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/lit/ - Literature

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7786536 No.7786536 [Reply] [Original]

I want some friends

>> No.7786542
File: 80 KB, 1500x1383, iknowthatfeelbrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry friend, you're amongst fellow robots now

>> No.7786548


>> No.7786558

no thanks
no thanks

>> No.7786662

Friends are gay. Learn to like being alone and you'll draw people to you.

Also, being attractive is a plus, but not required. Every group needs a ugly guy. Just be funny.

>> No.7786674

You like being alone so much you social on le ebinchan


>> No.7786684

/lit/, you newfag. /lit/

>> No.7786692


>> No.7786698

This is more like habit then socializing. I mostly lurk.

Still, I see your point. Almost lost it there for a second, surrounded by dem maymays, but hey, you got me.

>> No.7786703

Go to tinychat / 4chanlit

>> No.7786738

fuck you you giant faggot, starting a shit thread and then shitting all over it for no reason than being a edgy loner teen. you want friends? put down the fucking pinecone and go outside for once, and stop bitching, you pussy ass bitch,

>> No.7786747

Link your social media.

>> No.7786749

robots are (i'm assuming that's you) are uninteresting faggots and my other posts were not rude.

Try tumblr if you're this easily triggered, might be more your speed

>> No.7786763
File: 21 KB, 258x310, 1435950932244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to talk to people to make friends
>think things are going well because we share interests and have good discussions
>a couple meetings later
>they always make up excuses before breaking contact with you or just straight up tell you to leave them alone

>> No.7786767

Have you tried not being a fucking nerd?

>> No.7786813
File: 3.81 MB, 3984x2988, 20160224_124251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, what is happening to this fucking board? Where are my patricians?
I leave for two monthsand I encounter this disaster. I want to kill.

>> No.7786817

That's solid advice.

>> No.7786824

I only give the best. No one wants to hang out with a nerd. Stop being a nerd. Simple.

>> No.7786827


Do you have anything more specific to say? I don't sperg out about video games or anime or anything like that.

>> No.7786828

Not /lit/. Please leave.

>> No.7786839

I wasn't being facetious.

>> No.7786848

/r9k/ must be having some kind of shit fit in their home board, so they decide to bring it here.

>> No.7786856

Oh. Sorry then, friend.
It's full of whores trying to pick up orbiters and other pathetic shit. I would say it's board quality has declined, but it's always been like that.

OP just sound lonely.