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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.7779404 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on Anne Frank? Is it important to read?

>> No.7779427

Yeah its a pretty surreal and important book when you realize what it really is. Not important as literature in itself, but important and unique as a perspective thats worth reading, imo.

>> No.7779436

I tend to leave Mangum's personal life to Mangum, but I found it interesting.

>> No.7779439

It's an ok book to read in middle or high school. I wouldn't call it literature per-se, but as a historical perspective it's worth looking at.

>> No.7779448

She's alive???

>> No.7779449

she got brought back by Jeff

>> No.7779451


>cross-board meme about Neutral Milk Hotel

I know 4chan is totally epic but it's 18+.

>> No.7779455

What's wrong with this chick's eyes

>> No.7779456

what is so bad about an idea that spreads through culture?

>> No.7779457
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>> No.7779475

it's a pretty interesting diary that offers information I wouldn't actually have expected.

>> No.7779476

my diary 2bh

>> No.7779477


>> No.7779483
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Yes. Substantial information was necessary to coax the guilt. The Nazis spent the last few weeks of the war "burning documents", so these very profitable books are the only record of the unforgivable deeds done to the #6million.

>> No.7779485

She was born with roses in her eyes, obvs.

>> No.7779489

It was only a matter of time before the obligatory "holohoax" shitposting started.

>> No.7779501

Who is this semen demon

>> No.7779508


>> No.7779516

People have been memeing about ITAOTS for like a hundred years now. Most of those people are old now.

>> No.7779580

more the psychological effects of being within enclosed space for a long time while nature and such continue w/o your involvement, and so on.

pls go away

>> No.7779593

I read it simultaneously while reading Babby R9K's manifesto. Quite interesting how a rich boy in some of the best possible conditions was such a psychological fuckup compared with a girl trying to evade one of the largest genocides in history while living in impoverished conditions in a country where the genocidey ppl have jurisdiction over

Seriously though her personality is fucking beautiful if it personified and materialised in front of me right now i would not hesitate to say very nice words and think very pleasant impeachable thoughts

>> No.7779595

The only girl I ever loved.

>> No.7779682

I just heard that album this week. Heard it like 5 times since. It's good stuff, mang.


>> No.7779710
File: 33 KB, 466x349, interview_monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never put your hand on her side boob and then under her armpit and draw her in for a kiss
>she will never pretend she doesn't care that much about you but when you have your back turned stare at you and smile without knowing it
>she will never blush and stubbornly stay silent when older women (her MILF aunt, her 20 year çld sister) ask her about boys as they wash the clothes in the town lavoir
>she will never stand straight up and to attention as you walk into the room, every part of her directed right at you but trying not to show it
>her reality will never seem more profound and colourful when you're around
>you will never make her laugh and then eat her cooking

>> No.7779728

I wonder how many qts were murdered during the holocaust.

>> No.7779735

that's a fantastic video tbqh
so many ;-;

>> No.7779791


Also read her fairy tales and short stories, if you get the chance to.

>> No.7779821


Her dad was a pretty decent author, considering he fucking wrote it.

>> No.7779842
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is it wrong to want to fuck anne frank

>> No.7779845

Yeah it's pretty good

>> No.7779846

welcome to /lit/

>> No.7779852

No, because she is of a different "ethical background" if you catch my drift

>> No.7779853

Bad book, terribly written, but what do you expect from a translation of what a teenage girl wrote?

>> No.7779858

>is it wrong to want to fuck

>> No.7779941
File: 175 KB, 491x460, Jeff not amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading the translation

>> No.7779942

Also I seriously hope you guys didn't read the version her father censored

>> No.7779943

>Now she's a little boy in Spain, playing pianos filled with flames
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7779947

I'm gonna ask the real question. Would she have been a belieber?

>> No.7779950


>her father censored

*her father wrote

As in, he wrote it all.

>> No.7779958

>is it wrong to want to fuck anne frank
I don't know one country in which necrophilia isn't deemed a criminal offence.

>> No.7779961

Heh, the middle school version without her discussing her lady parts?

>> No.7779964

>le crime is wrong meme

>> No.7779972

In Sweden there's talk to legalize it, so maybe soon you're in luck

>> No.7779977

Why would anyone fight to legalize necrophilia
I can't think of a single valid reason

>> No.7779979

>one youth organization trying to reach the edglelord demographic
>"talk to legalize it"

>> No.7779990

That's what pol does whenever 1 radical person mentions something progressive in Sweden, so why can't I?

>> No.7779993

muh liberalism

>> No.7779999

russian tv says that in swedish churches they baptize children by injecting them with gay aids

>> No.7780014

Jeff inserted some lines about his dead brother.

>> No.7780020

We must've read the uncensored version in middle school because it still had those parts and her lesbian fantasies.

>> No.7780032

I'm surprised/pol/ doesn't like Russia more. If they could get over their inbred "muh subhumans" talk and the fact that it's a corrupt shithole, they'd realize that they have a lot more in common with the average retarded Russian than not. I mean, it's the country that brought/pol/ The Protocols of The Elders Of Zion.

>> No.7780040

don't worry, they'll get there eventually. /pol/ is really the edgier version of RT anyway

>> No.7780053

>call Russians retarded
>cry when /pouleboogeyman/ brings factual data showing that blacks are intellectually inferior

>> No.7780059

this is /lit/ so please tell us how postmodern literature is pedophile gobbledygook instead

>> No.7780062

>/pol/ """""""Info"""""""Graphix™
>factual data

I know this is hard for you to understand on account of your extra chromosomes, but not everything you read online is true even if it says it is.

>> No.7780070

When all confounding variables are controlled, the racial IQ disparity remains.

Now comes an attack on iq tests as a measurement of human intellect.

>> No.7780073
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>> No.7780077

How many hours did it take you to make this?

>> No.7780079

Now comes an attack on your lack of citations, you mean. And no, infographics you made in 5 hours on mspaint don't count.

>> No.7780080

5 incl. masturbation breaks

>> No.7780084

If you google " racial iq disparity " or anything of that kind you'll find literally millions of scholarly articles complaining about the racial iq gap.

>> No.7780094

source for the vid please?

>> No.7780106

That's not how it works. If you want to make a case for a sweeping statement like that being """"""factual"""""", you have to cite specific sources and not just point at google or wikipedia. You've never written a research paper in school? Or I guess they don't make you do that in special ed.

>> No.7780108


>He denies racial IQ differences

Wew lad.

>> No.7780116

>He responds in memes instead of backing up his claims while posturing as an intellectual

Typical /pol/.

>> No.7780124

this girl is a cutie

>> No.7780130

i'm not writing a research paper, buddy.
the whole point was that you'd dig in to defend your pet niggers, but love to call Russians retarded

>> No.7780147

You can do what you want, but "/pol/ does it" is a pretty terrible justification for anything.
That's true, but so what? The church get their authority from God, they can do whatever they want. If people don't like it they can shut up and go to a mosque instead. Nice quads though.

>> No.7780236

See the problem is that's not where /pol/ stops. And I'm not even talking about the sociological points they derive from the lower average intelligence and shit, they think because they can make someone who believes in some retarded objective hereditary equality cry that this somehow validates the rest of their /int/ memes as actual arguments.

>> No.7780468


She's a roastie, who gives a fuck about her yak yak yak about her time in the attic

>> No.7780525
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>> No.7780530

Who is that?

>> No.7780534


>> No.7780537

You tell me where /his/ and humanities belongs to though

>> No.7781087

I liked the allusions to the Greek lesbians she dotted throughout her diary

>> No.7781103


>> No.7782051

>When all confounding variables are controlled,
Can't control how minorities are treated differently from whites.

>> No.7782099

/his/ is about /mu/ or /sp/, assuming it's the perfect average of /lit/, /pol/, /int/, and /tg/.

>> No.7783303

Never read it
Read Number the Stars when I was a kid though, was pretty good.

>> No.7783343

/lit/ was formed from /r9k/
I honestly thought she was lesbian when I was reading through it because of this.

>> No.7783360

These images feel like troll images that a few people took seriously.

>> No.7783421

>implying the holocaust actually happened as described in her "diary"
>implying her diary and, by extension, her privacy wasnt raped after her death and edited by manipulative jewish publishers for the sake of the holocaust agenda
Lmao mate