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7793753 No.7793753 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best short stories out there?

>> No.7793764

they're short

>> No.7793767

borges & joyce are the best

>> No.7793768


>> No.7793769

Start with the masters: Hawthorne, Gogol, etc.

>> No.7793774
File: 73 KB, 500x302, AnneFrank2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubliners is great, you should read it.

My other favorites are Edgar Allan Poe and Ray Bradbury.

I like this one as well.


>> No.7793775
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>> No.7793784


>> No.7793789


>> No.7793790

Muh dick

>> No.7793808
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>> No.7793813

If you like NMH you'd probably like DFW. I wouldn't recommend Oblivion to anyone because it's a very hit and miss collection, but Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is great.

>> No.7793815
File: 219 KB, 608x459, AnneFrank4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7793816


>> No.7793829
File: 36 KB, 512x512, 1451510645085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that's wrong!

>> No.7793859


I wonder what Anne Frank would think if she knew the diary she wrote hidden in an attic terrified for her life would one day be used as a prop for some egotistical broad to prove to their instagram followers how cultured and smart they are.

Does she not realise how wildly inappropriate this is? Of course not, there is no time to pause for reflection in the oh so important task of taking yet another fucking picture of yourself.

>> No.7793870

In the Heart of the Heart of the Country by William Gass.

>> No.7793905

heart of dankness

>> No.7794029


>> No.7794100

I read The Swimmer by John Cheever the other day on my roomate's recommendation and was blown away.

>> No.7794133


>> No.7794165

kafka, borges, barth, calvino, faulkner

>> No.7794220

Katherine Mansfield, Breece D'J Pancake, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kafka, Kjell Askildsen, Alice Munro... those are my favourite writers of short fiction.

>> No.7794232
File: 73 KB, 620x350, Saunders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Barthelme's got some bangers boy I'll tell yew what.

First one by him I ever read was "The School," which I was compelled to seek out when I came across an essay about it while reading The Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders.

Speaking of George Saunders, stories by George Fucking Saunders.

>> No.7794256

Borges, Chekhov, Philip K Dick depending what
drugs he was on at the time.

>> No.7794290

Asimov has got some good stuff.

>> No.7794329

Flannery O'Connor and James Thurber are all but ignored on this board.

Wilson, The Man Who Shot Snapping Turtles
Harte, Outcasts of Poker Flat
Conrad, An Outpost of Progress
Beerbohm, A.V. Laider
Tolstoy, Death of Ivan Ilytch
Aiken, Silent Snow, Secret Snow
Melville, Bartleby
Freedgood, Grandma and the Hindu Monk

>> No.7794345

Kafka and Joyce

Others are meh

>> No.7794346

the aleph, the book of sand, good old neon, another pioneer, escape from spiderhead, the metamorphosis, the dead, araby, a little cloud, the pederson kid, human moments in world war 3, a clean well lighted place, all of steps by jerzy kosinski, a decent amount of winesburg ohio...

>> No.7794356

u mad bruh?

>> No.7794420

William--Gass--is the b--est--

-- -- --


>> No.7794448

>to prove to their instagram followers how cultured and smart they are.
thinking about this is sort of sad actually.

>> No.7794488


Askildsen will win the Nobel in a couple years, I'd bet good money on it.

>> No.7794498

Huh, I got the sense she was just holding up the book because she looks a bit like the picture of Anne Frank on the cover.

But then again I have no idea who this person holding the book is.

We all do.

>> No.7794531

she triggered your jimmies but you'll be ok anon

>> No.7794542

Just read this one, it's really cool. Probably something you should read twice.

>> No.7794545

Yukio Mishima's Patriotism is one of the best shorts I've read recently.

>> No.7794681

I'll put another vote in for Askildsen.

>> No.7794685


>> No.7794703

Nigger have you *read* the book?

It's the diary of an angsty teenager. Her book was made for people to do that kind of thing.

>> No.7795882

don durito de la lacandona

>> No.7795925

"A Country Doctor" by Franz Kafka is one of my personal favorite short stories.

>> No.7795959

>Kjell Askildsen

Min neger

>> No.7795987

Raymond Carver's Cathedral

>> No.7795999

Flannery O'Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge may just be the GOAT short story collection

>> No.7797034

Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

>> No.7797061

James Agee: A Mother's Tale

>> No.7797071

The Hero as a Werwolf by Gene Wolfe

>> No.7797093

This anon knows the shizz. I'd add DFW's 'forever overhead', Baldwin's 'going to meet the man', Salinger's 'nine stories' (especially 'a perfect day for bananafish' ohh boy), also Hemmy's 'snows of kilimanjaro'.

>> No.7797720

That's my meme you're memeing

>> No.7798748


This d e s u

>> No.7798757

Signs and Symbols by Nabokov

>> No.7798778

The happy prince by Wilde

>> No.7798815

The Deathbird

>> No.7799004

Fantastic recommendation, really powerful short story. Maybe my favorite actually.

>> No.7799043

Steinbeck wrote some really good ones

>> No.7799049

Saki is pretty good

>> No.7799077


I dont get it
is it that it ends abruptly so you have to interpret everything like the young man

>> No.7799080

Good Old Neon by David Foster Wallace is the most depressing thing you'll ever read. It's on Oblivion.

>> No.7799096

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

>> No.7799183

It's been a while since I read it, but I remember I thought it was clever how Nabokov created a child deemed insane because he was incapacitated by interpreting everything around him as having a relationship to himself and then he filled the story with signs and symbols the reader would pick up and obviously attribute to the boy lending credence to his insane thoughts.

The ending is open to interpretation but I think the last call came after the father had picked up the crabapple spread (crabapples are renowned for being extremely sour and inedible, another sign) in conjunction with assuming they wouldn't receive yet another misdial from the previous caller so I interpreted it as a call from the sanitarium to indicate their son had taken his life.

>> No.7799393

Reading this during the weekend. What am I in for?

>> No.7799419

My recent favorites:

Borges - Funes the Memorious
Kafka - The Vulture
Borges -Borges and I
Kis - Simon Magnus

>> No.7800120


>> No.7800158

baby shoes

>> No.7800178

Kipling - Little Foxes / Sahibs War
Jimbo Juice - The Dead
Gogol - The Nose
Any Borgey-Worgey

>> No.7800432

yeeeah boyee

what we talk about when we talk about love, a good man is hard to find, funes the memorious, welcome to the monkey house, hemingway's short stories, Demon Box by Ken Kesey,

>> No.7800436

Dude that came in my SAT

>> No.7800703


>> No.7800710

Green Tea and Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu.

>> No.7800724


>> No.7801116

The Death of Ivan Illyich is the best one.

>> No.7801689

>Green Tea

>> No.7801694

my favorite is get off my board you /mu/ cancer piece of shit redditor

>> No.7801816

Gogol - the Overcoat
John Cheever - The swimmer
Gene Wolf - Island of Dr. Death

>> No.7802052

The Nose by Gogol.

Also that one everyone talks about where the bartenders get mad at the old man drinking brandy. Its garbage, but pseudointellectuals eat it up, I forgot the name. Probably been posted several times in this thread already.