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/lit/ - Literature

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7762374 No.7762374 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ what is the best book for you? and why?

>> No.7762392

How am I supposed to know what is the best book for me? Aren't I supposed to ask others about it?

>> No.7762399

The Book of Memes by Abu al-Khadzir, I can't tell you why, you have to experience it yourself

>> No.7762647

I don't read.

>> No.7763053


>> No.7763071 [SPOILER] 
File: 461 KB, 1205x1998, 1456874475009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to find a perfect book, and honestly I don't think I ever will. I love Redwall, Catcher in the Rye and Fallen Angels, but they are very different novels. I love A Bridge Too Far, but does that even count as literature, if it is non-fiction? If I ever do find a perfect book, I don't think I could describe it. It would be good in too many ways to nail down. People have spent their entire lives analyzing famous works of art and still can't say why something is perfect. They can give many reasons, but no one can give a simple explanation of why, say, Hamlet is a great play, or why All Quiet on the Western Front is a great book. They can give very long explanations, and they can give short versions of specific aspects, but no one can describe the whole thing. Why?

Because if something is perfect, the best description is the work itself.

But its pic related.

>> No.7763078

Confucius' Analects really resonated with me.

Never gets old, and endlessly refreshing in this age of 'special snowflake' individuals.

Conformity is king.

>> No.7763079

A Short History Of Nearly Everything because it's great to reread while I'm taking a shit

>> No.7763090

>I have yet to find a perfect book, and honestly I don't think I ever will.
I thought I had, with The Third Policeman". The whole time I was thinking "wow this is great. wow i wonder how this will end. there's no way he was just dead the entire time. He wouldn't do that.
He was dead the entire time.
Good book though. O'Brien was an extremely talented man.

>> No.7763113

To be fair, this must be the best execution of the "dead the whole time" trope I've ever seen. When he starts describing the police station for the second time and you realize what's going on? emperorsnewgroove.jpeg

>> No.7763122

How come every good "dead the entire time" book/movie gets ruined for me before I can even learn anything else about the story?

>> No.7763131

You would be thinking it the entire book anyway.
Sorry either way mate, should have spoiled.

>> No.7763134

Sorry anon. I had it spoiled for me before I read it too and it didn't diminish the effect on me I don't think.
>inb4 "he reads for the plot"