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/lit/ - Literature

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7812473 No.7812473 [Reply] [Original]

Rate this list of Fiction books I plan on reading in the future:

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Atlas Shrugged
Brave New World
The Caves of Steel (followed by sequels: The Naked Sun and The Robots of Dawn)
Confederacy of dunces
Diary of Anne Frank (uncensored version)
Don Quixote
Fahrenheit 451
Gates of Fire
Heart of Darkness
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Man who was Thursday
The Moon is A Harsh Mistress
The Name of the Rose
Something Wicked Comes This Way
The Sound and the Fury
Tom Clancy’s main series
Who censored Rodger Rabbit?

After I've read all of the above:
The Aeneid
The Canterbury tales
The Divine Comedy
Gravity's Rainbow
War and Peace

Pic unrelated

>> No.7812478

Is there anything I'm missing? What are your suggestions, /lit/?

>> No.7812505

2/10. You would be better off not reading at all.

>> No.7812513

Sorry Catholicism and Orthodoxy, but Goethe blows everyone out of the water.

>> No.7812522
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>> No.7812526

American High School English summer reading list.

The only thing missing is the requisite Maya Angelou and Jodi Picault.

>> No.7812702
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Confederacy of Dunces
Heart of Darkness
The sound and the Fury
The Divine Comedy
War and Peace
Gravity's Rainbow
The Aeneid

Skip everything else.

Or just read some stuff from the /lit/ starter kit and then branch off into subjects that interest you.

>> No.7812765

It's certainly a list

idk man you'll probably read 'em all by the time you're 20 anyway, I imagine most of the regular posters here have. most of 'em are pretty good, some are mediocre

>> No.7812873

Why is ulysses good? I understand there are some good parts but what makes it remarkable? It seems like non sense.

>> No.7812875

care to update when you finish one?

>> No.7812891

The people who make these threads make them to give themselves an illusion of progress
>If I ask /lit/ what I should do next I'll feel like I accomplished something!
You're going to read two of those then go back to playing vidya all day long
Don't kid yourself

>> No.7812896
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Good ones:
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
Don Quixote
The Divine Comedy
Gravity's Rainbow
War and Peace

>> No.7813033

>1984 9/10
>The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 5/10
>Atlas Shrugged 2/10
>Brave New World 6/10
>The Caves of Steel (followed by sequels: The Naked Sun and The Robots of Dawn) 1/10
>Catch-22 6/10
>Confederacy of dunces 8/10
>Diary of Anne Frank (uncensored version) 7/10
>Don Quixote 9/10
>Fahrenheit 451 6/10
>Fountainhead 2/10
>Gates of Fire 1/10
>Heart of Darkness 6/10
>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy 3/10
>The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 5/10
>The Man who was Thursday 7/10
>The Moon is A Harsh Mistress 6/10
>The Name of the Rose 6/10
>Something Wicked Comes This Way 6/10
>The Sound and the Fury 6/10
>Tom Clancy’s main series 1/10
>WE 9/10
>Who censored Rodger Rabbit? 5/10

After I've read all of the above:

>The Aeneid 9/10
>The Canterbury tales 10/10
>The Divine Comedy 9/10
>Dune 2/10
>Gravity's Rainbow 10/10
>Ulysses 10/10
>War and Peace 10/10

Not that I've read any of them.

>> No.7813049

you clearly have a stick up ur ass about genre fiction. but at least ur honest (probably) about wut u havent read

>> No.7813096


To be honest with you, I just don't have any interest in fantasy or science fiction. They bore me.

>> No.7813113

tfw made the mistake of reading The Divine Comedy first before starting with the greeks or reading the illiad, oddyssey or the aeneid

>> No.7813136

Most of those books are average at best.

>> No.7813898

Rookie mistake

>> No.7813929

this is why one should always start with the greeks

>> No.7813999
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>> No.7814041

great books right next to entry level shyat
how disharmonious

>> No.7814060

>Something Wicked Comes This Way

Are you sure you got that right? Isn't it "Something That Is Wicked Comes Towards This Direction"?

>> No.7814086

How did you get through high school without reading any of those
underage, bait, or illiterate

>> No.7814155

implying there is no value in re reading something you couldn't obviously understand when you were 13