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7807929 No.7807929 [Reply] [Original]

What are the major books about the power/authority in philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc?

for example: I want to understand the relation between dominant and dominated, the origin of the power, its importance, etc.


>> No.7807946


>> No.7807948
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Pretty much everything by Foucault later stuff in particular

>> No.7807956


>> No.7807972

Foucault, but when you read him keep in mind that literally all his historical "examples" are fictional.

>> No.7807991

How the Mind Works

>> No.7807995

Regarding economic power, 'Debt: the First 5000 Years' is probably not a bad shout.

>> No.7807996

the spook of identity is developed by difference.
those differences lead to division in society, compartmentalizing people into classes and categories.
those classes and categories are then ranked and Ordered on a hierarchical scale based on how closely they conform and assimilate to the dominant ideologies of the social system in which they are situated.
those who conform and assimilate to these ideals find social acceptance while those who deviate from them are labeled as outcasts or deviants.
people also desire power due to the fact that they live in such a power system, crowning themselves fascist kings or queens in their own ideological land of illusions.

in short, identity creates differences, which are used to create power structures. people then interpret their cultural power systems as signs of truth due to ideology, making them enslaved to the concept of power.
power itself is a fundamental spook most people can't learn to see past.

>> No.7808006


>> No.7808008


Source for this claim?

>> No.7808037

The Sane Society touches on this in its social analysis.

Anything Marxist related would cover a lot of this.

>> No.7808054

that's all foucault wrote about for his whole career u fucking dummy, jesus christ

>> No.7808065

Gustav Le Bon


>> No.7808475


I haven't read Foucault, so I'm not sure if he openly uses fictional examples.

>> No.7808498

Can I understand him even if I didnt started with he greeks?

>> No.7808502

This dude (>>7807996) basically explained the gist of it.

>> No.7808512

I dont know if I underdtand it well.
The people in power are the ones who get to decide the dominant ideology in the first place. And then you scale the social position based on how much you conform to the norm?
Isnt that you get power by simply getting power? (Money)

>> No.7808955

On Power, Bertrand de Jouvenal.

Leviathan, Hobbes.

The Prince, Machiavelli.

The State, Franz Oppenheimer.

Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze and Guattari.

>> No.7809060

>The people in power are the ones who get to decide the dominant ideology in the first place.
Not always. Most of the time, the people in power are unknowingly enslaved by the ideology of their society without even being aware of it; they interpret it as truth. Ideology is subconscious, after all.

>> No.7809070


those types of guys all talked about power and the state. it was the issue of the day.

>> No.7809082

Murray Rothbard, Frederick Hayek, and Ludwig von Misses

>> No.7809226


>> No.7809260

this fails to mention biological determinants though. That argument explains the justification of power, but not why hierarchical structures of power appear in the first place.

>> No.7809376


>> No.7810143

he doesn't do that exclusively, ignore other pissbaby anon

>> No.7810419

Vampire Queen's Servant - Joey W Hill

>> No.7810501

why is power a spook?

>> No.7810568

Cuz it's something that doesn't work if it doesn't seem legitimate for those who participate on it's game, whether those are oppressed or oppressors

>> No.7810604
File: 156 KB, 580x672, veblen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Thorstein Veblen's theories on economics/sociology


Capitalization is a pecuniary transaction whose magnitude is determined by an "appraisement of the gain expected from ownership." Anything which can yield an income can be capitalized. Capitalization unlike the marginalists or Marxists believe doesn't neccesarily have anything at all to do with ‘output’, ‘production’ or ‘serviceability’.

The value of tangible assets merely represents but does not measure the potential serviceability of them. Intangible assets, such as goodwill or patent protection are never identified with potential serviceability but with factors affecting the distribution of wealth but they are capitalized as a differential advantage and in themselves can become a tangible asset according to the exigencies of pecuniary calculation.

Capital and accumulation thus is somewhat freed from any tangible material base since value can go up or down without equal increase or decrease in the amount of material objects underlying capitalization.

A corporation is just an incorporation of credit, capitalized on the basis of the funds invested and to the amount of its prospective earnings capacity. Inasmuch as the corporation is organized for profit and not for industrial production per se, this type of organization should be viewed as a strategic institution controlling the productive capacity of industry for profitable ends. Business must of necessity limit industry in order to be profitable and it does so chiefly through the unemployment of industrial capacity. Corporations at the strategic or tactical center of the interdependent industrial system have incredible leverage to control the system towards profitable ends through the strategic use of sabotage. The level of sabotage increases or decreases according to time and need and subject to the level of prices and anticipated profits.