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/lit/ - Literature

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7808143 No.7808143 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ chart thread?

>> No.7808148


0/10 b8

Literally all high school English-tier

>> No.7808154
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>OP forgotten about Faulkner

>> No.7808181

>let's read a bunch of translations and pretend I'm intelligent and well read


>> No.7808273

tbqh all these /lit/-centric "/lit/ charts" are garbage. I've never heard /lit/ talk about half these books. "I Served The King Of England"? Please.

>> No.7809161
File: 1.15 MB, 648x1276, 4chan lit exit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7809230

it says starter kit you total fucking idiot

>> No.7809265

I don´t think Invisible Cities should be there, otherwise I agree.

>> No.7809277
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do you have something in between what op posted and what you just posted?

>> No.7809278

>hasn't heard of "I Served The King of England"
lurk more, reddit friend

>> No.7809289


This site is 18+, moron, nobody should be "starting" with OP's suggestions because they should have already read them as required high school lit

>> No.7809292

Anybody got the top 100 books chart?

>> No.7809307

Heard of it, never once heard it talked about here. That is actually exactly what I said; you should have read more carefully. Same goes for A River Runs Through It and All Quiet On The Western Front. Heard of both, obviously, but haven't seen them mentioned in a single thread even once on /lit/, and many of the others are tenuous.

>> No.7809319

Maybe they did what I did and used Sparknotes and had a hard-working friend who let them copy their notes/homework.

>> No.7809374

well desu, all this talk about it by you has led to me adding it to my 'to read' list. So thank you I guess... I hope I enjoy it

>> No.7809404

Probably retarded but what does exit-core mean?

>> No.7809423

It's on the wiki, as are most of the charts that will be posted if this thread gets traction.
There is no meaning. Some will claim it's books that make you depressed/consider suicide/deal with giving up on life, but if you actually have read the books on the list you know that's bullshit (the inclusion of The American Language, for example). Others will claim it's books that serve as the "final bosses" of literature, and that after you read them you can stop reading, but needless to say that concept is completely retarded. At the end of the day it's just a chart with a random smattering of books made by some anon.

>> No.7809426
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fuck that thomas pynchon chart that excludes vineland, by the way

>> No.7809428

It's sort of two-fold in terms of meaning. Initially it meant as in "exiting life", so the material either relates to suicide, or is depressing enough to incite suicidal thoughts. In any case the first meaning is in relation to mood.

The second is a misinterpretation that the material in question is really difficult to read comprehend, e.g. the opposite of "entry-core" or entry level material.

>> No.7809429

No, go to the sticky faggot.

>> No.7809439

Thanks lads, that's kinda what I assumed. Any especially depressing ones from that chart you'd recommend?

>> No.7809451
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, 4chan lit top 100 books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7809468
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The Melancholy of Resistance
Why'd you post the old, inferior one?

>> No.7809580

>1. Infinite Meme


>> No.7809612

once you've read those books, you've surpassed /lit/ and should do something better with your life

>> No.7809666

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Don't assert yourself as the gate keeper of all things literature.

>> No.7809669

That's not what exit-core means.

>> No.7810211


>> No.7810597
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>> No.7810601
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>> No.7810602
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Dumping my rare charts.

>> No.7810605
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>> No.7810609
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>> No.7810614
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>> No.7810616
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>> No.7810622
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>> No.7811282

I only was required to read one of those in my high school career. Depending on the year (books were cycled), I could have read maybe up to three as mandatory reading.

Not every school requires all of these to be read. BNW, Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye are the only examples in this image that would likely be mandatory high school reading.

>> No.7811332
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Does anyone have a Dostoevsky one?

>> No.7811354
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If not, can someone who's more familiar with his works make one? I've only read 2 of his books.

>> No.7811597
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