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File: 17 KB, 300x205, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7776442 No.7776442 [Reply] [Original]

It's Orange Fedora Day at your local bookstore.
What do you buy?

>> No.7776445

What's Orange Fedora Day?

>> No.7776474

That's the question. So what do you buy?

>> No.7776507

I don't know. They closed all the book stores close to me. I live a mile from Detroit and the adult illiteracy rate there is around 50%.

>> No.7776515

Gene Wolfe, Infinite Jest, and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.7776520

>That's the question
I thought the question was "what do you buy?"

>inb4 an orange fedora

>> No.7776548

Cheap orange fedoras, then sell them at the bookstore for a premium.

>> No.7776570

Bro, there has to be at least one book store. Is there a college in Detroit?

>> No.7776648

There are a few colleges and there are some book stores. I'm just bitter. There was a nice used book store 3 blocks away, all paperbacks were a dollar and hard covers were two. All the remaining bookstores are full of hipsters.

>> No.7776665

It's 2016, hipsters don't exist anymore. Anyone who self-describes as a hipster is 10 years late to the party, like a hippie would have been in 1979.

But yeah, that sucks. There's a really good "everything is under $3" book store near where I work, was gonna go there today actually.

>> No.7776732

You might be right about them not being hipsters I'm out of the loop. Contemporary conformists I guess. I wish you luck in your browsing.

>> No.7776774

Go to John K King family. Yuge amount of used books there.

>> No.7776778

lit core

>> No.7776803

That really is a great place. Only 15 minutes away. I'm too /pol/ for the ride down there though most of the time.

>> No.7776820

Grosse Pointer?

>> No.7776825

That'd be nice. Redford.

>> No.7776827

A new edition of "Atlas Shrugged". Mine has gone stale.

>> No.7776872
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>> No.7777106

Is that like "What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss?" – Where you only know the game you're playing when it's already been played?

>> No.7777113

True Grit.

>> No.7777227
File: 83 KB, 878x618, Abrams_Dorst_S_Ship_of_Theseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange Fedora Day
Is this Fedora-Tier enough?
It's actually an entertaining read though. And while ergodic literature in general could be dismissed as "vidya game generation"-literature, I still deem this a well-crafted, enjoyable overall-experience.

>> No.7778131

I need a new edition of Lolita. Mine is all sticky.

>> No.7778158
File: 200 KB, 640x960, Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you buy?

>> No.7778188
File: 72 KB, 350x467, Lost_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'd get it while it's still legal everywhere and Orange Fedora Day seems as good a day as any to do so.

>> No.7778410
File: 141 KB, 958x720, rudolf-clausius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs to be on the banner.

>> No.7778492
File: 128 KB, 361x500, 1017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where/why is it going to be illegal? Damn, Based Alan can never catch a break.

Anyway I'd get the Sardou play "Fedóra" which is where the word comes from.

>> No.7778746


>> No.7778945

>its current year
>hipsters where so 2006

Keep telling yourself that hipster trash.

>> No.7779953

Firstly, there was some litigation sorrounding the use of "Peter Pan" characters, especially the character of Wendy and even though it has been settled for the time being (since the children's hospital that holds the rights to "Peter Pan", apparently only holds the rights for the stage play but not individual characters) they may want to go back to it anytime. Secondly, in the UK there are rather strict regulations concerning underage sexuality – the depiction of sexual activity concerning underage characters is generally contestable and upon release there were already a whole lot of traders that didn't want to take the risk.
And thirdly – and that's the most important factor here – the book hasn't been the focus of fuckin media watchdog groups yet but once there is an actual outcry, there's no way to tell what fate this book may suffer.

>> No.7781037
File: 904 KB, 427x240, skepticalKid_reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief!

>> No.7781597

Yeah but that's all been settled 9 or 10 years ago. You can't change the fact that some retailers won't sell it but that doesn't say anything about the book's legal status.

Btw. if you like Alan Moore's style this is a pretty darn awesome book.