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7812987 No.7812987 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7812992
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>> No.7813003


It was better than Catch 22. The death of the son was predictable, though.

>> No.7813007

Was the humor better than Catch 22?

Thanks for the spoilers nigga.

>> No.7813011


How dark do you like your gallows humor? A lot of the people don't think it has any humor at all.

>> No.7813022

The humor is black to the point that it's not funny at times.
I like gallows humor, but I barely laughed reading this. I just felt like shit.

>> No.7813027

Heller's a hack

>> No.7813031


>> No.7813048
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I've avoided Heller for the same reason I've avoided Vonnegut. deep insecurity and the fear that I'll be wrong and so not win the approval of my deceased parents who impressed upon me that my worth was tied to my GPA and so created in me a fear of ever being wrong and I have more than a sneaking suspicion that they're hacks.

>> No.7813070

If this books is a 10 in black humor, what's Catch 22?

>> No.7813082

Heller is like Vonnegut with a larger vocabulary but far less of a sense of style.

>> No.7813103

Catch 22 has more humor and less black.
Something Happened has more black and less humor.

>> No.7813104


I wouldn't call this book a ten, but if so, Catch 22 would be a five.

>> No.7813115

Catch is more humor satirizing authoritarian control, if serial killer jokes, or Yorickisms about death appear, it's incidental to the story's main focus. SH is much darker in tone comparably.

Neither are particularly funny in modern times. Catch was written before America's sexual revolution, so it's basically the 60s version of a not-that-funny atheist edgelord.

>> No.7813150

Maj. Major Major Major will always be the pinnacle of humor.

>> No.7813157

It was an amusing chapter, and one of the GOAT, but it wasn't enough to carry the entire work.

>> No.7813161
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I liked Catch-22 when I was fourteen, I read The Good Soldier Svejk a few years back and realized Heller was a copying hack

>> No.7813195

I love this book so much. I can't think of anything that gets so perfectly into the headspace of contemporary narcissism.

>> No.7813223

Was it narcissism? It seemed more like existentialism.
Sure, Bob's full of himself, but he spends quite a bit of time wondering why anything happens or matters.

>> No.7813332

I can't think of a worse title.

>> No.7813400

My reading of the book was that he was a basically horrible person who struggled to feel any kind of empathy for those around him and just played the game because he didn't know what else to do. Maybe that's not quite narcissism, but yeah, I think the book was intended to satirize the kind of toxic ideas that people have about life and other people in modern society.

>> No.7813420

I love that book!

>> No.7813782


I love that book. Heller's masterpiece.

>> No.7814138

i appreciate you

>> No.7815580

Well, atleast Heller could finish his book. Fucking Czech writers dieing young baka.

>> No.7815593

Sjevk was a cheeky lad.

>> No.7815617

Was he really an imbecile, or was he merely pretending?