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7807481 No.7807481 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good pro-labor and far-left fiction?

>> No.7807490


>> No.7807494


The fuck is that thing in the picture?

>> No.7807499

the jungle i guess

>> No.7807506

Nigger, just stop.

>> No.7807508

1984. Atlas Shrugged. The Fountainhead. Read these and thank me later OP.

>> No.7807512

Start with the greeks

>> No.7807513

Just look at the picture you posted as a symptom of late capitalism.

>> No.7807524

>lumping 1984 in with Rand

Orwell was an anarchist.

>> No.7807663

he was more of a social democrat than an anarchist. He worked with the British government and provided information to black list communist literature in the UK. He was a pretty awful hypocrite.

>> No.7807678

He disliked authoritarian socialism. He only turned in Stalinists and Marxist-Leninists.

>> No.7807699

Who is this semen demon? Maybe that will save this god awful leftist thread.

>> No.7807709

Not a bad idea actually. Marx and Engels were very well read in the Classics, and studying them can actually give a good foundation for some of the things Marx builds upon in his writings.

As for OP's question:
Anything by Upton Sinclair
Grapes of Wrath
Les Miserables (leftist for the time, but more liberal republican today)
Hermanos - William Herrick
The Iron Heel - Jack London

>> No.7807719

Thank you for the serious answer

>> No.7807725

how many threads have you posted today OP?

>> No.7807728

Mari Brennan
Right click+s friend

>> No.7807741
File: 52 KB, 881x589, LeftiesKek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop encouraging these shit threads, "friend".

>> No.7807745

boy im tryna help a man get his load off and u sayin im encouraging shit threads? im a fuckin savior mind you

>> No.7807818

Who were the classical leftists? I know Caesar was his times equivalent of a liberal.

>> No.7807914

Turning in any leftists, regardless of their ideology is reactionary and inherently undermines the socialist cause.

>> No.7807924

>The Jungle
It's only worthwhile to read as a museum piece.

>> No.7807925

Which is a good thing. <3

>> No.7807927

There weren't really any classical "leftists" in the modern sense of the word. The closest that there were are what are sometimes noted as proto-communist such as the early Christians, but Marx was inspired by many of the early Greek philsosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Euripides. Knowing the basics of these philosophers isn't inherent in understanding Marxist critique but it certainly doesn't hurt, especially if you want to study Hegelian dialectics before graduating to Marx's works.

>> No.7807931
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I guess it is if you're gulag bait.

>> No.7808050

Gas sewer and electric - The Public Works Trilogy

>> No.7808062

Mohism is kinda leftist.

>> No.7808063

It's a look into what America was like in the 1900s and explains why unions are a necessary evil.

>> No.7808069

T. 18 yo lolbertarian

>> No.7808098

Some people read into 1984 and see the failure of a powerful state. I see it as a sign of the failure of a state period. A powerful state can be a force for immense good. The entire defining factor is who is in control. You really need to build a system where there is no benefit to corruption and where the members of the power structure are those who genuinely want good for the people over their own selfish gains. Or rather, whose selfish gains lie in their identifying with the common people who they seek to serve.

>> No.7808099

A hot woman who take cares of herself and her body.
When was the last time you hit the gym /lit/ fag?

>> No.7808578

>of herself
>and her body

/fit/ Intelligence everyone.

>> No.7808585

The Moneychangers - Upton Sinclair

>> No.7808586

At least this guy is probably more self aware than the marxists and socialists that perpetuate weed like threads.

>> No.7808590

Alt right here. Both lefties and lolbertarians are mad.

>> No.7808608


you're a fool

OP may or may not be new but I've been coming to 4chan for about a decade, and I've never seen any reason to universally refrain from using emoticons

and no it isn't automatically ironic to use them even "knowing the culture" in whatever holy way you prefer; some people have emotions and are sometimes actually (believe it or not) earnest about expressing them

your bland kneejerk splurt of pointless defense of a community that only halfway exists (and that hates you anyhow, because it hates everyone) belongs here exactly as much and as little as OP's cutesiness does

>> No.7808611

I like to think of myself as an Orthodox PUA Crusader for the Market. I'm a reactionary monarchist and the scourge of cucks and cultural marxists alike

>> No.7808626

I believe they are the work of a single lone degenerate bent on pozzing everyone. Most people here seem to have reasonably redpilled views.

>> No.7808630

PUA is a jewtrick to stop whites from reproducing

>> No.7808653

>"hot woman"
It doesn't work like that, lad.

>> No.7808675

Strong is the new skinny, Anon. I want a girl with some power.

>> No.7808690

It's "labour", you dip.

>> No.7808712

Lit is oddly more redpill receptive than I had initially assumed.

>> No.7808729

Indeed, as they learn more about high culture reasonable people with no mental illnesses tend to gravitate towards the right.

>> No.7808740
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You're the right wing equivalent to college liberals.

Just saying. You'll argue against it or consider what I'm saying to be some angry butthurt lefty, but by the numbers you're largely insufferable pretentious faggots who just happen to suck a different-flavored cock.

>> No.7808745

Leftism worships weakness, disease and perversion. Leftism is for the inferior man.

>> No.7808751

You could get intersectional and read The Invisible Man.

>> No.7808774
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Naw, m8. Some lefties go that way. I'm all about strength, vitality, and freedom. If you want to suck a dick or take some hormones and get yourself a pair of titties, that's all on you. In 20 years I'll be sitting here with eyes upgraded to see ultraviolet. Possibly with a pair of bolted on titties. I can't begrudge people the desire to modify themselves.

As for kiddie-diddlers and cultural relativism? Hahaha, no. Superior cultures are superior, and egalitarian ubermensch culture is my personal brand of superior. Stand up and don't be a bitch and rock whatever you're trying to do.

Simplifying it to right and left is simplicity for the sake of idiocy. Consider the breadth of potential ideas. Take the strong points regardless of which side they're on. Call the weak points out for what they are. Don't box yourself in a corner.

And for fuck's sake, don't listen to demagogues.

>> No.7808776
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>not transcending the left-right spectrum
Go back to pre-WW1 Europe, you anachronistic faggot.

>> No.7808781

The right is about putting others above you because they grant you a false sense of security. You think putting brutes into power will save you from da niggers, but it wont.

>> No.7808800

That's bullshit. Just because two ideologies are on the same side of the left-right spectrum doesn't mean they should be allies. Authoritarian socialism and anarchism have little in common and it doesn't make sense for them to work together as they're working to achieve wildly different ends.

>> No.7808833

The Marxist-Leninists fucked over the anarchists during the Spanish Civil War, right?

>> No.7808838


>> No.7808851

Democracy means mob rule by multicolored low-IQ rabble. I'd prefer if a strong modern aristocrat were to take control and get things done.

>> No.7808861

U.S.A by John Dos Passos

How Green was my Valley by Richard Llewellyn

The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell

>> No.7808866
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>wanting to get your entire life cucked by rich people

A-at least the man fucking my wife is white!

>> No.7808878

I have a high IQ, traditional morality and hail from an illustrious bloodline including several civil war generals. In any case I shall be the one to excercice the droit de seigneur.

>> No.7808893

None of that means shit if you don't comprehend how to lead a country.

Aristocracy is what led to WW1.

You need a strong technocratic government that has the ability to read between the lines and do things, even if they're opposed by the people, that further the interests of an empowered, educated, and more egalitarian society.

Currently we have a corrupt plutocracy of NASCAR drivers with law degrees.

>> No.7808902

In a realistic aristocratic situation none of that would actually matter. Unless your family is fucking loaded (billionaire tier) you would just be petite bourgeoisie.

>> No.7808909

Mein Kampf

>> No.7808972

Hitler wasn't actually a socialist