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/lit/ - Literature

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7798042 No.7798042 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see those Friday morning bookshelves, and have some cozy literary discussions.

Currently reading the two on the right, but I've been flipping through some other shorter works recently (some of Borges short stories, Orwell essays, The New York Trilogy, and the odd Shakespeare poem).
Any suggestions for someone starting to feel burnt out on reading? I haven't run into this problem before. What do you anons find works best? Just push forward and get through it, switch to reading shorter stuff, or take a break to recoup your drive?

>> No.7798061

Lovely collection OP, what translation of the Divine Comedy is that?

My advice would be to just finish what you're reading now and then take a break. Why read if you aren't enjoying it?

>> No.7798085

Thank you! And, it's the Mandelbaum translation.

That's a fair point, I think I might do that. I've been averaging a book every two weeks or so for several months now, and it's starting to feel more like work than anything at this point. Perhaps a little break would be best.
Though I definitely want to finish Catch-22, first. Despite what I described above, I'm having an extremely fun time with it.

>> No.7798088


>> No.7798105

I'd say either a break like that other anon suggested, or, if you're still enjoying reading shorter works, keep doing that for a bit.
I usually switch to reading plays when I get that feeling. By the time I blow through a couple, the urge to return to prose is strong.

>> No.7798108

Oh so thats the Everyman's edition right? I just ordered it myself, how is it?

>> No.7798115

It is the Everyman, and it's a pretty excellent choice. There's a chart floating around here that breaks down all the Divine Comedy translations, but from the one's I've looked at, this is a pretty good balance of everything. Certainly a good starting point, if nothing else.

>> No.7798120
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I have it here, though it says incomplete. This actually helped me decide on the Mandelbaum, I was considering the Ciardi translation beforehand.

>> No.7798449

Read a short an fun book which you know you will enjoy, that's what got me back into reading

>> No.7798484

Anyone here find it hard to "get in the right mindset" for reading?

Maybe I'm just autistic, but I always want to have a blank mind before reading, have no distractions, be in the perfect position, be awake enough, have fresh air, have the right temperature...

>> No.7798495

I remember when you posted that Murakami and the snowman book sitting on your car dashboard. It was a comfy picture, rain on the window, I think.

>> No.7798746

I sometimes feel like this (though, not quite to the degree that you describe).
It's usually the fatigue aspect that gets to me. I sit down to start reading, then suddenly find my eyes getting heavy. It's awful.

I'm really surprised someone remembers that! You're right, that was me!
I'm glad you liked it, anon

>> No.7798903

Maybe drop down to not reading as much per day - maybe read 10 or 20 pages (depending on how much you read at the moment) then when you start feeling like reading more slowly build it back up to a higher number each day. I wouldn't stop reading completely - at least not myself, because it'd get me into bad habits - so try and keep it up, even if it's not much. And like other anons said - read something fun that you enjoy/know you'll enjoy, and hopefully your desire to read will come back.

lovely shelves though - did you enjoy The Sound And The Fury? I'm stuck between ordering that or As I Lay Dying for my first Faulkner book, so would love to hear what you have to say about it.

>> No.7799053
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>> No.7799215
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>> No.7799309
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>> No.7799311




>> No.7799375
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>> No.7799376


>> No.7799756
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>> No.7799790
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Like clockwork

>> No.7799793
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>> No.7799838
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my current read is not in the pic: nathanael west's complete works.
so far i read "the dream life of balso snell" which is weird parody, dark comedy stuff
"miss lonelyhearts" which is less comedy and more depressing.

>> No.7799864

please die

>> No.7799880

don't worry, he'll die eventually >>7799756

>> No.7799889

Are you doing a phd on dante or something? Is there any reason to read every translation?

>> No.7799908

where are all the leatherbound books from senpai?

>> No.7799915
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Fight me.

>> No.7799953

Someone actually owns Fanny Hill? I read some of it in eBook format.

>> No.7800075
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i haven't read it yet, ancient porn is sort of my special interest though.
i like josephine mutzenbacher a lot and i adore de sade.

>> No.7800078

>josephine mutzenbacher
mah nigga

>> No.7800122

It's pretty interesting, I'll give you that.

>> No.7800143

Don't think we can't see that Confederate flag behind your shelf, OP.

>> No.7800427

That seems like a pretty good system for me, actually. I don't particularly like the idea of stopping completely, so maybe I'll try that.

I wish I could be of some help, but I've regretfully not started reading it yet. I can say, though, that I tend to read author's works in release order. So, were I in your position, I'd be going for The Sound And The Fury first.

I bought them all at various used bookstores, anon. The publisher is Easton Press, but I'll warn you that they're incredibly expensive to purchase new. I'd search high and low in your nearest college town's used shops, if I were you.

I'm sure you can; I make no effort to hide it.
(Though, admittedly, I do need raise it a bit higher since I put up that bookshelf. Just haven't gotten around to it.)

>> No.7800575
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>ancient porn
I knew there was a literary avenue I wasn't exploring.
I must dig deeper.

>> No.7800616

Should I feel bad that the majority of books I buy is the black penguin and cheap penguin classic books?

>> No.7800625


>> No.7800663

no, who cares? as long as you read them. some people like nice books other just want cheapo shit they can read.

>> No.7800678
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You shouldn't feel bad, no. They're affordable and allow you to read what you want to read, which should be satisfying at the most basic level to anyone interested in literature.
That being said, the spines are awful, and so are most of the translations (though not all). If that matters to you, perhaps purchase some different editions in the future. If not, who gives a fuck? Just keep reading, m8.

All that in mind, considering this is a bookshelf thread, why don't you share your collection with us anon?

>> No.7800753

Not him but while on the topic, what are /lit/s thoughts on the Oxford World Classics and Everymans Library books?

>> No.7800763

I am currently living far away from home. However I will hold on my promise and post my bookshelf. If I remember that is.

>> No.7800910
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They're pretty fantastic overall, but aren't without their issues:

Oxford World's Classics are usually pretty great editions for whatever you want, and often have good translations. They also have a strong footnote game.
Only comment that I'll make is that the paper is really thin, to me, and the overall physical quality could be a bit better. The books themselves can bend easier than you'd think, and I've ripped a decent amount of pages before I realized just how gently to handle them.
The pros do outweigh the cons, though. I love my Oxfords.

There isn't much to say about Everyman's Library that I can think of. Great binding, durable paper, very readable font/format, and usually are my preferred publisher for translations (Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky aside).
Only drawback that I can think of is a personal one; $25 a book adds up really quick as a student, especially if there's no decent used bookstores nearby to search through as an alternative.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some points, so I encourage others to comment on this, as well.

Sounds like a plan, anon.

.gif unrelated

>> No.7800927
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One of my shelves.

>> No.7800931
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And on my nightstand.

>> No.7800959
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How is everyone doing?

>> No.7800976

Appreciate the insight man

>> No.7801011

OP here, I'm doing pretty well.
How are you?

I've seen your shelf a few times before, but never commented. I love that Modern Library collection you have. I never realized they had such uniquely designed dust covers before. They look extremely nice on your shelf.
I'm curious, though; why three copies of Nausea?

You're welcome! I hope I was of some help.

>> No.7801049


good: notes, essays, etc.
bad: paperback, average build quality

good: hardcover, great build quality
bad: usually doesn't have notes/essays, but some prefer that.

translations are important, so if my preferred translation is with a completely different publisher, that usually sways my choice.

>> No.7801324

>being this pleb
It's okay man, reading only a single translation of one of the greatest classics in all of literature is totally acceptable.

>> No.7801336
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Don't have that many books, as I only recently started getting into reading again. I also have The Complete Fiction of HP Lovecraft, Count of Monte Cristo, Arabian Nights, and Infinite Jest on another shelf. And a really big translation/commentary of the Quran.

The bookmarks are for the books that I plan on reading next.

>> No.7801686
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Oh this thread again. Don't mind if I do. 1/6

>> No.7801690
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>> No.7801696
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>> No.7801700

>lost girls
toppest of keks

>> No.7801704
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>> No.7801707

Hey what's wrong with Alan Moore. Sure it's porn, but besides that.

>> No.7801710
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Lost girls is gr8

>> No.7801713
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This is genre fiction corner

>> No.7801722

I just moved so some of my library is at home. All I have is Neil Gaiman, Kafka, and Asimov.

>> No.7801753

>why do you have so many books that you haven't read yet? What was the point in buying them before reading the others?

>> No.7801781
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The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Long Walk, good stuff.

>> No.7801803
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Most of the books I have with me in Indiana, the other 2/3rds are in Louisville

>> No.7801894
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Currently reading 1984

>> No.7801939

>Janet Evanovich
>Sophie Kinsella
>Dan Brown

Mom, is that you?

>> No.7801973

Stacks all his fantasy books in front of his palahniuk books. This is double layered bait.

>> No.7801979

What's up with that 2666 in a box set? Looks cool.

>> No.7801994

>J. F. Powers.
Aww yisss
Never read his short stories before. Any good?

>> No.7802017

Everyman's Library also put their footnotes at the back of the book instead of the footer of the page, which is fucking annoying when the text has a lot of footnotes, but overall they're great solid books. And $25 per book? Wew, they're £10-£12 mostly here, and a few £15 which isn't bad for hardbacks but $25 is steep as fuck.

The only other downside I can think is that if you're looking to buy War And Peace it's nicely split into 3 volumes but you have to pay for each individual book whereas other publishers (Vintage, Penguin) just lump them all into one and charge average paperback price.

I love penguin modern classics & penguin vintage better than any other paperbacks - they're afforable, have simple, uniform spines, and the cover designs usually if not always appeal to me. Black pingus also aren't bad, they look smart and uniform. Don't worry about it anon, just enjoy reading the contents.

>> No.7802021

Eraserhead book? what is that m8?

>> No.7802042

James Wood wrote an essay about his works that I read a while back which got me interested in him but I haven't taken the time to read his stuff yet. Now that you've pointed out that book in particular I'll hopefully pick it up here pretty soon, the Catholic authors I've read so far have failed to disappoint me.

>> No.7802075

Not sure desu. I know that it's better than I finish reading the books I buy before buying more, but I can't help myself when I see a book that I'm interested in on sale at the bookstore or on bookdepository and for cheap-ish.

>> No.7802094
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I like your taste. What's that Eraserhead book?

>> No.7802164

Sry m8s it's an Eraserhead vhs

>> No.7802181


>> No.7802243

I have that same version of lolita!

>> No.7802716 [DELETED] 

What translation of C&P and TBK is it?

>> No.7802721

What translation of C&P and TBK is that?

>> No.7802730
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>> No.7802732
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>inb4 translations


>> No.7802738

I'm waiting for 2/2 damn.

>> No.7802750

Full of shit.

>> No.7802753

i am reading de profundis by oscar wilde now.
Epub so nothing special to show.
Anyway i am looking for a word that means, 'retaliate at what is perceived as unfairness' It can be used like, he is not guilty, he is being ___. Anybody knows the single word?

>> No.7802769
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sorry m8 I was answering a friend on fb and forgot to post it

>> No.7802997

Dat Women & Men peeking out between Kafka and Céline.

>> No.7803018

Verified WELL READ.

>> No.7803043

>Not buying enough books to last months on reading and rereading
ultimate pleb detected

>> No.7803048

>L.. Ron Hubbard

>> No.7803082

Good basic shite mate

>> No.7803129

Both are the Constance Garnett translations.

>> No.7803158

My collection is fully digital.
Am I pleb?

>> No.7803246

a bit, yes

>> No.7803338
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You're living the modern bohemian/poorfag literary lifestyle.
So, yes, kind of.

>> No.7803363

I burnt my library of 2k books and went fully digital (disregarding the 2 dozen or so books in my attic)

How pleb am I.

>> No.7803365

More of a retard than a pleb. You could've just sold those books for anything

>> No.7803372
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Balthus has now been replaced by Trump's Crippled America pn this shelf

>> No.7803374
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>> No.7803376

I have eclipsed the need for books. Why would I want to have physical books? They take up space and I'm not as insecure as to show off my collection to boost my self-esteem. Digital is fine.

>> No.7803377

>selling books


>> No.7803393

Either stop reading or finish catch 22, that one really burned me out too, so just the act of gerring it out of my system was liberating.

>> No.7803394

give them to a library or some shit then

burning them just make you look like some edgy cunt trying to show everyone how you're not materalistic but still needs attention from the whole fucking neihgbourhood

>> No.7803398

If the power grid goes down (either due to terrorists, mejicans, or neocons), you might as well be in an infinite library, with your glasses broken.

>> No.7803400

Read As I Lay Dying first, no exceptions.

>> No.7803410

Probably nobody irl knows that I burnt them. I burnt them in a clearing in a forest.

Libraries nearby are ass, and improving them would be polishing a turd. Donating them to a thrift store would only make them very temporarily not total shit.

Give me a good reason why I shouldn't have the final decision over my inanimate possessions.

>> No.7803412

Oh, you absolutely should.

That doesn't make those decisions not shit, though.

>> No.7803426

No less than the worth of your opinions, frankly.

Even before I built a library, I never cared what people do with their personal belongings. Money literally flushed down the toilet? Those athletes leak money back to their slave holders anyway. Antique editions of Shakespeare having their pages ripped out for blunts? Those books will eventually crumble anyhow. You just think about that anon.

>> No.7803438
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>Hey everybody, I burned all my books!
>Aren't I an independent intellectual!

>> No.7803446

A book every 2 weeks is what, 30 minutes of reading per day? And it's too much for you?

>> No.7803462

Still doesn't make it less stupid. And those pages are as resistant as the care you take of them, unlike eletronics that can literally just fuck themselves up over nothing.

>> No.7803464

And for every response like this, I'll burn every treasure trove of books I get a hold of. And I'm very good at that.

I'm the reason your second hand book shop is loaded with chaff.

>> No.7803470

Holy shit, you're the definitive proof people can be edgy about absolutely anything.

I bet those 2000 books you've burned were mostly Nine Inch Nails songbooks, Thomas Ligotti and idk, Hot Topic Allan Poe editions

>> No.7803473

Basic digital and print (tree-based) books both last about 100 years. Cloth-based books last centuries if well maintained, but tend to get destroyed long before then. Advanced digital theoretically lasts for millenia, and is harder to track down and destroy if cached.

My decisions are fully justified.

>> No.7803479

And you're definitive proof idiots can't form an argument without exaggeration.

>> No.7803482

Still stupid tbqh

>> No.7803483
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What a faggot

>> No.7803488

I'd usually shoot for an hour a day, but the issue is more so finding the time to read through the week. I pretty much never get the chance on weekends, which is a bit annoying.

>> No.7803496

You're just jealous you don't have a library to burn down.

>> No.7803497

I do have one. I use it mostly for reading though, wood is better for burning down.

>> No.7803509

I was being sarcastic. Obviously it would have been better to donate it someone who deserved it. But as it is, I don't see anyone who really deserves a donation of books in my local area. I've tried to donate to blacks and latinos. Everytime I popped by their houses, the books were clearly being kicked around on the floor, or mutilated. Whites and Asians never really needed my assistance. And I especially have no obligation to donate to petty, inbred runts questioning my decisions on shitty 4chan.

>> No.7803517
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>I was only pretending to be retarded
>describes himself being retarded
What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.7803521

>Not alphabetized

>> No.7803523

That's about 10 groups of books to burn now.

Keep 'em coming.

>> No.7803534

I've struggled with deciding how to order them all for quite a while now. It's somewhat by publisher, and yet not quite.
Any specific suggestions?

>> No.7803585

Were all the books by Chuck Palahniuk you edgy faglord?

>> No.7803588


>> No.7803592

Libraries don't keep the books, they sell them at big sales twice a year and put the money towards things like museum passes.

>> No.7803596

I separate paperbacks and hardcovers and and set aside groups for stuff like philosophy and nonfic, and from there alphabetize each section.

>> No.7803615

Doesn't happen a lot and gets fixed within an hour. Also my phone can run on its batteries while I read a book on it.

>> No.7803632

That's besides the point. Electricity is a house of cards

>> No.7803800


>> No.7803937

Do you have an active sex life?

>> No.7804134

I do, yeah. I've been dating someone for a little over 3 months now.
I'm pretty content, presently.

>> No.7804145

I had assumed this to be bait but a reverse image search returned no results. Kill yourself my man.

>> No.7805063
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>> No.7805190

You have a lot of the same stuff I do. I like you.

>> No.7805674
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I lowkey wish more books were like that, it's a pain to carry around the entire book, and there's no way I will read an entire third in one outing

>> No.7805693
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Yeah, I have shit tier lighting and blackberry camera

>> No.7805869

Looks like a decent collection hidden in that photo, anon. I hope to see it posted again when you're set up wherever you are.

>> No.7805974

Yeah, I'm hosting a lanparty right now, so I had to move my collection to this shitty table. If I remember tomorrow I'll post a better picture

>> No.7806268
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What are you boys playing?

>> No.7807695


>> No.7807881

day of defeat

>> No.7807943

>Day of Defeat
Man, I'm really glad to hear people still play that game, let alone have a lan-party.
God bless you, anon.

>> No.7807950

Post your shelf anon

>> No.7808038

What are those editions of The Iliad and The Oddessy? I'm starting on the Greeks and it'd be nice to have them as a pair.

inb4 newfag

>> No.7808122

Those are the Penguin deluxe editions, translated by Robert Fagles.
It's probably the most accessible translation, certainly a good place to start with the Greeks.
Go for the three-piece box set, though: Odyssey, Iliad, and the Aeneid.

>> No.7808503



>> No.7808960


>reading the same book 10 times instead of learning the original language

I love plebs who believe themselves to be patricians.

>> No.7809675
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>physical books

not that I won't build a 5000-tome personal library when I'm rich

>> No.7809707

So why hate those who are already well-off and building theirs?

>> No.7809733


how did you gather that

they are impractical tho unless you've got room and know you're not moving anywhere in the next few years

>> No.7809750

From the implication in your post:

>physical books

Being well-off usually means having a large house or other living space anyway.

>> No.7809773

very patrician. very patrician indeed

>> No.7809944

What edition of The Art of War is that?

>> No.7810859

Finally an OP with a nice shelf. Good work. A slightly higher res pic would be nice.

>> No.7810892
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>> No.7810898
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>> No.7810902
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>> No.7810932

Thank you, friend. My collection is much nicer when all my books are together and organized.

>> No.7811143

Thank you! I'm glad you like it, anon.
The original pic was much higher res, but was around 37MB.

>> No.7811249
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Here's some of my other books :)

>> No.7811254

What'd you think of Maldoror and the Perec?

>> No.7811284

Funny you mentioned those two, I read both of them one after the other a couple years ago. I remember the Perec volume being very nice, kind of like taking a leisurely tour through Paris. Maldoror was a bit of a slog for me and I can only recall a couple scenes vividly, the shooting of the drowning people, and the shitting on God. Very strange book, especially when coupled with his Poesies.

>> No.7811334

Oxfords are my goto publisher for most things
Academic translations
Cheap new (if used penguins are cheaper)
Wide subject matter
Obscure philosophers and titles
Nice covers

Only paperbacks
White covers get dirty
Most notes are in the back

I don't have any everymans so I have no idea.

>> No.7811350
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>> No.7811379

How much did the Bayer cost you?

>> No.7811395


About 65 US dollars for the selected works and like 13 for the Vitus Bering, definitively worth though.

There are usually around 6-8 copies being sold on Amazon used and I just kept checking the prices every month until I got it for that.

>> No.7811424

Congrats anon, that's a great price on the Selected Works.

I've been thinking of ordering direct from their site for the works they still have in stock, but I always put it off.

>> No.7811763


Depending on the specific lengths, I feel like I'm slacking if I don't knock out 2-3 books a week.

>> No.7812364
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The first piece in the Selected Works

>> No.7812375
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>no majuscules

>> No.7813141

OP here. Damn good shelf!

What's your opinion on The Invention of Morel? I was thinking about ordering that myself earlier today, actually, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

>> No.7813303

Definitely worth the read, I'm not sure how to talk about it without spoiling the story, I'll just say it's a short, low key sci fi novel with some inspiration from h g wells. Borges praised it highly, maybe too much, but it's nice.

Appreciate your shelves too, anon, good selection and very neat. I noticed we also have the same copies of Suttree, Carver's stories, and Orwells essays.

Have you read that copy of Simon Leys' essays? I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.7813620

That description definitely intrigues me. Thank you, I think I'll go ahead and order it.

Thank you! I'm glad you like it. I noticed the same; similarities aside, you have quite a lot that I'd like to eventually read. I'm quite jealous of your Library of America collection in particular.

And, I've haven't read the entire collection, but the essays I have read from it I found incredibly interesting (the opening one on Quixotism, and several of the Chinese ones in particular).

>> No.7814007

>Dat bookshelf

Marry me.

Seriously though, try taking a break from reading for a bit. I find journal writing makes a great substitute hobby when I've run out of fresh reading material.

>> No.7814015

I second this.
It's like a Phillip K Dick Novel and a Borges story had a baby.

>> No.7814034

What do you write about?

>> No.7814036

I love LoA, I rarely ever buy them at full price or I wouldn't have so many but whenever I find a volume I've been looking for at a half price books or somewhere similar my heart leaps with joy. And there's still so many more I'd love to own.

>> No.7814048

I split my notebooks in half. The left page is for when I first wake up, i.e. weird dream journal shit, plans for the day, the occasional shopping list.
The right side is for the end of the day, here I summarize the events of the day and my general thoughts.

>> No.7814084

>good notes
Depends entirely on the editor or whoever wrote the notes for the given book.
Cf. the first chapter of Joyce's portrait when Mr. Casey tells Stephen 'that he had got those three cramped fingersmaking a birthday present for Queen Victoria' (p. 23). This is OBVIOUSLY a bomb which Mr. Casey tries to circumvent later by talking about 'champagne' , and yet you find this nugget of retardation in the notes: 'imprisoned as an Irish revolutionary, he [Mr. Casey] has "picked oakum" at Her Majesty's leisure, that is in an English prison: i.e. picked old rope to obtain the loose fibres which are then used for other things.' This is wrong firstly and useless information secondly, and you have to be insanely British to think that Mr. Casey was talking about anything but bombs or bomb-related activities.

>> No.7814092

Sounds interesting anon, but I'd probably be too lazy to consistently follow through with it

>> No.7814097

Also it's not every Oxfords World Classic that has little markings whenever a word/passage has an entry in the notes. Conrad's HoD does but Joyce's Portrait doesn't, for example, and reading Joyce this way can be a hassle.

>> No.7814142

>all that nyrb

>> No.7814165

but le gun nuts are all le virgins xDD please upvote fellow redditors!

>> No.7814228 [DELETED] 
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How do you like your pages?
White? Tan? Red?
Thick? Thin?
Fresh as Will Smith? Old and wrinkled?

>> No.7814232

Tan, thick, old enough to have a "must" to them but not that "been damp in an attic for a decade must". Just that nice, distinctive book smell.

>> No.7814636
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OP here.
Despite the flag, I'm actually a canuck.

>> No.7814648

Was meant for >>7814165, I assume

>> No.7814774
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Got these the other day. What does lit/ think about it?

>> No.7814900

I didn't know Planeta had printed translations of Lispector's works. The Siruela editions are obscenely expensive.

>> No.7814909

That's a Siruela ed. but it wasn't that expensive . I paid 17 us dollars.

>> No.7814931

I'm so used to seeing the Planetas in those garish crayon colours.

Have you begun reading A maça... yet?

>> No.7814940

Not yet. Did you liked it? I read The Passion According to G.H. last year. It was great, but exhausting so I'm not in a rush with maca.

>> No.7814950



>> No.7814953

It was great, I really enjoyed how Lispector constructs the world and the characters one block at a time; it seemed almost faulknerian in its structure.
Definitely build up your strength for this one, it's not to be taken lightly; although, once you get into the groove, you'll really enjoy it.

>> No.7814967

Thanks, anon. Sounds great. Where are you from? Brazil?

>> No.7815056
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No, I'm from California. I went through a big Brazilian/Portuguese phase when I attended university and my uni's library was very well-stocked.

>> No.7815405

I dont have any more Brazilian books to show. What else do you recommend from there?

>> No.7815638

You feel like posting a dl link for thOse?

>> No.7816710
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I'm sorry for being an illiterate faggot, my books are in storage. I have plans though.

>> No.7816727


you tried too hard

>> No.7816741

>guy fawkes mask

Get involved in a car crash, soon.

>> No.7816750

It came with the book.

>> No.7816751

I know, but that's not everything I've read.

>> No.7816770

my new #1 best troll shelf. thanks.

>> No.7816777

I- I underestimated you /lit/, I thought this was the nice board... But I appreciate your opinion, I shall consider that car-crash.

>> No.7816888
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>wrecking your spines

>> No.7816907

V for Vendetta is absolute fucking garbage but HP Lovecraft and Illuminatus are top tier stoner core

not sure whta that second shelf is but i'm guessing it's some kind of anime sex novel

>> No.7816914

Nice shelf tbqhwy.

>> No.7817068

andrew shulman is a fagit

>> No.7817221
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This is retarded.

>> No.7817423

Wanna know how I know you're autistic?

>> No.7818203

I really should start doing that. I've been struggling recently with the reality of fading memories, so that would get two birds stoned at once.

Any tips, or just write?

>> No.7818669

your photo gave me cancer.

>> No.7819757


>> No.7819769

That's the exact reason I don't read books at all. I buy them for my shelf and read their contents on my Kindle.

>> No.7820778

Wouldn't it damage them more to constantly take them all out and put them back in just to find a certain book?

>> No.7820824
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I think I did well over the years
Top shelfs: Kipling
Middle: Joseph Conrad
Bottoms: Steinbeck, Joyce, Mann, Tolstoi, Twain, Heller, TS Eliot, Pound, ect.

Going to finish Hemingway, Dostoevsky, then poetry Keats,Byron, Tennyson

>> No.7820917

didnt know that edith hamilton book is soo small, when i saw the cover, it looked like a 400 page text book. nice.

>> No.7820945
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Agreed bro, he sucks.

>> No.7820956

>strategic therapy
wtf is that lol

>> No.7821910
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Nice shelf. I'm slightly jealous of the uniform look.