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7781207 No.7781207 [Reply] [Original]

>loud neighbors

how to deal with this when pic related aint enough? i seem to need absolute silence to read... is there a way to block you mind from external stimulus?

>> No.7781215

actually, i might suggest over ears. those are known to cause some damage over time.

>> No.7781224

Kill em

>> No.7781245

ive thought of trying those but do they really make a practical difference?

thats too much trouble, plus new ones would arrive. i prefer to move, but you never know what kind of nig youre getting when you arrive at a new place and im looking for a permanent way to deal with it.

sometimes i wish i was deaf.

>> No.7781257

Add noise to your environment.

>> No.7781261

Ear buds + one of the hundreds of white noise apps available for your phone (they have rain sounds, train noises, city street noises, etc. so you can make the repetitive noise anything you want)

used to live in crowded dormitory, now I take the bus at least once a day

>> No.7781268

well, it makes a difference in that you're not damaging your eardrums. there are some pretty damn good over ears though. sense deprivation is the only way to go. i can't hear a car drive by without losing my flow.

>> No.7781274

sounds like you have severe ADHD or are somewhere on the autism spectrum

>> No.7781277


How about you shove a dildo in your ear?

>> No.7781290

Buy over-ear noise cancellors. Like expensive ones.

>> No.7781297
File: 435 KB, 2550x1695, success_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg that works! you have introduced a major change in my struggle against noise. thank you anon.

yeah thats why i wrote practical, cause i already feel the effects of wearing those plugs too much

>> No.7781306
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Glad I could help.

>> No.7781311

is that tooth shopped in? looks shopped in.

>> No.7781314

I've White Noise to white noise.

>> No.7781315

It's not the sound that's bothering you.
It's you that's bothering the sounds.

>> No.7781317

You can't mentally block out the noise? Lemme know how the suicide works out, Schopey.

>> No.7781511
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>> No.7781538

>tfw have ADHD
>tfw earplugs and my noise-cancelling headphones can't block out heavy bass and screaming teenagers
>tfw can't afford to move

>> No.7781548
File: 27 KB, 480x496, Elliot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i seem to need absolute silence to read

>> No.7781579

>he does not know the joy of reading in silence

yeah i felt the same way and when poeple talked about it it seemed absurd until i lived in france and enjoyed reading in their libraries where you could hear a fly cross the door. there are no words to describe the difference.

>> No.7781700

Call the cops or report them to your landlord

>> No.7781736

i just figured out that this shmuck is a kind of realization of pepe

>> No.7781746

I live in France and our libraries are nothing special. I've been to Germany, Italy and Bong and they're all the same.

>> No.7781769

If you want noise machines, this is the real deal https://mynoise.net/noiseMachines.php

>> No.7781798


>> No.7781802


>> No.7781803

Earplugs just won't work in some cases.Generating your own noise to block outside noise is best as others have suggested.
Is music or something like that absolutely out of the question?
I find music really unobtrusive.

>> No.7781806

I'm like you. I can't read in public because I would often focus on a most minute and useless details like the pacing of approaching footsteps, the cyclical mannerism of other fellow readers within the space.

I spend a lot of mental energy just to focus on the text with all of these sounds. But as this guy pointed out >>7781315
the problem is me and is way more deep that just feeling annoyed by random noises.

My suggestion is to improve concentration and your focus.

>> No.7781807
File: 303 KB, 368x657, 1457112361117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro, beat you to it >>7781769

>> No.7781808

Put inner ears AND over ears

>> No.7781824

Try having tinnitus.

I have adapted to reading with my T (10 different buzzing sounds) or with music (mainly jazz).

So stop bitching about complete silence and befriend the noise instead.

>> No.7781826


>> No.7781846
File: 25 KB, 432x527, john_cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there a way to block you mind from external stimulus?
Probably not.

>> No.7781865
File: 328 KB, 500x500, noise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg this noise thing has changed my life. ive just had a couple of hours of constant uninterrupted fully focused reading as i can only have when the flat is empty... and right now everyone is around with movies and music fucking loud.

checking on wikipedia about the different kinds of noise i see that silence is called black noise! this made me realize that what i need is not silence in itself, which i was going crazy about finding, but one of its features: a constant sound. now if you cant have black, then white is the answer! this is a truly interesting finding about the mind. thanks to the simplynoise anon again.

apparently the thing is not silence or sound but consistency in it.

i was about to tackle that but this noise thing overpowers it. plus my ears are changing their shape cause i have to wear them all the time