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File: 617 KB, 1828x1096, Lolita-with-Jeremy-Irons-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7804300 No.7804300 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he such a bad Humbert?

>> No.7804308

He was the best Humbert he could be.

>> No.7804342

Doesn't strike me as Humbert, desu. He should have a handsome yet disgusting look, no? Like overly manly, a contrast to Lolita.

>> No.7804351

No, I think that his appearance is spot on. He is supposed to be a handsome guy who people don't want to think is abusing his stepdaughter. The rottenness is all on the inside.

>> No.7804375

I thought he was bullshitting because he kept reminding me how hot he was, as if he were trying to make me believe that Lolita fell in love with him and not that he was a predator who was fully to blame.

>> No.7804391

I feel inclined to believe him, I don't see how he could have kept the ruse going for so long without the reactions that adult women gave him. If it actually happened the way he described, that is. I guess it could all be a lie or a fantasy, like the plot of Pale Fire.

>> No.7804428

why are her eyes not gray?

>> No.7804429

um, because he was a pedophile

>> No.7804478

I think he described himself differently, as not so handsome, at one point near the end, while he was visiting Dolly and Dick.

>> No.7804493

The problem with Irons is that he has that dignified air about him. He doesn't really give off that dreadful satyr vibe.

>> No.7804497


That's because by then he was feeling old and withered, and insecure because Lolita had traded him for another man.

>> No.7804509


This, he looks way too "nice" to be that sexually devious.

I think a good Humbert portrait would be all about the eyes, the looks he gives, the glimpses you get into his rotten insides.

>> No.7804518

>and insecure because Lolita had traded him for another man.
So maybe the reason he felt so godly looking is because he was deluded. He got cucked and his bubble burst.

To each their own, I guess. He is highly unreliable, so whatever we say is a maybe.

>> No.7804521

He was damn good in Brideshead Revisited tho.

>> No.7804538


Maybe, but I think it's more both ways, like most people are. i think he was legitimately handsome, but in his mind he was so above other people that it made himself even more handsome in his own eyes. In the end, he starts seeing himself for who he really is though, and gets disgusted, having the opposite effect of thinking he was ugly now.

So maybe it's just how he saw himself at the time. Maybe is the right word indeed though.

>> No.7804542

Shit that girl is hot as fuck

Is the movie for it good?

>> No.7804556
File: 54 KB, 442x430, fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... me?

>> No.7804557



>> No.7804876

Lolita is a comedy and the tone was perfectly captured by Kubrick in his adaptation. The 90's movie tried to make a brooding erotic thriller.

>> No.7804896

It had some tragic elements in it too

>> No.7804910
File: 18 KB, 638x350, 1418442235371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-she's hot

>> No.7804932

It's more of a farce than a tragedy. Nabokov never wrote straightforward tragedies.

>> No.7804945

You cannot possibly have read the book and still think Kubrick perfectly captured the tone. Even Kubrick disagrees with you.

>> No.7804954

They should make a new Lolita with Benedict Cumberbatch as Humbert.

>> No.7804964

He should've gone with Nabokov's script.

>> No.7805250

With Benedict Cumberbatch as Lolita

>> No.7805268

Kinbote was really a kind you pleb

>> No.7805361

it's never about capturing something exactly its about creating a new work of art