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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.03 MB, 856x894, 1451540729844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7809690 No.7809690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to Dave posting? That was honestly the only redeemable part of this board

>> No.7809697

No one over the age of 21 gave a fuck about DFW posting. It was always a red flag for a younger poster whenever you saw it.

>> No.7809699
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>> No.7809702

We realized that he was just a mixed-up gen x version of Kafka who wanted to be Dostoevsky.

And but so every jest story is a terribly sad and banal story, fampai.

>> No.7809721


>> No.7809747

>The Story of Daveposting on /Lit/
But Of Course You End Up Becoming A Meme

>> No.7809778

I'm honestly not sure. /lit/ seems to have cycles of loving and hating DFW. The few people that actually read on this board know that he's a fantastic author.

>> No.7809791

He's not terrible but he's overrated as fuck, and for the wrong book too

>> No.7809796

which book do you think is his best, anon

>> No.7809801

I've read Infinite Jest, Oblivion, The Broom of the System, and half of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men in that order so far.

I don't know if I'd call him fantastic. His writing is captivating and entertaining for sure, but to me that's a result of both its merits and its flaws.

>> No.7809809
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>> No.7809839
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This board seems to be obsessed with DFW because they read him at a formative moment in their lives.

I'm 29. I have never ever read David Foster Wallace. I mean, I got halfway through "Consider the Lobster", but that's it.

What did I miss out on?

>> No.7809870

curious hair

>> No.7809891

What a curious choice :))

>> No.7809897

I'm >>7809801 24 years old, and I only started reading his books a few months ago. I wouldn't call it an obsession on my part, but he's the most interesting literary figure in recent times. Watch some of his interviews on YouTube if you want to see what I mean by that, especially that hour long one from 2003 that all the wacky screenshots in this thread come from.

>> No.7810120

I read Consider the Lobster at 12 and I then decided I wanted to be a writer. At least I think it was 12 because I hadn't masturbated yet. That essay about the porn convention was awfully... flummoxing.

tldr DFW woke me from sexual naivete

>> No.7810127

Did you not have internet access or cable tv growing up or something? I was already watching porn and whacking it by the age of 9 in the early 00s.

>> No.7810138


I had restrictive parents.

>> No.7810280

Really? Gosh, that's eccentric

>> No.7810767
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I read The Pale King first. I only bought it because it had "An Unfinished Novel" as the by line. Both loved and hated it over the next week as I read it. After that I read IJ and Broom. Then moved onto his essays and shorts. He is one of my favorite authors.

>> No.7810999

why he gotta kill hisself senpai? Sometimes it feels like he's still alive.

>> No.7811004

>i onlys tarted reading books a few months ago
>i'm still gonna make sweeping pronouncements on literature even though i'm reading babby's first books

fucking retard

>> No.7811056

He said HIS books

>> No.7812352

Was Dave a meme before he killed himself?

>> No.7812360
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Yes. Other people merely adopted the meme. But he was born in it. Molded by it.

>> No.7812491

See >>7811056
Shamefur dispray, fampai.

>> No.7812499





>> No.7812510


>> No.7812516

its this one u newfag

>> No.7812531

>no punctuation
Kill "ur"self, retard.

>> No.7812532

I realized that new sincerity won't save us. The only way out is to become ironic superman with perpetual shit eating grin.

>> No.7812649

/r/ing the dfw where it looks like he's scolding with his finger

>> No.7812667
File: 119 KB, 267x292, Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 9.04.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going through this now, capping some memes. feel free to save.

>> No.7812674
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>> No.7812676
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>> No.7812685
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>> No.7812695
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>> No.7812700
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>> No.7812715
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>> No.7812722

love you dave

>> No.7812730
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>> No.7812733
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>> No.7812735

really love you dave

>> No.7812736

please more "saucy" daves and fewer "horny" daves

>> No.7812750
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>> No.7812760

dave dont go away again

>> No.7812846

I saw the rise, peak and fall of DFW posting.

And there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7812856

There's an earth-shatteringly lugubrious atmosphere around that statement, and there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7812910
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oh you

>> No.7812924

God such a newfag

>> No.7812972

Holy shit has anyone ever sat through this entirely? It's so cringey.

>> No.7812973

>And there's something terribly sad and banal about that.
Where does DFW say this in his writing?

>> No.7812982

>this new

>> No.7813001
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I always try to give my DFWs exercise once and a while

>> No.7813102
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Redditor fag please go.

>> No.7813122

How would David react to his memeification?

>> No.7813127


We already know the answer

>> No.7813147


He would take it as a sign that his attempt at being serious in an age of non-seriousness and non-'truth' failed and that he really was the doofus he feared he was. I think it would be a genuinely sad thing for him.

>> No.7813159

He probably would have killed himself.

>> No.7813165
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>all these retards thinking that daveposting is somehow venerating him

>> No.7813184
File: 201 KB, 324x447, dfw i don't think so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>all these retards thinking that daveposting is somehow venerating him
>is a daveposter

i like u

>> No.7813191

wow you guys fit in here, that's so cool

>> No.7813193

Banal too?

>> No.7813225


I am too autistic to understand what you mean by this.

>> No.7813229
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>implying he didn't just write for audience pussy

>> No.7813233
File: 220 KB, 347x440, dfw cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's something terribly sad and banal about that

>> No.7813248


My thought is banal or the reaction, were it real, would be banal? Thank you for helping me work through my autism.

>> No.7813266

ok im gonna help you out on this one. what i want you to do is close this thread. close your browser, step away from your computer and walk for about 1 minute while thinking about nothing in particular.

>> No.7813327


No thanks.

>> No.7814064

x1000 times this

reminder to sage and report all these shitty meme threads, that way we can actually enjoy talking about literature.