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7783498 No.7783498 [Reply] [Original]

What should I name the dog I'm getting soon /lit/? I need /lit/ approved names. Since it will be a Siberian Husky and I love the Russians I'm thinking something like Mishka.

What do?

>> No.7783516




>> No.7783517

>I love the Russians

cultural appropriation

>> No.7783519
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When I get a dog I plan on naming him Agamemnon, Lord of Men.

>> No.7783520



>> No.7783528


B-but half my family is from the Iron Curtain

>> No.7783531

I thought someone with dubs or trips would name your dog according to that thread in b, and someone did.

>> No.7783532


It's not the same dog. I'm getting a husky but I'm just using the image.

>> No.7783538


>> No.7783553



>> No.7783571

>Asking for /lit/ approved names
>Not naming your dog off of SI base or derived units like Ampere, Tesla, Weber, Farad, or Joule

>> No.7783575


Sorry I don't have autism

>> No.7783583

This. Or Nigger Man like Lovecraft's pet.

>> No.7783584

One syllable words work best for Dogs, because you'll be saying their name a lot.

So I dunno, maybe... Tim?

>> No.7783625

I've always wanted to name my future dog Marlowe, after the sailor in Conrad's books.

>> No.7783655

Two syllables works fine, too, so long as you choose ones that slide easily from the first to the second. So, Kodak would be a sort of difficult name to bellow at the park. Skippy or Lupa or Juno are all easy two-syllable names.

Call it Laika, especially if it's a bitch. Even if it's a dog, Laika is still a good name. Or Pchyolka, which is kind of a mouthful, or Mushka.

>> No.7783658


Isn't Laika the name of the dog that first got sent into space by the Soviets and then died?

>> No.7783666

Yes. Pchyolka and Mushka were also Soviet space dogs that died.

>> No.7783745

So Fart then.

>> No.7783802

Be 'that guy' that names his dog after some Imperial figure.

I have a friend who named his pet parrot Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albrecht von Preußen

>> No.7783829


Haha. Honestly, I'd be too embarrassed.

>> No.7784023


>> No.7784029


>> No.7784048


But it's a female

>> No.7784051


>> No.7784064


>> No.7784121

Rodion Romanovič Raskol'nikov

>> No.7784124


>> No.7784137

He actually used Nigger Man in one of his stories the absolute madman

>> No.7784215


>> No.7784223


>> No.7784264

Yet you want to call her Mishka, which is a man's name.

Are you sure you 'love' 'the Russians'?

>> No.7784278


Mishka is a unisex name.

Source: My cousin is female and she is named Mishka and her father is Russian.

>> No.7784285

Mishka is a boys name that means bear. Calling a girl a bear is not nice.

It's apparently also a poo in loo name for a girl though, but I assume you want no association with that.

By the way, there is a meme dog on youtube called mishka that is a husky, so if you will call your dog mishka people will consider you the basest of bitches for being dull enough to copy internet memes out of a complete lack of inspiration.

>> No.7784289


>> No.7784290


I've never heard of that on youtube so it doesn't count. You're just jealous of my supreme creativity, fuck you.

>> No.7784295

People will still quietly judge you.

Might as well get a long haired collie and call it Lassie.

>> No.7784297

>wants to name a dog same with the cousin's name

>> No.7784305



Listen anon full disclosure I think about blowing my brains out daily but I'm too much of a pussy to do it. I've been depressed for years and I'm getting a dog in the hopes that maybe it will make me a happier person. I don't like people all that much and I cut off almost everybody including all romantic interests and I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. I've selected you to give me advice on how to deal with life. I haven't been able to sleep all night. I tossed and turned for hours, tried herbal tea, alcohol, nothing. I have class in 4 hour but I'm not going because there's no way I can handle today I feel like my insides are falling apart.

>> No.7784307

Even worse than naming your dog after youtube celebrity dogs to be honest, familaris.

>> No.7784308


My family shut me out after I told her that life won't get better on her birthday and they all think I'm a faggot.

>> No.7784314
File: 48 KB, 425x540, dog image macro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like me except I'm allergic to dogs.

What if the dog doesn't help though? You'll just be a depressed guy radiating misery to a half neglected dog all day. Seems like it would be better to fix your depression before you commit to taking care of a living feeling being for next decade and a half. Pic related.

>> No.7784319

So you want to name your pet after her to be constantly reminded of this fact?

And if you ever get on good terms with them again they'll think you're a weird fuck for naming your dog after their qt daughter.

>> No.7784321
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>What if the dog doesn't help though?

I'll find it a good home or give it to the shelter who will ensure it is adopted by a good person because people here go crazy for huskies and there is a lot of paperwork and stuff. And then I'll get some tropical fish or something.

>> No.7784323


I made that shit up I don't have a cousin named Mishka because it's a boys name and I'm too proud to admit I'm wrong sometimes, but most of my family is shit and we don't get along.

>> No.7784326

As far as I know tropical fish are a lot of work because they live in salt water and that is much more work intensive than human water.

Fish that don't need salt water would be probably better to start with aquarium wise

>> No.7784329

Why not attempt to get yourself fixed first though?


>> No.7784334


Maybe some gold fish then. Or maybe a bird. Maybe I should get a pigeon. They are such peaceful creatures.

>> No.7784336


Fixed how? You mean by seeing a shrink? Man, shrinks cause more problems than they cure. Hell I'm studying to become a shrink and I don't even know why.

>> No.7784343
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It seems to work for Iron Mike.

Surely if you're suicidal and you can't fix it yourself you have little to lose by trying a shrink and maybe getting on some dank meds or something?

If he makes you better you win, if nothing changes there's no harm done and if he makes it worse you might find the courage to kill yourself and all your problems are gone.

You can't lose, family.

>> No.7784346


I'm far from suicidal. Just because I wish I could, doesn't mean I can. I definitely don't have it in me.

I don't want to see a shrink for meds. Antidepressants are just pills that will probably make me fat and I'd rather stay away from pills altogether.

>unless it's oxycodone

>> No.7784353
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>> No.7784411

Don't you think it would be mean to pair a dog with such a miserable person who has no intent to better himself?

>> No.7784435


No because I love animals and I'm very affectionate towards them. Dogs love me and as long as you give a dog what it needs which is affection, frequent walks, food, and take care of its health, it will be happy and love you. I love animals.

>> No.7784443



>Better yourself

Pick one. I'm serious. I don't see how going to a shrink can "better" me. I've seen a counselor before and it did not help. I have seen the effects of medication on people. Some get better, most get worst, a lot get fat and lose their libido.

>> No.7784450
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If the depression gets too bad it's hard to care for others though, both in terms of direct effort and of acquiring enough income for expenses.

>> No.7784459


I don't like disclosing specific finances to others, but trust me, income is of no issue to me.

You're right about it becoming harder to care for others though. And if I really did feel like I couldn't handle the dog anymore because I was no adequately caring for it, I'd give it to a shelter for them to find a better owner. I like to think I'm decent enough to do that. Dogs are incredible creatures though.

>> No.7784465
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It doesn't seem like you want to better yourself in other ways either. You study something you hate and don't believe in, you alienate people, you abuse alcohol et cetera.

Getting a dog to fix this is like getting a child to save a marriage. Not only is it unlikely to work, it's inconsiderate towards the sentient being used as a means to an end.

>> No.7784472
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My cat is named Cormac :^)

>> No.7784474

He looks very considerate for a cat.

>> No.7784480

Must be pretty nice to be independently wealthy.

Aren't huskies very high maintenance dogs who need fellow huskies to be happy though?

>> No.7784505


>> No.7784514
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I'm not really a cat person but he's cute.


I think huskies are medium maintenance dogs. They don't necessarily need fellow huskies to be happy. It's better if they have another husky but if you're affectionate enough it should be fine. But maybe I'm better off getting a beagle.


I study something which interests me, that is, human behaviour, the human condition and the mind. I'll admit that I'm too much of a pussy to pursue my true passion which is physics and astronomy because I'm mediocre at math and suck at calculus. I do believe that what I study works to a degree, however, it is foolish to deny the epidemic of over prescribing in the field of psychiatry. Pharmaceutical corporations will actually bribe psychiatrists to create new psychiatric disorders to include in the new editions of the DSM so they can release a drug for it and thus profit. This is why there always needs to be independent oversight. I think that the critique some psychologists have of modern day psychiatry is totally justified. I've seen people benefit from therapy, but saying that drugs will help everyone is moronic, sorry. I know that maybe this isn't what you meant but I think you have the wrong idea about me.

Yes, I do alienate people. It's hard not to. They are not interesting, they live in a bubble. They don't see the world for what it is and are too self absorbed to acknowledge what goes on. They are willfully ignorant of horrible things, incredible naive and are too preoccupied with menial goals and hedonistic ambitions.

Yeah I abuse alcohol, but can you really blame me?

>> No.7784517


>> No.7784520

I would "fuck" you cat to be honest

>> No.7784534


>> No.7784563

I agree with your criticism and I don't think drugs are necessarily the answer, it's just that your opposition to professional help seemed part of a more general defeatist stance to me to be honest.

I think your worldview would be more compatible with adopting some second hand mutt than having a brand new one bred into existence for your convenience, by the way.

I can't blame you for the booze, but it does make things worse in the long run. Much, much worse. Austerity and discipline ultimately work much better at keeping the despair at arm's length. He who cannot obey himself will be commanded and such.

>> No.7784571


I tried professional help before, it didn't help man. I need to try something else.

Maybe having a roaring fire, drinking tea instead of booze, wrapped in a blanket, reading Notes from the Underground with my canine companions head resting on my lap will be therapeutic and helpful for me.

>> No.7784576

such supreme creativity you need fucking 4chan to name your dog, I'm impressed.

>> No.7784579
File: 19 KB, 338x279, tommy and davey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pets are the utmost anti-patrician perk one may carry and I want you all to know. No matter how much you clean, wash and rinse them, there they are all "animalistic" dirty, full of germs and fleas. It's like going around with a bag of wet and barking/meowing/tweeting/smishing/ratattling/wooblegoobleing, that's what it is. And you're all dirty and gay homossexuals.

>> No.7784584


Hey man, I'm no conformist. You think you're tough being fucking mainstream? Fuck off.


>Implying your patrician

Clean the burger grease, mountain dew and cheeto stains off your clothes and then we'll talk, pleb.

>> No.7784586



Fuck off I'm tired ok?

>> No.7784622
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>imblying I must be a patrician to recognize one

By your super logic your as pleb as me.

>> No.7784629


>> No.7784699

That sounds pretty comfy. Good luck, mate.

>> No.7784729


>> No.7784737


>> No.7784755

Just go full Dogstoyevsky m8s

>> No.7784760

add a "tov" at the end to make it more Russian

>> No.7784842
File: 280 KB, 720x1280, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's very kind and intelligent. But also very shy, he was abused before I rescued him. He also has asthma.

Please don't fuck him.

>> No.7784857

>r3ddit: the scientist

>> No.7784864

Is that yellow tag his rabies vaccination tag?
I'm debating whether or not to put it on my cat.
She's a house cat and will probably just make more noise running around with 2 tags clanging on each other

>> No.7785024
File: 214 KB, 720x1280, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's his home safe tag. It has the phone number of the humane society and a bunch of digits on it to show he is vaccinated, adopted and mine.

So if someone finds him I can get him back. He is a house cat too, but I have it just in case.

>> No.7785241

As a different anon, in some ways a dog will probably help enormously. In others, its going to become a fucking burden that makes you want to cry. Either way, in order to not be a shitty person to your dog, you've gotta get up, walk it, take it to the bathroom, feed it, play with it, and train it. Eventually those things become routine enough that you can do them even if you've spent the day having panic attacks, pacing agitation, or are wallowing in misery. Because DOG COMES FIRST. You can skip all the meals you like and mess up your sleep schedule, but you keep the dog's routine like clockwork so he'll know what to expect when and be happy.

>> No.7785295

That you people think everything well known came from reddit is only a testament to how tiny of a bubble you live in.

>> No.7785709

>doubting the utility of canine family

You're a peasant.

>> No.7785743

If you name it Mishka, you will end up calling it Mish. Its just what happens with dogs.

>> No.7785824

post moar qt puppies plz

>> No.7785855


I'd never do this. I couldn't put a dog first. I'd hoof that cunt. Sledgehamma!

>> No.7786835


That's mean

>> No.7787129

Pushkin is clearly the only real answer.

>> No.7787140


>> No.7787144

So putain

>> No.7787476

Sobakovich (male) Sobakovna (female)

>> No.7787611

I always thought Ajax would be a good dog name, assuming you get a biggun.

>> No.7787632

>I'm interested in humans
>[Humans] are not interesting

>> No.7787637

It's not plebeian, but it's probably not fully patrician, I suppose. But think of all those English nobility and their meddling with dog breeding, which (= dog breeding, not just the owning of dogs, per se) is pretty patrician.