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7758578 No.7758578 [Reply] [Original]

are weird tweets the last vehicle of literary expression?

>> No.7758591

Calm down PBS idea channel.

>> No.7758606
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>> No.7758621

weird twitter wasb orn and died in 2005 on fyad

the last authentic vehicle of literary expression is going to somethingsensitive and people not being sure if you really hate niggers or what

>> No.7758625

I hate that channel so much

>> No.7758639
File: 683 KB, 960x720, reddit pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird tweets
>not Pepes

>> No.7758662

One of the most cancerous channels on YouTube.

>> No.7758674
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>> No.7758680

the pepe had something interesting for like a moment in 2012. that was it. go away.

>> No.7758763

Ulysses's fanbase is just as cancerous, so it's not really all that dumb of a comparison.

>> No.7758786

That site is stupid and full of plebs (something sensitive)

>> No.7759091
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>> No.7759095


>> No.7759098

Poopoo Peepee didn't even start until this time last year.

>> No.7760033

kanye west tweets are patrician to be honest because you need a lot of skill to understand them and have multiple interpretations, social impact and references

>> No.7760137
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>> No.7760322

Why is it that black celebrities are the best at tweeting?

>> No.7760324

completely worthless

>> No.7760338

I don't want to burst your bubble, but you do know he has someone who edits all his tweets before he posts them, right?

He literally tweeted one that was in the process of editing, as in it had suggestions for grammar corrections in it, by accident and deleted it only to post the edited tweet twenty seconds later

>> No.7760355
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Celebrities, fake, who'd a thunk it?

>> No.7760356

yes. but only @dril

>> No.7760363

That's bullshit, I'd rather read the raw Kanye with all his beautiful imperfections

>> No.7760367

You're so full of it. The Poopoo Peepee pepes got way out of hand in surprising ways that reflected the state of mind of the makers and those in their strange little community.

That phase where /r9k/ was nothing but memes was an artistic starburst of a kind we may never see again in our lifetimes.

>> No.7760376

He's good but there are others as good

>> No.7760383

for example?

>> No.7760409

most of the people he follows

>> No.7760411

weird youtube is better

>> No.7760427

I'm pretty sure the weird twitter name originated from the "I'm on the weird part of YouTube again" meme, but that's mostly posted on videos of like a horse running across a field with the hamster dance song playing in the background but the video is cropped so the horse looks like it only has two legs

>> No.7760436

got a link to that hors vid?

>> No.7760441

Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyMXYE_50Ts

It's not the hamster dance song tho, so sorry if disappointed

>> No.7760458

That's not the weird part of youtube. THIS is the weird part of youtube:


>> No.7760461

i was more talking stuff like this




>> No.7760466

does this count?

>> No.7760467

autistic people with weird, nonsensical fetishes aren't unique to youtube

>> No.7760479

OK but I definitely prefer the classic Dilbert video to those

>> No.7760493

it's people like you that drove /r9k/ into the ground with your constant demand for the same rehashed memes over and over again

>> No.7760500

what about sad/depressed youtube?

>> No.7760507

This is boring.

>> No.7760513


>> No.7760516


>> No.7762163

i'd say fakeposting on fyad has (had?) more merit

>> No.7762202

That is beautiful in its demented authenticity.

>> No.7762224

maybe. But that's because very few authors have explored the narrative capabilities of the internet

>> No.7762254

Weird tweets and dank memes= mass culture simulacrum collapsing under its own weight

>> No.7762314

He's right. I want the ironic meme culture to go away.

>> No.7762321


>> No.7762357
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ironic memes are the unavoidable result of a society in which the individual is perpetually surrounded by absurd and alienating displays of mass culture. In a way, they are like folk art, expressing modern man's deepest anxieties.

>> No.7762430

that ain't weird YT. this is weird YT

>> No.7762544



you cannot claim to understand the current cultural zeitgeist unless you have an at least basic sense of weird twitter

>> No.7762710

i just watched the whole vid.
i feel sadness and immense emptiness.

>> No.7762834

It was more consistently funny and there wasn't a character limit, but Twitter is good too

>> No.7762845

Actually, Weird YouTube is Sam Hyde.

>> No.7762862

He's more Hipster-hipster YouTube.


>> No.7762882

The motherfuckers took down Tom R. Toe >:(

>> No.7762897

My favorite Weird YouTube video is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlVUXLBJg14

>> No.7762936

I know you're joking but I think there's also an element of anti-capitalism attached to it. Memes gain attention, become formulaic, and so by "defacing" the structure you have people reclaiming it.

>> No.7762944

Ladies I think we can all agree that THIS is weird YouTube.

>> No.7762968

That's just a ripoff of Fred

>> No.7762978

I want to die

>> No.7762979

I'm too old for this shit.

>> No.7762982

Go back to redd.it.

>> No.7763043

It will be punishment enough when his peers find this in a few years.

>> No.7763052

I fucking hate nu-males.

>> No.7763063

The video's from 7 years ago you fuckin retard, and I doubt any of his friends gave a shit. They probably thought it was funny

>> No.7763069

I would like to inform you I have read most of the book Mindfulness In Plain English, and although I have not started my practice of mindfulness, I am able to strip myself from ego and forgive you.

>> No.7763101

>Mindfulness In Plain English

Meme book on meditation, desu.

Far better resources out there.

>> No.7763309


meme book is a meme kill yourself

>> No.7763346

college cunts is a masterpiece

>> No.7763357

I don't really think he qualifies.

>> No.7764436

Twitter is so fucking WEIRD lmao.

>> No.7764444

His 'editor' is part marketing genius, part retard

>> No.7764485

>probably a cuck

he does

>> No.7765823
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>> No.7765863

Kazoo Kid thirty-minute essay on the pre-adult human condition is meta-post-modernism at it's finest. He's the true face of contemporary sincerity and you can't top those burning skilled kazoo-playing playful lips, so his state of emotion philosophy is a plus.

You should check him.

>> No.7766361

I don't know what this is, but OK.

>> No.7766376
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>that reaction image

Why are these things always so creepy looking?

>> No.7766399


>> No.7766439


>> No.7766452


>> No.7766461


>> No.7766466

Those aren't weird youtube. That first one is an old art film, the second one is a silly meme, the third one is a cartoon about someone's opinion on the simpsons, and the last one is only notable because it was uploaded by the official BBC youtube for some reason.

>> No.7766467

So basically, you p robably think like Salad Fingers and stuff like that is Weird YouTube. So fuck off.

>> No.7766468


modern day artist

>> No.7766475

forgot the video

>> No.7766480

This shit is scary af
seems like it started out as a kind of weird parody of tutorial videos then got way out of hand


>> No.7766482

Now this is the good shit

>> No.7766483

This is not incorrect. Homestuck is not a work of great literature, but it pursues the same aims of constructing a narrative that is both mundane and massive, drawing from influences high and low. An appreciation of Homestuck requires prior knowledge of the author's work, as well as a significant understanding of the cultural landscape it emerged from.

Essentially all of the shared traits of the meme trilogy also apply to Homestuck.

>> No.7766501

My favorite weird youtube is Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Y'all should check it out if you haven't... pretty freaky shit IMO.

>> No.7766506

ss cares so hard about the most brutally stupid shit

>> No.7766509

i can go all day with these its a bit sad actually

>> No.7766516

This is my favorite of his mainly because of the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z0ROD3stYY

>> No.7766531

I get really mad about how an online forum is run that I make a second website to complain about it LOL

>> No.7766539


>> No.7766546

I wonder why 4chan doesn't have a version of that. I guess because permanent bans are only done for really illegal stuff and you can bitch about it on 4chan itself anyway, and also you don't have to pay to post here.

>> No.7766552

What about this stuff

>> No.7766556

modern cultures absurity his whole channel is sad but funny at the same time


>> No.7766558


That channel is hilarious.

>> No.7766560

That's definitely the weird part of YouTube.

>> No.7766563

nice anon im saving this one

>> No.7766565

That video was made by one of the original internet irony masters. If you're cool you know who I'm talking about.

>> No.7766570

Can doing that kill you

>> No.7766585

There is so much weird and cool stuff to experience in this world.

>> No.7766591


>> No.7766595 [DELETED] 


>> No.7766633


Didn't he turn out to be a comedian who went on to better things?

>> No.7766651


>> No.7766653


>> No.7766772

into the mind of a mass murderer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keNFd3AXYow

>> No.7766810


>> No.7766931

pre youtube weird youtube

>> No.7767091


>> No.7767137

>Yeezy twinklized my pussy

>> No.7767149


>> No.7767426

these describe so many males as to be fundamentally useless in describing a unique class.
>a cuck
closer, definitely more narrow, but 'probably' means nothing. I don't detect anything.

>> No.7767620

post best fred smoker videos


>> No.7767684

How is every video this guy makes gold

>> No.7767690

Here's a classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_fjhOxkCmo

>> No.7767769


he even has some life hax tips

>> No.7767854

jesus christ

>> No.7767864

Have a bump, I fucking love weird twitter. I've been reading somethingawful and FYAD since I was 12, it was my gateway to counterculture and internet humor. Early dril is the finest twitter has to offer

>> No.7767872

are you being facetious?

>> No.7767882


>> No.7767908

not all of them, sometimes he'll go on rants and just start shitposting like mad, those are the ones that are post-art.

>> No.7767961

wow, I would love to tie her up and whip her

>> No.7767966


>> No.7767982


>> No.7767996

keep going anon, I'm very much enjoy these!

>> No.7769041


>> No.7769688

man, i loved Tom R Toe

>> No.7769696

Neil is too mainstream to be weird youtube, but he's pretty damn good nonetheless.

>> No.7769701

> Don't worry
> Bill Murray

Words to live by.

>> No.7769712

It was uploaded by BBC because David Firth used to work for BBC's web-based comedy and Firth is the creator of Jerry Jackson (which originally gained its popularity on Newgrounds)

You're right though, none of that is weird youtube

>> No.7769721

alantutorial isn't weird youtube, he's an actual comedian and performance artist whose sense of humour is not unlike Tim & Eric, that mix of absurdity and discomfort.

>> No.7769763
File: 59 KB, 431x620, 1456379025427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it. I like weed and all but this guy is a waste of space.

>> No.7769817

isn't that the song they play when Mr. Blonde is cutting the ear off the cop?

>> No.7770042

holy shit.
people are fucking weird and it's great.

>> No.7770070

What makes you think you're not a waste of space too? What makes you more valuable than him, at least his providing entertainment.

>> No.7770080

if this is satire its brilliant

>> No.7770271


>> No.7770335


>> No.7770387

> not knowing who Neil Cicierega is

Does Lemon Demon, Mouth Sounds/Silence, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny or Animutation ring any bells? This guy's an internet legend.

>> No.7770429




Sorry anons, you're done for.

>> No.7770581

>not posting the classic kiss papa's mosutache

actually kind of glad to know someone else watches that guys videos

>> No.7770833

Just liek Sam Hyde.

>> No.7770849

Oh man, this one's gonna hit the front page!

>> No.7770883

tablecat why

>> No.7770888
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>that maid part

>> No.7770918

these videos are shit and not weird youtube

>> No.7771008

"Weird internet" subculture is the best subculture.

I think just as interesting as the video is the way people find the videos. In what other medium is it that easy to find completely absurd, random shit completely by accident.

>> No.7771203


>> No.7771343

It's not satire. It's made by the same guy who made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mo4qwrhUtY

>> No.7771380


>> No.7771413

Was I supposed to get a boner?

>> No.7771439

If frumpy chain smokers strangling themselves to exorcise evil spirits is what gets you off, then why not

>> No.7771449

It's exactly what gets me off :^)

>> No.7771467
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>smoke bowl into camera
>list of some semi incoherent garble about how its tastes etc.
>like subscribe

If thats the criteria for entertainment then weve stooped to a new low.

>> No.7773173

Post something better or go be a niggerfaggot elsewhere.

>> No.7773180


My favourite one of all time.

>> No.7773282

You have some valid arguments but Ulysses isn't really the right fit. Another meme trilogy maybe. Or Neal Stephenson.

>> No.7773304

I want to read a book on weird tweet theory

>> No.7773328


>pre-adult human condition is meta-post-modernism at it's finest

This is drivel at its finest.

>> No.7773732
File: 112 KB, 572x303, 1445794573413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody please explain the appeal of weed?

Smoking it is super uncomfortable and then after that your reward is you feel sleepy, hungry, lazy and are over all way less productive.

I'm not anti-drug at all. I love doing LSD, shrooms and amphetamines, but weed is just shit.

I could even understand if the people who liked weed were a small group where you could just dismiss it as them being "weird", but weed is the most popular illegal drug and it seems like most people who try it like it.

I don't know if it is just people trying to be "edgy" or "bad-ass" because they're breaking the law, but who wants to be associated with guys like in that video?

>> No.7773741

Different drugs have different effects on different people. Clearly you're in the group of people who dislike it. I was a pothead for years and now I hate it. That's life brah.

>> No.7774399

I already have, there are several better videos in this thread

>> No.7774401

More like Mark Danielewski

>> No.7774434

To a degree of course. So weed might make some people super happy or something like that, but you'll never find someone who has psychedelic trip after smoking weed. Right?

It might be that weed was not my first drug and when comparing it to others it was not as good. Maybe with no previous drug experience it seems so good and people who buy into weed propaganda believe that it is the only "safe" drug they can do so they never try anything else.

Maybe it's just that my body chemistry is abnormal.

>> No.7774946

well there was 7chan I guess

>> No.7774966


>> No.7775032

Yeah he's really funny, was gonna post this video earlier (IIRC it pissed off a lot of Japanese people and was removed from his channel): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXThuaDGBiA

>> No.7775502
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>> No.7775535

>I adore existentialism; Heart of Darkness is probably favourite novel ever.

>> No.7775929


I don't even


>> No.7775969

>the last vehicle of literary expression

>> No.7776785

Marxists will project their shitty ideology onto literally anything

>> No.7776814

you do know authors have someone who edits all their books before they publish them, right?

>> No.7776877

>there are life sized neimoidians who have been hugged more recently than you
i wish a well-spoken nerdy girl would caress me like that for free

>> No.7776919

this is actually way funnier than the other videos here
