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/lit/ - Literature

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7784680 No.7784680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The humanities are dying.

My university has only 80 English, history, and philosophy majors, out of 10,000 undergrads. Almost no high schools even mention the Greeks outside of 9th grade world history, and Victorian lit is now only a niche interest available to the few students who persistently try to find it and understand it.

What can be done about this? Why is it happening? I blame the mechanics of late capitalism, which force all education to be justified by its ability to earn money for students.

>> No.7784681


>> No.7784685
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Nah, Jewish individuals have done a really great job of promoting, continuing, and maintaining the classical tradition.

>> No.7784693

The "Digital Humanities" are growing. To be clear, I'm not endorsing this crap, just sayin'.

>> No.7784710

>>>/his/ ;-)

>> No.7784911

What country are you from? What university are you going to?

I've had latin and ancient greek in gymnasium in germany, and I am not even in my mid-twenties. Currently studying philosophy and literature (which has the most students at my university.)
Maybe get around more?

Anyway, if you are saying they are dying you have to define what it means for them to be alive. Two hundred years ago barely anyone had all that much access to the humanities and people were just learning what would let them earn money/survive. Compared to that, the humanities are thriving.

>> No.7784944

I will never understand why many people, particularly Americans, will continue to blame the Jews for the increasing demand that their education have financial worth. We routinely let ourselves be fucked over by the slave labor principles of the "Protestant Work Ethic." Meanwhile the Jews have been over there advocating classical (albeit more Hebrew and Biblical, not Attic, Greek) studies for centuries.

>> No.7784951

It's not particularly attractive. I wouldn't care about humanities, but translation studies happen to be part of it. Now I don't regret being in humanities

>> No.7784952

>catholic slothlord detected

stay in ur corrupt latin shithole, leave defending christendom to america ok

>> No.7784956

>I've had latin and ancient greek in gymnasium in germany

Same here, I had a girl do all the Latin work for me though so even if my paperwork claims otherwise I'm complete shit at Latin.

Please remember to capitalize anything related to nationalities in English, it's Latin, Greek and Germany.

>> No.7784959

Good riddance, who cares.

Also, the humanities have always only been studied by a privileged few, don't kid yourself

>> No.7785047

If you are trained to love those who rule you, blaming outsiders seems much easier

>> No.7785069

>Please remember to capitalize anything related to nationalities in English, it's Latin, Greek and Germany.
Oh, yeah, right. I always forget that, seems arbitrary.

>> No.7785078


Well at least you're not speaking German, capitalizing every noun.

>> No.7785085

>What country are you from? What university are you going to?

United States, and the University of Miami.

It's no top-tier institution but it's a regional giant, and one of the best private institutions outside the Northeast. We really deserve a better humanities selection, but the steady decrease in enrollment is leading to a decline in resources.

Latin can be studied at my university, but almost nobody has the time for it. In the US, taking only six classes is more than most.

>> No.7785088

Agreed. The Hermenauetic tradition is also incredibly valuable in literary analysis.

I'm wondering now if Protestantism has actually hampered the intellectual rigor of the West, given its insistence on the vernacular and the modern.

>> No.7785093

Problem is, the privileged few these days all study business studies or engineering

>> No.7785095

For a masters degree you need to have the Latinum in Germany (basically a standard degree that affirms that you had so and so much latin in school or took a latin curse in university).

>> No.7785150

Mad jealous desu

>> No.7785155
File: 16 KB, 400x396, jghi34ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attend "interdisciplinary" universities that teach trades as well as scholarship and whose idea of "humanistic education" is to force future gym teachers and middle managers to read 71 pages of homer over the course of four years (can't make it too onerous!!! have to pass almost everyone!!!!)
>bachelor's becomes universal baseline degree and becomes joke as a result, every post-bourgeois prole in entire society has what used to be a real degree
>the teeming hordes of nothing non-people spill over into master's degrees as well, so that departments have to cut funding for MA's because otherwise they would be too enticing an extension of University: Daycare For Adults Edition
>MA's now useless and meaningless, now the "maybe I should get my MA :S" degree for retards living in their mom's basement for 3 years after graduating
>endless roiling sea of nothingness garbage un-persons spills out even further, now encompasses PhDs
>what used to be the highest educational attainment in the civilisation, churning out nearly guaranteed well-rounded intellectuals, is now a 8 years of whining about how you should get more free government funding for wanting to apply your mediocre shit brain that should be farming barley somewhere to DANTE
>thank god we now have this well-rounded guy who can't even remember what his glorified term paper was about, entering an utterly clogged job sector before dumping out and becoming a middle class day labourer because he can never compete with the upper crust of actually smart people who actually should have been studying dante
>yes let's definitely fund another crop of tens of thousands of dante """""scholars""""" who can't even pass their language exams without them being put on Babby Mode difficulty in the developer console
>yes totally let's let them unionise and whine nonstop for 10 years (degree was supposed to be done on 5-7??? what happen???) about how they deserve infinitely more money from the government for contributing nothing
>this whole edifice has been a joke for three generations, the magisterial western tradition of humanistic education and intellectual-creation being turned into a daycare centre for progressively more echelons of the neo-pissant-bourgeoisie
>some guy on a forum: "There are 17 fewer useless Literature majors who won't even gain dilettantish levels of knowledge about Literature despite ostensibly studying it for 5 years. Literature.. is dying."


>> No.7785183

you always fucking post about that anon.

>> No.7785193

I made like one other post about that and it's relevant to the topic, leave me be

>> No.7785208

Humanities is worthless. Good riddance to pompous retards who think highly of themselves for doing such basic bitch work.

>> No.7785226

I enjoyed this post.

Lots of fucking stupid people get "degrees" nowadays.

>> No.7785230

Meant for >>7785155

>> No.7785240
File: 581 KB, 531x1198, stem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the humanities and I've shown talent in art.

But I also want and need a real career that's not a hobby of mine that colleges will let you major in even if there is no chance of employment afterwards

What's the alternative?
I don't want to be a high school teacher and STEM is a meme

>> No.7785265

I should add this is probably only true for Geisteswissenschaften ("science of mind", basically humanities), I doubt Naturwissenschaften ("science of nature", basically STEM) need a Latinum for a masters.

>> No.7785408

Be an editor

>> No.7785454

>My university has only 80 English, history, and philosophy majors, out of 10,000 undergrads

Where is this? I find this hard to believe out of context.
If you are at MIT or something I would understand this stat easily

>> No.7785459

Mechanics of socialism made this, in the age of capitalism you had plenty of literature. We aren't moving towards a more capitalistic world at all.

>> No.7785472

That is not true anymore

>> No.7785474

Jerusalem vs. Athens, Google it.

>> No.7785476

Yeah, I just remembered they changed that like a year ago. Never really mattered for me since I always had the latinum, so I didn't need to take the latin course in uni.

>> No.7785491

While there are some traditional gymnasiae most of them don't teach Latin or Ancient Greek anymore. The humanities are dying in Germany as well.

Also what can you do if you want to study something like language, philosophy or any other of the humanities? There aren't many jobs for these degrees.

>> No.7785498


> My university

Yes, your university. That doesn't make your blanket statements accurate.

If you're asking why traditional literature-based humanities seem to be less popular, I think it's obviously because new, alternative media is much more appealing to Generation Y.

But to say humans will ever stop being curious about our unique condition, and the themes of love, justice, and whatever other "humanisms," is absurd.

The medium may change, but the questions won't.

>> No.7785506

>While there are some traditional gymnasiae most of them don't teach Latin or Ancient Greek anymore.
Well, you certainly did not have latin at a gymnasium.

And you are wrong, greek is a rarity these days, but there is still a latin class at virtually every gymnasium. (You usually pick between latin and france in 6th grade.)

>> No.7785518

i blame "social science"
it lets people superimpose their vague notions of the humanities over society at large so they can feel smart and important. non-STEM gratification with none of the intellectual heavy lifting.

people love to play around with concepts they don't understand, like stoners talking about "philosophy"

I don't think it's necessarily for the worse though, not as many hacks get churned out. It's pretty easy to study the humanities on your own time nowadays, especially if you do independent study or have a smart professor you can talk to sometimes.

>> No.7785519

>all these people disparaging the humanities

What is happening to /lit/? I thought we were all current or former English majors pursuing our intellectual curiosities? We're all on the same path here, with the same interests in beauty and discovering the most refined expressions of the human experience. If someone wants to devote their life to their passion, let them. Jesus.

>> No.7785526

When there's an almost limitless international library/archive available very cheaply in comparison, why would someone pay for university?

>> No.7785532

The same is happening to Physics because 'it isn't marketable'.
The commoditization of education is disgusting.

>> No.7785533 [SPOILER] 
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At least it has Consistency

>> No.7785534


> all current or former English majors

lol, no. Nor should it be so; this is a board for anyone who wishes to discuss lit.

>> No.7785536

Im a psychology major that likes to shitpost.

>> No.7785544


On the other hand, at least the kids sticking with the subject area are there more likely out of passion for the subject.

Law school, for example, used to be the "safe bet" for a lot of people for grad school, but no longer.

Now, people like myself who actually care about studying law because of a burning desire to learn about what "justice" actually is, and how it may best be utilized, are left. The rest of the kids who wanted "safe bet" economically-sound careers have moved elsewhere.

>> No.7785553

are you talking about Leo Strauss?
dude is the GOAT

>> No.7785556
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>believing in justice

>> No.7785561

yep. digital humanities are also a way to actually get funding within the humanities as well.

>> No.7785565
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>people like myself who actually care about studying law because of a burning desire to learn about what "justice" actually is

what school?

>> No.7785570

you can get all that stuff on the interweb and read it fo free. why go to school[in usa] for a gorillion dollars just to have an incompetent teacher try to "bring it alive" for students who literally dont care and are just fulfilling degree requirements? if you want to really study classics, you have to go to high tier colleges or seminary. but the classics education in most classrooms is abhorrent.

>> No.7785583


Very edgy. Yes, I believe in justice. Not that it exists in the natural world, but that it must exist if society is to subsist.

I'm graduating Penn State this year. I want to either go straight to law school in Philadelphia, or, if I'm accepted, attend the Institute of Mind and Brain and receive my M.Sc

>> No.7785609

>>>7785491 (You)
>>While there are some traditional gymnasiae most of them don't teach Latin or Ancient Greek anymore.
>Well, you certainly did not have latin at a gymnasium.

I had Latin at school just like Ancient Greek but I never learned because I could master the courses without learning. I wish I learned though

>> No.7785618

Is that why you think the plural of gymnasium is "gymnasiae"?

>> No.7785630


> Gymnasium is a Latin word (with origins in Greek), and its plural in Latin is gymnasia. But gymnasium is also an English word—one that has been in the language for centuries—and English speakers are allowed to treat it as one. In any case, the issue of gymnasium‘s plural was settled long ago; gymnasiums outnumbers gymnasia by a ratio of about 100 to one in 21st-century English-language texts that are searchable online. The ratio is roughly consistent throughout the English-speaking world.

>> No.7785649

Yes, exactly. Now read the word again to find out what form was actually used in this thread.

>> No.7785660


I wasn't the guy you replied to, just wanted to clarify how it's used now.