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7790201 No.7790201 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a woman more hardcore in all of literature than Medea? I've been really stimulated lately in regards to how powerful she is as a figure, cackling, her golden eyes radiating beams of light, the dark trail of smoke dragging behind her serpent drawn chariot as she takes flight from another city left in ruin, it's people descending into a violent chaotic mob in the wake of the disaster her magic has brought upon them

>> No.7790235
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Boudicca tho

>> No.7790243

First jason
Then thesues's dad

>> No.7790252

Rebel uprisings are a dime a dozen. Medeas rage was beyond that, primordial in it's intensity. She carried the torch of all the ancient chthonic Gods of the old ages of the world who had been made to bow before the Olympian order. She was their fury incarnate.

>> No.7790261
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Does this look like the face of mercy?

>> No.7790276

She almost got Herakles too. She really is one of the most prominent villains in the whole span of the Heroic Age

>> No.7790288
File: 81 KB, 1120x118, They're gonna replace plastic with flesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunglasses emoji

kali is probably the most hardcore female character of all time, idk about "woman" though

>> No.7790294
File: 65 KB, 425x425, Z12.2Dionysos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I forgot about Kali. Probably for good reason. She's among the most horrific Gods that I've come across. Dionysus has always been deeply unsettling to me first and foremost though. Kali is brutal in her conception, but Dionysus is disturbing in a more penetrative way

>> No.7790314

Also, what's wrong with the framing of Medea as a villain in the full context of the Heroic Age?

>> No.7790325

>Dionysus is disturbing in a more penetrative way

>> No.7790337
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>ancient chthonic Gods
paglia pls go

>> No.7790338
File: 14 KB, 760x36, my only regret is that i never believed anything insane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell me more about why dionysus disturbs you? i definitely understand to some extent but to mention him in the same breath as kali?

there's nothing wrong with that, don't worry, i just wouldn't call her one outside of that context

>> No.7790361

He's an androgynous sexual deviant who unleashes the deep seated depravity and perversion within any people caught in his path. He defiles the bonds between families and drives them apart, taking the women as his possessed followers who will wander with him lost in primal uncontrollable fits of emotion until they die in his name.

It's something about his outward aloofness contrasted with his inner sadistic fury that unsettles me. A God that will at one moment be rosy cheeked, giggling in elation and in the next make your own loved ones rend you apart like animals in a histrionic outburst that nobody could have predicted.

>> No.7790365

Damn, who is she? She roasted those types in that pic

>> No.7790384

Dionysus was said to have spent many years in India, so I always tend to think of Dionysus when Hindu deities are mentioned. Both Kali and Dionysus have similar natures, with them unearthing the dark depravity within the human psyche.

Dionysus is also one of the most prominent Antichrist figures of the era his cults were active. He carries himself in the same way as Jesus, a shepherd to the lost and even employs similar imagery with his crooked crown of vines and with the symbolic use of wine in spiritual matters, the difference being that Dionysus is constantly intoxicated and emotionally unstable and only lead the lost souls he found to violent orgies in the wild woods.

Also, I've always found the imagery of him being born by being squeezed between the clenched thighs of Zeus scary in a strange way. It's just the birth of a deranged, unnatural being that shouldn't exist.

>> No.7790390
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>transgender phenomena multiply and spread in "late" phases of culture, as religious, political, and family traditions weaken and civilization begins to decline.
I'm tired of seeing this argument.

>> No.7790422
File: 68 KB, 726x76, you did not seduce me..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the filename and then the post
>only lead the lost souls he found to violent orgies in the wild woods
my hero

>> No.7790432

Yeah, ı feel. But to be honest, ı find Apollonian insanity much scarier than Dionysian one.

Where are all these quotes from?

>> No.7790441

I don't know, it just seems absolutely horrific to lose all control of yourself sexually and emotionally in Dionysian ecstasy in an orgy most certainly also attended by your family and friends, who will also have no control over themselves and will commit unspeakable acts of debasement. Both Kali and Dionysus reflect this ingrained fear I have of sexual perversion.

>> No.7790449

I meant who is she as in who she intellectually and as a person, not just her name

>> No.7790485
File: 108 KB, 1030x793, tumblr_lybzwyvoA61qghk7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo as at the very least in some regard a composed being of rationality, where Dionysus is a being of intoxicated madness who's fury is incomprehensible.

The flaying of Marsyas by Apollo is one of the more particularly brutal acts levied against a moral by an Olympian though. Apollo had him hung upside down and flayed him slowly from the feet down, letting him thrive in anguish

>> No.7790642

>Apollo as at the very least in some regard a composed being of rationality, where Dionysus is a being of intoxicated madness who's fury is incomprehensible.
That's the thing though. You find the Dionysian terrifying because it tells you could step on a land mine any moment, and madness and euphoria will take you, and you will do horrible and incromprehensible things you will find the next morning.

But then the other god will tell you this is just par for the course, that you're simply another machine working just as you should. Sadness, joy, anger, they are all alienable and measurable, and you could drive anyone to anything thinkable with the right knowledge. Everything can be torn apart, it's all just a clock, and it's all going just as it should. Once you know enough, you can kill the world.

Insanity is not orgiastic. Madmen aren't random, but rather their madness consists on obsession, on repetition of ideas and action; their world isn't irrational, to them it makes perfect sense. And if a madman is malignant enough, and knows what he's doing, he will get away with whatever he wants; if he's good enough he might drive a whole society, a country, into systematic death and destruction, and nothing or no one can escape. Excess of reason drives men to conquer, cleanse, control and order, but have thought what a world of perfect order would be like?

How many lives have gone through your stomach? How many vermins have you eliminated a floor would be clean? Actions like these go on every day and we don't even see them. What else goes on? And it's all rational, it all makes sense, is normal to us.

You fear corruption. I fear the incorruptible.

You fear a night filled with monsters. I fear a sun that never sets and lets no one look away from its burning light.

>Then he said to me
>He whispered
>That my plan was misconceived
>That my special plan for this world was a terrible mistake
>Because, he said, there is nothing to do and there is no where to go
>There is nothing to be and there is no one to know
>Your plan is a mistake, he repeated

>This World is a mistake, I replied

This is what ı meant, not so much the mythic canon. But ah, how long-winded that was, ı would deleted it but ı have the selfish hope you will find it scary.

>> No.7790765
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I'd rather chain myself to an ordered cosmos than be subject to chaotic formlessness. I have enough humility within myself to accept my place in hierarchy of the world I was born in. We aren't machines, we're performers on the cosmic stage with our own unique parts to play. The rise and fall of civilizations throughout time is testament to that.

The allure of existential nihilism is the total freedom that it offers an individual, but for what purpose is this freedom for? I'd rather be subservient to a higher ideal that gives my life shape and meaning even at the cost of my freedom. Those who know how to serve learn to master themselves.

Everyone glorifies Lucifer as a rebel and liberator against an oppressive order, but the truth is he's a spoiled child who only wishes to pull others into his misery. Lucifer in the end is trampled under the heel of Michael and cast away in mockery

>> No.7790778
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Medea is cute

>> No.7791533
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>I'd rather be subservient to a higher ideal that gives my life shape and meaning even at the cost of my freedom. Those who know how to serve learn to master themselves.
You're creating a kind of false dichotomy there--who or whatever it is you serve, you're doing it firstly under your authority, by your choosing. My point wasn't that backing off is even, but rather that choosing to never question or change ourselves out of fear leads people to do things they would never want to do otherwise. Being tricked by the allure of security is self-defeating.

>Everyone glorifies Lucifer as a rebel and liberator against an oppressive order, but the truth is he's a spoiled child who only wishes to pull others into his misery.
And yet it's the Christians that have millions in their ranks and give bibles to the staving, while serving a God that acts as a soiled brat himself. The only reason they pray to Jehovah and not Satan is because he's more powerful.