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7775042 No.7775042 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else /PUA/ here?

What books are you reading, just purchased the Mystery Method and Magic Bullets. Got into this shit after The Game made me realize I was an AFC and was getting cucked and didn't even know it.

>> No.7775044

Just fuck off to /r9k/.

>> No.7775047

Cool but take this shit either to >>>/fit/ or >>>/rk9/ or >>>/soc/.

>> No.7775077
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wew lad

>> No.7775094
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Nobody else is a Pick Up Artist?

I had been told you guys were pretty redpilled for intellectuals - this is 4chan after all.

>> No.7775107


>> No.7775114

*tips fluffy fedora*

>> No.7775120

Read Models by Manson and The Book of Pook. The books that teach you how to be the best version of yourself are the only ones worth anything. Everything else just tells you things you want to hear.

>> No.7775133
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Read The Age of Innocence and realize that you've just traded a broadly accepted conformity for a narrower one based on gaming that conformity. You have just inverted your values instead of coming to new ones. You are aspiring to Lawrence Lefferts, a smirking little shit who games morality in order to get some puss. Be what Newland could have been instead.

>> No.7775138

what is with the fucking hat

>> No.7775143

The think they call it a 'fascinator' or something. The idea seems to be to act like a peacock and the chicks will want to jump on your dick right there.

>> No.7775149


You know those middle-range girls who dye their hair or put a bunch of metal shit in their face or who dress hyper-feminine or artsy or whatever? It's that. You turn up the cultural capital when you don't have the flesh value.

>> No.7775150
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please be real, i need a good laugh.

>> No.7775153


Peacocking is a term used by pickup artists (PUA's) to describe the act of wearing bright, flashy, attention getting clothing. This was made famous by Mystery ( the pickup artist most known for his VH1 show 'The Pickup Artist) as part of his 'Mystery Method' for attracting and seducing women. Mystery is known for taking this strategy to the extreme where he and his understudies would be seen wearing shiny shirts, light-up jewelry, feather boas, colorful cowboy hats, goggles, 5-inch platform boots, and anything else to make a PUA stand out in the crowd.

The theory behind peaocking is that the more attention one can draw to them self, the easier it will be to grab the attention of women and ultimately attract and seduce them. It is also said that the act of wearing such outrageous accessories and pieces creates the perception of confidence and comfort with ones self image. Someone who is not afraid to stand out in the crowd and be different is someone that most women will find attractive..

>> No.7775163



That actual guy.


>> No.7775164

Pua is all about insincerity, which /lit/ loathes

>> No.7775198

mein gott!! pure ideology!

>> No.7775288

The topic has been exhausted for centuries. Read "History of My Life" by Casanova or Da Ponte's Don Giovanni.

>> No.7775500

Didn't Neil Strauss just put out a book repudiating/regretting all of this?

>> No.7775504

His original book even does it because at the end he gets bored of banging vapid sluts in clubs every night and dressing like a retard and failing to create any real meaningful connections with other humans and he gets himself a normal gf using normal human conversation and lives a normal life.

>> No.7775517

Did Hiroshima fucking shut down /r9k/ or something? Why are we having these tons of robot threads?

>> No.7775703

Parasites like to spread.

>> No.7775719

I finished his new book. It's good. First half is about therapy, second is about orgies.

>> No.7775748

Sticky this!

>> No.7775776

Literally everything ever made by real social dynamics (rsd) is great. Changed my life radically. Blueprint decoded is life changing. Im dedicated to reading. Meditation and exercise now. Social skills and positivity rocketed. Cannot recommend rsd highly enough. You learn to be attractive and get girls but you realize that is only a small part of fulfillment. Not to hate but mystery method and magic bullets is 10 years out of date. People laugh but self development can put you on a track to your highest potential.

>> No.7775790


>> No.7775813

I second this. RSD really changed everything for me. Most of them review books and such too.

>> No.7775866

Ha tylers top 5. Illiad

>> No.7775871

I can second the Book of Pook. Aside from the cringeworthy pseudo-intellectual style in certain parts, the general lessons are actually very solid.

>> No.7775875

Stupid. Pua is shit.
Read Models by Mark Manson, The Book of Pook and the rational male. Then youre set.
Also rsd is good. Watch his videos.

>> No.7775940
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The ideology part is where people get their value from merely how many girls they get to spread their legs, and the redpill stuff that's trying to interpret evolutionaly psychology for social interaction and reflects on how society treats the genders.

What you responded to, however, is some PUA strategy and not an ideology. Don't misuse Zizek like that.

I like RSD videos too. It covers all the thing you can actively look at yourself doing or not doing in Real Social Dynamics and you actually improve. Well I did


The meditation stuff that the main coach Tylor feels a little fuzzy, but in the end it's just "free yourself from social pressure" (and people who say you're silly for trying ways to improve your life)


just like is part of some common core exidtential philosophy

>> No.7776032

I have a yoyo that lights up when it spins. Can I peacock with that or will I still need a stupid furry hat?

>> No.7776046

or, you know, just read some fucking psychology or go to therapy. these people are literally selling you a shitty watered down cognitive-behavioral therapy

>> No.7776104
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Why go to therapy? And why "sell", I just watched videos on youtube. I got some ideas, did things differently, got laid, got interested in meditation. It's not more or less. I'm not 100% clear where this anger toward it comes from.
I'm not denying that /r9k/ and the redpill reddit is full of angry kids and the fact that the communities overlap, but that should invalidate this "psychology book" stuff. Yes, probably I learned nothing that isn't part of some psychology book, but here it's packaged for a purpose.



>> No.7776175

Does kissing or fucking sluts make you happy?

"How did you meet mom dad?"

"Well she was basically prostituting herself for attention because it was socially acceptable at the time, and I just walked up and acted like an idiot and then 9 months later I had to marry her."


>> No.7776378

there's probably a sliver of truth to this but I'd imagine there's a very fine line between dressing confidently and going out looking like an autistic steampunk fan

>> No.7776431
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Aha, so now you're going into another direction.
Well if you get to the point where you don't feel needy, the good girls are much easier game too, for course. Pick-up like that is just a sport. PS: use condoms, kids.

I'm sure the 19yo getting physical with the 40yo in this clip is a very bad party slut


The basic message if just to let go of your ego and what you can or can't do. You can be nice and still get some.