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/lit/ - Literature

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7810163 No.7810163 [Reply] [Original]


So with all the recent events, we can conclude most media outlets if not all are trying to portray Trump as responsible of any act of violence. Which gives a platform for propaganda demolition from the democrats having Hillary and Bernie slashing Trump, and from Republicans having Cruz and Rubio pointing at him.

This weekend we saw they aired the same interviews, the same declarations against Trump over and over again. And their journalists and their so called experts discussing why Trump is provoking this kind of clashes.


Now watch this clip carefully.

This is important. Anything we do is satanized, but everything they do is ignored. This includes RESPONSABILITY for supporters/fanatics.

Now we must have to take this issues to another camp where Trump is immune to publish slashing: the Justice System.

1. If one of us manages to tackle Bernie Sanders down (he is an old man, could be seriously injured) the entire status quo will take Trump as responsible and arrest the attacker.

This is a win in the long-run because from now on any disrupter attempting to touch Trump will be arrested as the same as Bernie, from now on as his rallies are held in stadiums... secret service can take disrupters at their own judgment and send them to jail even if they don't try to touch Trump. As the Bernie attacker didn't kill him but had the intention.

>> No.7810166
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2. If we send on of our lunatics to open fire at a Bernie rally media and elections will be paralyzed for at least a week. Which will end with Trump and Bernie sitting together and condemning violence.

From that day any group of disrupters, especially the organized ones like BLM will never appear to Trump rallies without damaging Bernie leadership and public image, and will secret service jailing them for more than a decade: domestic terrorism will be an accepted charge for both sides disrupters due the national tragedy of a mass shooting before.
Like I said in other thread before, its a win-win. So what are we waiting for?

>> No.7810170
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Dear /lit/izens, this day has finally come. Many boards support us, we are only asking a little bit of help from your own to improve my gebroken english, to make it more appealing to the masses.

Already thanking you for the feedback and support, feel free to correct the errors.

>> No.7810177
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Mein gott

>> No.7810178
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OP, you've launched my fucking sides into orbit.

>> No.7810192
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Get it back my friend. There is work to do, even /x/ is doing its part.


>> No.7810196

Your plan is the most retarded fucking thing I have ever read in my life.

How is BLM affiliated in anyway to Bernie Sanders?

>> No.7810208


There are tons of videos showing that the main disrupters in Trump's Chicago rally where 3 groups: BLM, Bernie Supporters and LGBT.

Believe it or not many of our plans has propagated beyond our echo chamber. For instance Gamer Gate.

>> No.7810215

I dont like the word "plan", its operations we launch with clear objectives.

This one is called Operation Stare Decisis

>> No.7810218

Ok, so the idea is that you want to organise a terrorist attack which will force the government to pass legislation preventing protests at political rallies? Please tell me if I've misinterpreted that before I go on.

>> No.7810221

Yes. Therefore any further "incident" will be held by the Justice System and their responsibility will be taken by the perpetrator rather than the candidate.

The objective is seek public immunity to Trump and to end the movement of agitators from other candidates from coming at rallies. Its a win-win for the movement.

>> No.7810227

...you're really not shitposting are you?

>> No.7810229

No at all, my blood pressure is cool too.

Can you please correct my grammar?

>> No.7810238

Jokes on /lit/ some of /pol/ ideas for operations come from books.

From the classics like Art of War, Maquiavelli and Hitler. To the modern era of John Grisham novels.

>> No.7810241

You're a literal retard who's probably already been reported to the FBI, CIA, and NSA.

>> No.7810244

I'm curious what sort of "operations" those writers and books inspired. Can you explain?

>> No.7810247

Dude, I'm not helping you organise a terrorist attack.

People have every right to protest. And do you really want to give your country even more justification to take away civil liberties?

>> No.7810248

Ask /g/ even with all the datamining capability the NSA, you can't pick up at random individuals by just mentioning ideas.

Computing resources are too expensive to assign them to prevention of movements. You are in the same black list as me for lurking 4chan, but why will I get an FBI investigation? Their protocol its public. They go after bank thieves and pedophiles rings, other issues are ignored.

We are in a alley with no one listening, champ.

>> No.7810255

You know why this will never work?
1. There's a constitution that is very clear about preventing the laws you are trying to have made
2. "Pranking" a large crowd into thinking their lives are in danger is only slightly less dangerous than actually firing into the crowd. People are going to panic, stampedes will occur, lives will be lost.
3. Whoever would do such a thing must not realize that there are security details, metal detectors, fucking snipers, etc covering the premises of a presidential candidate speech. You will never be more watched in your life than at one of these things. You are essentially committing suicide.
4. Nobody's going to go to jail for your fucking meme election, let alone over the fucking primaries. Holy shit.
5. This is /lit/, there's nothing this board would be interested in doing about your half-baked plan here. Not even /k/ would participate with you because your ludicrous plan might get their guns pulled.
6. If you care so much about all of this then why are you telling us about the plan? Why not just do it yourself? More aptly, why are you asking other people to put their lives on the line for your terrible excuse for an idea?

I honestly hope you and your lot get arrested before someone gets hurt.

>> No.7810263

I think he's pretty clearly just some kid.

>> No.7810279

1. This has nothing to with the Constitution. Like I said before rallies are held in private property, stadium not in the streets. Right to protest doesn't apply, there is a legal loophole I am trying to fix when the operation is over.

2. Collateral damage. The goal justifies the measures.

3. Security isn't a problem, thanks to Snowden leaks you can bypass most security measures avoiding 4 or 5 common mistakes.

4. https://mega.nz/#!hgBT3C7B!Abcah7y7U_41ENJg37PRgEefEOryMh-__7NGdVgVxOc

This was one sleep agent from /x/, we have donzens in /rk9/ , /mlp/, /x/. Even we tried to infiltrate here to your demoralized liberal arts major. Offering them something better than the nihilism you live, which makes you look so sad and bitter. Its an art /pol/ has excel at.

5. I asked for an English grammar revision, not ideas not militants. I am clear, my gebroken language doesnt appeal to the masses. You are supposed to be good at it doesnt?

6. Part of the red-pilling culture is no never hide the truth. We aren't merchants and our intention arent evil per se. Secrets are the main enemy of common good and logic.