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/lit/ - Literature

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7771223 No.7771223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest meme that /lit/ ever produced?

>> No.7771231
File: 840 KB, 1291x533, AutismIntensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7771234

That thread was the first thread I saw when I came to /lit/, and I can honestly say that the quality of the board has degenerated immensely since then.

>> No.7771238

That David Foster Wallace, Thomas Pynchon, and James Joyce are good authors.

>> No.7771243

Very epic. Excellent post.

>> No.7771246

Nobody here has the creativity

>> No.7771249

you know they post the corn image every fuckin "read, expected, got" thread, right?
It's likely the one you saw wasn't the first one.

>> No.7771252
File: 135 KB, 747x487, 1448819336976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7771256

I miss le meme toad

>> No.7771263

This is pretty good.

>> No.7771269

>I can honestly say that the quality of the board has degenerated immensely since then

Fucking this. I noticed this as well. Since this meme became a thing, the shitposting has multiplied tenfold

>> No.7771270


>> No.7771279
File: 17 KB, 271x400, that's why you read Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

I like that Ulililia is the highest rated thing that's actually a book.

>> No.7771280

Every funny meme a board produces attracts shitposters. This is why the boards with the most memes(/b/, /tv/, /pol/) are usually the shittiest.

>> No.7771304

what do you people have filtered? I have Elliot Rodger, My Twisted World, Wolfe, subvocalizer, and Evola

>> No.7771307

does anyone have the pic of authors sorted by eyebrows from high to low?

>> No.7771308

/fit/ disagrees. Its taken every valid exercise regimen, turned it into a meme, and new posters all cant decide whether they are being trolled or not

>> No.7771310

I have that one shfkekfjsks thread hidden. The Elliot Rodgers one is filtered too. I don't think Julius Evola is all that bad though.

>> No.7771313

How does that not make it a shitty board again? Plus /fit/ has some pretty serious non-meme problems.

>> No.7771314
File: 37 KB, 399x622, 1456953874795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorted by Eyebrows

>> No.7771318

/fit/ is the only board where if you follow the sticky you will find success. It is by far the most encouraging board to new posters, and you can pick up some good tinder game.

>> No.7771321

>tfw Super Autist

At least I'm self-aware about it.

>> No.7771324

>I have that one shfkekfjsks thread hidden

>> No.7771330

>/fit/ is the only board where if you follow the sticky you will find success
That doesn't mean the board isn't shit. If you follow the DJT guide on /a/ you'll find success, that DJTs aren't total shit.
>It is by far the most encouraging board to new posters
That's not always a good thing.

>> No.7771332

*that doesn't mean DJTs aren't total shit.

>> No.7771333

>liking a literal shiteposting thread
Though it is good. Instead of a Reddit thread, it's a /b/ tier thread!

>> No.7771337

If you took that question, in a meme thread, to mean he actually wants to read authors based on eyebrows you're probably the one with autism.

>> No.7771339

Let me ask you a question trips. If Joyce read /lit/ which threads do you think he would appreciate more, the shitposting ones or the serious ones?

>> No.7771342

>insulting our penpal, /b/
Thankfully the double trips in your post reversed your sarcasm and we can all agree this is a good and true thing.

>> No.7771361

He didn't say it was though, or even really imply it.

>> No.7771363

The meme is not even a year old

>> No.7771376

Are you sure? I think it's older than that.

>> No.7771381

[s4s] is 100% memes and it's the best board on 4chan

>> No.7771386
File: 13 KB, 330x230, Average Gas Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7771390

Marxism is an epic meme once propagated by /lit/ ironically, but now I fear many take it seriously.
I guess /lit/'s best original meme is Harold Bloom, an insignificant critic who gained popularity here for his cynical and elitist views, which the social outcast teenagers of /lit/ identify with.

>> No.7771397

I think all the actual marxists migrated to /his/.

>> No.7771402


Nothing. /lit/ has never amounted to anything.

>> No.7771422

Why would you filter Wolfe? He's one of the few good authors /lit/ can have non-meme discussions about. There's always that one salty autist that writes long and terrible posts falsely praising Wolfe but aside from that they're okay. Wolfe threads beat the hell out of the science-fiction and fantasy general.

>> No.7771424

This, something should only be valued by it's meme output.

>> No.7771459

>harold bloom

w e w

l a d

bloom is probably the most famous literary critic among the mass population, as much as a literary critic can get popular anyway

>> No.7771487


>> No.7771526

Oh I think you know.


>> No.7771537

don't call our waifu a meme

>> No.7771653

this is a true fact.

>> No.7771657
File: 4 KB, 249x175, 1452448338031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7771662

that thing you just said was fuckin retarded

>> No.7771672 [DELETED] 

no it wasn't

>> No.7771674



>> No.7771675
