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7782387 No.7782387 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ how does one overcome oblomovitis and ennui ? is there a way ?

>> No.7782390

>actually trying to understand why you don't feel like leaving bed
>stop making dumb threads with obscure words in order to make anons insecure about their patrician status
>going to the gym and taking some Sun bathing / Vitamin D replenishment
>cease shitposting

It all works.

>> No.7782396

start with the greeks

>> No.7782397

By not caring about it. The more you try to overcome something, the more you let the thing in question control you.
For example, a person who constantly wants to be socially-accepted by society will work day in and day out to conform to his peers, making himself miserable. However, if the man stops caring altogether about whether or not he fits in, the psychological tension is alleviated.

In other words, man often makes psychology problems for himself by associating with meanings in his mind. Let go of those things and you'll no longer be troubled by them.

>> No.7782415


>> No.7782521

but how to not care ? wouldn't i then be caring about not caring ?

>> No.7782531

That is dangerous advice.

>> No.7782536

Not if you truly let go. Easier said than done though. Truth is, it takes time. Could be years.. Or days.

>> No.7783386


>> No.7783407

Oblomovitis is literally not a real word

>> No.7783420

>oblomovism variant
>not a real word
>thinking that excuses ennui being considered obscure
>being this much of a pleb and not being self-aware enough to slink back to reading the greeks where anon belongs

>> No.7783721

Yes, you would. The only way not to care about it is to let yourself care about it from time to time. In other words, don't worry about whether you care about it or whether you don't care about it. See? If you try to always be happy, you'll never be happy. Don't try to be anything at all. Just be. When you do that, you'll be at peace.

>> No.7783730


inb4 >wiktionary or >it's not in oxford

>> No.7783738

The word comes from the novel Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov.


>> No.7784007


>> No.7784636

Probably no one on 4chan has achieved it so it's not much use asking here.

I'm on the slow descent to dissolution and suicide here. Get out while you can.

>> No.7784641

stop browsing chans

i cant and im waitng for when ill have enough courgae to die

>> No.7784692

You're not special at all, everyone's experienced a state of listlessness at least once in their lives. Its the strong that decide to get up and enjoy the world while it lasts, only the weak wallow in self-pity, faggot.

Hang out with friends, go on hikes, get fit, put reading aside for a bit. Dont be weak anon.

>> No.7784858

underrated post

>> No.7784866

Same here.

>> No.7784867

read MA's Meditations

>> No.7784876

Perhaps you could start by not using words like oblomovitis and ennui. Overcome your vanity.

>> No.7784890

Get out of your head fahm...

>> No.7784896

>you have to turn your brain off to enjoy it!

>> No.7784963

One thing I've tried with success now and then :

I reasoned that my depression and ennui were a product of my mind, and that it was just in my mind. The infinite hopelessness and sadness was a litle mitigated by the realization that it was all in my head and so it was "finite".

I then tried to observe my thought processes during the depressive phase and I realized that it was as if I was in a river or stream of sadness and was not able to get happy because I was not able to get out of that metaphorical river. But to get out of it, all I had to do was acknowledge it and then observe the river from it's banks.

Try it next time you're having a depressive episode. You're in a phase of sadness, try to look at the things making you sad whilst being inside your own head.

I don't know if I've made any sense of it or not but fuck it, I tried and I hope this helps people.

>> No.7785039

Again they're not that obscure, and also it's ridiculous to associate a wider vocabulary with either pretension or vanity. Utter bullocks if you ask me.