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/lit/ - Literature

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7811270 No.7811270 [Reply] [Original]

Post your backlog, tell others what they should read or should avoid, and just generally be extremely autistic and have a great time. Here's mine:

Lem - Solaris
Morrison - Beloved
Villoro - The Guilty
McCarthy - Cannonball
Smith - Just Kids
Stephenson - Snow Crash
Lowry - Under the Volcano
Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.7811305


I've also got some Lowry in my backlog, might read that in between Foundation and Foundation and Empire. Snow Crash is probably the weakest book you've got on your backlog.

Under the Volcano-Lowry
Foundation and Empire-Asimov
Warlock-Oakley Hall
Mythologies-Roland Barthes
Petersburg-Andrei Bely(Re-read)
Paris Peasant-Louis Aragon
Temple of the Golden Pavilion-Yukio Mishima(Re-read)
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men-David Foster Wallace
Njal's Saga-Anon
The New York Trilogy-Paul Auster
Childhood, Boyhood & Youth-Leo Tolstoy
Journey to the End of the Night-Celine(Re-read)

>> No.7811392

you meant McElroy - Cannonball, I'm assuming
i'd direct you away from solaris

>> No.7811397

you are correct re: McElroy

and you my friend. I don't have much to offer other than that I like DFW but don't particularly like that short story collection. I also thought the first Foundation book was kind of a letdown so I never read the rest, let me know if they're worth it

>> No.7811409

Lenin Revolution and Power
The Left Hand of Darkness (is this one any good, i got it as a gift) Ursula K. Le Guin
A Small Space-Jamaica Kincaid
The Stars Like Dust - Asimov
The Stranger-Albert Camus
In Cold Blood-Truman Capote
No Country For Old Men- Cormac McCarthy

Should I avoid reading any of these?

>> No.7811430

I have, after I finish this Soseki:

kafka shorts
the trial -kafky
the waves -vagina woolf
libra -donny d
moby dick -melville
wuthering heights -the good bronte
a farewell to arms -hemmmingway
Gravity's Rainbow -Thomas Pynchon
East of Eden -Commie
100 days of solitude -juan
V -Thomas Pynchon
A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man -Joyce
Dubliners -Joyce
Crime and Punishment -Dostyoyoevsky

>> No.7811433

The Trial then Dubliners then the rest randomly

>> No.7811464

Michel Houellebecq - Elementary Particles
John Williams - Stoner
Dostoyevski - Brothers Karamazov
Kundera - Unbearable Lightness of being
Borges - Ficciones
Miller - Tropic of cancer
Franzen - Freedom

>> No.7811470

kincaid is shit
capote is shit
mccarthy is shit

stop reading meme lit

>> No.7811473

The Left Hand of Darkness rules. The Stranger isn't bad either

>> No.7811478
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See attached picture.

In Cold Blood, friend.

>> No.7811486


Read Hollaback Girl then Stoner then the rest in no particular order.

My own backlog is as follows

In Search Of Lost Time
Litany Of The Long Sun
Brothers Karamazov
House Of Leaves

Yes I take a lot of /lit/ recommendations.

>> No.7811681

Slaughterhouse-five is pretty good, as is Siddhartha.
I haven't read Dracula since i was like 12 but i remember it being good.

>> No.7811689

The majority of those were gifts, so I kind of have to read them lest I look like an asshole.

>> No.7811737

The Fall
The Metamorphosis
Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange
The Divine Comedy
White Noise
Naked Lunch
The Plague
The Trial
Don Quixote
Pale Fire
In Cold Blood
The Brothers Karamazov
The Tunnel
Letters from a Stoic
Art of War
The Stranger
Infinite Meme
Gravity's Rainbow
Notes from Underground
Jungle Book

As you can tell I have a lot to catch up on, haven't been in the habit of reading for 5+ years. I generated this list from /lit/ suggestions and charts, so far you all have been good to me with Blood Meridian, Moby Dick, and Meditations.

>> No.7811820

I recommend 2666 even though it's memed pretty hard on here, I'm just over halfway past it and it's really enjoyable. Prose isn't up to much since it's a translation, but there's an unsettling atmosphere over the entire book which really makes it, so if either of you feel like reading a tome next I say go for it.

>> No.7811856

That was my thinking