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7798917 No.7798917 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books similar to pic related?

>> No.7799505
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pic related

>> No.7799530

Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me

>> No.7799713

This is a much better book. Highly recommended.

Not really similar beyond the counterculture thing, but go for it anyhow.

>> No.7799718

this.. basically the same thing

>> No.7799723

all Chandler's Marlowe books. also Nobody Move by Denis Johnson.

i wonder how Stephen King would write a hard-boiled detective story. would he take the Pynchon deconstructive/pastiche route or modernize the tropes? eh, it would probably have a weak third act, anyways.

>> No.7799729


>> No.7800559

Does anyone else get a vibe of John Le Carre when reading Inherent Vice?

>> No.7800624

I thought Stephen King did try out the hard-boiled detective thang?

>> No.7800654

Vineland reads like a first draft of IV, except the focus is more on Shasta/Frenesi than Doc/Zoyd

>> No.7800804

did he? with what book? i haven't read much by him, just several novels and I do not think any of the batch i've read is a take on a detective story.

nah, not really. i recently reread both and besides some similarities between protagonists, they were nothing alike.

>> No.7800948

Bleeding Edge is very much a spiritual sequel to this one, picking up on a lot of the threads (especially on ARPAnet, of course). Not sure which I prefer but I think both are quite good.

>> No.7800984

in what way?

>> No.7801181

I never read it, but commercials for the TV series that I also never watched make me think The Dead Zone was his attempt at a paranormal detective story.

>> No.7801184
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Finished that? This comes next.

>> No.7801196

this man knows

>> No.7801197

oh god that sucked and the pages smelled like toxic waste

>> No.7801207

stop posting, harold

>> No.7801216

Or the crying of lot 49. Crying of lot 49, Inherent vice and Vineland are arguably a trilogy.

>> No.7801224

So, argue for it.

>> No.7801228

They have nods to one another and take place in vaguely the same area over three decades, but I wouldn't really call them a trilogy.

>> No.7801242

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Budding Prospects
On the Road
Reefer Madness
Marijuana Grower's Guide
Pot Culture

>> No.7801247

James Crumley. He wrote hardboiled fiction set in the 70s, typically in California. It doesn't have the same verbal panache of Pinecone but in terms of milieu and plotting it's probably the closest you're going to get.

>> No.7801322


Read his earlier books first though (The Wrong Case, Dancing Bear, and especially The Last Good Kiss). His later books are far more scattershot.

>> No.7801427

ah, gotcha. i'll give that one a read soon. i remember seeing the movie a few years ago and it was entertaining enough.

anyways, what did you guys think of the Inherent Vice movie? i think it failed to capture the humor of the novel effectively. i dug the film but it was its own entity.

>> No.7801582

I liked it for what it was, but yeah, it did its own thing instead of trying to be an accurate adaptation.

>> No.7802183


Is it any good ? Translation cost 30e

>> No.7802760

Does anyone have an epub of this? Can't find it anywhere.