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/lit/ - Literature

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7806156 No.7806156 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the smartest person you know?

>> No.7806158

know of or know

>> No.7806163

Know of. Sorry i'm German.

>> No.7806170

That's OK. You can be German.

>> No.7806178


>> No.7806183

This desu senpai

>> No.7806184

I have this good friend who fits the stereotypical "smart guy" mold to a frightening - and depressing - exactness.
He's a nice man; he's a handsome man, and goddamn is it hard to not envy him.
He studies about 1/8th the amount I do, have to, and gets the top marks every time without fail.
It is a type of intelligence that involves photographic memory and a deeply imaginative stream of concentrated thought that is both peircing and original. The professors have seen it before and they make sure to let him know how gifted he is as an individual and how much they are willing to go out of their way to get where to where he needs to be.

Of course he understands the unmentionable strain his ability puts on the relations he has with his freinds; he knows how it is a taboo and sensitive topic since it brings "pity" and "weakness" into the scene regarding us and our hidden envy, so he is left only to try and hide his daily advancements and future prospects - which are so bright they even illuminate our own dim and dusty potentials.

Idk. I am happy for him but sad for my parents. What do they really think when they see me? How awful they must feel knowing their genes can product such mediocrity.

>> No.7806188

Who /smart but lazy/ here? I don't even read books i just listen to audiobooks on youtube.

>> No.7806254
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>smart but lazy
Wishful thinking 90% of the time, shameful waste the other 10.

>> No.7806256


>It is a type of intelligence that involves photographic memory and a deeply imaginative stream of concentrated thought that is both peircing and original.

You have me as rustled as Salieri over here please stop.

>> No.7806262

My bosses at the tax advisory firm I work at. Incrediblzy smart, well-educated and evil.

>> No.7806344

i dont yet truly know myself so no one.

>> No.7806363
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My cousin

>> No.7806364

First, I'd just like to say that this was really well written.

Second, I fit this description to a T - excluding the part about always studying a small amount. In the past, I would study 1/8th as much as my peers, but now I don't study at all. I still get decent grades, but I'd much rather study and get great grades.

/Lit/, how do I focus better? I took amphetamines for a while but they only worked about 10% of the time and gave me horrendous sleeping problems, even if they had "worn off". I know it's practically a meme at this point, but I'm actually a genius (IQ > 140; sidenote that I don't think IQ is a great measurement, but it's the best I have) but I hate how I can never focus on things that I need to do. I would really appreciate any insight on what to do.

Also, a weird thing about being a technical genius that I've experienced: I really enjoy menial tasks - they allow time for reflection and I guess a form of peace in the moment.

>> No.7806367

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.7806376

I am average and lazy, which is much worse, since I can't get much even from the sporadic moments of hard work. This only increases my laziness.

>> No.7806380

the purpose of this thread is not to write your self-perception in 3rd person

>> No.7806937

Gene Wolfe

>> No.7806988

There's a bunch of people with sharper faculties than me regarding specific areas but I rarely come across people wiser than me to be honest.

For me to consider a person intellectually superior to myself he has to live a lifestyle that I look up to as well. There has to be some sort of profundity to the way they do everything, rather than being genius 8 hours a day and otherwise being a random pleb.

>> No.7807027

i'm sure it ain't me

>> No.7807095
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Not lit but I am being serious, it's obvious that this guy was of abnormal intelligence with an actual sense of humanity and humor. The smartest people seem to know that the world is too weird to be taken too seriously.

>> No.7807110

>The smartest people seem to know that the world is too weird to be taken too seriously.
Only the ones who conveniently lack empathy. You have to be a sociopath to laughingly dismiss all the suffering of the world as 'lel too weird'.

>> No.7807115


>> No.7807122

low IQ detected

>> No.7807138



>> No.7807157


the way you worded that just makes you sound like a over emotional vagina.

I don't even have to defend my case because you are so vaginal.

>> No.7807174

You have big fish small pond syndrome. Resist the temptation to masturbate over your own genius until you have massive external verification of it. I mean massive. Wait until you are world-acclaimed or something before you allow yourself to indulge in writing 4chan posts about your brilliance.

>> No.7807200

Personally know? Probably one of my old Math profs or my geotechnical design Prof

>> No.7807207


>> No.7807212

You are the smartest person I know of.

>> No.7807215
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>You have to be a sociopath to laughingly dismiss all the suffering of the world as 'lel too weird'.


>> No.7807235

Me. Perhaps my grandpa.

>> No.7807267
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Jesus christ. One of my biggest fears is running into people like this.

Either these posts are just jokes and I am autistic or /lit/ really is full of boring and unintelligent people who don't go outside or have that much life experience.

>> No.7807413

My old high school teacher. He taught me foremost to be skeptical of peoples opinions.

>> No.7807448

It's easy to be edgy if you're sheltered, lads.

>> No.7807456

Or you are just dumber than the average person here, or more naively impressed with the intelligence of people you encounter because you don't read enough books.

>> No.7807519

my Medieval History Prof

>Austrian nobility
>world traveller
>one of the most influential academics in Canada
>his lectures turn Meister Eckhart and Frege (different course) into rollercoasters of epistemic adventure and discovery
>started me on the path that led to Christianity
>can be found at every campus Philosophy colloquium rebuffing his fellow profs and relatively famous guest speakers with a combination of ease, care and minor disgust one usually reserves for changing diapers

I don't know what I'll do after graduation next year, this man has been a distant intellectual father figure since I began university

>> No.7807523

fuck dude whats his name?

>> No.7807541

My brother-in-law. He's not cultured but he could trick anyone, his understanding of social structures and desires is amazing. He's also a great strategist.

>> No.7808034

That's called being a sociopath tbqh

>> No.7808056

What is the best definition of smart?

>> No.7808077

Also, if my other post came off as condescending, I'd like to make it clear that I don't masturbate over my intelligence - quite the opposite, actually.

In my day to day life I rarely think about my intelligence, but I found it being brought up more that I would like it to by friends and acquaintance, so I pretty much stopped doing anything around them that would give them the impression that I'm smart. I don't want to be the "smart guy" - I just want to be a normal guy.

Also, I'm not proud in the slightest of my "genius", rather I feel like I'm wasting the only good quality I have in not being able to focus and things like that. Being smart on the Internet has pretty much turned into a meme, but I'm serious in that I feel less than the average person because I can't even use my intelligence for anything important - I just read books and learn about things I enjoy instead.

>> No.7808084

how many likes you get on facebook when you post something philosophical

>> No.7808088

can you say anything of substance that will give even the slightest inkling of proof of your genius? Like even just a paragraph of something youre working on or a succicnt explanation of some high concept topic you often think about? What do you even do for a living? Please don't tell me youre an undergrad

>> No.7808112

I'm 19, currently studying Chemical Engineering, sorry to disappoint; I do work at Boeing as an intern, though.

I don't really have any paperwork with me, as they're all at my family home, but I got tested for IQ twice, once at 12 and once when I was nearly 16, and I got a 157 and 161. I was administered the Raven's IQ test as an accompaniment of other tests for Aspergers, which I'm still not 100% sure whether I have or not.

If you can give me anything that might prove my "genius", I'd be happy to give it a go. Check back in a while and I'll see if I can find anything.

>> No.7808113


>> No.7808115

You lack self reflection..
You say you don't masturbate over your intelligence, but you still treat it like a fact.
>In my day to day life I rarely think about my intelligence
>Also, I'm not proud in the slightest of my "genius"
If you are not proud of it, why do you feel the burning need to put it in almost every paragraph? Your inflated ego shows in that you are quite happy to write a lot about your life on an anonymous image board. You want people to know you are smart. You hide it in real life, but only because it's not socially acceptable to say it like you did in this thread. Furthermore you use a name which indicates you want to distinguish yourself from the "masses", the people inferior to your "genius".

It's not bad to have a big ego. Just be aware of it.

>> No.7808116

Also, I sound autistic as fuck throughout this whole discussion :)

>> No.7808117

literally me

hi goodfriend

>> No.7808121

Depends on how we measure smartness?

Regardless - most likely one or two of my philosophy professors. My university is considered top 5 for research so some of the lecturers are literally world class in their fields.

>> No.7808128

You're right. I've been writing about it a good amount, but I guess it is coming off as more than it should be. Maybe I do have a big ego, maybe I don't, but either way I'll keep what you said in mind about being aware of it.

I guess I'm proud of my intelligence, but only to the extent that I also know not to be proud of an "achievement" that resulted from no contribution of my own. What I am not proud of is my failure to do something worthwhile with it.

>> No.7808133

Who do you think is smarter on average: the top philosophers/philosophy professors in their field, or the top STEM individuals/professors?

>> No.7808144

Okay this will be easy. Articulate what you think a genius is and the differences between a genius and non genius.

>> No.7808162

The first thing you should do is, indeed, verily, stop typing like this. Quite.

Ah! wist ye not that typing like some kind of fucking Edwardian wizard is the first thing that every pretentious 17 year old does on the Internet?

'Tis true, verily. Quite.

>> No.7808172

Haha you're exaggerating a bit there man. I'm just typing like I would normally if I'm trying to communicate anything beyond a normal conversation. Like I said, potential Aspie, so this might just be how I talk...

>> No.7808192

Could have been a lot better without the comma.

Like calling them 'sheltered lads' rather than just 'sheltered' and then proceeding to addressing them as 'lads'.

It is basically the same thing, but it makes a difference still. You know what I mean?

>> No.7808206

Wow very insightful comment there. I am forever in your debt for taking the time to type that.

>> No.7808217
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Glad I could help.

>> No.7808222

What's his name?

>> No.7808264


>> No.7808285

prolly some chick i went to high school with.

she studied like a fucking maniac, mind you, but she was one of those people who'd still of gotten 80s without studying and just focusing in class. just generally high potential with a great work ethic. she's doing an MD/Ph D now and his a top 3 researcher doing whatever the fuck she's doing. good for her.

i feel like when i'm 'in the zone' i'm capable of doing excellent work. sadly, i can't get into the zone very easily. for instance, here i am trying to study for linear algebra but i'm on this Indonesian fruit-fly breeding imageboard.

>> No.7808298

Probably this guy in my judo class. PhD student. Smart as fuck, handsome, great with ladies, beast in the dojo, 6'4, an insane work ethic

Some people just have it all.

>> No.7808305

not that guy but he didn't type like that at all

>> No.7808347

>tfw named Henry

>> No.7808350

Most sociopaths aren't that intelligent.
He's also really caring and kind with poor people and members of his family. But, yeah he also has sociopathic traits.

>> No.7808418

Mr. Bressler.

As far as people I don't know goes, Alan Watts.

>> No.7808465

Why are you a trip? why are you here?

>> No.7808471

Definitely not Alan Watts.

>> No.7808515

Trip to easily find my posts. Anonymity matters less to me than easily recognizing what I wrote.

>> No.7808631

Heraclitus desu

>> No.7808677

I had a friend that dropped out of highschool even though he was getting a scholarship to Brown University. He spent his time doing drugs and reading.

but he ODd so I guess the smartest person I know of is fuckin george carlin or some shit

oh wait hes dead too

ok Neil DeGreasse Tyson

>> No.7808722
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All the smart people I've met seem to have very intricate knowledge on different things while being generally intelligent in general. So it's kind of hard to say.

I've actually been disappointed by lack of intelligence more so than surprised by intelligence.

I became very good friends with this co-worker at my firm, he came across as smart end educated, he was a Mexican guy (inb4 beaners can't be smart) the guy graduated with a masters in English from USC, always spoke about his love for literature.

The more I hanged out with him, the more I saw how stupid he was though. He would go into these huge anti-white racist rants, while hypocritically slapping our boss one time, when our boss said a joke about Mexicans (our boss is Arab if it matters). One time he accompanied my brother and I to a club, we picked up some Asian girls, and took them to my house to bang them, but while being drunk he started going off on how women are generally stupid degenerates (which I agree) but he killed the whole mood for everyone and needless to say no one had sex, it was an argument between him and the girls, then he threatened to hit them like some barbaric animal putting a nail to that coffin, so we dropped everyone off home separately.

He quickly went from an educated friend, who I could trust and share thoughts on literature. To some third world violent beaner. It sucks living in Los Angeles, if it's not someone like that, it's some hunger games reading lib.

>> No.7808737


Neil DeGreasse Tyson isn't as smart as you think. He constantly posts untruthful things on Twitter or Facebook, whatever social media he uses. He's emotional.

>> No.7808763
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Watts is entry-level. He's an entertainer.
McKenna is where it's at. A true scholar. He's veered into batshit territory sometimes (novelty theory, stoned ape theory), but it's obvious that he seriously knew his shit.

>> No.7808854


I have no friends and my parents are uneducated immigrants

>> No.7808905

A dude who sometimes makes YouTube videos and writes essays about Philosophy of Cinema

A couple of my uni professors - to elaborate, I can safely say all of them are vastly more knowledgeable and diligent than I am and I can feel (reading their writings) how some are just smarter than me - others are shit writers (which, I know, isn't a measure of worth or intelligence or anything, but really impacts how you're perceived by others when you're a Philosophy professor) and appear utterly clueless outside their narrow field of study

>> No.7808927

Wasted genius is the most interesting.

>> No.7808997

Of those I've met in person, Curtis Yarvin.

>> No.7809002

You have an incorrect definition of "know".

>> No.7809052

Philosophy of course.

>> No.7809135

The Urbit dude? Jelly. It takes an interesting mind to come up with something so...different.

>> No.7809144
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One year ago I would've said a good friend of mine but then he smoked pounds of weed (and by pounds I mean pounds) and now if you talk to him you might get little hints of his intelligence but it's all blurred out behind a thick fog of apathy. It's kinda sad.

Today I would say a professor I used to work with. He was insanely smart and could memorize complex processes he read about once years ago.

Personally I'm below average and that's a fact. Luckely I'm totally fine with that because I don't feel dumb. Of course I get my ass handed in any discussion or in comparison with fellow students but as long as I'm alone and can think for myself, I feel smart.
And that's sweet.

>> No.7809174

i am strangely jelly

>> No.7809184

Pretty sure you're not below average for not outsophisting your fellow university students or something like that, anon.

I think you'll find average to be a lot lower than where you think it is.

>> No.7809197

>Sorry i'm German.

its not ok nazi white boy. this is a safe space

>> No.7809219

On average and overall the philosophers and theologists.

Individual and in their main subject STEM.

>> No.7809222

me unironically...

>> No.7809288

I had some extremely smart friends in high school. One studies physics at Notre Dame now and he could learn math and science material in about a third of the time it would take me to do the same. He was also borderline autistic, but I still have nothing but respect if not envy for his intelligence.

>> No.7809392

My father, (unfortunately I am not half as a good as him) he is an engineer but, in a sense of the word that is hard to see, he came from a Uni where becoming an engineer meant that you could, beside know how to build, also know how to learn, while he has flaws, flaws that have impeded him in his work, I feel that if I were him I could get into anything, he sees the forest not just the tree, he can talk, help, convince people of his ideas, I am just a social inept which makes confused when being called smart and this is not a case of false modesty.

All in all, what do people perceive as intelligence?
Why I had people think highly of me over nothing, I am not a big presence, people don't like me, but what tricked some, what is that mechanism?

>> No.7809410

That's what I keep telling myself too.

>> No.7809433

I always get the impression when I see Zappa in interviews that he could've been a decent writer. He was very articulate, and I feel as though his distinct brand of satire would work well in fiction. 'Bobby Brown Goes Down' would make a pretty good short story imo

>> No.7809456

Don't listen to him. A lot of these people are crabs in a bucket who probably wouldn't even BE on 4chan if they didn't earnestly believe they were among the smartest people on it.

I'd be interested to know what your relationship with your friends is like though, do you look down on the stupid ones? Do you find yourself wanting a better quality of friends?

>> No.7809491

>I think you'll find average to be a lot lower than where you think it is.

This is sadly true, really shocked me when I realised it, especially considering that Carlin quote about half of the population being dumber than the average person

>> No.7809501

>Why I had people think highly of me over nothing, I am not a big presence, people don't like me, but what tricked some, what is that mechanism?

This, so much this.
People I hardly know tell me this, yet I've known myself my entire life and just don't see it. I'm an utter failure as a human being.

>> No.7809515
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>tfw everyone around you is a goddamn moron

>> No.7809533
File: 4 KB, 111x125, everyone is so stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only about AESTHETICS desu

>> No.7809572

is this post a memepost? I got into McKenna's lectures last year, and I really did find his ideas interesting. He makes me wanna eat mushrooms. What is the general view of him on /lit/?

>> No.7809594
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>> No.7809613

I used to listen to that song a lot on drugs while I was unwisely dating a tranny.

>> No.7809627


>> No.7809628

The guy must have had a verbal iq of the charts, but he manipulates people with his language in a very subtle and potentially harmful way convincing people to take "heroic" doses of mushrooms.

>> No.7809633

this idea of 'smartest' is some bullshit.

I'm the best salesman I know, but in education my brother far surpassed me in every way. I couldn't fix a car for my life outside of changing tires etc. but I know friends who it clicks with.

Stop using the word 'smart', it's bullshit. a bullshit word for a non-existent thing. It's a dumb catch-all for how intellectually gifted someone may be in every single category.

Odds are, in a room with a product not many people here could outsell me. Odds are most of you guys are more well read than me and understand it all on a better level.

>> No.7809642

sociopaths tend to empathize with close family members but no one else

>> No.7809646


IQ is one of the single best predictors of life outcome that we have. Separate intelligences (e.g. spatiovisual, mathematical, verbal) tend to be positively correlated to each other (i.e. high verbal predicts high mathematical, and vice versa). The field of psychometrics is actually one of the best-evidenced disciplines within psychology.

Someone smarter than you, provided the same opportunity to learn sales techniques, would likely outsell you. That's what "intelligence" means. Not knowledge or experience, although those are related.

>> No.7809650
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People only notice what is uncommon in their life. This has nothing to do with what is good or bad for them, mind you. So if say, a meteor crashes in Russia, that's an event; if a mosquito bites you, that's just a thing like any other, even if in this particular case it has a deadly disease. Similarly, a good looking mate is prized, even though a family member is much more precious, yet they would will not get noticed until they give an occasion to wear black.

So for you, those people have a way of life which you prize in some way; but to them, that's just the boring normal life they're accustomed to. So for (first hand) example, when one day you go on a half-hour long exposition on the differences between Western and Eastern sequential art/animated scenes, how they have subtly appeared in their lives through culture, one or two spicy factoids, and a big et c., all the time without being too weird, repetitive, inaccesible or insecure about it, this comes off to them as a great surprise--you now show you have some level of expertise in an area which, while not necessarily useful, is seems to them far beyond their reach, and at least can talk about it in a sort of entertaining way; but for you this is par for the course in these mighty mongolian meme messageries, where you have had to hear or rehearse that same speech a couple hundred times, and which have made you to watch your neck when you're not on the net. And of course because they're completely unaware of how you have procured this wisdom, they lack your prejudices about your lifestyle; likewise you're not prejudiced about theirs.

>> No.7809753
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i have a person who struck me with their creativity

a girl i talked to for only a little while but I saw she was very intelligent in an intuitive way, very creative

I admire that sort of intelligence because it is the one I lack

>> No.7809754

true scholar and batshit are mutually exclusive.
mckenna has some fun ideas and a bunch of bullshit.
mushrooms are good for you but heroic doses are for only a few of us.

>> No.7809782

The smartest people are mathematicians and scientists. Reading fiction doesn't make you smart.



>> No.7809798


>> No.7809802


Zen response. Doesn't attack. Just calls the man out on his issue.

You seem chill.

>> No.7809804

what if the scientists and mathematicians read fiction

>> No.7809811

Hey le this is le me..!


le misunderstood genius :D

>> No.7809814

Korean jazz pianist.

He worships Bill Evans and can play many of his recordings note for note after hearing them a few times. He has absolute pitch and mild synesthesia.

>> No.7809824


Wow this post was fucking hilarious

>> No.7809894

not him, but Terence captivated me for months. Definitely one of my mascots of literature. Dude was very well read and the best damn speaker I know of. As long as you interpret his messages as mostly figurative/metaphorical instead of literally believing everything he says, cuz he has some wacky beliefs for sure.

>> No.7810366
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>tfw you are a fundamentally stupid person

>> No.7810369

my old art history teacher or my father

>> No.7810378


reported for sexism

>> No.7810391

he was typing like a normal person, you mongoloid

>> No.7810395

>high verbal predicts high mathematical, and vice versa
you cant possibly be serious

>> No.7810403
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>my daddy

>> No.7810431

You have autism.

>> No.7810454

Well great, now I want to live on this Earth a bit less.
But anyway, you should go on because while I understand you and I like the insight you gave me, I am not sure you finished or I followed you all the way through.
Maybe because my real confusion stems from this odd desire, curiosity people or maybe just teenagers have, when they do not respect their boundaries and just wish to press you on your most important things without giving it a weight.
Is funny, I am noticed, in the sense that a lunatic wacko is noticed but just like him, I have no friend that would care about him as more than a oddity to laugh about.

>> No.7810460

>richard dawkins
>terry tao
This is a satire post, right?

>> No.7810530

my diary desu

>> No.7810534

Must be a pretty smart diary to have achieved personhood, let alone to have become the smartest person you know after the fact.

>> No.7810542

Or if they write it. Lewis Caroll was a rather accomplished mathematician.

>> No.7810550

i know i'm so smart it hurts sometimes

>> No.7810552

This was a rather astute observation for the most part, thank you.

>> No.7810553

Nah, everyone knows that where I come from.

>> No.7810557

By you're own account you're literally dumber than the paper you scribble on.

>> No.7810584

What about Joseph McElroy and our champion Gene Wolfe. They were both engineers who crushed the /lit/ game on the side as a hobby. What have your single-discipline mathematicians and scientists got on them?

>> No.7810592

Self-loathing can really affect your ability to consider the perspective ofother in regards yourself

>> No.7810799
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Have in mind their interest in and knowledge of the subject is still only surface level. This is again a double edged sword--it can mean they may put great value in things you've accomplished without strife, or they may regard whatever has been eating at you for decades as an excuse or something stupid, and just call you a buzzword.

So when one day you want to kill yourself, they ask you what's the problem; to actually make them understand the problem you would pretty much have to tell them your whole life, plus you might not know yourself what the issue is. And of course they're not gonna be sitting all day listening to you, so they want it fast and easy--just like whatever idea of you they have. "So basically, you don't get enough pussy™?"

You gotta understand people are still animals--our brains didn't evolve with many of the situations me go through, we're only adapted to some things. So it's not really their fault they're basic bitches, they physically can't get to "know" you without being with you lots of time. This is the same for anything else, not just people. My solution? Be humble, don't assume; this goes for everything, even yourself--the Golden Rule must go both ways. If you want people that can understand you, get people who've gone through similar experiences (i.e. look around you); if you want people to really care there's no other option than to spend time with them.

Incidentaly, this is why 90% of everything is shit--lack of care, lack of understanding, both ways. If the author of that shitty book had had more experience, it wouldn't be so shit; if the critic knew how hard it's to make something good and just how many things can fail, their reaction probably wouldn't have been so shit. This stuff is also why people write long ass books--you can't communicate some things in three pages, purely out of length.

Yes, this is not something that is hard to infer. It doesn't mean people will, or will have it in when they should.

>> No.7810946


>> No.7810963

Whatever work for you.

>> No.7810995

forget dawkins, are you really going to try to say terrence tao isn't brilliant?

>> No.7811062

Smarter than average but no genius. Very, very lazy. I do read books, but I have a really short attention span so it's hard for me sometimes to get into one. This January I was on a roll though and read like 10 books. Wish I could have a repeat.

>> No.7811065

Joyce, Feynman, Spinoza, Hegel

>> No.7811068

Don't want to sound like a dick, but I have similar problems. Definitely not genius level, but smart and lack focus.

>> No.7811073

You're not lower than average. Lower than average fails to recognize it's lower than average.

>> No.7811075

He really does tbqh

>> No.7811096

Why do you believe so? He made great rock music, but I don't see how that makes him a genius

>> No.7811185

nice post

>> No.7811310

Im not a misunderstood genius, becouse im not understood in any way.

>> No.7811502

Have there been any great writers who were also great musicians?

I don't mean a musician who wrote a book or a write who made some music, but someone who's writing was as good as their music and presumably could have made a career out of either.

>> No.7811510

my crush

>> No.7811516

Probably Todd May. A post-structuralist anarchist at the University I go to.

>> No.7811602

they're both meme scientists that fedoras circlejerk over.

>> No.7811622

Capacity to either learn, abstract in unconventional ways, or both.

>> No.7811630

so you dont know math at all. gotcha. comparing dawkins with tao is absurd.

>> No.7811632

I've never known anyone who's intelligence seriously impressed me. When one becomes able to detect how mechanistic behavior and reasoning is, it looses that intangible luster.

This of course includes myself.

>> No.7811638


>> No.7811641

>tfw able to go on for an hour thinking about a certain thing and rummaging through it finding new possibilities and solutions
>filled pages with mathematics solutions but still got the wrong answer
>can't ever get the correct answer while having this type of intuition
>will never succeed at anything despite writing grad level papers during my freshman years, and all of my ideas and solutions for things in physics and comp lit since I suck at learning and trail off on my own
>destined to suck

>> No.7811648


>> No.7811667

I'm also shitty at IQ tests since I always think of multiple solutions, but I know that since it's standardized there's only one type of pattern they're looking for you to solve, so I have an 80 IQ (??)

/lit/ what is my problem?

>> No.7811669

Frankly haven't the slightest clue what is going on in that second video.

>> No.7811738

>life outcome
What a wonderfully meaningless phrase. The only outcome of life is death.

>> No.7811746

>what is my problem?

You have an IQ of 80

>> No.7811761

Bruce Andrews, Chris Langan, person I used to speak with in my AP Lit class in high school. I see intelligence as the ability to create and abstract, anyone as they get older can learn things at a fast pace they weren't able to previously. Innovation is individual and not able to be replicated person to person. The people I just mentioned have tons of wit and creativity behind them.

>> No.7811766

This doesn't tell me much...

>> No.7811787

>Someone smarter than you, provided the same opportunity to learn sales techniques, would likely outsell you.
This assumes equivalent socialization, which is extremely unlikely.

You know what he means, shitter.

>> No.7811795

be my anime friend pls

>> No.7811803

>An Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, is a measure of what psychologists call our "fluid and crystallized intelligence." Put simply, an IQ test measures your reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

Wouldn't my IQ be higher if I'm able to see a ton of solutions in one problem? I tried to tell the psychologist I see too many ways in which the problem can be solved and can't answer the question. They just said to answer it.

>> No.7811807

I'm /smart but mental/ over here. I had a ton of testing done as a kid and was considered to be genius/exceptionally gifted but I was and still am very mentally ill.

So I spend most of my time being paranoid or depressed, with brief moments of functioning.

>> No.7811813

What is 2 + 2?

>> No.7811814

sounds like a brain injury.

>> No.7811828

kekkai duro

>> No.7811835


That is the difference between lucidity and "crazyness" to me: how you pick the "solutions" or thoughts you permutate in your head in order to select the useful ones to that present moment.

>> No.7811846

Haha, alright. An IQ test doesn't give you that little of information to work with. It usually gives a complex problem, in which you can find a lot of solutions. Moreover it gives you a question you probably haven't ever seen before, which takes a lot of expectations out of the picture, and brings new ones in. Also, we need to keep in mind that IQ tests are usually given during development since the process is so intensive there needs to be an immediate reason, and there are a lot of changes which take place in 10 years. The ways one interprets things shifts, so an entire test would need to be given again to image anything valid in this point of time. I'm just recalling what happened when I was younger and in middle school. The answer is four... If you want to be a joker think through it first.

>> No.7811858

Nothing, your intelligence cannot be summarized with a single number. Be happy with what you have and focus on developing it for your own benefit.

>> No.7811866

I agree with you anon. If you were doing grad-level math work at an early age but coming to the wrong solutions then you're probably pretty high up there. IQ tests have a lot of assumptions, and there are many answers to a problem. IQ tests just want you to pick the pattern of best fit, but that's hard to do when you see multiple patterns at the same time, especially all the assumptions that are involved. Psychologists are really bad at spotting their own assumptions.

Richard Feynman and Kasporov were predicted to have higher IQs, but they came up with unexpectedly low scores for bring such smart people. I think it was around 126-130 for both of them.

>> No.7811877

Not joking.

If fundamental solution determination is not beyond you I do not see why you cannot produce any solution assuming you have the mathematical skill to do so. There is a disconnect somewhere.

>> No.7811879

I just saw it as, there have been theories researched and tested by others, but those are theories able to be shifted. The answer is only 'correct' if it corresponds with that certain abstraction. I had a distrust of teachers and psychologists from an early age due to this. I agree with you, psychologists usually are bad at detecting the core reason(s) something happens, since it's not excessively difficult to become a psychologist if you can put in the effort and have the money and time.

>> No.7811885

What's your college major and what are you doing now? anything to show of your intelligence besides what you say?

>> No.7811900

I don't necessarily have mathematical skill in the sense of it, I miss the details, I get the bigger picture but fill in the details myself, then go off on that and connect all of those details in different ways over and over. I don't think I'm thinking in terms of patterns as it's meant to be, the logic isn't concrete or discernible in terms of theorizing processes in the world with proceeding theories. There are a lot of disconnects. I don't have the skill the field needs or is looking for. I should probably start taking my meds again.

>> No.7811902


There are not multiple correct answers in the way you're thinking of it. There may be multiple possible ways to solve a problem, but there is one best way, with some exceptions. If you cannot figure out what the most exact answer is, you will not perform well on the test. If you got an 80 IQ it's because of that.

May I ask, what did they write in the evaluation section of your test? I'm sure it could shed some light on your condition.

>> No.7811909

kill me

>> No.7811939

I don't remember, I was really young and would dissociate easily. but I don't think they spoke with me about that much, but to my parents. they just went through with a treatment plan for me, they probably didn't want to place too much emphasis on it since the score really was low. I think they were a little confused since it took a while for them to construct a plan, since I was fully functional, did fine in school and had a large vocabulary for my age, didn't belong in special education classes. I have had about seven concussions in the past though, and have been diagnosed with dissociative amnesia. I'm 22.

I'm majoring in linguistics. I have a lot of research projects I work on in my freetime, though none are finished yet. I have decent enough grades, maintaining about a 3.0. I hope to get them published, but not sure if that'll happen.

>> No.7811961

>I have had about seven concussions in the past though, and have been diagnosed with dissociative amnesia. I'm 22.
Well, there you go.

>> No.7811963

My parents sent me to get evaluated since I wouldn't respond well to them and started disconnecting, they thought my brain was broken. What a waste of money.

>> No.7811967

Do you think I was too dissociated to engage with the test? I didn't like that psychologist, she rubbed me the wrong way. Turns out that was true though, she gave my parents a load of shit, saying my disorders were 'a phase.' I'll never forget that.

>> No.7811974

The best advice I can give to anyone in the internet age is to limit the media and things that require your attention.

Think of your attention as a limited resource. The best quality attention is near the top, and as it drains it gets worse.

I feel like this is really important, and I wish I could word it better. I hope this helps you.

>> No.7812048


>> No.7812067

Probably. Did you talk to your psychiatrist about it? You need to get help for your brain injuries if you have had that many concussions. Within the next 10 years you will go through a downward spiral and eventually lapse into complete dissociation. For proof look up retired football players with brain injuries. That shit fucks you up hard.

>> No.7812092
File: 84 KB, 720x720, 1449030960497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was here for a great name or book
>it's now psychiatry 101

>> No.7812101

No, I didn't, at that age I didn't think to. my parents don't take it seriously, and they're the ones I need for insurance. My parents didn't take me to the ER after my concussions, and the doctors didn't do any sort of rehabilitation when I had headaches proceeding the injuries. I've read up on the subject a lot in medical journals and organization websites, and I understand how bad it is but it seems my parents and even my doctors don't. I'm at a loss. How do I explain medical issues to a doctor when I'm the patient?

>> No.7812114

"I've had 7 concussions and I was not treated for any of them" and tell them about your issues and condition. They will know what to do.

>> No.7812126

I see. I'll have to make an appointment, I've been having headaches again lately. They did a CAT scan for my last one, but didn't find anything wrong?

>> No.7812225

I heard Leonard Cohen wrote some decent 'experimental' novels. Apparently he wrote Beautiful Losers during a week he spent on a secluded Greek island, subsiding on nothing other than amphetamines.

>> No.7812247

I'm not a fan of his, but Nick Cave is a musician that wrote a novel(s?) and I think a screenplay that were legit. not for me, but good all the same.

>> No.7813959

so fitting for the current political climate

>> No.7813964

it's the little techniques that can make a difference

>> No.7813971

One of my literature professors.

>> No.7814031

Dumb mother-fucker.

>> No.7814058

This actually brings back some rather sad memories from my middle school years, as I shared some similarities with your friend back then.

Curiously enough, it's deeply related to Literature. See, back when I was in... eight grade, I believe, I was already reading at a college level, mainly because my grandfather's love for literature influenced my own hobbies. Obviously, this had many benefits - my reading level was very advanced, and my grammar was rather good, too.

Although I always tried to tone my love for literature down, and I did a very good job at that, we eventually had to take the NWEA tests, which measure your reading, writing, and mathematic skills, if I recall correctly.

Long story short, I always aced those tests and once the teachers found out about my reading level, they started to praise me for that tirelessly; I still remember how annoying my Literature teacher, in particular, was about it.

The problem is that exceeding like that makes you feel very insecure about yourself, as I remember feeling like shit for being better than my friends at that; and although they always denied feeling bad about their own skills because of me, I always knew that whenever our teachers praised me, they felt very annoyed; I can't blame them either, as I felt annoyed by that, too

Trust me, he probably feels a bit shitty about it too, although I don't think that I'm on the same level as he is based on your descriptions.

>> No.7814171

How so?

>> No.7814200

Will Self on McKenna (honestly the rubric is weird)

Definitely he was not a scholar but he was well read and very talented. His brother is a true scientist and activist though.

>> No.7814227


>they're completely unaware of how you have procured this wisdom, they lack your prejudices about your lifestyle

This. People wouldn't even know how they'd go about researching and finding the huge amount of authors that I've read - let alone actually reading all of them - and yet I still feel like an idiot for not being able to approach their works at a scholarly level. I'm starting to become genuinely well-read but I've a long way to go before I could actually think that about myself without hubris.

>> No.7814231


>> No.7815708

Ive listened to McKenna non stop when I can via earphones (daily) for the past 5 years.

I seem to be conducting some sort of experiment on myself.

I agree with your comment.

Good day.

>> No.7815713

God level.

>> No.7815727

He's a smart and enjoyable hack that is dangerous to dumb stoner kids.

Kind of like a hippie Crowley.

>> No.7815847

Probably my high school English teacher. Not my dad, he found somene who disagreed with him and then he called her a witch. I can understand him calling her a bitch but this? No.

>> No.7815860

The dude who wrote lessons of history or lessons on history I forgot the straight title. I think it was Will Durant or something like that

>> No.7816379

that is a beautiful photograph. Where is it from? n

>> No.7816414

this one chick from a forum I used to post.