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7795908 No.7795908 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other books like this?

I mean sense of no time or an exact location. Feel like there is no difference between first and last pages.

Feeling like it is a whole organism consisting of same and identical parts.

>> No.7795930

Lolita and V. are similar, in that the reader must forgo their sense of 'what's happening' to appreciate the prose

>> No.7795934

this recommendation is awful

look it's obvious you don't read a lot you don't need to shoehorn in the few books you have read into everything

>> No.7795945


>> No.7796057

>Feel like there is no difference between first and last pages. Feeling like it is a whole organism consisting of same and identical parts.


>> No.7796068

a dictionary

>> No.7796072


>> No.7796079

>he missed the parabolic trajectory of the words going from aardvard to zyzzyva as the v2 rocket flies across the sky

shiggy diggy

>> No.7796086

Prospero's Cell by Lawrence Durrell. Sure, being a travel journal, it's well situated in both time and space but there is no narrative thread and it's got that dreamy feeling in gorgeous prose.

>> No.7796112

I think you might like Imaginary Lives by Schwob and Against the Grain by Huysmans. Oh, and some Julien Gracq.

>> No.7796122

The Unconsoled by Ishiguro

>> No.7796131

my nigga

>> No.7796754

Eh, for spells ( like Combray), but there are too many long term trajectories and bits of plot and shit.

Huysmans maybe for the interior decoration shit.

>> No.7796816

Rimbaud's Illuminations

>> No.7796826

I like you.

>> No.7796849


>> No.7797262

Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman. not as good as Calvino's book but uses similar structure, if i recall correctly. it's been a while since i've read either.

>> No.7797539

Pedro Paramo

>> No.7797544

Gracq is a hack and no way comparable to Calvino

>> No.7797933

Einstein's Dreams is basically the poor man's version of this. Borges Ficciones is an obvious fit.

>> No.7798248


Einstein's Dreams was like Mitch Albom rewriting Invisible Cities. A couple nice thoughts here and there, but somehow manages to be both light and tedious at once.

>> No.7798251

This definitely has a similar dreamlike quality, to the point of being unnerving.
It's great.

>> No.7798261

bluebeard by max frisch
in watermelon sugar by richard brautigan

>> No.7799197

All of Beckett, but I've the feeling he isn't what you're asking for.