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7807576 No.7807576 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to know what the average SAT score of /lit/ is. The scores, of course, will be self-reported and thus unreliable but it's the best we can do.
I got a 2020 on the (now old) SAT, I have yet to take the new one. How did you all do?
Pic unrelated

>> No.7807593

I never took such a test or went to college

>> No.7807598

uh I scored 18,50 out of 20 in the french leaving certificate which I guess is the equivalent of the SAT

>> No.7807601

I live in the South, so I took the ACT instead of the SAT and got a 30.

>> No.7807604

>taking the SAT

lol stay middle class

>> No.7807606

I never took the test, was expelled from high school in freshman year. Currently a Junior in CS.

>> No.7807611

Well I suppose I will; parents are alcoholic gamblers so anything to pay for school has to come from me. I'm probably doomed to stay poor :(

>> No.7807623

2130 was my super-score. Denied from all ivys I applied to. Kinda glad tho because I'm learning and enjoying myself a lot where I am right now.

>> No.7807625

Is it possible to take one online? Britbong here, SAT test doesn't exist.

>> No.7807631

>I never took the test, was expelled from high school in freshman year.

sup my bro, i dropped out in 9th grade, but i still ended up with a couple degrees, the funny part is i work in education and have to pretend school isn't bullshit, i guess it's like some kind of weird karma, on the other hand i get to prattle on about literature and linguistics n shit so that's fun i guess

>> No.7807636

i don't remember but i did well enough because I'm good at taking tests. the SAT measures test taking abilities as much as anything else it's supposed to gauge.

>> No.7807640

Don't think so, it's run through the College Board here in the US. They've monopolized tests like the SAT here so you have to go to their approved test-taking centers for it.

>> No.7807642

what levels do you teach at?

>> No.7807648

That's kind of crazy, I figured 2100+ would be good enough to get accepted. What was your transcript like?

>> No.7807655

sat scores are a spook. stop falling victim to social spooks. see beyond ideology.

>> No.7807687

college and occasional high school, i do other stuff too, i just do whatever...these kids crying about being "wages slaves" need to be more creative

>> No.7807697


>> No.7807720


>> No.7807735

Got the lowest score possible on the essay section, even though I consistently got A's on my essays throughout high school. Go figure.

>> No.7807742

did u go to a black high school? or one of those schools that's 90 percent undocumented ESL students?

>> No.7807744

2230 on the old one

it's literally 8th grade math and basic reading comprehension

>> No.7807747

Critical Reading: 730
Math: 720
Writing: 720
Superscore: 2170
I got all those scores my first sitting. I actually tried it once more and every category went down a couple points

>> No.7807748

I got a 34 on the ACT, which is supposedly around a 2300 according the the conversion chart I just saw.

>> No.7807751

Same here, I got a 2110, and coasted through college by being good at testing while not actually learning anything.
Now I have my degree and know nothing.

>> No.7807752

it really doesn't convert like that

they're entirely different tests

>> No.7807755

That's how I felt about it; the test really doesn't gauge how smart you are, but how much you payed attention in algebra and how well you speak.

>> No.7807762


2230, which was a good enough score to get me into Pomona College

>> No.7807776

I'm worried about this happening to me. I want to study business but I don't want to go through not actually learning anything

>> No.7807785
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Got literally nothing in terms of scholarships besides national merit.

I applied to Yale and got rejected.

Now I go to a state school.

>> No.7807790


>> No.7807797

I'll also add that my score plus fives on AP calc, chem, world history, human geography, psychology, and literature got me rejected from nearly all the top colleges I applied to because they care a lot about GPA and extra curriculars and not being a straight white male. So don't worry about your score so much as long as you partake in useless activities you don't enjoy in order to look like a go getter. Being a black female helps too.

>> No.7807804

dafuq. That's and absurdly good score for colleges to ignore

>> No.7807806


>> No.7807809

I took the ACT rather than the SAPleb. Got a 33 IIRC

>> No.7807815

I'm angry on behalf of the people who received those scores, that's some shit

>> No.7807824
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Yo, you guys got any more stats?

>> No.7807825


I was like captain of the football and wrestling team, and had a 4.0 and took all the AP classes available. I guess I didn't build enough water wells in Africa to be admitted to Yale, kek. Or it was just my terrible essays.
In retrospect, I should have gone to a military academy. Life working in an office as a programmer isn't something that I look forward to.

>> No.7807831

I never took it.

>> No.7807833

And you're supposed to be smart? Do you know what it's like being at a military academy compared to working in an office?

>> No.7807836

It's not like I didn't know what to expect when I was in highschool and I new colleges wouldn't see me as prime material but I decided that I was better off pursuing my interests in math and literature on my own time and enjoying it than selling my soul to a college application. I don't feel wronged it's just disappointing that some memelord who loves the Avengers and Harry Potter is probably going to MIT right now.

>> No.7807842

I got a 2050 in 7th grade and a 2310 in Junior year. Could have gotten better but I never really studied for the test.

>> No.7807846

2340, attending Columbia right now, and still wondering if it's worth it or not.

>> No.7807855


I go to one of the top universities in the world.

>> No.7807860
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Yeah, I have an idea of what it's like, my dad is a grad. And I work a programming internship right now, so I know what to expect in work life.

I just think that I would prefer military life, now that I am in school and just do homework by myself and work out by myself. I would prefer the kind of camaraderie that I had in high school sports teams, and a less meaningless job once I get out.

Of course, I would have hated it as an 18 year old, and bitched about not having the regular college experience that I expected to have, the grass is always greener.

>> No.7807861

>I go to one of the top universities in the world
I'd love to comment on that, if only it were not so vague

>> No.7807862

Be more creative how, teach me to be a happy slave.

>> No.7807871

Why not do something else then?

>> No.7807891


Went to a top school.

Now I don't do shit but argue about Marx with the local commie/anarchist crews.

Get a good enough SAT to get into a decent uni, network + intern + get letters of rec, and have a well-off family with good connections to help you post-college. Beyond that first step, SAT scores don't matter.

>> No.7807894


>> No.7807896


>> No.7807899

I got 11 on writing in the ACT ayyy

>> No.7807904


>> No.7807910

9999. And the funniest part of all is I don't even bother to study.

Such things are beneath me. How could I possibly learn from idiots who think PHP is a good programming language and Fitzgerald a good author?

>> No.7807926


I got like 1400 on the old one and a 25 or 6 on the ACT.
Joke's on them cause I got straight As in college for 2 years until I stopped caring and only did the bare minimum

>> No.7807930


If you have any questions, then I'm open to answering them.

>> No.7807935

2270 for me, perfect math 1&2 subject tests, 12 ap classes (got eight 5s and four 4s), 3.8ish gpa, closest I got to the ivies was a waitlist at Brown. Ended up at a "public ivy" after a year at a state school.

Standardized tests don't carry all the weight they used to; schools nowadays are huge on extracurriculars, obviously GPAs, and sometimes have race/gender quotas to consider. If you're a white guy you really need to round out your application with more than just some test scores. My apps were almost entirely based on grades/scores; I undeniably shot myself in the foot with that.

On the other hand, getting all my rejection letters was the first and last step to making me stop caring about being "on track." I cruised through undergrad in a social science when I could have finished 3 semesters early doing STEM, and now I'm NEET and ardently refuse to go to work with recourse to my degree/connections. I was bummed for a while, but now I don't give a fuck and laugh at people trying to guilt me into pursuing "success." But I'm honestly not sure I'd recommend that to anyone else, and am not sure if I'd do things differently if given the chance.

>> No.7807936

1970, which is pretty good but my grades, writing, and recs got me into schools where the average is closer to 2100. Now I've got to choose whether I want to go to Tulane or a maximum cozy small college in Maine.

>> No.7808045

I got a 28 on the ACT when my mom forced me to take it early

Then I got a 26 when I had to take it for school with everyone else lol

>> No.7808090

No one could read my handwriting so I got a 200 or something on the written section, I got around 700 each on the other shit.

I'm a NEET now so it never mattered.

>> No.7808101

am i the only one here that took the 1600 point SAT?

>> No.7808106

Don't despair in your senescence gramps. You have to prepare.

>> No.7808111

I never took the SAT but my ACT was a 34 which got me a full ride to the University of Alabama so I'm going to get my Economics/Finance degree for free and then go to grad school.

Separate note, what is a great school to teach at? I want my PhD in Econ so I can be a professor and teach somewhere really pretty like Flagler or U of Charleston.

>> No.7808124

Incase is the best shit. I've jerked it to that dwarf comic a hundred times.

>> No.7808127
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I'm a dropout who works behind the line at a shitty mexican bar

>> No.7808131

31 on my ACT. currently a fry cook

>> No.7808156

I remember scoring fairly well but they keep changing shit and I don't remember.

The SAT is a crock of shit though. You can study to the test with a Kaplan tutor and increase your score one or two hundred points easily. If you spent a shitload of time on test prep you can get really high scores.

>> No.7808158

it's sad that I would probably do even worse if I were to take it today

>> No.7808159

1.9/2.0 on the swedish equivalent which is somewhere in the 99.6-99.8 percentile range according to some chart I just looked up

>> No.7808166

The popularity of these threads, similar to IQ threads, may be cause for despair.

>> No.7808170

Is everyone here American or something?
could someone explain these scores to me?

>> No.7808174

I think their test consists of three parts and each one awards a maximum of 800 points, so the highest possible score would be 2400.

>> No.7808183

>all french people post in this thread
>french people then post in the thread
Get it now dweeb? Then of course there are going to be people pretending to be french.

>> No.7808186

34 ACT, 2240 SAT

I never see GRE/MCAT/LSAT scores in these-- is /lit/ too pleb for post-graduation tests?

Eg for me 170/165 GRE with a 5.5 essay

>> No.7808188


>> No.7808204
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>being a wage slave while taking this shitty exam.

>> No.7808260

3.7 HS gpa (not bullshit classes though)
i think i disappointed my parents

>> No.7808268

Never took SAT, but iirc my ACT was:
Composite: 33
English: 35
Reading: 36
Math: 29
Science: 32

Fuckin math

>> No.7808277

Oldfag here who took the OG 1600 SAT. Got a 1460/1600, 760/800 on verbal.

>> No.7808279

SAT: 2120
reading 790
math 540
writing 790

ACT 30
english 35
reading 36
math 23
science 24

from like 2013 or some shit

>> No.7808282

>paying the standardized jew

stay cucked

>> No.7808289

1810 in 2013.

>> No.7808652

who else /ivyleague/ here?

>> No.7808777



>> No.7808785

2310 SAT, also an Eagle Scout and IB Diploma, volunteered a ton at a Girls' Home; ended up at a CC/JC because of grades.

I fucking hate my life.

>> No.7808793

English - 34
Reading - 33
Math - 29
Science - 30
Writing - 11/12

>> No.7808799

Are you the fucking genius from the other thread?

>> No.7808816

Im using this name ironically to make fun of that nerd kek

But really, yeah I am; I really just want to know how to unfuck my life man. I feel like a worthless piece of shit for not being able to focus, and think in destined for failure in the long run.

>> No.7808821

I don't remember the exact score, but I got 800 on English and did fairly mediocre on mathematics. I knew a guy who went to Princeton purely because he got 1600 on his SATs. He wasn't very intelligent in any practical sense and had no real ambition outside drinking heavily, smoking pot and playing Counter-Strike. He did very well on tests so he was accepted to Princeton. I wonder what he's doing with his life now.

>> No.7808849

Do the Boy Scouts still tell kids that earning their Eagle Scout is the fast track to a life of prestige? That's what they told me when I was a teenager but I've found mentioning that you're an Eagle Scout to people has a similar effect to talking about your rifle collection and deep-seated feelings of alienation.

>> No.7808852

I've got a similar situation except dramatically less prospects. What's fucking with your life?

>> No.7808857

yeah they kinda do and its not true at all. im glad i did boy scouts though, one of the best formative experiences of my young life.

>> No.7808869

Eh not really, and even if they had, I'd think it was a crock of shit. I just did it for fun because I enjoy the outdoors and because my dad never got his eagle, but always wished he had. I don't really plan to ever mention it unless I'm trying to impress old-fashioned adults who still think it matters, or if it's advantageous because a potential boss might have been an Eagle Scout. It did get me a job at In n Out, though.

>> No.7808875


>> No.7808876

About 1200, or so, very vague recollection. I somehow managed to write my essay about how Hitler had good leadership traits and trace that to Gandhi. It was stupid now that I think of it.

Anywho, I ended up going to community college, being a B+ to A- student and won numerous awards and accolades. I also had a study abroad fully funded for Germany.
Then I went to a nearby state school and continued doing well until the end of my undergrad, but I kept everything on the down low. I was tired of the student life, especially after single-handedly running the school newspaper at community college.
Ended up going to grad school for philosophy at one of the top universities in the country and now I'm finishing my PhD. What a journey.

>> No.7808877

In another thread about being "smart" I tried to talk about how my biggest flaw is my failure to focus on things that matter, but I essentially got shit on for the whole thread about being condescending. So I guess I just need to work on being more dedicated and driven in pursuing my goals.

>> No.7808926

Too bad. The biggest take aways you'll get from a business degree over any other alternative are connections and fairly obvious business world "best practices" that could be exhaustively relayed to you in the space of a short novel.
Any economics you take will be useless outside of Internet arguments, you'll take dumbed down math courses that lie to you about being business focused, you'll take the softest versions of the softest areas like marketing or finance, your upper level courses will be classes on categorization rather than anything useful and you'll be stuck with mindless business students in all of your classes as a misguided attempt to teach team dynamics.

I did honors business at a top 10 school and the only time I was even remotely challenged was in my core science track courses and in the elective math I took.

>> No.7808933

The middle school scholars SAT (in all its various kinds) was out of 1600 at least while I was administering it. Either lying or underage b&.

>> No.7808938

Unfortunately the world can only support a tiny fraction of its population doing this. You're an exception, not a model that can be followed.

>> No.7808950

IIRC, 1360 on the old 1600 scale.

>> No.7808956

If that's what you got out of it then you're correct about missing the details. I was never in that thread but it sounds to me like your problem is a superiority complex.

>> No.7808964


The first thing you could do is stop using the trip. Not even kidding here dude; we don't like internet personalities here (just see booktuber threads) and everyone here is somehow intelligent enough to discern who's saying what in the middle of a conversation.

Anyway, I got a 32 on the ACT which translates roughly into a 2160 on the SAT. I didn't study and told myself it was out of principle because standardized tests are bullshit and don't even determine how well you take regular tests.

Reality was probably that I was a lazy and apathetic student with no drive though.

>> No.7808979

34 ACT, 2220 SAT, 800 math 2

>> No.7809086

Math: 800
Verbal: 800
Writing: 700

Went to a good stem school, graduated in 6 years with a 2.5 GPA. Time management and effort trumps "raw" intelligence any day of the week, and I hardly have the latter anyway. Also being mildly depressed for years doesn't help, I got counseling and meds in my last year, my GPA was nearly a 4.0 in that time.

I hate when people tell me I'm "smart". I grew up in a small town and so many people there have these weirdly unrealistic expectations of what I'm supposed to do in my life, and I have done essentially nothing to deserve it but get some good test scores. I had a lot of anxiety until I admitted to myself that I didn't have to live up to their expectations, and that I personally don't have much ambition. I'd like to write a few novels and am slowly trying to learn self-discipline to make myself write, but it's a very slow process.

>> No.7809180


>> No.7809188

Maybe anon, maybe.

>> No.7809203

I took the SAT once without studying at all

I figured I would take one to see what its like, and then once I was familiar with the format, study and take it again

I got a 1900 first take and realized thats good enough to get into the college I wanted to go to, so I didnt end up taking it again.

>> No.7809345

I don't know where the lines are between new and old, but last october I scored an 1820. 660 of it in writing, 600 in reading, and 560 in math. I never finished high school. was 24 when I took it.

>> No.7809379

2100. I don't remember the full score but math was a perfect 800, and yet I nearly flunked out of college and had to switch out of the physics program. The scores mean nothing

>> No.7809397

>In retrospect, I should have gone to a military academy

it's too late for us, but maybe it's not too late for someone out there reading this. Please don't fall for the University meme unless you wanna be bored and hedonistic for four years and not learn anything.

>> No.7809402

I lived in a hammock from when I was 16 to when I was 22. My partner in "Business" repeatedly stole from me in the next few years and sabotaged every attempt I made at going somewhere in life. I now have no friends and am starting community college at 25. You're fine.

>> No.7809421

They will give you a commission if you have a college degree. They accept like %25 of people for US Army OCS I have read. It helps if you have a good gpa, a STEM degree and leadership experience.

I think I'll work for a few years to improve my application and make money, then apply if I still want to.

>> No.7809425

Took the ACT instead, got a 29.

Was hoping people'd post GRE too, since I've taken that way more recently. I got a 157/150 with 4.5 essay.

>> No.7809427

1420 (out of 2400, not 1600), pretty shit, but I ended up alright

>> No.7809434

I'm homeschooled and never took the SATs or ACTs...

>tfw impending future w/ no degree

>> No.7809469

2220, denied from all unis I applied to :'^)

Had to go to CC, saved a bit of money with it. At a UC now.

>> No.7809527

Where did you apply initially?

>> No.7809552

Berkeley, UCSD, Cal Poly SLO, MIT, Stanford, Urbana Champaign, Columbia.

Also was applying as a STEMfag, which could have made the difference.

>> No.7809562

2250 superscored. As I remember my writing score absolutely plummeted the last time I took it, although my math score raised somewhat. It makes one wonder as to the usefulness of essays in a standardized test format, where an essay is read in a minute and a half.

>> No.7809571

I got like an 1800 (took it twice). Combined with my 3.0 in high school and middle class parents, I walked right into an average state school.

>> No.7809591

I was about to say. Apparently the average SAT score of people accepted to american universities is something like 1550

>> No.7809600

I took it five years out of highschool and scored a 1860. However, I earned a 740 in the critical reading portion. Decent score for the essay.

I still wonder what I may have scored if I bothered to study or took it back in highschool.

>> No.7809603

They're actually a very strong indicator of how a senior in high school will do in college.

>> No.7809608

Maybe you just underestimated what's expected of physicists.

>> No.7809617

2300, perfect CR, 720 math, 780 writing. Got perfect math level 2, and an embarassing 730 Literature in subjects.

Rejected from Penn ED. A few days later I read an article about how Shakespeare shouldn't be taught in high school written by a Penn undergrad, so I felt a lot better after reading that article lol

>> No.7809619


>> No.7809621

1700, but I literally did none of the math. I was in a weird mood and just thought of sex the whole time. I went to a small school, so it was probably seeing all of the girls from different schools. I also did not know how to do simple algebra, so whatever

>> No.7809644
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dont have SAT:s in my country, but i did get I straight A:s. Here it's rather the program than the uni (they're all state schools) which has merit, though. My uni is aight

>> No.7809645
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Reading: 750
Math: 630
Writing: 760
I wish I had payed attention in Algebra....

>> No.7809652

math is basically just a meme, so i wouldn't worry about it too much

>> No.7809655

I got a 2100 5 years ago. I didnt study for it and didnt take it a second time. I should have though.

>> No.7809663

I didn't study for it either. What a waste of time that would have been.

>> No.7809664

Part of it may have been psychological. I had a mental breakdown doing a soul-crushing office internship in the summer between high school and college, and then had several more after getting my first F, getting my second, getting a C in calculus 1 even though I took the same class the year before in high school and got an A+, and so on. Eventually I was an empty shell

>> No.7809667

PSA for all the high school kids: the tests are made to be studied for so that Kaplan can accumulate shekels. So you can boost your score by like 200 points and get into better schools just by going through a book and doing practice tests. They aren't hard, they just need to be learned and felt out before the day of the test.

>> No.7809724

I got a 2400.

It was a real life meme in my high school for awhile, so much so that some people still call me 'perfect score' ffs.

I applied to all the ivies, and did not get into any. This was 2007, so the financial crisis allegedly made it an especially hard year for applications—but still, I was very disappointed, and remain so.

I went to a state school and majored in english.

>> No.7809862

2180. I test very well.
It is probably the only thing I am good at.


>> No.7809867

I got a 2400 on the SAT while high, drunk and getting a blowjob from OP's mother. I then got into Harvard, graduated summa cum laude and am now at Cambridge as a Rhode Scholar. AMA.

>> No.7809871

In Australia universities almost exclusively look at your grades for your final year of high school. We do take a standardized test at the end in Victoria though called the GAT (General Achievement Test.)

In that I got almost perfect marks in the Humanities and Maths/Autism sections but got almost the exact average score in the English part.

Why can't I recognize patterns for a living? It's the only thing my autist brain excels at.

>> No.7809874
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I came into this thread hoping to see something along these lines eventually.

>> No.7809879

Where are you planning on applying for post-grad? Full track or just masters?

>> No.7809884

That's nothing, I got a 2400 on the SAT even though I was taking the ACT while giving myself a blowjob(no homo). I then got into Oxford but quit the 1st year to take a job offer with the Illuminati and now control the world through sinister machinations. Don't ask me anything unless you want to risk the slight chance that I'll update your profile based on the specific psychological tells from your post and manipulate you even more accurately than I already do.

>> No.7809888

>Don't ask me anything
What's your favorite flavor of ice cream ;))

>> No.7809906

>Implying illerminati eat ice cream
It once was rocky road, but now such pleasures are like ashes in my mouth compared to the delights afforded to we, the puppeteer's puppeteers.

By the way, you need to floss more.

>> No.7809913
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1780 superscore
still waiting to hear back from some schools

>> No.7809942


>> No.7809948

I hope this isn't fake because I'm actually really interested. Where are you studying now? Are you looking to teach in higher ed? What advice do you have for a university freshman at a mediocre state school looking to pursue a doctorate in philosophy or elsewhere in the humanities?

>> No.7809949

be glad you didnt end up here

>> No.7809951

i'm an 18 year old senior lad

>> No.7809954

Mine is 0 because I didn't take it. Dropped out of high school junior year, fucked off for a bit before getting my GED at 20 then went to work for a construction company a family friend is a superintendent at.

10 years later I have no debt and make $26/hr driving from site to site telling mexicans what needs to be done and occasionally helping personally with tougher tasks. I don't actually do much work and get paid to spend a lot of time reading or practicing my writing on my laptop.

It's been nice but I don't know if it'll last more than another year or two. Company was sold to these two brothers about a year and a half ago and they're fucking retarded. The morons lost two big contracts last year and the family friend told me we'll prob lose another by June. Been strongly thinking of going back to school or looking for another company.

>> No.7809955

>Time management
college is all about time mgmt. it has very little to do with intelligence. anyways, intelligence is a relative term.

>> No.7809957

April 1 ma nigga we can do this

>> No.7809959

I bet Stirner would vape if he was still around

>> No.7809968

>tfw I vape and have the much coveted twitter handle 'stirnerite' and I haven't even read The Ego and His Own all the way

>> No.7809969

>don't even remember if I took the SAT (Is it mandatory or something you have to seek out? If the latter I think I definitely wouldn't have taken it)
>don't even remember my ACT scores beyond 'above 30' which was the lowest of my three friends

Just fuck my shi-
>blew my free scholarship ride on a bachelors degree in english from a state school

nevermind, mission accomplished, shit is fucked

>> No.7809981
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bring it in close son
we got this

>> No.7809986
File: 32 KB, 608x480, die freinen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he absolutely would
no doubt in my mind
just look at him in this picture, he's already smoking
he would show up at the nu die freinen meetings just to blow fat clouds in marx's face

>> No.7809996

2170 superscore.

I don't understand these people. Why the Hell did you want to go to Yale or some other top college if you weren't a "go-getter"? The Ivies are completely comprised of go-getters. Unless your one of those Übermensch who wants the networking opportunities at an early age, I just don't see the reason to go through the trouble and worry of trying to get in, other than to stroke your own ego.

You could just say this is all just sour grapes, but I'm genuinely curious. Going to an Ivy isn't going to insure success. So why feel like a failure because you didn't get in? Why spend your entire high school career preening yourself for a few Elite Colleges?

>> No.7810006
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Dude, fucking same.

>> No.7810018

Perfect scores on the ACT English and Reading, a 26 in math and a 28 in science. I forget my SAT scores, they weren't quite as good and my scholarships were dictated by my ACT performance.

>> No.7810019

I planned to go to the state school I'm at now. I only applied because my parents wanted me to. Now that I'm 3 years deep here, I see what they were saying. It would have been kind of cool to go there if I would have been more proactive, but really it wouldn't have changed much from where I'm at now.

But my real regret is not going to military school. Going to an Ivy wouldn't have changed much. I am not a go getter, I need structure. Like at this school, I have a 4.0 and a mediocre co-op job, and pretty much nothing else to show for my time here.

>> No.7810020

Just read your Twitter. It appears to nothing but a series of insults directed into a void of politicians and public figures who do not actually know you exist. No friends. No retweets. No personal photographs.

>> No.7810022

Yeah, it's just for lurking to be honest.

>> No.7810039

I'm nearly done with my Masters, that was my score three years ago. I only sent the score to my undergrad uni and got into graduate school there, but 157/4.5 is apparently mediocre enough that they weren't even sure I'd get in. I thought they were at least "okay," since the math doesn't matter for me anyway.

I'm planning to retake it soon for PhD apps, though I'm only applying to SMU. I'm going to feel crap if it doesn't at least hit mid-160s this time.

>> No.7810048

2350 SAT, 34 ACT- I am a humanities guy who goes to a Math and Science school so I really got exposed to/good at both. Wish me luck because I'm going to be hearing from colleges in ~2 weeks

>> No.7810052


I don't know why, but I'm still mad about it after all these years. If had the money, I would take it every weekend until I get a perfect score.

>> No.7810054

RhodeS scholars attend Oxford

>> No.7810055

Hey, me too!

>> No.7810057

they're good scores, mine were pretty much the same and I got into some good schools, good luck

>> No.7810065

I've been NEET for over a year myself and I'm starting to have a similar attitude regarding success, though part of me still wants to work and have babies and not be a leech. Another part of me doesn't want to contribute to my country because of how fucked up the gov is.

Cruised through my degree in biology/chemistry not really caring. I've never had drive or motivation and always relied on my innate ability rather than hard work or dedication--not just for school, but for everything. I got diagnosed with depression and ADHD after I graduated ... Too little too late though.

>> No.7810083

Thank you famiglio

>> No.7810084

169 on verbal, 156 on quantitative
Got me into some pretty decent PhD programs, though honestly I don't know how much the scores matter, seems to be mainly recommendations and writing sample

>> No.7810088

I got a 20
I'm retarded

>> No.7810125

At Davis now familio. Much better than SD.

>> No.7810335

what school?

>> No.7810345
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>tutored by SAT tutor next door neighbor for months
>final score: 1990
>went to community college and transferred to Berkeley
>tfw seeing all these high scorers probably with no tutoring

I'm so fucking lucky

>> No.7810350

2180 on whatever version of the SAT I would've taken in 2006. 740 verbal, 660 math, 780 writing.

168 LSAT.

>> No.7810381

2340 on the SAT
35 on the ACT
Though this was three or four years ago. Not sure if they've changed the tests significantly by now.

>> No.7810759

You guys are fucking pathetic. Anything below 2200 is unabashedly shit and you should be ashamed.

Anyway, 2320 here, went to top stem school now pursuing phd at #1 school in my field.

Where is your ambition faggots? Don't you want to follow papa stoner into the only real /lit/ life?

>> No.7810791

2300 SAT/36 ACT

>> No.7810802

Took the ACT, got a 30. Some girl in my school got a 32 so I took it again, actually studying the math portion, which had brought my grade down.
Got another 30, where my science score dropped proportionally to the rise in my math score.

>> No.7810807

35 act with meh GPA was good enough to get me into Cornell

>> No.7810810

36 with good gpa and asian got me waitlisted at cornell. feelsbadman.

>> No.7810814

I was being humble about my GPA you probably just suck lmao

>> No.7810816

Cornhell is pretty shitty anyway.

>> No.7810818

Agreed - what's worse is that I majored in economics instead of philosophy because I was seduced by the overwhelming amount of corporate slaves pushing their propaganda * tips *

>> No.7810821

i ended up at princeton for undergrad and harvard for grad, a little bit better than cornell i'd say ;)

>> No.7810870

Serious question: why is this board so into philosophy?

>> No.7810961

because it doesn't require literary knowledge to front about and makes plebs seem deep and cultured in their interior monologues

>> No.7810962


well said

>> No.7810966


Damn, Cornell fags B T F O

>> No.7810970


>> No.7810984

The fuck?

>> No.7810985

Honestly, anything below 2350 is garbage. You're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7810989

Not being a legacy and not having unique interests hurt you much more than being a white dude

>> No.7811060

I scored in the 200-400 range in all 3 sections.

My parents were mad to have wasted $50 and I was mad to have wasted a Saturday.

>> No.7811066

2170 if I recall

barely studied/prepped but for some reason standardized test taking is my jam, must be the autist in me

>> No.7811104

>standardized test taking is my jam
>only 2170

>> No.7811117

You are a wage slave you blind hick. Just because you are shipped around does not mean you do not depend on the alienation of your labor for survival.

>> No.7811136

I completely agree on all counts. I put "raw" in quotes, but I should have expanded them to include "intelligence" as well since it can mean so many different things to so many different people.

Anyway, I watched plenty of people who got much lower scores on their SAT perform at a much higher level than I did, and I believe 90% of that was due to time management skills.

>> No.7811142

never had to take any of those things

went to community college with my GED and transferred to a university with those credits

>> No.7811146

I got a 2050, which I used to get into county college of morris

>> No.7811286

I am old (28) and took it before it was 3 tests and got at 1550 (780 verbal / 770 math). took the ACT too and got a 35, some combination of 36/35/35/34

>> No.7811309



>> No.7811343

I got a 2080 and 3.5 and got accepted to Harvard

Essays and extracurriculars boys

>> No.7811351

let me guess you're black or hispanic or some other minority

>> No.7811360


>> No.7811361

I lived close to Andover and everyone there either took the SAT or ACT. It's not really optional for uni admissions.

>> No.7811369

Same, got a 31 though.

Bombed the math portion. Didn't even know the formula for an elipse since we hadn't studied it yet.

>> No.7811385
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I didn't do the math section. Fuck math.

>> No.7811400

You and me both, I still don't get it. 1760 overall score, Reading:720, Writing:590, Math:450.

Kinda wish I had worked harder on math, but oh well.

>> No.7811406

Hey~! At least you didn't try to get into Saint Leo Online like my stupid ass did! I got in, realized it was 100% cheating for a bull degree, and am still trying to get out of it.

>> No.7811431

>2310 SAT, also an Eagle Scout and IB Diploma
2220, Eagle Scout and IB Diploma here too. Got me fucking nothing as well.

>> No.7811434

Even if you try, you won't learn anything in a business school.

t. econ major.

>> No.7811436

>no safety schools

>> No.7811437

Was too lazy to take the SAT, but my ACT scores are:

English: 33
Math: 20
Reading: 34
Science: 24

Composite was a 27 or 28.

>> No.7811442

Are you a wizard? wtf did you do?

>> No.7811450

>implying cal poly, berkeley, ucsd, and urbana champaign aren't safety schools

>> No.7811452

I didn't take it, took the ACT and did really badly, going to St John's College now.

>> No.7811453

>implying anyone gives a shit what econ undergrads think

>> No.7811454


>> No.7811467

i mean i guess berkeley is a tough to get into school for in-state. if you're out of state berkeley/any of the UCs are a breeze to get into.

>> No.7811475 [DELETED] 

Not fake, and very much real. 1200 out of the 2400 grading system.

I was seriously unmotivated throughout life. The only hobby I had in high school was theatre, but I knew I didn't want to study theatre in college.

I'm currently at NYU and I'm not looking to teach. I have a job prospect opening up in Germany where I'll be involved with an organization that deals with global ethics. I'd be living there, attending conferences, interviewing people and brainstorming with other people from the country/continent. This may lead me to teaching in university in Germany, but I don't find that to be uninteresting.

Honestly, as a freshman--well, this applies to anyone, really, do get your name out there. If there's one thing I learned as a journalist in community college, it's to put your foot in the doors of as many doors you can. The professors you meet can be really interesting and lead you into certain careers. I was very sure I'd pursue my graduate studies in English, but after being a research assistant during my junior year for a professor of mine, I switched to philosophy.

The humanities can be painful but also rewarding. See if you like to write papers and sit in the library for hours reading articles in obscure references from small-time professors. It can be tedious, but if you come up with something groundbreaking, it can lead to something fun.

>> No.7811485

>California residents make up 65.6 percent of the students offered freshman admission, compared to 65.8 percent last year.

This is from their website. Seeing from this, not even counting international admits, out of the 17% admitted, 45% were OOS and international. about 3-5% is their acceptance rate for OOS-- counting internationals, it's more like 2%. Who told you it was easier to get admitted OOS? They have a resident quota they need to fill.

>> No.7811494


>> No.7811496

do you know how UC system works? they have a resident quota that they need to fill and offer discounted tuition to, whereas out of state students pay much higher tuition. as a result, most out of state guys avoid applying, and you get a lower quality applicant pool overall. mostly a question of who can afford it. in-state is much more intense/merit based competition.

>Seeing from this, not even counting international admits, out of the 17% admitted, 45% were OOS and international. about 3-5% is their acceptance rate for OOS

the fuck? you should work on your math.

>> No.7811498

Took the ACT, got a 34.

>> No.7811500


I just remember receiving an 800 in math

>> No.7811505

My essay was legendary, I spent almost two months writing it.
Also I play an instrument really well and sent some tapes of that and they were like "zoinks"

>> No.7811511

yes. if about 35% of their accepted students are OOS, cut 17% in half for a rough estimate, it's less that amount. so, about 3-5%.

>> No.7811513

I took it in 2009, I think I was in the mid 1900 range but I can't remember my score. I ended up going to community college for 2 years to save money anyways so it didn't matter.

>> No.7811515

So you're a Harvard educated NEET? You must be really rare, like my silent farts.

>> No.7811517

Wow, this makes me regret not applying. I can write a really really really good essay, have a lot of art pieces and did a research project on my own, but my GPA was 3.4 and my SAT was about 1950. I wonder if I would have gotten in.

>> No.7811522

he's lying bro.

>> No.7811524

How do you know?

>> No.7811526

you dont know how many OOS people apply. hint: it's not many. i guarantee you OOS admission is generally better than in state admission for uc system.

>> No.7811530

You're right, but that still doesn't mean it's a breeze.

>> No.7811536

my friend worked in harvard admission offices for a couple of years. they don't value essays very highly. certainly not highly enough to overcome those stats, without other circumstances. maybe he's first gen college student, maybe he's legacy, etc. etc., but good essays on their own carry very little weight.

>> No.7811539

What do they value? Elements that will maintain their rankings?

>> No.7811546

harvard (and other top schools) have so many people that far exceed qualifications. they're looking for reasons to cut people, not reasons to bump up applications with shitty stats. affirmative action, soft quotas, legacy, famous/influential parents, athletics, etc. all need to be considered. by the time all of those are addressed you really don't have any space left to give the guy with shitty stats and a somewhat decent essay a chance, even if you wanted to.

>> No.7811551

I see. that's so shitty. Why is it like that?

>> No.7811552

i scored in the 170s on lsat.

>> No.7811558

2280; M/R - 1570

They don't mean much anyways. I got a scholarship for college just because of the 36, and it didn't feel right, because the other people were more deserving. It is just a general guideline that people put too much stock in. (But the reason I may be downplaying it is because I did well on it, so be aware of that bias)

>> No.7811560

I'm first in my family, the admissions officers mostly talked about my essay on the application sheets.
I also did well in the interview and started a couple clubs, a few other things like that.

>> No.7811565

supply and demand. there are more people who meet the basic academic/competence qualifications than there are spots available at these top schools, which leads to admission rates dropping lower and lower every year, perpetuating the cycle.

prestige/reputation/rankings play into it. top schools can essentially pick and choose exactly what they want because there will be enough qualified candidates for them to make up their class however they want.

the lack of a true objective, or at least standardized, method of evaluating academic performance like in europe/asia means subjective and "holistic" standards carry more weight as well, which essentially allows colleges to put higher emphasis on soft quotas, athletics, legacy, etc.

>> No.7811608

What does it even take to get in to Harvard?

Would my 32 ACT and 4.0 GPA have done it?

>> No.7811612

would not have, no worries

>> No.7811640


objective stats don't matter unless you're way above the crowd, in which case you'd probably know if you had a shot of getting in.

4.0 GPA on its is meaningless because, as i said, american education system is not really standardized. A 4.0 means can mean very different things depending on your school. If you had a 4.0 from Stuy, TJ, Santa Monica, etc., probably. If it's a 4.0 from random school in flyover state without a strong pedigree of ivy league admissions, probably not.

And on top of that you also need a shitton of extracurricular accomplishments and "subjective" qualifications.

first in family then is a big boost.

clubs on their own aren't necessarily super impressive. pretty much everyone who goes to a top school has super deep involvements with multiple clubs/extracurricular activities. i guess i shouldn't say it's not impressive, but more everyone has them.

i'm also not as convinced on the importance of interviews. it can help the borderline cases if you really hit it out of the park with the interviewer, but common wisdom is that it's fairly irrelevant for the vast majority of applicants.

>> No.7811771
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2230 Total
M: 740
V: 800
Protip: Unless your writing section is catastrophically low, nobody cares. I got into Tufts, Emory and Vanderbilt, with excessive scholarships from state schools and waitlisted at Princeton, UChicago and Penn.

Other big stats were 4.0 GPA, 4.5+ average score over 8 AP exams, eagle scout and recruitable athletic performance.

CHILDREN LISTEN TO THIS MAN. Time management and discipline are everything in college.

>when your region knows it's too retarded to take a real man's test
Fuck flyover states. So glad I ran out as fast as I could.

Black people are still "underrepresented" at elite institutions and Asians still "overrepresented" despite the disparity in standards. Nobody's taking your place except some Asian kid with a more impressive CV.

>> No.7811822

32 ACT
507 MCAT

high seventieth percentile is best percentile

>> No.7811830

About to take the MCAT.

I'm hoping for 99+% since my 3.5 won't do shit for me wanting allopathic.

>> No.7811849

i got the exact same total with a 770, 700, 700 breakdown. congrats, brother

>> No.7812419

2330 first try, 2400 on the second try this past November. I only studied lightly and it still feels surreal to say I did so well. Still got rejected from every school I applied to aside from a state school. This was probably on account of my atrocious GPA.

>> No.7812514

Took the ACT instead
>36 in English
>35 in Reading
>33 in Science
>31 in Math
At University of Chicago now

>> No.7812890

>Acting like hot shit over a 2230

okay mate stay teir 2