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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7759665 No.7759665 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7759730


>> No.7759739

He has no style, he has no grace

>> No.7759742


>> No.7759743

By Snowqueens Icedragon.

>> No.7759773

Hegel was a feminist because gender is irrelevant to spirit

>> No.7759777

when i understand him, he's brilliant. when i dont, it's hogwash.

its usually hogwash

>> No.7759783

That isn't a picture of Ciet's girlfriend.

>> No.7759786

Is this the start of an ebin new meme?

>> No.7759795

This is the start of whatever you want it to be.

>> No.7759881
File: 45 KB, 877x578, hegel predecessors (sort of).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7760045


>> No.7760049
File: 47 KB, 884x725, Hegelian_triforce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the full image?

>> No.7760058
File: 240 KB, 1656x1009, 1443484668816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about tc, ciet, or oxford girl

>> No.7760270

How to into Hegel?
Into German Idealism?
Idealism in general?

>> No.7760508

You literally have to start with the Greeks

>> No.7760865

Also you want to start reading Kant.

>> No.7760922
File: 19 KB, 220x294, austrianguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760945

Do these >>7760508 >>7760865
But also read earlier modern philosophy. Especially Descartes and David Hume. The only Kant you probably need to read is the Prolegomena. Then read The Phenomenology of Spirit.
Also beware that German Idealism is not Pure Idealism. Two different animals.

>> No.7761094

What's the difference between idealism and German idealism?

>> No.7761121

He was a pretty good philosopher for his time, he took note of the highest developments in natural science and mathematics, analytic philosophers like to accuse him of being wrong about evolution and logic, when these developments didn't even exist in his time. Serriously underated.

>> No.7761126

He's not Austrian, he's Bavarian.

>> No.7761142

Read his History of Philosophy, not only is a great intro to his system, but it also forces you to start to with the Greeks. It's a win win.

>> No.7761327
File: 179 KB, 768x830, dialectics is bunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the big boy's way:
Nietzsche (TSZ, AC etc.)
(optional) : Wittgenstein, Popper, Russell
Hegel (the Reason in History, then only PoS)

>> No.7761755

Hegel makes way more sense when Kierkegaard explains him and he's a better philosopher overall too.

>> No.7761787

God, I wish you guys knew about this young philosphy teacher in my country who loves Hegel and wrote about him. He's fucking mind blowing. Too bad he doesn't write in English.

>> No.7761800

why nietzsche

>> No.7761801

What country?

>> No.7761815

Can't tell, I'm afraid. Eastern Europe.

>> No.7761824

Why not

>> No.7761829


>> No.7761832

why is kierkegaard a better philosopher? (serious question)

>> No.7761882

I have social anxiety, I'm afraid someone might discover me. It's Romania anyway.

>> No.7761889

Don't be foolish, we are not /b/.

>> No.7761915

Hegel writes in a way that forces the reader to read fast in order to understand him but purposely makes reading fast as difficult as possible so that the only people who can understand him are people who have no business learning these things. He's evil.

>> No.7761944

Anyone know about Hegel's relation to Hermeticism?

>> No.7761959

Into Hegel reading list?

>> No.7761979

It's bullshit.

>> No.7762049

>no Kant
>no Fichte
>no Aristotle

>> No.7762323

Hur, reality is mental hur dur.
We are good experiencing and redeeming himself lol.

>> No.7762739

When people refer to "Idealism" there are two strands of philosophy that are in the wings here.

You have the Neo-Platonic/Aristotelian leaning Idealism exemplified in Leibniz's interpretation of Plato whereby the material reality of the world is never denied but the objective reality of "Ideas" are asserted. (German Idealism ultimately finds its roots here through the lens of Kant)

and you have the pure Idealism of someone like Berkeley who denies the existence of a material world and that nothing but mind (infinite in God and finite in man) is actually existent.

>> No.7762827
File: 41 KB, 499x499, pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you let the world spirit take the wheel

>> No.7762846

literally proven by quantum physics

>> No.7763140

E din Cluj? Că știu personal câțiva "tineri hegelieni" de pe acolo.

>> No.7763227

what is

>> No.7763332

How is the mental universe proven by quantum physics, butt munch

>> No.7763338

Where does Hegel and absolute idealism fit in?

>> No.7763386

>mental universe

Hegel is not a subjective idealist. That's ridiculous.

>> No.7763391

Absolute Idealism is an innately Hegelian animal and, just to confuse you more, is in no way isomorphic with Berkeley's subjective idealism or Kant's transcendental idealism.

It's mainly influenced by the works of Fichte and Schelling (though again, they have their own conception of "idealism" that's unique to their own respective systems) but is ultimately best understood through the lense of Hegel himself and not any of his contemporaries or future commentaries (Hegel is famously construed in a myriad of often conflicting ways, it's best to form your own opinion of his work)

>> No.7763412

Muh, we are God redeeming himself.

>> No.7763414

How would you describe him, oh idealist master?
You know so much, and I am a novice

>> No.7763427 [DELETED] 

He has no style
>remarkable indeed
>he has no grace
this one's on you, anon

>> No.7763429

I'm far from an idealist master, just taken a few relevant classes at uni, but if I had to give you a recommendation it would be read Hegel yourself.

He's definitely one of the most polarizing thinkers I've encountered and he is not someone you want to relegate to Wikipedia scholarship: push through Hegel on your own, it's difficult but it's worth it.

>> No.7763443

Which philosophy, idealist or not, do you subscribe to

>> No.7763468

I'm horrible with questions like this because I always seem to be drawn most towards what I'm currently learning and I pick and choose aspects of cohesive systems and adopt them into my life in a méli mélo of personal ideology that probably won't work for anyone but me.

That being said, I'm just a shitty Wittgenstein fanboy when it comes down to hard analytic stuff

>> No.7763473


Petty identity (MY philosophy) games and general sophism out.

>> No.7763502

Where should I start with Hegel?

>> No.7764223
