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7770145 No.7770145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the king of 4chan, Elliot Rodger, in all his magnificence and power. He will lead us to the light.
Right guys ?

>> No.7770188

Only the helix may deliver us https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u4vOoyyMI4s

>> No.7770219


Regardless of what he did, he is the greatest author of the 21st century.

>> No.7770232
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No one cares about this World of Warcraft-playing sperglord. Quit posting him.

>> No.7770253


>Greatest author of the 21st century
>"waaah stop posting him"

>> No.7770291

No, he's the antithesis of 4chan.

Rodger was more of a forum user, because he was starved for attention, and only forum users want to draw so much attention to themselves. That's why they use usernames, that's why they have "like" systems to reward certain types of posts, and that's why they're cancer. Though it may be a cliche, think of Reddit: the site's fixation on usernames and upvotes ensures that the community will be narcissistic and obsessed only with garnering as much personal attention as possible. Sites like Tumblr and Twitter are similar.

This is in direct opposition to the 4chan style, where using names is actively frowned upon (i.e. tripfagging). By remaining anonymous, we keep attention not on ourselves like selfish children, but rather on the topic at hand. Though we all retain our own distinct identities, they don't overshadow the topic like they do on other sites. We are free from the shackles of personae.

>> No.7770343

A poor kid is subsumed by his society and fervently believes his self worth is dictated by how attractive he is and how much sex he can get and in retaliation he murders the scapegoat. I mean, I think Freud would be disappointed but if we're going by 4chan's standards then sure, he can be king

>> No.7770357

>feels threads
>daily Elliot Rodger threads

Oy vey, its like I haven't left /r9k/

>> No.7770392


Implying we aren't all refugees since /r9k/ became shit


>Oy vey
It's like I haven't left /pol/

>> No.7770395

>by 4chan's standards
He's not a kind by 4chan standards either. Most of 4chan at least knows to just give up on 3D and get a waifu instead of throwing a tantrum with bullets.

>> No.7770416

>Though we all retain our own distinct identities, they don't overshadow the topic like they do on other sites. We are free from the shackles of personae.
This is true. The whole "boobs or gtfo" meme is based on this.

>> No.7770449

Girl here. I find your worship of this virgin disgusting. Killing people isn't magnificent or powerful, it's despicable.

>> No.7770489

>Girl here

>Roastie here

Why would anyone give a fuck about any of your opinions?

>> No.7770493

I find you getting offended by memes hilarious.

>> No.7770553

You'd kill for a pussy like mine. Good luck with the virginity tho.

People died. They had friends and family. But no go on, it's just a meme.

>> No.7770569

>You'd kill for a pussy like mine

What, used up roasted flaps? I think I'll pass.

>> No.7770588


I bet she is over 19 too

>> No.7770642

What's your name, sweetie? I'll make sure my boyfriend spells out with his tongue while he's eating my pussy tonight.

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.7770646


I Don't agree with what he did, but MTW was out of this world.

>> No.7770663


Was he your first?

>> No.7770705

Yes he was. What does that matter?

>> No.7770789


At least you're not a whore then.

>> No.7770801

>People died. They had friends and family. But no go on, it's just a meme.
>implying death isn't merely the other side of the coin
>implying people don't die every single day with less reason
>implying the heroes of classical antiquity weren't all professional murderers
>implying shit like the rodge podge isn't along a pressure valve of society and symptomatic of its deficiencies rather than some kid making a sincere and confident effort to shape the world in his image, nigger srs pulling a columbine is the life equivalent of bullshitting a paper on a bullshit shallow novel in a bullshit class

>> No.7770808


What the fuck is happening to this board?

>> No.7770822

It's beset on all sides by innumerable agents of declining standards and moral decay. Just like every culture in every context in every time period since the beginning of recorded history.

>> No.7770836

I mean he's my first boyfriend but I've been with other guys. That doesn't make me a whore.

>Waaahhhh, I can't get laid, waaahhhhh!

Maybe if you guys weren't so creepy you would get laid.