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7787143 No.7787143 [Reply] [Original]

What are your addictions lit? From the banal to the life threatening. Also to keep it lit related, what book do you plan on reading next? Mine is pic related.

>> No.7787147

im a huge heroin addict. patrician addiction t bh famalam

>> No.7787152

Anon you can stop, I believe in you.

>> No.7787153
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>> No.7787156

Never been man enough to bang it. I struggle with opioid pills enough. I don't need the spike in my life

>> No.7787159

Wasting time online and just wasting time in general. I blame my childhood asthma, which required me to sit around for prolonged periods of time with a nebulizer. I still find it hard to get up and do things without wasting an hour or more than I have to beforehand doing fuck all.

Also I like booze, but I don't drink enough for it to count as an addiction (2 times a week at most when I can afford it, which isn't always).

I'm planning on reading The Lime Twig next, but I'm currently reading 3 other things so that'll take a while to get to.

>> No.7787172

I do a lot of drugs but I always prevent myself from developing a dependency

>> No.7787182

Just finished Solaris. It was meh. Kinda made feels. But not enough. Going to read the razors edge now.

I'm addicted to collecting shit. Each collection takes up a few months of my life. When I finish I vow never to collect again. Started with cd's then movies, then video games, then video game consoles, then cameras, comics, hockey cards and now because of lit, books! Although books have been the cheapest of all things I've collected. Hopefully this is the last straw and I keep collecting books until I die.

>> No.7787195

cheap alcohol in all shapes and forms

yann martel's new novel

>> No.7787223

Hair pulling. trichotillomaniac here.
Next book I plan on reading is Sophie's World.

>> No.7787239

i think most of us have the same problem, my dude.

>> No.7787409

No doubt about that. Though I think I'm the only one here who's come up with an explanation for its origins.

>> No.7787419

Coffee and porn.

Hard to say. Reading Suttree now after reading Blood Meridian. Maybe I'll give Ulysses a shot? I've been missing Joyce's prose since I read Portrait.

>> No.7787451

If you like Portrait, get fucking ready. Ulysses is so much more than you could even imagine.

>> No.7787458

Re-reading V. over spring break, should be nice.

>> No.7787481

do you mean that in a good or bad way? I'm reading portrait now and really enjoying it.

>> No.7787488

Alcohol and shallow entertainment.

>> No.7787490

Ulysses is a lot better than Portrait. Though actually, Portrait is really tame in terms of experimental prose compared to Ulysses so your reaction will depend on how comfortable you are with not knowing what the fuck's going on half the time.

Some people like them both, others love Portrait and hate Ulysses, and I was underwhelmed by Portrait but thought Ulysses was a masterpiece.

>> No.7787498

Both. I'm only halfway through Ulysses myself and it's the kind of book that seems like it'd reward countless re-readings. I've been using Harold Blamires' New Bloomsday Book as a companion, and I'd recommend it pretty highly if you want something to ground you in the text. You're not going to pick up on everything if you're not intimately familiar with philosophy (eastern and western), theology, several different languages (living and dead), musical theory, poetry, Irish politics, the cultural and geographical landscape of Dublin and whatever the fuck else Joyce throws at you. This is all to say, would highly fucking recommend.

>> No.7787500

I do the same thing, although I'm wondering if I become dependent on doing drugs infrequently.

>> No.7787501

Dat Feel When

>> No.7788140
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The Republic

Who /coffeeandweed/ here?

>> No.7788142 [DELETED] 

research chemical opiods

and the internet, obviously

>> No.7788272

Coffee. I got bored of porn lately, though. There must be more to life, I guess. I drink a lot of wine when I'm let down by something. Been thinking about smoking since my life's been garbage and anti-depressants don't help as much as I wish they did.

I'm halfway through Ulysses too like >>7787498
Sometimes it's really hard to know what exactly is happening but I intend to reread it soon.

I'll read Mason and Dixon when I finish it. Or Blood Meridian, I don't know.

>> No.7788388

Shitposting and worrying.

I'm planning on working my way through the Jane Austen novels, starting with Sense and Sensibility.

>> No.7788392

Loneliness and suicide ideation.

Next I plan to read The Man With No Qualities.

>> No.7788397

I'm addicted to lifting weights and coffee

>> No.7788402


and not life threatening but I can easily go 4-5 days 6-9 hours a day watching porn and drinking coffee with few breaks, so probably not good

>> No.7788421

Your stereotypes can't handle my addictions: chocolate, caffeine, internet.

Don't have a specific next book lined up since I'm in the middle of several I'm slowly trying to finish first. Likely either Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar or White Teeth by Zadie Smith.

>> No.7788424
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thinking about smoking, but not smoking.

gonna read Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.7788426

John green

>> No.7788428

Yeah, all day every day.

Gonna read If on a Winter's Night a Traveler next.

>> No.7788433

Into the wall it goes.

>> No.7788436


>> No.7788472

I'm addicted to entertainment I think, that is why I frequent /mu/, /tv/, /lit/ and to a much lesser degree /vg/. Because I need a constant stream of distractions from my life, be it books vidya music it makes no difference to me.

Even now, I'm posting here when I should really really be studying and the deadline approaches.

Please help.

>> No.7788478

>>7787143 I'm a huge addict to competition and, therefore, games and other stuff (I take everything very seriously, poker, table tennis, piano, writing).

I'm super competitive and if I'm not good enough in something I think shit about myself and get anxiety attacks.

>> No.7788481

Helping with what?
How are we suppossed to fix your shitty habits, you either fix that shit or prepare for a life of mediocrity.
Make a schedule and stick with it, you weak willed fag

>> No.7788507

Pretty sure I'm addicted to erotic hypnosis mp3s, and trying to find some kind of meditation techniques to get away from them, while keeping the ability to have intense hour long orgasms.

Finishing up dubliners and should receive my copy of Ulysses in the mail today.

>> No.7788566

Thats a good choice breh im about 500 pages deep

>> No.7788664

I don't believe that is possible.

>> No.7788676

coffee and weed are the best for cosy days in doors.

>> No.7788679


>> No.7788680

my addiction is telling myself I'm going to write a story but never sitting down to just write it.

about to start reading Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.7788687

my addiction is talking to myself

>> No.7788693

Salads with garlic on them

>> No.7788696

Cigarettes, cigarillos and cigars. Thinking about them, smoking one, or a dozen, or two packs and them feeling guilty and relaxed. The New York Trilogy. Auster's prose is great.

>> No.7788699

I think everyone is like this that I've asked. I'm a bit concerned that my mind is essentially blank almost all the time. I thought this was normal but apparently not

>> No.7788709

Addicted to addiction desu. there's always something new to get obsessed about.

Going to read Endymion by Keats next.

>> No.7788738

Into the trash you go.

>> No.7788745

I smoke cigarettes and drink a lot of coffee. I also drink quite a bit but I'm not an addict (yet).

>> No.7788748

Oops I don't know what I'm going to read next. I'm currently reading Rilke's Book of Images. I'm thinking of reading some T.S. Eliot and the book of exodus. Kinda lost interest in the novel atm.

>> No.7788749

Coffee and cigarettes. An Introduction to Legal Reasoning by Levi.

>> No.7788768
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Solo anal play
Obssesive behabior in general

I'm reading Pushkin Hills by Sergei Dovlatov at the moment, planning to read some Solzhenitsyn next, or maybe Levi-Strauss

>> No.7788783

I've kicked most addictions I've had, so right now I'm just left with cigarettes.

>> No.7788785

wow reading the companion book seems like it's a lot more fun than reading Ulysses.

>> No.7788788

Anyone else deeply addicted to facefucking porn? I must've seen every good video on the internet

>> No.7788797

I was just going to post this. Feels like I'm never without an obsession for long. For all my life they've mostly been fictional obsessions until recently. Planning to read Narcissus and Goldmund.

>> No.7788799

lel.. i assume the tranqs come before the anal play to loosen you up

iv'e totally been there

>> No.7788801

Masturbation, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, Internet.

>> No.7788804

Reminder that if you smoke weed more than once per week you're a worthless bum who will amount to nothing.

>> No.7788808

Question: Can someone technically / logically be addicted to breaking addiction? Surely this created a paradox?

>> No.7788810

Diaz bros my man

>> No.7788812

says the guy who clearly smokes it exactly once a week

>> No.7788815

Doesn't rule out vaping or eating hasbrowns my man.

>> No.7788818

Surely you'd just break them all and then when you have none left whenever you feel one arising you break it. So it'd just be an addict constantly unable to feed his addiction until that one faded as well

>> No.7788822
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>vaping hashbrowns

>> No.7788823

But the individual here is addicted to breaking addiction, but he can't be addicted to breaking something since he never breaks it at all. If he truly broke his addition to being addicted he would not longer be addicted to breaking his addiction with breaking addition.

>> No.7788835

Computer(all related, gaming/scrolling/etc)

Story of our life

>> No.7788873
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looking at clothes online
i spend a good few hours a day just looking at listings on grailed, ebay, blogs and retail stores. i imagine myself in the wardrobe of my dreams with every piece i could never afford. i'm in school to be a teacher so i will never be able to properly indulge in this obsession. in my reality i do not dress well even though i have some nice pieces. there are many like me and what i have noticed about them is that they usually are not very physically attractive. doughy, bad skin, short, asian/brown whatever. same with chicks too, the ones really into fashion are mostly uggos. i'm no exception

>> No.7788901

Adderall, Kratom, and Phenibut. Basically, any legal high I can get.

Yes, I know it's bad for me, but the alternative is being suicidal so fuck it. Rather die at 40 of liver failure than be a little bitch and call it quits.

>> No.7788910

How to get into solo anal?

>> No.7788915

Porn. My record is 3 weeks and five days of no touchy.
It's a curse

>> No.7788926

4chan and shitposting
four twitter accounts
porn and erotica
flirting with qts

>> No.7788930

Same,the only way I stop is if i literally make it near impossible to access the internet

>> No.7788931
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video games and the internet

also staying up way late awwwww yeah

>> No.7788933

is adderall bad for your liver?

>> No.7788939

It helps to a certain point, but then you start fantasizing all the time. I honestly have considered a physical restraint

>> No.7788955

>>7788768 I've heard that porn makes compromises one's intelligence. I believe it to be true in most cases. What about yours (intelligence)?

Ps: I also know that Intelligent people are really erotic and perverted. So that may be a contrast to my first statement.

>> No.7788969

I think the best way is to not go all out but gradually sound it out.

When I decided i'd jerk off once a week but only to imagination I lasted much longer than when I just said i'd stop

>> No.7788972

chewing gum, i chew through almost a packet each day. it's that sugar-free extra ice stuff, keeps my teeth looking great and breath smelling good, but my jaw always aches and now i get pissed off when i have to deal with other people's bad breath

nail biting too - i bit my nails so much as a kid that none of my nails now are longer than 1cm and my index finger nails are mishapen.

>> No.7788975

Thrill seeking mostly. Parkour, urban exploration, etc. I work as a bouncer so I get most of my fix there.

>> No.7788985

Laying down (not sleeping, just laying down. Id rather stand or lie than sit).
I used to pick at my acne but ive gotten much better at it. Which is reallt just a result of me being less nervous.

>> No.7788987

Think about what you asked for more than one second and you'll have your answer.

>> No.7788991
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Yeah probably.

>> No.7789003

it's like you guys didn't read The Stranger. Just go to prison and then you'll lose any urge to do the thing.
Plus side? An Arab gets to die, you lose an addiction.
Negative side? Slight lack of freedom.

I'm addicted to masyurbation, but that's all.

>> No.7789088

>porn makes compromises one's intelligence

How am I supposed to evaluate that without sounding like a prick?

If porn does compromise anything, than it's morals and sexual inhibition, not intelegence.

A porn addiction eats up time one could spend reading or studying but I have sacrificed time I could spend meeting new people to make up for that

>> No.7789090
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Addiction: washing my hands.

Plan on reading The Trial next.

>> No.7789113

>If porn does compromise anything, than it's morals and sexual inhibition, not intelegence.

oh the ironing

>> No.7789116

be curious
be into it
be confident about your sexuality
take drugs (amphetamine, poppers, ketamine in small doses)
don't be afraid of shit
buy small anal plugs and work towards larger sizes

Dildos feel uncomfortable for me because of their length, I get rather get off from being stuffed. Working towards a 6cm O plug atm

>> No.7789123

fuck off I'm drunk

>> No.7789136

>don't be afraid of shit

In the literal sense?

>> No.7789155


>> No.7789161


>> No.7789169

Can one be addicted to avoiding responsibility?
Speaking of which, are there any books about avoiding responsibility?

>> No.7789175

my diary

>> No.7789184

Or get a girlfriend.

>> No.7789189

Doesn't help if they aren't around 24/7.

>> No.7789193

Twice a day suffices for me. Do you really need more than that?

>> No.7789204

that's why you lock her in the cellar

>> No.7789221

Didn't see that one coming.

>> No.7789223

>or prepare for a life of mediocrity

How the hell are you gonna scape that?

>> No.7789226

>premarital sex

top pleb

>> No.7789233

Life's too short to wait, amigo.

>> No.7789239


You've been conned my friend.

>> No.7789287
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I have an addiction to falling in love with unobtainables, and then obtaining them eventually. On occasions I'll get depressed and slip into an opioid warm daze for a few days or weeks. Mostly I just smoke weed, wouldn't count that as an addiction but its definitely replaced cigarettes.

Currently I'm in love with this girl who has shitty taste in men. She showed interest one night and then I left early and now she's with this shitty recovering heroin faggot.

I'm about to go over there now, and if she's there I'm gonna do what I always do if the 'she' I want has a boyfriend. Outdo him.

There's my secret to girls, guys. I don't get girlfriends or fucks super often but I've figured out that if you routinely outdo the dude she's gonna see him as a lesser male.

Plus that bitch nigga nods out too often to be able to converse intelligently with her or I dunno, make her feel anything besides pity, if I were her.

>> No.7789314

me too on the nail thing, mine are like 5mm long

>> No.7789321

Nice Chad

But fucking lel, how do you even go about outdoing someone when it comes to his best core traits which can't quite be replaced by anything performed by others

Or is this whole post raw b8

>> No.7789369

too beta

>> No.7789448
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>tfw you live by the cool rule w/o even knowing it

>> No.7789454


you've been had, my philistine fellows

>> No.7789487
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>Mfw smoke every day
>Still in ivy league university doing comp sci and english dual major

>> No.7789503

Gonna read the 4th black company novel once i finish the 3rd.

>> No.7789523

Butcher's Crossing by John Williams is what i'd like to read next

>> No.7789534

Coffee, I wank to much, I go on 4chan more than do actually read and write.

I don't mind the coffee and wanking so much, but I do wish to spend less time here

>> No.7789573

What is this 'much' that you wank to?

>> No.7789756

IJ spoilers:
you know that part when gatelys in the hospital bed resisting taking the morphine or whatever. when i stop fapping its like that except im supine in my bed full mast and my hand quivering over my jailbroken psp.

>> No.7789767

Penguin classics. I'm not even sure if the translations are well regarded or not. I started with Meditations, then the Republic, and it all went downhill from there. I dislike having different sized random books on a shelf, so the penguin classics get their own shelf, the rest are ordered by height.

>> No.7789777

Pot and coffee.

Finishing The Bow and the Lyre by Octavio Paz, then onto either finishing one of his books that I left off in the middle of, or trying one I haven't read before.

>> No.7789788

Same as this guy. I spend more time reading than browsing /lit/ tho

>> No.7789792

You're addicted to Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.7789904

Yeah well not for much longer obviously

Marijuana is a shit tier drug with shit tier production specs that is literally no threat to anywhere where sensible health policies, conservative values, a valid school of psychology and stable birth rates are all present.

>> No.7789922

if there isnt a vintage or a penguin classics version i just wait until there is

>> No.7789925

weed. cough syrup. benzos. opiates. ambien.

Sometimes I wonder if i got into drugs because the writers i like did tons of drugs. or if i got into writing because the druggies i liked did tons of writing.

I may never know

>> No.7789962

>thinking about smoking

I know it seems patrician but it's not.

I smoke and everytime I meditate and I feel my lung capacity tank on deep breaths, it hurts.

It just feels unnatural to me.

This is all not to mention the increased chances of cancer.

>> No.7789965


>tfw just dropped 1200mg of dxm and waiting for the effects to come on

>> No.7789970

I honestly don't know how people up and start smoking.
If you're going to smoke, why not smoke weed? At least you'll get high and not be coating your lungs with tar.

>> No.7790071


>> No.7790111
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nice mem

>> No.7790315

No one thinks smoking is patrician except for smokers. Everyone else is literally disgusted, truly disgusted by your smoking and I'm not joking you. Source: ex smoker. Tip: the only way to quit is to stop, you'll never have that final satisfying cigarette. Dip if you really need nicotine. Oh and no one likes talking to you because you smell and your teeth are putrid looking. Good luck.

>> No.7790316

I don't smoke and i'm not disgusted by smokers

>> No.7790322

To each his own I guess, maybe it's because I used to smoke. But everyone ive talked to who doesnt smoke thinks it's repulsive.

>> No.7790392

Adderall and the things I do when on it.
By this I mean starving myself voluntarily because it reminds me of being on adderall.
Compulsively cleaning for the same reason.
Staring into space for an hour.
Isolating myself to spend literally the entire day reading.

Also internet of course.

Cigarettes, although I've pretty much got it down to a point were I only do it every so often and not everyday or even every week.

>Yes, I know it's bad for me, but the alternative is being suicidal so fuck it. Rather die at 40 of liver failure than be a little bitch and call it quits.
Exactly my philosophy. Acid literally saved my life. It was the first drug I ever tried and now I go for all kind of stuff. I could die tomorrow from an overdose and it would not be a tragedy in my mind because those drug years are all extra borrowed years. Without drugs I would already have killed myself.

>> No.7790529

ITT: the users and abusers who also like books. Stay high mah niggas, stay high. Also drop acid if you haven't already

>> No.7790755


>> No.7790801
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I guess I'm addicted to morphine/codeine. You can buy certain poppy seeds that are unwashed, meaning that they are coated in a layer of opium latex, the shit they use to make heroin. By washing the seeds in water and lemon, you can drink the resulting sludge and get high. I started doing it after all of my friends stopped doing heroin when one of them died and I still wanted to get high. Ironically, when I was doing heroin I never had much of a problem, but unprocessed poppies are so cheap and easy to obtain that I've been doing it twice a day for a year, and if I don't, I fall into a debilitating withdrawal. I make sure that doesn't happen though, and I'd like to think being high on dope all the time has given me the serenity needed to get a car, a job, make great strides towards my degree, improve my writing, and in general get my life on track. Don't mistake this for pride though; I've been trying to quit unsuccessfully for months, and whether I quit or not, I can see the clouds of ruin on the horizon of all paths. If I could go back in time and smack that first bag of seeds out of my hands, there would be no other options.

Should I read Life: A User's Manual or House of Leaves next?

>> No.7790864

fucking really now?

homeless people can afford heroin

how can you possibly be in a position where you are forced to manufacture your own heroin while also posting on the internet and buying books

>> No.7790896

Damn. I thought I was bad at about an hour a day. If you can you should get help for that.

>> No.7790928
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Next book I plan on reading is by Miep Gies, talking about her time with Anne Frank and her experience of helping her family out while they were hiding.

>> No.7790932


about to start A Scanner Darkly in celebration

>> No.7790956

seriously hope you other speed addicts do pushups when you're high. shit's fun as hell

>> No.7790969


Paradise Lost. Or perhaps Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.7790983

I like alcohol a lot, I drink almost every day I'd say. I don't know if it counts as heavily, I've never compared myself to anyone else, I drink about 5 or 6 shots worth of whiskey a night I'd say. I'm not sure if that's a lot but it makes me feel good. Right now I'm finishing Gass' The Tunnel. I might read either Henry Roth's Call it Sleep or Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer next, I haven't really decided.

>> No.7790998

>drinking is the only thing that dissolves the reservoir of ass-angst that builds up in my shoulders during any period of sobriety, but every time I actually get drunk I just hate it and hate myself and I swear never to drink again
>can't stop eating 3000 calories of junk food every other day, to the point that I'm concerned I actually have tapeworms or something
>keep having weird but unfulfilling fetish sex with endless women from the internet, which requires daily maintenance and time investment and doesn't really ever get me off, but if I don't do it then I start jerking off 11 times a day to no effect

>what book do you plan on reading next?

>> No.7791001

vague feelings of malaise

Bear, by Engel.

>> No.7791016

>caffeine (soda)

next book:
>The Pound Era

>> No.7791045

I guess you've already read De Quincey's or Baudelaire's writings on opium

>> No.7791070

>addicted to soda

come on buddy that's really not an addiction, it's more of a habit that you can easily get rid off

>> No.7791081

i suck dicks for the thrill, i am not gay.

>> No.7791085


>> No.7791110

Corn syrup is crazy addictive, senpai.

>> No.7791112

not him but refined sugar is very addictive.

>> No.7791136

I am addicted to waking up after noon.

It's like an OCD thing.

I literally get sick if I wake up before noon.

It's fine because I work evenings and stay up late writing, but it is very limiting and causes me a great deal of anxiety.

>> No.7791164

Not sure, but I'm constantly putting shit into my body. It's the accumulation of everything that can't be good for me. Things I rotate (to keep tolerances low):

- Kratom (I cycle through red, green, and white strains)
- Phenibut (I do this after a Kratom cycle. It's basically just a pain killer but the associated withdrawal/tolerance sucks so it's more of a 'treat' than anything.)
- Kava (Also a periodic thing, mostly in evenings when I want to wind down.)
- Modafinil (Taken with Adderall, this shit gets you WIRED. Two days of perfect productivity. The downside is that it makes you irritable so I use it mostly for chore days and big projects.)
- Assorted Nootropic stimulants. Usually don't know what to expect but I like that it makes my day an adventure.

This doesn't include prescribed doses of Prozac and Adderall. Also, a Piracetam/Alcar daily dose. I like to believe it makes the hughs better, but I'm finding that grapefruit juice is the way to go.

I used to drink regularly, but I hated how it basically put me on an hour-long clock before I got sleepy. Mixed bag for big projects, usually just made things harder to do unless it was only a few drinks.

Weed is meh for me. I've tried it a couple times but I just get couch-lock and can't do shit. My heart beats fast as hell though so it's more stressful than anything else.

Right now I'm experimenting with blue lotus extract and wine. Takes forever for that stuff to break down with the alcohol, though.

Really, I just wish I knew some drug dealers. I could introduce more things into my rotation as micro-doses. I'm unfortunate/fortunate enough that none of my friends are closeted degenerates like me.

>> No.7791171

Dunno about that, but I definitely notice a difference in my attitude when I go without. I used to fap multiple times a day, sometimes up to seven sessions.

I randomly got bored one day and somehow got over the hump. From there I went weeks without and my confidence went way up. I was able to fake charm and had more luck with women. I wanna say it was more testosterone in my body as a result, but it's more likely that I was just thirsty.

>> No.7791265



>> No.7791762

Frank Delaney is doing a podcast called Re: Joyce where he goes through Ulysses line by line.

>> No.7791840

I'm actually, genuinely addicted to the internet. How do I stop? I spend a minimum of five hours daily just browsing the Chans. I often skip college so that I can stay home and browse all day, I struggle to read because after a few pages I want to get online and see what's going on. How do I stop? I'm not being funny, it's ruining my life.

>> No.7791860

I've been meaning to try Kratom, how is it?

>> No.7791867

Just picked up this bad boy last night. That's fortuitous, anon.

>> No.7791898

Get some will power you faggot, there's no magic pill that will stop you from being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.7791968

>five hours
Heh boy, welcome to the minor leagues......maybesomeday youll make it to the big leagues with the big boys

>> No.7791983

Hey dude quit Ketamine, that shit WILL give you brain damage with chronic use.

>> No.7791984

this is what i came here to post. i'd kill for the days where i was only putting in 5 hours

>> No.7792159


>> No.7792201

Take what I'm going to say with a grain of salt, because again, I'm addicted.

You feel like you can do more. Body strain goes away so it's amazing when combined with physical activity. I can constantly run and lift things at work. When I go to the gym, I run more than I thought I ever could and I can do it while watching Netflix AND ENJOYING IT.

It's acts like a pain killer and a stimulant at the same time. Think of bodily strain as a rusty hinge. Kratom is the oil that makes everything run smooth.

It's also gross and mildly expensive. I force myself to eat it but it's worth it, to me at least. I'm a pussy. I'm oversensitive to physical pain (legs always sore, tired easily). To add, I get worried about the stupidest little things. If I have a single awkward moment in public, I immediately start thinking I'm sperglord and get panicky.

Kratom makes it so I can deal. I can function. It's totally a dependency at this point but I don't care. It's better than being miserable.

I look at it more as a tool than anything else.

>> No.7792287

OP here. You guys are fucked

>> No.7792292

Why don't you just get rid of your computer if it's that much of a problem?

>> No.7792334

pure heroin smoked off aluminum foil
conspiracy theories

>> No.7792373

wasting time
hating people
avoiding responsibilties
thinking about the futulity and pointlessness of existence

>> No.7792377

>pure heroin smoked off aluminum foil

Honest to God?

>> No.7792653
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Caffeine, Canadian whiskey, pot

Hopefully I get around to House Of Leaves next even though everyone here seems to shit on it

>> No.7792880


So I tried this once and I spent the night in a euphoric stupor.

I literally couldn't think and felt like there were thousands of hands massaging every part of my body. I spend the entire next day throwing up.

I think I took too much. Have you ever had an experience like that?

>> No.7792890

fuck anon, what is wrong with us? how do we fix ourselves?

>> No.7792920

not sure if i have any addictions. i drink a bit more than i probably should, but im definitely not an alcoholic. as for what im going to read next, probably Dubliners.

>> No.7792931

if you do weed at all you're a worthless bum

>> No.7793041
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>washing hands
>the trial
are you me?

>> No.7793054

That's a minimum. Most days 12 hours is much more typical.

>> No.7793059

Vidya. Started to become a problem after me mam got cancer, treated it in 2012. Haven't relapsed but just replaced it with sex and shitposting on 4chins.

>> No.7793217


>> No.7793284


Being unproductive. I could do nothing all day, for real.

I plan on reading Sleepwalker in a Fog by Tolstaya soon.

>> No.7794299

Yup. You have to start low and figure out where you want to be. Low-threshold dosages give a stimulant effect that's like chugging coffee. Heavy doses do what you described.

When my tolerances are low, all I need is a packed 1/2 tsp to get me where I want. If I have a demanding day, I'll go anywhere from 2-3 doses depending on the day and my self control. If I let my tolerances run high or I feel like getting to euphoria, I double the dose.

Did you stay hydrated? Drinking TONS of water is necessary. Kratom can cause constipation. As a positive side-effect of my addiction, I go through gallons every day. Downside is I pee a ton, but I figure it probably helps with my liver fears.

Also, eat something simple about an hour after you light. Nausea is common since you're basically eating dead leaves. I usually do a banana.