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File: 134 KB, 640x1136, kierkegaard fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7787943 No.7787943 [Reply] [Original]

Why do millennials hate kierkegaard and spiritual literature so much?

>> No.7787958


Cause they're into edgy shit. Don't get too into it. They'll grow out of it. It's just like the "emo" phase of 2006.

>> No.7787963

show us her other pics lad

>> No.7787971



Fucking retards.

>> No.7788144

>De Balzac

What did she mean by this?

>> No.7788146

/pol9k/s perfect strawman

>> No.7788149

>liking Mao
Wut. How dumb do you have to be.

>> No.7788152

Wasn't ball sack just an author part of the romanticism movement
Never knew he did philosophy

>> No.7788153
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Yeah, white men are the most desired males.

>> No.7788156

Meant to say realism woops

>> No.7788158
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you have to go back


Balzac's spiritual philosophy suggests that individuals have a limited quantity of spiritual energy and that this energy is dissipated through creative or intellectual work or through physical activity (including sex), and this is made emblematic in his philosophical tale La Peau de chagrin, in which a magical wild ass's skin confers on its owner unlimited powers, but shrinks each time it is used in science.

>> No.7788159

Because they don't like to be told no

>> No.7788166

>I don't date white guys

she's going to graciously receive a wicked left hook from a weed dealer real soon and immediately after she's going to start crawling toward the nearest computer programmer

don't fall for it, book nerds

>> No.7788168

tfw i will statistically probably never have a black gf

>> No.7788178
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That makes no sense, considering Spiritual Literature promises you millions of dollars if only you give all your money to God *wink wink*

>> No.7788179

i feel like what shes written is literally the entirity of her political and social opinions and knowledge. If you pressed her to expand on them she wouldn't be able to.

>> No.7788186

if it wasnt for capitalism she wouldnt be sitting there taking photos of herself

>> No.7788188
File: 97 KB, 362x492, 1436604161214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dating a girl from tinder who's bio said she was a communist
convinced her communism was garbage on the second date and now she hangs on my every word

>> No.7788190

it's a fake account

>> No.7788192

that's women for you

they don't have political views of their own, it's all social pressure

>> No.7788193

>If it wasn't for feudalism forcing people to farm, peasants wouldn't have food.

>> No.7788200

That the profile is fake isn't the point. Scrolling through Tinder or interacting with a girl who is not your mother for at least five seconds should give you enough of a primer on social interaction to recognize that the profile in the OP is a meme for a reason

>> No.7788202

His work on contradiction was pretty legit desu.

>> No.7788203

How does it feel to be dating a retard?

>> No.7788204

I've seen plenty of profiles like this but without the race thing
it's usually total trash single mothers that let you know they like brown men

>> No.7788205
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>everyone is the same

>> No.7788206


>> No.7788209

I don't get your point. What are you trying to say?

>> No.7788211

unless you're a male homosexual you're always going to be dating a retard

>> No.7788219

ITT: we're all patrician intellectuals until grills start dating negroes, then it's back to the moist womb of provincial middle class values

>> No.7788220

what do you expect from 18 year old girls?

>> No.7788221

Do you know what feudalism is?

>> No.7788226


So what is your point again?

>> No.7788230

What's feudalism?

>> No.7788231


>that gif

Wow I have never wanted to punch a face so hard in all my life.

>> No.7788236

>Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.

Did you even have a argument?

>> No.7788238



>> No.7788241

>The political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
Sorry, but your special snowflake definition of feudalism doesn't count.

>> No.7788243
File: 569 KB, 1311x962, 1457204194617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what a surprise.

>> No.7788245

>your special snowflake definition of feudalism doesn't count.

You should get yourself checked out for the 'tism, and you should also probably go back to /tv/ where the hardest thing you have to read is a subtitle

>> No.7788247

stop talking about feudalism and start talking about tinder

>> No.7788248
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>know that feel

>> No.7788249

i can't use tinder because i haven't been on facebook in like 4 years and i'm embarrassed to start using it again

>> No.7788250

Daily reminder it's workers, not systems, producing goods.

>> No.7788252
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but ad hom

>> No.7788261

deleting your facebook is a meme

>> No.7788265

i didn't delete it, i just don't use it

i almost want to delete it because the last post on my wall is from 2012 and it fills me with dread every time i look at it

>> No.7788273


>> No.7788278

so what's the issue?
it's not like it links to your facebook on tinder

>> No.7788279

suck my dick friend

>> No.7788285

post that on your fb wall instead

>> No.7788286

oh really? i was always under the impression that it did, for some reason

well i guess that settles it, time for me to get laid :^) thanks anon

>> No.7788310

>tfw 18
>tfw love Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy

>> No.7788361

Gtfo nigger

>> No.7788400

Black women are starting to open the flood gates to white men actually. They are tired of trying to stay loyal to black men who treat them like shit. Look up swirling.

>> No.7788408
File: 367 KB, 505x361, 1457031194190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get a non-revisionist gf?

>> No.7788411

This is perfectly understandable.
Since we live in a democracy it is presumed you know the basic concepts of it and you oblige that system.
"special people" who need attention and love to group themselves with obscure groups tend to declare themselves socialists because this makes them different.
It's all a game, (or like Žižek would call it) ideology

>> No.7788412

Can you please say something of value? For Christ's sake...I agree with your position but you're doing a trash job of defending it.

>> No.7788415

you misspellec maoist

>> No.7788416

That's not actually ad hom FYI. He just insulted you, he didn't base his refutation on an insult on your character.

>> No.7788422

>what workers produce gots nothing to do with the system in which them workers are forced to work
wew lad


>> No.7788423

Join the Church of Latter Day Saints

>> No.7788457

I wish I could tell that girl how greasy her face looks

>> No.7788497

It's called a double movement, idiot.

>> No.7788556

Where does one start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.7788558

The concept of irony with constant references to Socrates

>> No.7788570

>black guys prefer asian women but asian women hate black guys
This is perfect, thanks for that.

>> No.7788572

That's a girl?

>> No.7788591

I think so. See
>I don't date white guys
If it was a guy saying that, he'd probably be wearing a shitload of silly make-up to look feminine, Jeffree Star level.

>> No.7788592
File: 1.86 MB, 1144x1064, 1457255570515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll grow out of it
This is different though. The most harm the "myspace emo" generation managed to do was to give a musical genre a bad name. Meanwhile, these sad excuses for people have some political impact when taken together as a group, and they are ruining leftist politics, not to mention any cultural medium they can get their tentacles on

>> No.7788597

>ever had the potential to be ruined further

>> No.7788599

there's a 99% chance black women don't respond to white men because their messages go like:
>ayy sistah let me holla at you r you in for some slave and master action my chocolate

>> No.7788600

actually I didnt really mean comic books, although those as well. id say theyve mostly shat on music and cinema, probably video games too but I dont care about those so

>> No.7788602

Interesting. Black women are usually the most likely to respond to me.

>> No.7788604


That roastie is so disgusting

>> No.7788608

You're doing God's work there, son. I hope you're keeping track of how many roasties you've detected so you'll be able to look back on this year and know you didn't waste any valuable time.

>> No.7788620


>> No.7788630


Yes, I saw your post in the other thread.

I hope you're keeping track of how many times you've told me.

>> No.7788632


>> No.7788637

How are the flaps today, roastie?

>> No.7788644

Why develop a personality when you can be an edgy contrarian?

>> No.7788646

I have unusually large testicles.

>> No.7788659

>Hasn't read a Morrison book ever
Fuck off
Some comic books are better literature than most Shit on the best selling list

>> No.7788667
File: 425 KB, 618x432, well memed guyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to date/fug/stalk girls that put their political opinions on their dating profiles

>> No.7788668 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 411x439, km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrison's capeshit is still capeshit.

>> No.7788682
File: 135 KB, 937x859, gonnagonnagonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrison's capeshit is still capeshit.

>> No.7788690

I read doom patrol
seemed like a lot of empty imagery desu

>> No.7788704

You're probably a bit dense. I mean, the main fucking motif behind everything is explained in the second edition. The Doom Patrol are weird motherfuckers, so they deal with weird threats.

The imagery exists solely to point out how weird those enemies are, and it's pretty much just that, weird, meta shit going on all the time. There's nothing much else behind the whole, though there's always some compelling thing going on with this or that character, once you start thinking about them separately.

>> No.7788705

>you can predict what would be produced in a different reality

wew dubledore

>> No.7788711



>> No.7788786

>maoism or socialism didn't happen so you would need to predict shit if you wondered what would be produced under that system/s
wew lodi dodi

>> No.7788795

>maoism didn't produce personal computers in the NINETEEN SIXTIES therefore all communist enterprise is bound to not produce computors

wew eyelid

>> No.7788806

That looks like a satirical account

>> No.7788819


Stop unironically defending Communism, you fucking retard.

>Just one my try, I swear!

No. Even if you're prepared to concede that most 'Communist' regimes throughout history were in fact totalitarian/'State Socialist'/etc, then THE BEST that can be said is that every attempt to implement Communism has been so utterly disastrous, that it is no longer worth trying.

>> No.7788834

>what is the Kronstadt
>what is the free territories of Catalunia
>what is the EZLN
>what is platformism
>what is the commune
>what are religious christian communes in the fucking US

a lot of socialist experiments were indeed working well before being forcefully suppressed by state-socialism / capitalism and why does is allowed this many tries despite it's death toll being bigger than any other system? :^)

>> No.7788840

why is capitalism allowed, before you go full grammar nazi

>> No.7788846


>What are all these tiny, failed and meaningless exceptions to the rule?

You tell me.

>> No.7788867

They're not true blood Scotsmen, that's what.

>> No.7788876

>here's places where it work / worked

>> No.7788891

getting facebook was a meme as is keeping it and using it into adulthood

>> No.7788899

checkout the Kirkegard course on coursera
enroll and enjoy

>> No.7788902

Capitalism is just nature, m8.

>> No.7789023

>economic systems are fractal and work at any scale

>> No.7789057
File: 455 KB, 2048x1536, 12841248_1716468435261437_9053826714995360764_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one of those people who just seems so painfully out of touch. Are you really going for the "capitalism isnt perfect but its the best we got" argument? Here's something that might surprise you - there isnt an economic system that works. 20th century communism didnt work, capitalism has NEVER worked. Its not about it being an imperfect system, its about as broken as communism is. The only reason we still have capitalism today is that it takes longer to collapse, but do you really think they way we live our lives now can go on for more than 50-100 years at best? This is the real horror of it all, not that capitalism will last forever because there is no alternative, but that it will also fail really soon, and we have no idea what to try other than it

>> No.7789066

>capitalism has never worked

are you trying to be retarded?

>> No.7789070 [DELETED] 

Well I see that you have argument to my post

>> No.7789081

Are you?

>> No.7789099

>Balzac is trash
>provided a charming, inspired picture of the working people of France and their lives
>Mao is good
>killed millions of working class Chinese people basically on purpose

wow I can tell how much they care about the proles

>> No.7789107

Kek. Did any of that "revolutions"...
happen when not during a war?
or in third world tier rural economy?
or last more than 3 years?
Of course we can go back to our old villages, mate. You can call that socialism if it pleases you.

>> No.7789111
File: 10 KB, 620x400, WhatsApp_Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.7789121

Glad you liked it ;)

>> No.7789128

There wasn't an alternative to any other economic system before it until people created it. Or do you think humanity as a whole decided one day to stop feudalism and give commerce a try?

>> No.7789131

>the economic system that lead to the rise of the most powerful nation on the planet with the highest standard of living on the planet has NEVER worked

lmfao. this is what marxists actually believe. keep crying little bitch boi

>> No.7789205

That looks like the boys, by Garth Ennis. might be wrong though, correct if I am

>> No.7789213

>those generalizations
>being a Maoist after 1956
Exquisite bait.

>> No.7789469

>[unsolicited opinions on israel]
every time

still can't believe this is real, jeebus krist

>> No.7789471

stop posting any time

>> No.7790041
File: 431 KB, 750x750, 1406922448148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7790060



>> No.7790061

bisexual hence neuter amirite

>> No.7790065


Thanks Stallman for the wonderful HURD microkernel, it sure is grand

>> No.7790066

are you not a millennial?

>> No.7790096

if a system fails it fails
a system that can't resist external threats is shit
capitalism has never been under serious threat and now is no different
will we eventually abandon it?
sure, but it's not going to collapse

>> No.7790099
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>> No.7790103

Thanks Stallman

>> No.7790149
File: 53 KB, 701x781, 4 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw white man

>> No.7790236
File: 895 KB, 1043x1920, asian white meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


asian girls prefer white guys? is it because of our literature?

>> No.7790293

White people seem to be the middle ground between the other races. More stable than black men but more masculine than Asian men

>> No.7790306

remember that those statistics come from online dating sites, where romance's losers come to flock. weirdly, i've never heard of asian men preferring latina women. another set of statistics suggests that there's actually animosity between the two demographics.

nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7790311

Is that a fucking boy? Please dear God tell me that's not a boy. Fuck I'm to old for this shitttt

>> No.7790324

>tfw latino and only into white women

>> No.7790331

you're pathetic and i hope more people you meet are honest enough to tell you that.

>> No.7790333

Fuck off
I don't find other races attractive except for maybe light-skinned hispanics.
Deal with it

>> No.7790340

>had sex with a black women
>instant regret

>> No.7790341

Is this supposed to be a joke?

>> No.7790342

I would hope so. Either that or she has no self-awareness

>> No.7790348

It's 18. Some are slow.

>> No.7790351

latino men are stereotyped as dumb, and you fit the description. your tastes in women is really "any you can get"

>> No.7790357

Forgot to add that I'm not into heavily tanned whites either.
Funny how you jump straight to conclusions when you know little about me.
>your tastes in women is really "any you can get"
I just said that I was selective; you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7790368

>hur hur so many opinions for a tiny manlet

>> No.7790369

Thanks Stallman

>> No.7790380

There are also people twice its age that are still as dumb

>> No.7790387

Whom are you quoting?
I'm still taller than the average person.
You're an imbecile for thinking we have any control over whom we find attractive, and it wouldn't surprise me if you were a dark-skinned girl.

>> No.7790445

It's because of cultural imperialism. It's also why South Korean women all get plastic surgery in an attempt to look white. East Asians have been indoctrinated to see whites as superior to themselves.

>> No.7790458

ayy le mao

>> No.7790464

south korean girls get plastic surgery so that they look like high status asian girls raised indoors, not because they want to be white.

better nations have tried to be considered white, japan for instance. japan tried to be recognized as white and european (when such a loose definition was even conceivable). when europeans rejected japan and henceforth considered them asian, japan decided that japan itself was the world's most superior race period, neither white or asian.

>> No.7790482

>japan decided that japan itself was the world's most superior race period, neither white or asian
And that isn't a bad opinion for a civilization to have, either. Germany should take some tips from Japan's foreign outlook.

>> No.7790484


>East Asians have been indoctrinated to see whites as superior to themselves

By who and for what reason?

Also all those girls in this pic >>7790236 seem like first or second generation immigrants. Their parents chose the US, Canada, or Australia because they thought those were superior countries populated by superior people. Some Asian immigrants are actually complaining about immigration because all the newcomers are decreasing the prestige of living in America. They don't want to have to share. Mainland Chinese people probably view white men with the same chauvinism they view everyone else with.

>> No.7790489

>By who and for what reason?
By Blizzard Entertainment to sell more copies of Starcraft. And it worked !

>> No.7790492
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>> No.7790508


>>Because when they were children, they were taught X.

People are taught that we are on earth to pass genes down, so they choose to be concerned with genes and heredity.

now people make one or two children because they want to enjoy themselves for far longer than before, and, also, making fewer children per human is stupid since the theory behind the claim that ''passes genes down is your purpose'' remains heavily statistical.
If you must pass genes, you must vary your partners.
If you do not, and you still cling to ''passing genes won the children matters'', you must select what genes you want to give to your children. so you spend your life enjoying yourself and inventing methods to choose which genes you want to give.

people are quite moronic to believe in hedonism and to believe that they are on earth to raise children.

>> No.7790522

actually they're cutting it close to be a millennial

>> No.7790612

>thinking 18 is not millennial
millennial detected

>> No.7790701

it's 1985 to some point between 1998 and 2003 dummy

>> No.7791513
File: 620 KB, 574x540, 1456622955168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using a hook-up app

>> No.7791753


oh wait I looked it up I thought millennial was people born after 2000

my bad