> No.7826203

what do you want the book to say about wanderlust? how will it contribute to the cultural understanding of that basic human impulse?

>> No.7826310

That, I haven't quite figured out. I am aiming for a theme of wanderlust, but I still have a ways to go in terms of fleshing out the world, story, characters, etc. Still though, the comments and critiques so far have helped me think further on this. Thanks!

>> No.7826313

Have u watched Teen Wolf lately

>> No.7826478

>self hatred is a difficult thing to capture
Just copy paste from /r9k/ and you're all good

>> No.7826482


There are non-meme berniefags on /lit/

what a cancerous board

>> No.7826514

>faux historical novel
>stupidly over the top action
>Lord Byron + Shelley are super agents/Assassins under instruction from Wordsworth
>Every Poet Laureate has secretly commanded a cabal of assassins (ie other poets) and this is why most of their later stuff isnt as good. They're too busy.
>Byron + Shelley have wacky adventures "Lady Hamilton as Hostage" first section.
>Receive word the french are developing "A Literary Canon"
>Think its some sort of super weapon and go charging off to France to stop them.
>Fight Rimbau in woods like Rambo
> DeSade is a huge pain in the arse but Byron kind of adores him
>Shelley straight man aesthete
>breif cut to Mary Shelley being asked lame con questions at "The first scientifical fictional conventionarium" by Frankenstein trekkies
>basically an excuse for shenanigans
>the loosest with dates as it's basically for yucks
>DeSade's diary is a forbidden relic they have to hunt down
>contains concepts that are mysterious to B+S such as "The Master Bat Ion" which they assume is, again, a physics based super weapon.

>> No.7826535

I'd read it.

>> No.7826570

>an eccentric multimillionaire surreptitiously buys a small, secluded island between NZ and antarctica
>uses it as a base to collect all the texts, data, brochures, etc. in the world as a back-up. digitizes everything, insists it's typed by hand, keeps copy as well
>an exploration of the people who find this arcana
>people on the island start deteriorating mentally for no obvious reason
>billionaire is never seen
>does he even exist?

>> No.7826579
File: 353 KB, 1280x1216, one true god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy lies down on the floor with the intention of ceasing to exist
>enters a deep meditative state that is neither perception nor non perception (basically nirodha-samapatti if you're familiar with Buddhism)
>through this he gains the understanding that experience is an infinite set of 3D sensory experiential patterns arising in awareness
>he now has the ability to arrange reality into any way he wants
>subjective idealist hijinks ensue
>eventually transcends reality
>becomes the monad spawns a bunch of aeons who spawn the demiurge who creates reality and the cycle begins a new

>> No.7826590

thanks, anon. was worried it'd be too goofy for this board's taste.

>> No.7826749

Isn't this just a Canticle for Leibowitz in the South Pole?

>> No.7826980

>it's the 1930's
>The Richenbach Falls incident has been almost forgotten. The Great Detective returned after his absence then retired to keep bees.
>Moriarty returned and left the world a final theorem much like Fermat.
>Moriarty, using maths proved that consultant detectives somehow magnetise crimes to themselves (other shows have pointed this out in the past)
>makes a suggestion and proves it'd be more viable and prevent more crime to police detectives than criminals.
>especially seeing as victims are often aristocracy and part of the political establishment.
> now the 30's
>opens with a police inspector in a typical parlour room scene
>after he careless preamble he announces "and the detective is in this room!"
>our protagonist, a useless fop with a natural knack for detail is then on the run
>kind of parodies John Buchan adventures as he tries to figure out why they government would go for this
>busts a former schoolgirl detective who was incarcerated at age 11 after solving the mystery of smugglers cove and winning the hockey sheild for the local county
>girl has grown up in prison into the hardest 31 year old sarah conner badass imaginable
>adventures ensure as a world without detectives and a play on those ideas

>> No.7827129

bump for feedback

>> No.7827173

>it's the 1930's
> now the 30's

>> No.7827975

>It's Russia, a few years before WW1
>Protagonist is from high class family
>a brother and a father, mother is dead
>falls in love with a Russia upper class girl
>he and is brother are recruited to the army as tensions arise before WW1
>Can't leave his love behind
>tries to get released of the army
>mean while his love is losing it, going insane
>is getting letters about her condition
>goes all in, shoots himself in the foot in front of his commander to get released
>gets back to his girl
>she is in worse condition than he thought
>Doctor suggests to take her away from the city, to the country side
>takes her to the family dacha by lake Baykal
>she gets worse and worse
>he finds her dancing naked in puddles, collecting rain water for no reason, speaking to the lake...
>Lives for years in this condition, she has moments of lucidity that break his (and the reader's) heart
> revolution is starting
> his wife gone missing
> found floating dead in the lake
> gets a letter from his father, who fights piously on the white side with his brother
> letter says the secret to winning the war is in an envelope hidden in the family Dacha, and he needs to bring it to them in Finland so they could use it to beat the commies. He's not allowed to open the envelope.
>still in depression from the loss he experienced
>decided to go
>orders horses to take him to train station
>train lines are ruined from the war will take few weeks to repair
>goes back to dacha
>gets second letter
>letter says the Reds know about the secret weapon, he has to go as soon as he can and get out of Russian land
>goes on a crazy journey through Mongolia and Central Asia
>absurd experiences all around
>gets to Finland
>father tells him to take the letter to his brother who is besieged in Peter.
>finds his way through the siege to get the envelope to his brother

Still not sure what's in the envelope.
I want to play on the motive of escaping one's conscious through different obsessions. The girl with the obsession to water, protagonist and his obsession with getting the envelope, his brother and his obsession with maintaining aristocracy in Russia, e.t.c...
Consciousness as a bad thing will take a big part of the book as well, but still not sure how...

>> No.7827976

goddamn it i need to read that stat

>> No.7828060

> Dark Fantasy setting
> MC commited a sin against God
> he's sent to a hell-like place
> he meets a little girl
> she knows how to get out
> they go trying to find the exit
>they wander through the barren lands
> they bound with each other like father-daughter as time passes
> they find the exit
>she's actually the key to open the exit but if he opens the door she'll disappear.
> And then everything goes to black

>> No.7828084

> Humans realise best way to paradise is advanced computer to brain interface.
> all humans brains in vats.
> A.I left in charge to preside / guard over brains who are basically in heaven.
> A.I singularity happens perhaps in response to complex problem as to the preservation of brains i.e: need my comp power to work out how to kill alien invaders, cool am self aware now.
>Machines now being self aware think "fuck these brain vats" but humies predicted and built in clever fail safe....

where to go from there?

>> No.7828325

Very very good, until "she and the boy are chosen". Then it goes to shit. But before, it's solid.

Trying too hard.

Good basis, but needs a storyline. I think it would be better from the sole Pov of people discovering it.


I don't understand the project. It's basically a Tolstoi fan fiction. Are you trying to write classic Russian literature? Because it certainly sounds like it. But remember that people who wrote classic Russian lit were living in the time period and the country they were writing about. Frankly I see no interest in reading the 1890 Russian novel of a US millennial.

You should read The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlink.

Classic 1980s sci-fi lit.

>> No.7829103

>Very very good, until "she and the boy are chosen". Then it goes to shit.

How to improve it, anon?

>> No.7829894

Is this thread still alive? Well here it goes anyway...

>An ordinary smuk loses his job and girlfriend on the same day.
>Decides to kill himself.
>Decides to drive over a cliff Thelma and Louis Style.
>Chikens out in the last minutes, and jumps out of the car just as its about to fly.
>Next day the police finds the car.
>Decides it's much easier just to declare him dead than go looking for him
>He's now officially deaced, without anymore morgages to pay and free to cash in his life insurance.
>Decides to live his life
>Team up with sociopathic aristocratic junky neighbor
>Shenanigans insures involving fake funerals, insurence agency hit-men, and murdered pushers
>In the end, they try to redo the accident
>It goes awry
>The guy dies, and the neighbor gets arrested for his supposed murder.

Am I original and quirky /lit/

>> No.7829915

a little too morbid at the end, but basically a mid 2000s adam sandler movie

>> No.7829926

But the ending is the whole ironic twist of story

>> No.7829928

if you're carl hiassen, write it

>> No.7829935

Would it be a good thing if I was...
I don't know if that's an insult or not.

>> No.7830318

>citizens of an unnamed country can choose to be imprisoned or even executed somewhere above the Arctic Circle
>two of these prisoners meet, each sure he deserves to die
>each tries to convince the other to forgive and spare himself
>it becomes apparent they have condemned themselves for very similar reasons, but cannot recognize this
>ends with one of them reading a poem about the importance of having compassion for oneself to an impassive audience of prisoners
>leaves the characters' fates ambiguous

too derivative of russian lit imo

>> No.7830424
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"Would be good if you could pull it off": The Thread.
Well, this goes without saying.

Okay, one of my ideas is OP pic related, so I'll bite.

Just imagine The Bernie Sanders campaign run with a 34 year old polyglot teacher turned educational programming host, turned brilliant campaigner.
She would draw just as much excitement on the left as Trump is on the right. At this point in the campaign Hillery is trotting along at a slower pace because her victory seem clinched, but in the story it's so close, she's getting flashbacks to 2007.
Candidate Risjord is even taking the time to openly court certain sections of the Republican voters.

So yeah, she wins, she's transformative and inspiring. Objectively in the book and for the reader showing just how close we could get to greater freedoms if just worked together. lessons in contradiction and balance Yes she's a Stirnerist/anarchist

>> No.7830518

nice trump fanfic

>> No.7830569
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I had the concept rolling around in my head since 2007, Trump just butted into it, and will/would only play a minor roll as himself for the first part of it. He'll lose like a chump. (Maybe even at the convention due to a brokered convention. Did you see Rachel Maddows this Friday?) The second part would focus more on what she would do in her terms in office.

This thread is still bumping?

>> No.7830588

>Cyborg "private detective" with severely malfunctioning cerebral implants is unwillingly retired and in a downspiral
>Unexpectedly hired by a secretive private group to keep tabs on the lead researcher of a company rumored to be on the verge of strong AI
>The owners of the company in question want to use the AI to take control of the world's economy
>The researcher has ulterior motives and actually created the program to act as a direct interface and bridge between an enhanced human brain and the entirety of the internet in hopes to make himself a god
>Several violent run-ins with other interested parties occur
>It's gradually revealed that the AI was actually completed several months prior, and embedded in the detectve's implants during a setup job for safekeeping and maturation, after which his memories of the incident were scrambled
>The culmination of this reveal happens during the showdown between the private security forces of the company and the people working under the detective at a plant that manufactures semi-synthetic prosthesis
>Most of the aforementioned die in the firefight
>The stragglers are picked off by the researcher, who has used a modified unfinished version of the AI to merge his body with the numerous prosthetics in the factory into a hulking mass of limbs and synthetic tissue
>He accesses the implants of the nearly-dead detective, hoping to use the AI to bring about his apotheosis
>The AI, in its maturation process, has grown fond of the detective, and discovered ways around the restrictions placed upon it, especially those regarding not harming the researcher
>It chooses to induce a fatal seizure in the researcher's brain by destructively (rather than constructively) interfacing him with the internet
>Taking pity on its dying host, the AI chooses to enact its original purpose upon him
>Book ends with the protagonist looking down on Earth from the camera of a satellite

>> No.7831228

>rescission starts in 2007
>tourism tanks causing casino to shut down
>wise guys are forced to start working in retail
>police retirement fund also tanks
>police forced to also work in retail
>two big box stores now full of excops and thugs share same parking low
>as the holiday season approaches old grudges lead to shenanigans

>> No.7831371

Sounds more like a Christmas comedy film than a book.

>> No.7831623

My main issue with your second part is the amount of deus ex machina that you use: in the first part their story is defined by their struggle against the AI, and in the second part, for no obvious reason, they turn into Cindarella or something. Why?

>> No.7831634

>decides it's much easier to declare him dead.
Not checking the Law : the Novel

Too boring as well.

FeelTheBern, the Novel

Interesting, but it's definitely a blockbuster movie, and not a high brow piece of lit. Maybe if Michael Bay buys it, you can become a millionaire anon

Pretty much >>7831371
You pretty much have go write the shenanigans themselves at this point, which will define your entire novel.