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/lit/ - Literature

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779530 No.779530 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a creative writer and apply my potential. People constantly compliment my stories. I graduated with a B.A in creative writing but I'm working as a clerk for now. What do you guys suggest I should do?

>> No.779540


>> No.779539

No one?

>> No.779543

>People constantly compliment my stories.

People tend to do that when they don't give a shit.

>I graduated with a B.A in creative writing but I'm working as a clerk for now.


>> No.779548


Ok bro, go ahead and tell my life story for me then. Dick.

>> No.779549


>> No.779556


Ok, how hard is it to get published? Is it more about talent or dick sucking?

>> No.779557


You were a worthless high school student who didn't do anything to get into a good college and since writing was the only thing you thought you were good at, you majored in it and got a piss easy degree. Now you're a fucking clerk and you've had zero success. I bet you haven't even written or read anything worth reading since then and don't think about posting your fanfic level bullshit here. "Creative writing", good one.

>> No.779559


Why are all of you such dicks? I did what I like but the job market it's not easy for B.A in english, how is that my fault? Besides, I am proposing ways of applying my degree and get out of that place i work in--it's only temporary you douche bags. So, any HELPFUL advice?

>> No.779560

Don't listen to that guy. Do not worry about being published.


Just write.

When you have written something and revised it, and when you believe it is a significant piece (significant for its popular appeal, its literary merit, whatever), come back here and we'll tell you what to do next. But don't even fucking worry about being published until you have written something worth publishing.

>> No.779563

If you're a short story writer submit your stories to litmags. Just google "best litmags" and submit to them. They also sell books that list litmags and tell you their tendencies in boarders etc. Always buy an issue or two of the mag before hand to get a feel for it.

You can also put together collections and submit them to contests, but I have no fucking clue about that.

If you're a novelist you submit to presses. For bigger presses you'll need an agent ( no fucking idea about that either. ) Indie presses will take straight submissions. They'll also take short story collections.

As a general rule for finding indie presses, follow the Pushcart Prize. The pushcart prize is like the pulitzer of the indie press.

Good luck to you OP.

>> No.779564

Agreed with this.

In all honesty I'm wondering why you asked people on this site for advice. Do some research on publishing using the people you knew in your major from college or contact a professor and ask where to go for information.

>> No.779565
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1228198553886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sage does nothing, brah.

>> No.779568


>it's not easy for B.A in english, how is that my fault?

Then maybe you should have thought about that before wasting 4 years of your life and worked harder towards a degree worth getting.

>So, any HELPFUL advice?

You want some advice now after wasting your education? Read. Read your goddamn ass off until you have nothing left. Live to read. Then maybe you can think about writing.

>> No.779572

Also you people are fucking idiots for deriding this guy for getting a creative writing degree. You have no idea where he's at and no idea what the actual composition of the degree was. You're insulting a straw man you've cobbled together out of your own prejudices.

>> No.779575


What the hell is it with the hating against my major? This is /lit/ remember? I bet half the users here are doing that very same major right now. Besides, I am working, supporting myself while trying to do something productive. If I stayed home smoking pot all day and talking about the lastest fantasy novels on /lit/ would that make a badass?

If you think my major is such shit, then what the hell do you suggest studying instead?

>> No.779577

>You have no idea where he's at and no idea what the actual composition of the degree was.

I know he spent four years at a university without bothering to learn how to get published. I can make enough connections from that alone.

>> No.779581

ITT: a fucktard

>> No.779582


Actually 5--had to take one senior project class.

>> No.779583

Lots of writers don't publish for a long time. Most aren't Foster Wallace out of college.

>> No.779584


>If you think my major is such shit, then what the hell do you suggest studying instead?

Engineering, maybe math but that's a given. Physics and chemistry are always good too, but generally worthless unless you have other skills to back them up.

Too late now though...

>> No.779585
File: 80 KB, 492x559, retard-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.779598


Good one fag. I bet you are not even from /lit/. Math and engeneering are filled with socially retarded asians that don't know who wrote Romeo and Juliet. They are also easily manipulable and have no idea of politics, social relationships and have absolutely no idea of self-worth. I think I'll stick with my degree thank you--at least I know my job isn't being outsourced to India.

>> No.779600


And then there's people like me who are great at both science and art and will kick your ass at life.

>> No.779601

In all honesty OP just read and write a ton. Go to writing groups, continue to work hard at your job and at your writing and reading. It's very difficult to make a living off of creative writing so even if you were publishing you'd probably be working the same job you are now.

>> No.779602

OP what school did you graduate from? It does concern me that you didn't receive any information on the publishing world.

>> No.779603
File: 28 KB, 499x376, super-retard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.779604


>Great at science

Ha, what? Going to tell me about your shitty "stringer theorem" and how you are in a multiverse and all that bullshit? Just because you can do artihmetic faster than some people doesn't mean shit, except that you are a presumptuous cock. Also, what art? I bet you can even barely draw a circle without sharp edges.

>> No.779606


A reaction image?! You sure showed me, good sir.

>> No.779612
File: 77 KB, 800x571, Grady_Leaves.29063834_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you're shown to be a retard every time you put sage in the Email field.

And every time you try to type anything.

You're really quite the retard, and likely have been since birth. I'm sorry you think it necessary to bully OP to try and make up for your own inadequacies...

>> No.779613


SUNY binghamton. They did but I just thought anon might have other unknown sources.

>> No.779614

shittiest thread on /lit/

>> No.779616

Blame the retard.

>> No.779621


>Just because you can do artihmetic faster than some people doesn't mean shit,

You think math is all numbers and arithmetic? You'd be shocked to learn how useful calculus is. Even the higher maths like Analysis and Modern Algebra and Number theory belie their simple names in complexity and applicability.

>Also, what art? I bet you can even barely draw a circle without sharp edges.

And do you think art is only drawing and painting? Now this may confuse you but painting, music, films, and many other mediums can also be art. Even writing is an art. Holy shit, did I just blow your fucking mind?

>> No.779628
File: 27 KB, 285x369, r472756_2372324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you have your answer. Take it and go. I can't stay any longer and post retard pictures of the idiot ITT.

>> No.779630


Er, no, I took one semester of calculus and never had to use it in my daily life--ever.

>Now this may confuse you but painting, music, films, and many other mediums can also be art

No shit Einstains. I think you have trouble understanding simple rethorical examples, despite your self-given science superiority. Go cry to your fat asian woman about how you can't even boost your cock on 4chan. Sad, really.

>> No.779634

sup. im a good reader. send me ur shit and ill tell u the truth

>> No.779646


>Er, no, I took one semester of calculus and never had to use it in my daily life--ever.

Hence why you'd be shocked to find out how useful it really is iof you'd bother to learn how to apply it. But I guess I can't expect too much from you. Let's stick with writing.

>No shit Einstains. I think you have trouble understanding simple rethorical examples, despite your self-given science superiority

No, I think you have trouble making these simple, rhetorical examples since you narrowed their range so much. The fault of communication often lies with a poorly articulated communicator with an ignorance of the material.

>Go cry to your fat asian woman about how you can't even boost your cock on 4chan. Sad, really.

You need work on your insults. I suggest you start practicing with yo momma's jokes.

>> No.779649


Why ask /lit/ a question like this?

Let's cut to the chase, OP: googling "getting published", "short story markets", "writing career", etc., brings up upteen results. Why didn't you do this?

>> No.779659


>There's tons of applications that I will not provide any examples of because there are really none that I can't think of right now but I'm still superior because I say there are.

Great argument.

>No, I think you have trouble making these simple, rhetorical examples since you narrowed their range so much. The fault of communication often lies with a poorly bla bla

Just admit you couldn't pick up my drift and thought that I implied art = drawing circles. Not even 3rd graders go that low. Also, blaming me for "poorly articulated" sentences does not justify your lack of reading comprehension. Go back to reading class.

>You need work on your insults.

Butthurt much?

>> No.779664

Probably because this is the board where people ask if they should read Portrait before Ulysses every day.

>> No.779676


>Great argument.

Given you had one semester of calculus and probably don't remember what a derivative is. I'd be wasting my time espousing on this. I'll state that number theory is the backbone of cryptography and not waste my time using jargon that's above you.

>Just admit you couldn't pick up my drift and thought that I implied art = drawing circles. Not even 3rd graders go that low. Also, blaming me for "poorly articulated" sentences does not justify your lack of reading comprehension. Go back to reading class.

No, I got your drift of trying to make a humorous exaggeration. It was just so ignorantly stated I couldn't laugh at it and pretend you weren't dumb as rocks.

>Butthurt much?

No. Projecting much?

This is getting boring now. Continue your "creative" writing and don't forget to give me correct change when I'm at your store. Bye.

>> No.779679


And they should, they're both amazing.

>> No.779706


>Given you had one semester of calculus and probably don't remember what a derivative is. I'd be wasting my time espousing on bla bla

You still have not given me an example of how this applies to MY EVERYDAY LIFE. That was the original point. Pulling random physics applications of it is not what I mean--anyone can do that. So, until then, you are still just "spousing" your own ego-centric views.

>No, I got your drift of trying to make a humorous exaggeration. It was just so ignorantly stated I couldn't laugh at it and pretend you weren't dumb as rocks.

Translation: I thought you were being literal because my reading comprehension is non-existant. Since I didn't understand you, I assumed you were dumb and went ahead to flop my cock up and high about how great I am. I dont' see where the "ignorance" is at really.

>This is getting boring now. Continue your "creative" writing and don't forget to give me correct change when I'm at your store. Bye.

I can probably rip you off in a flash without you even knowing about it. As for your dissapointment, I will continue with my aspirations because I actually work towards a goal, realize my limits and put in the effort to accomplish something. I don't just go to some website and brag about the size of my intellectual penis because I keep saying how maths are mind blowing without any actual examples--that's called maturity.

>> No.779748

I just wanted to thank everyone for the lulz.

/sci/ thanks you.

>> No.779749

never come to this website or any sidetracking one again.
build a hunger for reading
become a geek for literature
develop your taste and then develop another
read everything you can.
want to learn about joyce?
read all review books in the library about him
take the time while in the middle of reading to look things up
study those things
become a loner
decide what parts of your life that you may have forgotten about MEAN something to you worth crying about, worth wanting to kill yourself about
worth dropping everything for
and write about those things using your taste in writing and also how you feel
practice essays
practice letters
talk to interesting people but not for too long
eat and shit and sleep,
but then read.
write about what you read.
DO NOT think that you must only learn things through school, when you, yourself become the best media to learn by, then you can write, revise, polish and judge yourself. And when you can judge yourself, then you have the secret ability to (though you NEVER use it) judge others)

>> No.779756


www.anomtalk.se but with n instead of m near the middle b500ea85b4036cb021e809b3f20c3df3 79630

>> No.779762

drop all superfluous things. do not go out anymore.
do not get wrapped up in anything time consuming.
replace your hunger for food music drugs girls lust love and ANYTHING t.v. computer or cell phone related with KNOWLEDGE.

you do not have time to be here, nor do i, my friend.

the kingdom of heaven is at hand, are you going to write or not?

>> No.779764

................ are you going to write or not...?

>> No.779771

the kingdom of heaven is at hand, sir. i suggest your laptop to close, you to stand, and for you to make an idea of what your life has meant to you and how you will write with that

>> No.779776

that is your answer, All Anonymous

>> No.780088

This guy pretty much nails it.

>> No.780103


This guy.

>> No.780229

I consider them the same.