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/lit/ - Literature

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7781915 No.7781915 [Reply] [Original]

>characters who keep showing up in yr fiction
Autistic fucks

>> No.7781921
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>tfw don't know how to write protagonists that aren't sensitive artists

>> No.7781937

>The bonny & clyde tier couple

Ive watched them literally reincarnate from one ancient draft to another

>> No.7781950

These all could work really well though
Just don't make them complete caricatures of whatever archetype you're trying to make them represent

>> No.7781962

Oh for sure, at this point I've just embraced it. They have a story to tell so why deny them. They're certainly not caricatures so I'm proud of that.

>> No.7781971
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Is this why people like Steven King write so many stories where the main character is a writer?

>> No.7782004


>> No.7782060

I've got one character named Dennis who shows up literally in most of my writing. Kind of like a cameo in a movie, I find it really fun to write him in. No matter where or when the story is set Dennis is there being a lazy bastard. He basically lacks any insights or opinions at all, or if he does have them, lacks the ability or interest to express them.
I like to think he's existing somehow outside of time which explains his never aging, but he's too much of an apathetic loser to really notice or give a shit.

>> No.7782088

A volkisch warrior-hero archetype manifesting in many separate guises across time and space. In 100 AC he uncovers a hebrew plot to destroy rome from within.in 1096 he travels to the holy land to liberate it from the encroaching caliphate. In 1861 he is a genteel, aristocratic plantation owner that fights for his homeland under general lee. in 1945 he is killed defending his people from the bolshevik hordes. in 2016 he's a white army vet who discovers the reality of cultural marxism through the internet and realises something must be done to stop it before its too late

>> No.7782098

Yes. Stephen king is a terrible writer because he's never really gotten to know people. And the only people who like him have no friends.

>> No.7782166


My dreams are filled with the incarnation of Love itself,

My nightmares embody Fear and Hate,

My waking hours breathe Insecurity and Pestilence,

My thoughts are the Windows of Chaos,

I cannot but embrace the life of Regret and Sorrow,

Emotions are the characters of my being and productions

>> No.7782206
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I understand how you feel; my life is similar; I have found much comfort in taking my emotions themselves as characters; I have found the life of art and emotion in the intuition of love; etc.; my first thought of things past has gone past the general fields of supra-masochism as self-induced by productile industrialities; artifice... what is art? is art artifice, but if so what is human?; can you feel still? can you feel after dissecting all aspects of human thought?; I cannot but feel like the nerd; the idiot; the weirdo; but what is love?; what is what is there to see, to fear, to feel?; this is a growing anxiety in the production of my art; I am already a well-published author in the small circles that I figure on as a protagonist and my characters have always gone more towards the gone more to the things of the emotions themselves than artificialities of love and industrile productioneless maritaginal industrialisities of paridcsites o supra-prmashcoihsim. my the the mfi thing iot be said is that we are way to sedentary to see where this is heading. do you want Paris 2? The literary revolutions?; okay, it IS on /lit/ more than anywhere else; but we are going no-where; we are a stasis people; we sit and talk; we sit mostly; maybe not; but there is little of aritificality to be found of n on a shitps os asdmm ma mb the best questwerty wthew the botto be tior not ntoo be ethat iws the qwerty asju u jj m fsdf I hate fkeeyborards the ras df norma l asdpsect of hot sdt asdtmm m asmdead oekdead oa skk ko adkeodkaeoad fnm mm mm ,. ams fa fkosdfo ko k kt give this ereij ije eletter esan to bemy skids asdf and tell sakdmf y weife a idf love aher and always hweill

>> No.7782233
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>/pol/'s fetishized power fantasy: the character

>> No.7782288

My protagonists are always borderline-alcoholic, well-educated young women whose outward friendliness conceals a deep existential ennui only expressed through meaningless and debauched sex acts. I don't know why it keeps happening.

>> No.7782301

>lonely journalist
>drinks coffee and thinks about life

please make it stop

>> No.7782328

>the self-loathing repressed homosexual

I don't know why it keeps happeneing.

>> No.7782463

Are you dennis anon
be honest

>> No.7782488
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R you gay anon

>> No.7782569

>the nihilistic smartass

Bonus points if he's a hitman or has some other morally questionable profession.

>> No.7782599
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Women of huge stature repeatedly show up in my fiction. When I write fantasy and science fiction, they're either half-divine or they're scientifically enhanced. In my more realistic fiction, they're still there, either as gentle giant wives and girlfriends or as awkward Sakaki-style schoolgirls.

I have no idea why. I do have weird fetishes, but tall girls isn't one of them. Sometimes they're fat, which IS one of my fetishes, but not always.

>> No.7782878

It is clear you do not understand symbolism. He is supposed to be an epic hero like those found in the sagas. and by the way, what is wrong with power? why does it offend you?

>> No.7782889


>> No.7782892

No. I wish. Dennis is a laid back loser. If he's in motion at all its falling into good luck. I am an anxiety ridden coward with too many opinions and ambitions.

>> No.7782904

the smarmy cunt and befuddled-by-the-situation/[common interaction]

I need to put more trashy 2masc4u gays in my writing, for comedic effect

>> No.7783145

Not like any other girl girl.