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7781015 No.7781015 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most evil thing you've read in a book?

>> No.7781019

The bible.
All of it

>> No.7781023

Very humorous.

>> No.7781033

" You could have knelt down, damn it, Kinch, when your dying mother asked you, Buck Mulligan said. I'm hyperborean as much as you. But to think of your mother begging you with her last breath to kneel down and pray for her. And you refused. There is something sinister in you."

>> No.7781038

I'm interested in the devil.

>> No.7781720


>> No.7781860


Oh, please. Buck is no more villain than Stephen is hero. And I think Joyce means for us to understand this.

>> No.7781874

Hubert Selby, Jr.'s The Room, where the prisoner talks about putting vicegrips on two chained up dogs' testicles and castrating them for ~60 pages

>> No.7781879

Anyone whos read The Egyptian knows THAT part

It was hilarious and superbly fucked up at the same time

>> No.7781902

When Tom Buchanan makes George Wilson believe Gatsby was the one boning Myrtle. That was messed up.

>> No.7782210

When Dorian Grey stabs to death the one guy who actually fucking cares for him and loves him, with hardly any remorse. Fuck Dorian.

>> No.7782295

The castration in Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.7782311

I've heard good things about this book, is it worth reading?

>> No.7782335

That bit in The Kite Runner when the half German kid rapes the other boy (Hassan?) while the protagonist secretly watches and it describes how his buttocks were clenching and then Hassan? walked away whimpering while holding his butt and blood was dripping out his trouserleg. I wasn't expecting it when I started reading, took me by surprise.

>> No.7782364

that part of the road where those bandits have women chained up and perpetually pregnant so they can drink their milk and eat their babies.

i guess most of the more shocking things in the road.

>> No.7782369


>eat their babies

That's such a retarded use of resources, considering how much you'd have to feed the women for them to produce a baby.

>> No.7782378

>tfw not sure if i can take that book seriously now if I ever do read it

>> No.7782382

yea i thought the same thing, but it's plausible since theyd probably eat the miscarriage regardless. they wouldn't have to give her that much more food, either.

the way i see it is: either way it's a win-win for them. they either get a baby delicacy, or nothing, and it doesn't matter.

>> No.7782393

Yes, but it takes patience and the will to enjoy it.

>> No.7782411

Babies should be tastier than whatever they feed the pregnant women with.

>the will to enjoy it
What do you mean exactly?

>> No.7782433

This thread made me wonder how babies taste like and consider whether I would actually eat one.

>> No.7782494

Les Chants de Maldoror. All of it.

>> No.7782501


>> No.7782511

Jews sounded pretty bad in mein kampf

>> No.7782517

A lot of what Marquis de Sade wrote. I'm surprised he's not mentioned more often here; there's a reason 'Sadism' is his namesake.

>The 120 Days of Sodom


>> No.7782540

Probably the end of The Girl Next Door. Everything the David character does honestly made me feel ill and I had to put the book down for a few days.

>> No.7782546

Probably the part where The Judge scalped the little Indian kid in Blood Meridian. Really wicked.

>> No.7782583

Ligotti in sum, but the Nyctalops Trilogy stands out

>> No.7782586

that scene was brutal. The Judge is one of the most evil characters I've encountered in a novel.

>> No.7782791

Classic Scrub Buchanan

>> No.7782819


>> No.7782938

AC in "I have no Mouth and I Must scream" is pretty twisted.

I recall a scene from a Stephen king novel (Desperation) where this sadistic cop hangs a little girl by the back of her throat (as in piercing the back of her throat/lower skull somehow) on a coat-hanger after murdering her parents.

Blicero is also up there. The "vacations" he sends Pokler on are fucked.

>> No.7783100
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>> No.7783589

1984 when they break winston's soul after days of torture by forcing him to enable the torture of julia

>> No.7783608

Cathy Ames.

>> No.7783616
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>> No.7783617

Tastes like prion disease.

>> No.7783678

I had to stop reading when The Idiot I found out Yepanchin left this poor old woman to die with nothing but a bowl to her name.

>> No.7783739

Why was AC such a dick

>> No.7783881
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Do you like kittens, OP?

>> No.7783884

The killer inside me.

It's not as absurdly over the top as say Bateman's crimes and loopy narration, but that's what makes it so unnerving. It's an uncannily convincing portrait of a man straddling the line of psychosis, and his struggles to keep his mask of sanity are creepy but also sad. Prob the most realistic fictional psychopath, his empty nihilism doesn't lead to the thrilling "don't give a fuck" badassness depicted in film, there's just nothing but boredom and exasperation and vague alienation

>> No.7783888

Because it had no mouth and needed to scream.

>> No.7783894

The abortionist part in V. Maybe not that evil, but her scenes genuinely scared me.

>> No.7784712

There's a scene in Walter Kirn's "Thumbsucker" where the narrator visits a young couple who are both heavily dependent on drugs. They're all smoking pot in the bedroom when the narrator hears a noise coming from the closet. The stoner boy goes to the closet and pulls down a shoebox. Inside is an infant.

The baby has pale gray skin and is severely emaciated. The mom takes a huge drag and blows pot smoke into the baby's face. Then as the kid starts to quiet down they put the lid back on the box and put the box back in the closet.

Fucked me up when I read it.

>> No.7784761

does hyperborean mean cold motherfucker or is it a more specific nietzsche reference?

>> No.7784844

The part where they strangle the priest and make the girl fuck him to death was pretty gruesome but I jacked off to it so who I am I to say what's bad vs what's good

>> No.7784980

Yeah, that wasn't very kosher, Tom.

>> No.7784999


It's the classic "Matrix Flaw", where using humans for food/energy/whatever is stupid and ALWAYS a plot hole because of how much you have to input for marginally-higher-at-best output.

>> No.7785012

it's metaphor for agricultural/industrial production u god damn plebby nigger, hurr durr why have a bunch of humans work the fields in ur fiefdom when they just gonna eat most of it, there will barely be any surplus left over for the lord! total "matrix flaw" in human history dude! pass the bong 420 blaze itttttt

>> No.7785022

Reading Blood Meridian so consistently gave me that sinking sick hearted feeling of witnessing evil that I consider it a significant event, I remember literal nausea and actual weeping.

In one of the massacres where one of their party emerges from a tipi with two babies by the ankle and smashes their heads on a boulder...or where the Judge buys those two puppies on the bridge, turns and drops them into the river and Bathcat shoots them while pissing.

The Judge was truly evil, nearly every other character is merely severely depraved.

>> No.7785038


labor is different from being used for food or as batteries, and humans haven't been genetically modified to balloon to meaty extremes in an artifical maximizing of meat output

>> No.7785040

there's a sequence in McCarthy's The Crossing where a Mexican officer sucks the eyeballs out of a captured rebel. that part really disturbed me far more than anything in Blood Meridian, Child of God, or Outer Dark, which are three of his darker works.

>> No.7785048

>sucks the eyeballs out of a captured rebel

How would you even go about doing that?

>> No.7785049

well we do the same thing. Cattle is a waste of resource but we still do it because it's fucking delicious

>> No.7785058

>women are a waste of resources
>cattle are a waste of resources
>earth is a waste of resources

>> No.7785064

Anon was saying that cattle isn't energy, space or shekel efficient, and he's right.

It would be much superior if we all eat bugs instead, but we really don't want to replace the cattle part of our diet with bugs even though that would make more sense objectively

>> No.7785066

i believe the best way to go about doing so would be primarily through fiction.

>> No.7785068

I'm not quite sure which part you mean.

>> No.7785084
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I mean, in the context of the Road it MIGHT have made sense; if the eating of babies was included to make some point about how 'insane' the cannibals are.

Rather than just eat whatever they can get their hands on, they'd rather eat babies for the thrill of it. Or whatever.

The other part with the guys who keep a load of captives in their cellar and eat them, body parts at a time, is more believable.

>> No.7785091


>> No.7785097

bro it's not that it's "effecient source of protein" the point is in post-apocapyse there's no refrigeration so if u want fresh meat best way to do it is just keep them alive and eat them when u need dinner, like farmers used to do back in the day

>> No.7785104

When Daisy left Gatsby.

>> No.7785105

You need to feed a woman more food to make a successfully get her through a pregnancy than you get out of eating the baby.

>> No.7785162

>an atheist
>some of the new testament has some alright stuff
>spoiler jesus dies

>> No.7785918

that wasn't in the movie, was it?

>> No.7785925

cows convert grass into meat and dairy, that's a pretty based use of resources since grass is pretty useless otherwise. goats will eat any shitty shrub that humans don't, and cows turn leftovers into bacon.

based god.

>> No.7785934
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That the book will not make it "easy" for you to understand it: it won't obscure anything, but will also not illuminate anything. It just sort of leaves itself in the open, kinda like life. That's not to say that it isn't fun(ny), but you will get out of it as much as you put yourself.

>> No.7785944


>not slothrop bdsm-ing that loli in public on the boat


>> No.7785969

What's so terrible about that?

>> No.7786092

When the bull gores Mrs. May in Flannery O'Connor's Greenleaf. I got a chill in my spine after reading that.

and this, pretty much everything Judge Holden did was powerful and evil. the rest of the group were bad people but he was the fucking devil, so to speak.

>> No.7786107

>shitting in little girls vaginas
how is this evil?

>> No.7786159

I actually came into this thread to see if anyone would post this.

The guy doesn't even die from it but the description of it sickened me more than anything else I've read from McCarthy (including BM, The Road, etc).

>> No.7786371

that was some ice cold shit

>> No.7786541

The stone shrine built by Horemhebs wife.