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/lit/ - Literature

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7761033 No.7761033 [Reply] [Original]

So GoodReads is all just an elaborate joke right?

>> No.7761059

it's mostly used by teenagers and old ladies, literally what did you expect? rym is stupid anyway, give up on telling the internet about your progress and just progress

>> No.7761070

Though most of its users are unbearable (what do you expect?), some users--Nathan "N.R" Gaddis, for example--aren't that bad, and can help you find new books to say you've read.

>> No.7761074

I just use it to make lists

>> No.7761082

Good reads is like worldstar insofar that you go in thinking of can't be as bad as people say, and it's worse.

Spending time on it is genuinely damaging to my ability to feel sympathy for otherwise innocent humans.

And in platos defence these retards would be properly handled a lot in life and not left to fumble about trying to read at all.

>> No.7761083

It's useful to track your own progress and to rate books just for yourself. Also showing it to people is easy when you're traveling around, trying to search for better books that are fit for my tastes.

>> No.7761098

LIke every other website ever it has its good parts and bad parts but as an overall scheme it is shit and would appear so to any ignorant outsider who doesn't understand the principle of cyber majority-shittiness. Much like how all the default subreddits on reddit are shit but there's a few ones that cater to obscure interests that are neat, or how 4Chan's literally entirely edgy teenagers with the exception of specialty boards like this one

Goodreads naturally promotes autistic and easily readable shit at the top but if you really like a certain genre for example Russian tesserect compound sentence shit then you'd find plenty of great reviews for books that cast different lights, reviews that are much better than the cancer you'd find here

>> No.7761113
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>abloo abloo muh cancer website muh shit website HOLY FUCK THIS SITE IS SO FUCKING SHIT like honestly everything else is better full of C A N C E R and edges too

>> No.7761131

>It's useful to track your own progress

why would i want to do that? i just like reading books and reading about them and shitposting

>> No.7761146
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>> No.7761149

Opinions man, opinions. It's not like the categorical imperative. I personally like to list books that I've read for rating purposes. Again, for myself. I find it rewarding to fill that list.

>> No.7761166

you cherrypicked a couple of bad apples and labelled the whole site rubbish when in actual fact the positives farrrrrrr outweigh the negative

>> No.7761169

>best books ever
>bad apples
sure thing buddy

>> No.7761173

>a popular site is filled with retards

Thanks for telling me OP.

>> No.7761177

Nathan "N.R" Gaddis detected

>> No.7761182

ITT: 16-year old edgy teens, and Nathan N.R Gaddis

/lit/ is at least as shitty as goodreads, if not shittier. The idiots on goodreads are at least sincere in their mediocrity, here on /lit/ it's nothing but Eternal September

>> No.7761185

at least Jane Austen made it onto the list

that's worth something

>> No.7761191

That Mein Kampf review is a masterpiece of comic writing.

>> No.7761194

>Eternal September
haven't heard that one in a while

>> No.7761221
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that "review" on the old man and the sea demonstrates how deep women are now in there "self empowering" ideas. They they have basically lost all objectivity, they literally cant separate the ideas of "strong women" from anything they do, every thing is about them and how "the man" is keeping them down. as bad as minorities now.

>> No.7761229

Yeah, and salty beta dudes won't shut the fuck up about it either. Why can't I go on the fucking internet anymore without hearing everyone's political opinions? It wasn't this way a few years ago, and I honestly have no idea when the change started

>> No.7761230

god shut the fuck up

>> No.7761231


>> No.7761239


Politics and morality inform everything, dipshit.

Can you imagine trying to review a piece of literature without deferring to them? Me neither.

>> No.7761240

My father has the habit of writing on the book the date in which he got the book and the date in which he finished. This way i can track when i started and when i finished without having it on the book itself

>> No.7761244

It changed when moot broke /pol/, so now all these "muh sjw"/"muh wymen" neckbeard virgins are shitting up all boards. Moot broke the dam as a farewell gift. He fixed the dam before he left, but the damage was done.

>> No.7761277

Not wrong about Plato thought

>> No.7761281
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did you at least read the review from OP's picture?

it was a garbage review which didn't even try to relate to the actual book instead just blabbed about perceived overtones that offend her.

trying to imply that i wasn't objective in my criticism of a flimsy and inane review of a work of literature which is almost universally agreed to be at least good, because you think i have some agenda to hate on women on a random lit post is weak.

>> No.7761288

I also like to imagine that people making fun of me said stupid things that they didn't say.

>> No.7761291

Ignore the name, it was for a joke in a different thread.

>> No.7761300

not really sure what you mean by this but nice dubs either way.

>> No.7761301

No one was implying that he hates women. And nice dubs to you too.

>> No.7761342

It's good for novels that are outside of the normal canon - NYRB (-Stoner) and Eastern European authors are usually reviewed by people with, at least, semi-decent taste.
I use it mostly to look at lists that people have collected, you can find some books you didn't know about before that way. Same as IMDB.

>> No.7761366

I'm so tired of the word literally. It is constantly used in places where it carries no meaning and adds nothing to the statement.

>> No.7761368

I'm so tired of the word proto-hegelian. It is constantly used in places where it carries no meaning and adds nothing to the statement.

>> No.7761372

I got to the part where she started talking about bra shopping and decided it wasn't worth my time to read the rest. It's an idiotic non-review, I agree, but going off about how "women" have lost their "objectivity" with some references to "empowerment" and "the man" to round it out just makes you look like a neoreactionary high school student.

You aren't being objective, and you're a moron if you sincerely think the people who write these types of reviews on the internet are representative of women as a whole

>> No.7761379

pure ideology.jpeg

sie tun es, aber sie wissen das nicht

>> No.7761411


>> No.7761415

Guys, guys, I think I've figured it out!

This list of the 'best books of all time' was compiled by conducting a survey across the general public! That's why the results are skewed in favour of popular books: more people have read them!

It all makes sense now!

>> No.7761421

So extrapolate this into how our government is run and decided.

>> No.7761430

People don't vote for obscure fringe parties because they haven't heard of them?

>> No.7761508

stop being a faggot

>> No.7761538

>Can you imagine trying to review a piece of literature without deferring to them?

>> No.7761544

>So GoodReads is all just an elaborate joke right?

No, that's just literally 95% of the reading public.

>> No.7761636

What was she reviewing?

>> No.7761644


>> No.7761936

To improve Goodreads, they should introduce an entrance exam like What.CD where only those genuinely interested in literature or those that are well-read can enter.

>> No.7761956
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>4Chan is edgy teenagers except this one
>except this one

>> No.7761980

If you haven't seen how dreadful the Tumblr army can be, then I envy you. I wish I didn't know what an SJW was.

>> No.7762060

A SJW is simply a reasonable/empathetic human being

>> No.7762087

That 'Jarret' guy sounds like a full-blown degenerate, maybe even a Jew. Mein Kampf is a true masterpiece of world literature and only a cuckold would dare disrespect it with a flipantly ironic review

>> No.7762107

Not if they use double standards, hypocrisy and prejudice (no matter how many times people say "prejudice to whitey isn't real" doesn't make it true) to fight for their cause.

Melissa Click deserved to be fired.

>> No.7762167

>Barbara rates the Bible

>> No.7762201

yeah bud? get used to it.

>> No.7762209


None of this is in any way related to literature, if you want to talk about your stupid ideologies >>>/pol/

>> No.7762227

Worst idea I've heard, honestly

>> No.7762236

> implying the stupid ideology isn't the SJW disease

Hello, Tumblr.

>> No.7762240

Then you think of a solution, shithead

>> No.7762241
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>> No.7762249
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>> No.7762251
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>> No.7762255

yadda yadda kys
what a narrow mind

>> No.7762265

Just don't use goodreads you mongoloid

>> No.7762275

but I want to, gaylord

>> No.7762336

How about a rating and reputation system for reviewers? Like you could give a 1 star rating to a pleb reviewer and such. You edgelords would have to tone down the autism, though, so that you don't downvote serious reviewers just because they liked Pynchon less than you did.

>> No.7762342

Sort of like Amazon seller reputation? I think this would be a good solution, but I'm sure the spastics that down vote classic literature and up vote Fifty Shades of Grey will also be up voting dumb reviewers too.

I just wish we had a place where we could actually talk about literature.

>> No.7762541

That was actually what I thought at first.

>> No.7762556

I often check goodreads accounts of /lit/ users to find new books. The ratings of the website are shit, but it can be useful if you find a group of people with similar tastes to you

Yo-yo Ma.

>> No.7762578
File: 36 KB, 584x259, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your idea is terrible.

There is no need for a "solution" since the reviews on goodreads are excellent for the public, which is full of individuals with no taste or education.

If you use Goodreads to get recommendations from friends, their recommendation algorithm, and as a book tracker its fine.

If you are reading reviews for books like Moby Dick and Catch 22 and filtering for 1 star reviews to prove it is failed platform, you are an idiot. Try niche /lit/ tier works with smaller review bases and you find far more thoughtful reviews from well read individuals.

>> No.7762706

>brothers karamazov

Thankfully these girls will be saved from ever learning about Proust.

>> No.7762723

literally no reason why she disliked it, just whining about how bad she thought it was. triggered.

>> No.7762975

You'll be a lot happier if you let go of the expectation that any single internet community is going to be good.

Also fucking shit those people make me want to die