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/lit/ - Literature

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7813780 No.7813780 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any contemporary writers who you follow?
How do you follow them? Where do you find them?

>> No.7813818

/r/ someone write this.

>> No.7813823

It seems to be that this is a major problem in literature, or rather, with the supply chain of literature. There aren't really labels you can put on a book to make it stand out from your average tumblr-core writer. There's no platform onto which one may receive the upcoming good writers.

>> No.7813825

I prefer to follow them on foot, because I blend into a crowd pretty easily. Also, it allows for greater mobility.
I tend to find them by googling around and figuring out what general area they live in, and then I hang around somewhere it seems like they go. I manged to follow Houellebecq a while in Paris because I figured out he liked to shop at the large grocery store in the XIIIeme. I followed him around the aisles, peering around corners to look at him. He shopped very slowly at times, carefully checking any breads or cheeses, lightly feeling them through the packaging with his fingertips. His trip through the freezer section was pretty quick, he seemed to really know what he wanted there. A lot of Asian carryout style stuff. On the way out I had the balls to ask him for a light, but left it at that because it was a violation of my rules.
I also managed to follow Philip Roth for a while, but I happened on him by total accident. I was buying a bagel, then he came in. I almost thought I was mistaken, but the waitress sperged and asked for an autograph. I managed to follow him for about six blocks after that, but when he went into the subway I saw him pointing me out to the cops, so I cut and run.
I've followed a few others, but those two were my favorites.

>> No.7813841

How do you select your targets?

>> No.7813847

Typically by what city I'm in. My parents divorced when I was young, so I spend my school years in NYC and my summers in Paris. Then I just go by what I've read last that I've liked, and go from there. Or, I go look for memes.
>tfw I tried following Tao Lin, but he just sat in the NYU library forever and worked, so I got bored and left

>> No.7813853

How do you decide on what to read? That is, how do you find new contemporary literature to decide on who to stalk?

>> No.7813857

I mostly listen to what my friends are talking about, they have solid taste and I just borrow a lot of books anyway. Easier than having my books split up between my parents apartments.
I don't consider myself a stalker though, I only follow them once. I may incidentally see others around, but not on purpose.

>> No.7813883

This is a big problem with almost every type of media now. If there was a magazine that weeded out tumblr-core and selected a few good books a month would you subscribe? (Assume free)

>> No.7813888

Rlly hope you are telling the truth about this i think i love you

>> No.7813895

Yes. I'm sure there are good publishers out there, I just don't know how to find them or how to even find individual good books.

>> No.7813921

this, someone write a 700 page novel based on this pun

>> No.7814129

More stories!

>> No.7814179
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This thread is fantastic.

>> No.7814272
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>following contemporary writers
>b-but dead ones can move through walls and you can't!
>being corporeal
Y'a'll never become dead white males