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7806149 No.7806149 [Reply] [Original]

when did you find out you were a shit or good writer?

>> No.7806942

you can never know that, OP

>> No.7806948

When everything I wrote was received with the same enthusiasm as the dead rabbit a dog brings you.

>> No.7806964

Who cares anon. They are all plebs anyway.

>> No.7807013

In junior high i started getting positive reactions from teachers about my writing. Some of us are just born with it.

>> No.7807028

that's a better sentence than any I'll ever come up with.

>> No.7807038

i'm so sorry

>> No.7807082

My short stories I've passed in for my fiction workshop has been relatively subversive. However those that have negative feelings about it feel so in a stronger manner than those who enjoy it.
My professor generally enjoys it, but I've found workshop professors are either bitter and hate everything or will urge you to keep up the writing without really telling you if your writing is good or not.

>> No.7807119
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2nd grade. My parents got a call about a spooky story I wrote that spooked my teacher. Every single grade school English teacher since had called my parents.

I was a nude Miley Cyrus swinging on a wrecking ball in my uni writing class and I was in charge of the school's magazine.

But hey, one of my ancestors has streets named after him in Europe, and statues of him in both Europe & America because of his lexical ninja stars. It must be genetic.

>> No.7807128

a short story i wrote in high school.
teacher praised my ability to create an interesting and unique character voice and it was easily the best of the class.

>> No.7807164

post something you wrote pls

>> No.7807191
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Please keep in mind I was in 2nd grade.

>> No.7807192

so at least you were enthusiastic about it

>> No.7807196
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>> No.7807205


It was all based on or inspired by a psychotic break I had that felt nearly like a religious experience.

>> No.7807208

Das pretty good for a second grader.

>> No.7807221

Lol, basically. I had awful nightmares and night terrors as a kid. My parents thought I was possessed. As in, they consulted our church about it. (They're retarded.)

>> No.7807577

I kinda like it

The whole thing could make a soild creepypasta

>> No.7808431

I wrote a short story for the first time ever and felt imminently doomed to write shit for the rest of my life, I'll still try to get published I guess?

People irl try to comfort me and tell me I have a certain something and it feels earnest but I'm not happy with my skill

>> No.7808552

Most normies I know think I'm hot shit when it comes to writing, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm even above plain shit.

>> No.7808555

mummy always put my stories on the fridge with a magnet and give me a tummy-rub for being such a special boy

>> No.7808569

Ya'll some pussy, ass, niggas.

Write what you want, fuck the crowd.

Art is subjective, so no one can truly "judge" you.

>> No.7808575

You can't fuck the crowd if you want to fuck the crowd though senpai.

>> No.7808595
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>"If you hit him when you aim, it'll just be luck." He was speaking, communicating, and yet not breaking the spell. I then broke it. Quite deliberately. "How can it be luck if I aim?" I said back to him, not loud (despite the italics) but with rather more irritation in my voice than I was actually feeling. He didn't say anything for a moment but simply stood balanced on the curb, looking at me, I knew imperfectly, with love. "Because it will be," he said. "You'll be glad if you hit his marble - Ira's marble - won't you? Won't you be glad? And if you're glad when you hit somebody's marble, then you sort of secretly didn't expect too much to do it. So there'd have to be some luck in it, there'd have to be slightly quite a lot of accident in it."

>> No.7808599

it clearly doesnt work for you

>> No.7808601

Worst post I've read in a while. Kill yourself, my man.

>> No.7808605

The day Hilary Putnam died. I don't know if it was good or not.

>> No.7808609

Suck, mah, dick.

>> No.7808614

there was just some moron in that thread that got deleted that didn't know democracy started with the greeks even though democracy is a greek word, faggots like that will never be good writers.

>> No.7808716
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>4th grade English teacher asked if English was my second langauge I was so shit
>Senior year in HS teachers would wank over my work
Idk somehow it developed

>> No.7808731

jesus man everything youve posted suggests you should be on facebook or worldstar or something instead
how did you even fucking find this place?

>> No.7809735

All the professors I showed my poetry to liked it.
But I still don't think I'm very good.

>> No.7809744

When Amazon approved my ad that called my own self-published book a "literary masterpiece" that will be recognized as "the greatest artistic achievement of the 21st century".

Clearly, they agree and I'm already canon.

>> No.7809752

I've had several well received writing prompts on reddit.

Is this a good way of gauging ability?

>> No.7809869


>> No.7810202
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I wrote a dialogue for school (as a homework (each pupil had to) and it was supposed to be performed (the whole thing was canceled)) and every reader laughed at it.

>> No.7810204

i wrote a monologue in high school that got nominated for some award and i performed it in a theatre with like 500 people there

i still think im shit t

>> No.7810206

>two years ago
>some competition for stories shorter than 250 words
>two stories per competitor
>make up two things, send them in
>out of 2000 entries, both my stories make it to the top 50 longlist
Felt good mane
Didn't win anything though and the stories that did were way better than mine.

>> No.7810216

A dead rabbit is a god tier thing for a dog to bring you desu. My grandparents would have been proud of such an animal. I think you're looking for the mangled mouse the cat leaves on your welcome mat.

N-not saying you're writing's bad though...!!

>> No.7810223

People say I'm good, though I know I'm shit. Perhaps thats a confidence issue, but at least it is that thought, that forces me to push myself.

>> No.7810230

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

That's when I found out I was a shit writer.

>> No.7810293

i liked it desu senpai

>> No.7810294

>when did you find out you were a shit writer?
every day

>> No.7810300

I've always been the best of my classes in writing tests and was always the English teacher's favourite student.
That's how I know I'm a shit writer.

>> No.7810308

When people kept telling me I was a good writer

>> No.7810329
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Proof that I'm not just shitposting.

>> No.7810337

I get what you did there friend.

>> No.7810338

We all did, anon, we all did.
He is, after all, a shit writer.

>> No.7810339

When everything I wrote got treated as gospel.
I don't even know what's so special about the writing

>> No.7810355
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>> No.7810358

I made that post and I have honestly no recollection of saying desu.

I am officially spooked.

>> No.7810370

We all are scared of our own brain when we realize we only see and remember what we think it's better.

>> No.7810371

I didn't even see desu

what the fuck is going on

>> No.7810384

Post ad

>> No.7810389

You think you're hard motherfucker?!
You trying to tell me I'm a desultory writer?!?
I'm throwing down the gauntlet!
I'm bringing out the gage!
Put 'em up, put 'em up
I'll roast your whole squad,
I'll crawl down your chimney like Santa with a magic bag full of whoopass if I have to!!!
I'm coming for you!!

>> No.7810396


>> No.7810406
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Firing up the ouija board as we speak.

>> No.7810408

>You think you're hard motherfucker?!
>You trying to tell me I'm a desultory writer?!?
>I'm throwing down the gauntlet desu!
>I'm bringing out the gage!
>Put 'em up, put 'em up
>I'll roast your whole squad desu,
>I'll crawl down your chimney like Santa with a magic bag full of whoopass if I have to!!!
>I'm coming for you!, desu!

>> No.7811134

>need to write research paper for college English 2 on a short story of our choice
>choose "the swimmer".
>basically shit out the essay the night before
>get a 96%, the highest grade the class
>professor calls me a "gifted writter" when he handed my essay back
So this is basically what inspired me to do creative writting. Keep in mind I do go to community college, so I may just be the least bad writter, and essays are way different then creative writting, but I figure this is as good an excuse as any to try writting.

>> No.7811207

haha dont give up on it because the very first thing you ever did was bad. It's a skill you have to develop, not a personality trait.

>> No.7811211

yeah, practice can do things like that.

>> No.7811230
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>> No.7811263

Oh no

>> No.7811359

When I realised using the thesaurus didnt make my prose any better, it just made me sound like more or a twat

>> No.7811481

I doubt you'll roast my WHOLE squad, I roll a hundred deep,
Though your shitty prose is so verbose it put them all to sleep.
Throwing down what gauntlet, bitch, you mean your wanking glove?
Or the other one, which up your bum, you always seem to shove?
You WISH you were desultory, at least then you'd be a writer
To even be a chimney sweep you'd need to be quite brighter
Come down with a "magic bag"? Well, that'd make me smile
Shoot you soon as look at you, you fucking paedophile
In short, you don't wanna fuck with me, nor fuck with my crew
I wrote this whole post just to say a single thing: Desu

>> No.7811859

It doesn't launch until Friday.

>> No.7811894

When I was a kid I guess, its never a final question, you might get an idea but you'll never know how good or bad you are really, some people just need to find the right type of style or content for their writing for it to be good.

>> No.7811899

not true anon, use it even more and you will become canon ;)))

>> No.7812460

I got a B+ on my paper today.