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7755936 No.7755936 [Reply] [Original]

What are your hobbies outside of /lit/dom? Surely you can't spend all of your recreational time just reading and writing. What good is cultivating such well-read knowledge if you can't put it to use in other lively endeavors?

>> No.7755945

I make very tiny and ornate papier-mache figurines with my vaginal secretions.

Most of them are unhappy but some aren't.

>> No.7755955

Getting your secretions without you noticing adds to the thrill.

>> No.7755956

>meditation >music >lifting >people i find interesting

>> No.7755959


>> No.7755962

I'm trying to not be a silly dilettante so its really just writing, exercise, and getting my life together.

I draw a little bit but I dont consider myself an artist, its really just to help develop ideas in the writing

>> No.7755963

television, masturbation, chess, gardening

>> No.7755973

And > go and chesa

>> No.7755995


>go to bed at 18h00
>try to meditate in my bed for one hour
> fall asleep at 18h30
>wake up at 00h30
>get a night boner
>wank a bit in my bed until I am tired again
>fall asleep
>wake up at 3h30
>get up and full wank or try to meditate in my bed but fail
>breakfast at 04h00
>watch series and 4chan until 18h00

I have been doing this for many years

>> No.7756000

I wish I had a garden. how large is yours ? share pictures if you can.

>> No.7756009

I go to a lot of hippie rock and roll shows with my friends. moe., Umphrey's McGee, Widespread Panic, Phish, Disco Biscuits, countless smaller bands etc.

Recently I've been playing the original fallout 1 and 2 because I hate winter.

>> No.7756040

that sounds boring. try nofap

>> No.7756079

Muay Thai
Going to concerts performed by my city's orchestra
Watching anime

>> No.7756092


What chess openings you play bro

>> No.7756124
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Composing ambient music when I'm alone
Write more punkish//post punk music with friends
bird watching
urban exploration
getting tattoos

>> No.7756131

drinking tea
playing videogames
repair old crt televisions

>> No.7756132

kissing my sister

>> No.7756136
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>Stand-up Comedy

>> No.7756146

Surfing is a big one, for the last two years. It's the most amazing, extatic sport I've ever tried. Recommend you faggots pick it up, if you live somewhere close by a beach.

Drinking with interesting people. I don't like big parties, or clubs/bars, but I thoroughly enjoy the few and rare 4AM cigarette conversations when I get to talk about real stuff.

Picked up yoga a year ago, I didn't expect much from it but found it to be actually very enjoyable. It's cool to see what effect the breahting excercises combined with stretching have on your body and state of mind. You can literally make yourself feel completely different in 5 minutes.

Video games. Yeah, go ahead mock me, but there's some coming out lately which aren't completely shit and have some real artistic value (inb4 buzzkills losing shit). I'm talking SOMA, Talos Principle, some of you elitist oughta give those a shot.

>> No.7756153
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I hate you.

>> No.7756157
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Video games
Buying books
Thinking about books

Thas 'bout it

>> No.7756159

Video games, drawing, animu, figure collecting

Wasting my time on 4chan

>> No.7756164


>getting tattoes

Dude. I have a tat and let me tell you - I consider anyone who thinks getting tattooes is a hobby a fucking moron. Sorry about being offensive, but I just wanted to get that out of the way.

>> No.7756171

Full-time vagabond. I live out of my backpack.

Spend an astonishing amount of time charging my phone/tablet so I can shitpost still.

>> No.7756175
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Feeling is mutual

I have more than just one. I enjoy the build up to getting in the chair etc. The design aspect, and weirdly enough the pain. I've been fascinated by tattoos from a young age. I'm not constantly going just for the mere sake of having them, but I put in enough time and effort to make sure what I get is both good and original.

>> No.7756203

I like to build models.

>> No.7756240


Alright. I see you're probably not a complete moron. Sorry about that. A lot of my friends constantly meme about their tattoo addiciton on facebook and I guess it's just getting to me.

>> No.7756243

Reading is literally the only thing I do on my free time. I'm determined.

>> No.7756268


>> No.7756277

>What are your hobbies outside of /lit/dom

I enjoy eating masturbating and defecating
sometimes all at the same time

>> No.7756284

I just like to talk and listen. Mild drugs help.

>> No.7756306
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No offense taken. Admittedly it is a hobby that is hard to defend, as there are plenty of foolish people out there. I met someone a few days ago who showed me his first, it was a moth on his neck. Needless to say I cringed.

>> No.7756338


I know this "friend of a friend of a friend" guy who has a tattoo of a japanese word for "love" on the back of his neck, a pentagram on his right wrist, a triangle on his left wrist and the word "sex" in cursive on his lower abdomen. That's too much of a fuccboi power-level for me.

>> No.7756367

I cut and collect every left sleeve of women´s sweater I find.

I also study german...

>> No.7756381

I lift and play with my cockatiels. I cant seem to get into vidya anymore. I also like to ski and cook.

I would like to drink socially with male companions, but no friends :(

>> No.7756393
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Card counting
Whiskey + Cigars
Scratching the itchy place
Prank calling abortion clinics
Busking (i can shred the air guitar)
Inventing new spliffs (see above)
and 3am trips to McDonalds for da munchies

>> No.7756495
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This is what I'm talking about. Far too many people have little to no foresight.

>> No.7756534

Skateboarding, though not as frequently as in the past.
Playing the bass guitar and the normal 6-string guitar
Studying French, though it's for uni/lit purposes
Watching films
Going to dive bars with one or two friends at a time
Petting my cat

>> No.7756537

What is that like? What do you do to survive? How did you come upon that lifestyle?

>> No.7756539

playing league of legends

>> No.7756545

Making music
workin' (at a record store)
learning about music and going on "music hunts" for goodies
hanging out with my fiancee and doing dirty things

>> No.7756549

Smash Bros. Melee, music, and Rubik's cubes.

>> No.7756551

determined to what?

>> No.7756552

owen go to bed

>> No.7756553
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what role/character

>> No.7756562

Work (craft coffee shop, I enjoy it though so its cool)
involved in the DIY music scene
Radio DJ

>> No.7756566

Addicted to reading

>> No.7756585

I main diana mid senpai

but I play a lot of stuff

>> No.7756675

It's great. I've been doing it for years now. I don't need much to survive, panhandling is enough usually. I also sell/trade crystals, and sometimes have enough weed to sell. Often people hand me money while I'm just trying to go on about my business.

I'm this way because I'm a hopeless romantic at heart. It also stands to reason it's because I'm about as "loner" as they get. There's entire communities in the woods I could go join if I wanted to pull a mccandless, and entire communities of fake hippies who think they're progressive and getting somewhere if I wanted to pull a Ken Kesey.

The path I could have taken in life was a paved stroll through a park which led to a tree whose fruit had no flavor, instead I've chosen the narrow path going over a mountain leading down into an orchard filled with the finest tasting fruit.

>> No.7756686

I don't understand. Where do you sleep? How the fuck is panhandling enough for food?

>> No.7756700

Playing Hearthstone

>> No.7756702

food is not THAT expensive, and you can get a good chunk of change from panhandling.

>> No.7756707

Can you say more about this. I'm actually quite interested.

>> No.7756709

I play League as well. 100% support, go figure.

>> No.7756710

highly populated areas with some sort of gimmick or sign, you're gonna get some dough. think 12 hours rotating in various areas, or one good spot. let's say you get 5 bucks an hour, that's 60 bucks in that twelve hour period. how much does it cost to fill up your stomach with a loaf of bread and some bologna, or a few packages of ramen? (obviously the orange juice or v8 here and there is necessary for other minerals)? not very much.

>> No.7756713

what rank?
lets play sometime

>> No.7756715

How the fuck do you enjoy begging for twelve hours a day?

>> No.7756719

i'm not that same guy. he sells weed, so he can make more than most guys make working full time jobs. I have a buddy, looks like a bum, smells like a bum, is homeless, and sleeps in the local park usually, sells weed constantly. He showed me his loot once, he had about 10k in his pack, he said that was his weekly sum. turns out he has a bank account and is saving up to buy a fucking house and retire.

>> No.7756723

Video games

>> No.7756733

Cooking is a good hobby to pick up.

>> No.7756734


>> No.7756742

lol nvm I'm silver


how long have you been playing? I just started this summer

>> No.7756747

Maybe a year. Are you focusing on a role or do you just fill?

>> No.7756749

>Spending time on 4chan wishing I was reading or watching films to be more productive
>Listening to music/going to concerts (thinking about DJing)
>Watching TV/animu/early [as]

Mind posting your battletag?

>> No.7756753

>playing a game that died right after it got out of beta

>> No.7756755

You can't just buy a house with a couple hundred thousand dollars (even if his bum lifestyle leads him to be happy with an $80,000 house this still applies) of illegally made money and expect nobody to come knocking at your door trying to throw you in jail

>> No.7756756

> few and rare 4AM cigarette conversations when I get to talk about real stuff

anon you're my kind of guy

Besides that, I like playing Dota 2 and watch movies while getting high.

>> No.7756757

Not that guy, but I'm bronze1 on Charyeok. Probably not gonna play much in the near future, currently getting destroyed by classes.

>> No.7756760

nah dude, didn't you hear? He can claim he was panhandling five bucks an hour. Easy money, IRS will be cool with that excuse right?

>> No.7756762
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>I like playing Dota 2

>> No.7756763

dude, he's been saving up for a few years now. also, who said he was going to stay in the US?

>> No.7756765

>australian detected

>> No.7756766

>dude, he's been saving up for a few years now
You really didn't understand what he was saying?

>> No.7756770

I like you anon. I'm planning on hitchhiking to Rotterdam in March, I hope there won't be any trouble.

>> No.7756772

>who says he was going to stay in the US?

>> No.7756780


>> No.7756788

>collecting anime figures
>watching anime
>collecting Star Wars Rey figures
I really need to sort my lie out and get some friends. I haven't had any since 2nd grade and haven't been on a date in 2 years. My Mom tells me that my life is passing me by and my Dad interjects with the fact that I'm still young at 19, but not having friends does really feel like everything is passing me by.

The only person that I would consider a friend is a senior in High School (I'm a sophomore in college) and I don't even think he likes me. I just wish I could talk to people and make friends. 12 years of no friends or going out with people have really fucked me up.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading my blog; help me please.

>> No.7757308

Rock climbing
Hiking/ mountaineering
Drinking with the lads
Playing Pathfinder
Some times I play through old vidya for the nostalgia
In summer I go to metal festivals

>> No.7757309

learn to be social, not even memeing

>> No.7757322

Tabletop games like Song of Swords. Vidya, mostly grand strat but lots of other stuff too (ex. I'm playing through a roguelike right now). I did rock climbing and historical fencing, but recently studies have swallowed up anything I need to leave the house to do. I kind of want to go LARPing, but I don't have the skills, time, or money necessary.

I also shitpost about socialism on /leftypol/ a lot, but that's not really outside of /lit/dom.
I have never met a person I found interesting, including myself. We're just so damn boring. It's why I like 4chan; it's about ideas and shit, and not people.
Do something that requires you to be social. For you, considering the figurines (and my own biases), I suggest /tg/ -- wargames or roleplaying games. You *will* make friends; you have to.

>> No.7757328

Ww2 reenactment takes up a lot of my time. Working on an Italian Partisan impression for an upcoming event. Pretty excited.

>> No.7757329

Animu, vidya, writing muh big novel, drugs, ocultism, going to job interviews
Btw going to start IT internship, but i have no idea bout that stuff xD what do

>> No.7757331

Have you considered joining your college's anime club or something?

>metal festivals
10/10 would bro out with

>> No.7757338

Out of curiosity, what would a person have to do to be interesting to you?

>> No.7757344

Before this I had no hobbies
Do programming and chess count as lively endeavours?
I have no life outside of this board and reading

>> No.7757347

There isn't anything, I think. People as people just don't interest me. What people have done or made is interesting -- so someone who'd gone to fight in Syria and was a Holocaust survivor and climbed Mount Everest &c. would be interesting in that I'd like to hear about their life -- but the guy himself wouldn't be.

It's just like anything else I'm not interested in, I think. It's a totally subjective, nonsensical preference I have.
Shame he plays Pathfinder.

>> No.7757370

Pathfinder is perfectly fine, though it definitely isn't anywhere near my favorite

Also, gotta say I don't get your reasoning, especially given your examples. If you decide to go fight in Syria or climb Everest, you have to be pretty far out of the ordinary to begin with. If you lived through the holocaust, it would have a pretty big influence on your personality and worldview. The experiences and ideas of people are a big part of what makes up their personality, seems silly to separate them from the person. At least you recognize that it's a nonsensical preference, though.

>> No.7757379

Sure, the person's changed by it, or reflective of it -- but it's like...sports, to me. Or any time period after 1648. I get that it's complex and has a tonne about it to the point that it may as well be interesting, but it's not.

Also Pathfinder is a bad system for playing dungeon crawlers badly. DCC for dungeon crawls, Burning Wheel + derivatives for narratives, Song of Swords for politics.

>> No.7757380
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Studying philosophy
Rock climbing
Skiing (back country, telemark, randonne)
Board games

>> No.7757400

I walk long distances alone.

My life is pretty JUST-tier but most of the time I'm too detached from the real world to care.

>> No.7757401

how do I into meditation?
Now bullshit please, good guide required

>> No.7757407

>learning programming

that's about it

>> No.7757419

Playing dota custom maps with my buddy
Procrastinating at everything including things i actually want to do
I feel oppressed by the clock, I wish I was NEET again

>> No.7757435

Not meant to be an insult or in the 4chan meme way, but; are you an autist or at least an aspie?

>> No.7757444

Nope, sorry. And autistic people can be interested with people, anyway.

>> No.7757464

3D Modeling
Learning math/engineering (I'm in school part time)

>> No.7757561

>any time period after 1648 is uninteresting

Oh I get it, you're Ignatius

>> No.7757782

Is there a fictional character you would, in real life, be interested in as a person?

>> No.7757784

Music, Sleeping, YouTube skepticism ( I'm a jew I know ) Drinking, Pondering, Bit of stargazing to mellow me the fuck out.

>> No.7757805

None that I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7757927

u really sound like u have schizoid personality disorder, have u checked that out?

I think is a really awfull personality disorder, even if people with it, just dont care about having it.

>> No.7757937

With all due respect, you don't know jack.

>> No.7757941

le masturbation masturbation XDD so funeh

>> No.7757990

I have a job. There isn't enough free time outside that to not spend most of it reading.

>> No.7758071

Queen's gambit, e4, Sicilian defense, french that opens the board quickly

>> No.7758095

Must be a shit job

>> No.7758250

Like the other anon said, panhandling isn't half bad-especially if your only real vice is coffee. I don't panhandle more than an hour or two a week usually. This, coupled with food stamps in the US, or feeds in populated homelessness areas, allows you to sustain pretty well.

I don't make thousands panhandling or selling weed, I make enough to get by and then support whatever current venture I'm aiming for. Like, for the last few months it was going to Arizona for the gem show and festival and I needed to be supplied with weed and extra cash for a month long+stay in the Arizona atmosphere which-though it might as well be an extension of California these days, still isn't half as laid back at times as being so close to cali would imply.

I stealth camp usually, or if it's an area used to homeless sleeping out and about I'll sleep in doorways or random hilarious cuddy spots. I have a habit of finding or picking the best spots in the cities or town I'm in. I make this look good.

Basically over time you end up knowing sleep spots for every single town you pass through until you're no longer passing through towns you don't know about. At first a new place can be overwhelming, but if you stop looking so hard at the details you'll find the picture is still the same.

>> No.7758259

Hope you don't get murdered. I knew some people when I was playing poker for a living in nyc who claimed hobo boots like scalps, or so they claimed.

>> No.7758301

That's some good vidya right there (right there)

>> No.7758325

They might not have been joking, but it's an easy claim to make. All the same, I understand we are quite the target. I hear stories all the time.

To be honest though I'm pretty sure I'm already property to be slain in a ritual sacrifice at a later time..or used as a collection vessel for sweet loosh, so it's irrelevant if someone beats them to the punch. I might accidentally exit this world on a DMT trip and not come back anyway, and I'm not precisely Christian, but

>And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them

>> No.7758328

Right now I don't do anything expect read and play video games. Before I became a depressed faggot I did judo and weightlifting as well.

>> No.7758335

photography and raisin a kid

>> No.7758347

Maybe try taking them up again? I quit running when I got depressed and I think starting to exercise again was a big help in getting better.

>> No.7758359

I lift (kettlebells and bodyweight), hike, take photos, pursue /x/ related religious experience and take drugs (mainly pot and hallucinogens)

>> No.7758368



dying inside because i'll never have a qt librarian gf

>> No.7758374

Godspeed, wish I had the balls to do that

>> No.7758398

Knitting, walking, volunteer work, cooking, woodworking

I would say I hike but it's not that vigorous

>> No.7758406

Playing music, drawing, cooking, dancing, boxing, travel, and meditation if that reaaaalllyyy counts.

I also do some charity work as a volunteer veterinarian.

It's OK man the only people who are going to judge you are other nerds. Why would you even want their respect

>> No.7758837

I don't have hobbies, I have a girlfriend. Fucking sick of it desu.

>> No.7758842

Collecting (You)'s

Tonight I just can't stop trying.
Also one of my posts from yesterday was deleted an I'm not sure if its content falls under an online harrassment act.

>> No.7758847

Next logical step...

>> No.7758853

Collecting a lot of stuff, like books, tea paraphernalia, fountain pens, board games, dinosaur toys, etc.

>> No.7758861

Lots of video games. For escapism, mostly, but also adrenaline is fun.
And I find that roleplaying games can often be good fuel for writing.

>> No.7758875


Yeah I dunno. Honestly I'm happier than I've ever been but I don't do shit, I just use the relationship as an excuse to live like a vegetable when I'm not working. But then again, before the relationship I found other excuses for that anyway. Only back then I felt like there was nothing stopping me from changing and improving... and then I found her, and at first I felt like it was making me a better person. Now I realise that it was just a temporary kind of exaltation that lasted a month or two, and once that passed I was back to the same guy, and it's frustrating, and it scares me a bit because I think one of these days she'll realise I'm not the guy she thinks I am or wants me to be, I'm just an unmotivated smartass with delusions of grandeur. And so then I kind of want to run away before that happens, but our lives are all tangled up now and there's so many fucking consequences to everything and anyway it's a shitty cowardly self-destructive impulse that I should fight.

Anyway blog over bye

>> No.7758935
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>> No.7758946

This often surprises people, as I study philosophy and political science, but I actually really like computer programming, and spend most of my free time coding shit. What I learn there has somewhat helped me structure my writing, which used to be a mess before I learned to deal with data the way a computer requires you to.

>> No.7758955

I fucking hate running. I wish I could get into it, but, it feels incredibly unnatural. Even when I was in really good shape and could go for ten miles I just hated it. Never felt like I was at a comfortable pace.

>> No.7758958

History and being sexually dominated by my gf

>> No.7758965

Here, have one on me.

>> No.7758969


Mindfulness in plain english. Available free online

>> No.7758972

Teach me to Math please.

>> No.7758985

It doesn't have to be running. Maybe take up judo or weightlifting again?

>> No.7758991

Tah lad.

>> No.7759000


Walking from long beach to dtla
Working to work
Work (broker)
Tuning my guitar till it sounds good to me, which immediately alerts any friends or family of potential autism when they hear it
Going to Canter's,eating a reuben with friends from hollywood

>> No.7759002
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Kek. It's tough mate, I know. As bad a picture as this paints, I think you're doing well. You'll be alright.

>> No.7759009

Oh, I'm actually a different person. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.7759015

Which languages do you use?

>> No.7759016

it's night where you are; where's that, friend?

>> No.7759029

would be interested in the genesis for collecting each of these categories of items

>> No.7759035


Cheers buddy, appreciate the kind words and I think you're probably right. It's just that existence is always a struggle and I guess sometimes when things get better it's hard to cope with the correction that comes afterwards when you stop being pleasantly surprised all the time and start struggling agaiin.

>> No.7759037

>making music
>watching soccer & basketball

I also run/gym 3-4x per week, but I don't consider that a hobby – just a thing I have to do to remain comfortably in shape.

>> No.7759058

I know that feel. If you can combine couple life with personal goals like you should be able to, you're golden, but if not you'll regret it. Just make an effort to take some personal time too.

They both deal in logic, and I read somewhere that programming is the most common carer path for a phil graduate, shouldn't be that surprising to people anymore. It's like people are throwing post-doc work after the humanities and people still have to work.

>> No.7759066

*It's _not_ like

>> No.7759081


>> No.7759093

>Work (craft coffee shop, I enjoy it though so its cool)
I love coffee and know a fair bit about it (brewing processes/minutiae, differences between bean sources, etc.) but have never had the balls to try it as a job
do you think an indie coffee shop might take a student on for the summer, or is it generally more of a training->year-round residency-type affair?
my home's near a major city so finding a place with an opening if I look now isn't improbable

>> No.7759136

Haha. Well dinosaur toys must have began before I remember, but I still have my first T-rex from when I was 2, where I've chewed off the arms that he did have. It's a barely intentional collection, but started because I grew up very poor, and I didn't want to say anything complicated when asked what I wanted for Christmas, so I just said "dinosaur stuff". My dad still gives me dinosaur stuff on Christmas.

I started board games with the intention of finally making friends and going to those meet-ups or the university club for them. My first were Citadels and Dominion. I only ever stomached one trip to the uni game club, then played with my mom and sister for a bit, but then my sister moved. I still buy more, but I mostly play them alone. It's definitely one of those collections for the sake of collecting things. I keep hope in the back of my mind that I'll have friends to play with eventually.

Fountain pens started with my Lamy Safari demonstrator, and I only have demonstrators, nothing over $60. I started with the intention to improve handwriting, which hasn't really happened, because I thought it'd happen just from hand writing more. I alternately use them in my commonplace books for keeping lit notes, but they don't see any fancier use.

Tea started in a pleb way, I think I got some from Adiago before anything else, and branched out from there. Most of the teaware are from vendors I already liked, who either source it from the same area as their teas or apparently pick up what looks neat elsewhere. I've had a gaiwan set the longest, that my aunt gave me when I was teenager. My first "paraphernalia" on my own was the IngenuiTEA, but I replaced it with a glass single serve brewer soon, then an actual kettle and tea pot, then yixing.

I couldn't pinpoint book collecting's start, but for a specific subset of my collection, Japanese literature, it all started with Kokoro. Was the book that got me on the path to real literature. I now have nearly 300 books specifically dealing with Japan/Japanese literature.

>> No.7759142
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I watch anime and play vidya like every other autist 4channer. I used to really enjoy lifting but my drive to keep improving myself in that regard died out when I realized there was no place for mascunality in modern liberal countries. It's only useful for protection but there's always the possibily of being up against someone armed in the event you're attacked, and even then you could get jailed for fucking defending yourself if you make the wrong move. At this point the only reason I still go to the gym is to keep that modicum of ego my instinct can't seem to want to let go. I loathe how degenerate society is and every single day I'm considering more and more seriously about going living innawoods.

>> No.7759158


Not only will you never summon the courage or ego to "live in innawoods" but that idea itself is the endgame of every western degenerate you loathe.

Also-- you will never give up anime.

>> No.7759162

>Also-- you will never give up anime.

That's a lie. It's extremely easy to lose interest in anime, especially assuming he's gained one in literature.

>> No.7759197
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I became an avid ascetic like three months ago and I can't stop.

>> No.7759216

You sound like me, apart from the coffee.

>> No.7759219

I play the violin and chase lit girls. Martial arts, too.

>> No.7759228
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Stay out.

>> No.7759249

I walk around town for two to five hours a day. Feels fin de siècle man.

>> No.7759269

not bad
if you need society to value you, you might as well off yourself right away. no one cares about you. especially with the shit negative outlook and professional-grade excuse-making you seem to harbor and identify with so much.

>> No.7759272

don't have much to say in response, but this was very interesting to read. thanks, and enjoy your collections.

>> No.7759288

Determined to read through Blooms canon. I like you anon.

I would love to but most gyms here (I had to move home) don't have actual weightlifting equipment (bumper plates, platforms, etc). I'd be content with just doing a regular lifting routine but I have no income to buy a membership.

The judo club here let's me go for free but I can't tell you the number of times I've gotten ringworm there. I'm actually recovering from a case right now that managed to spread more than I've seen before. So I won't be going back.

>> No.7759311

How can I get into running? I don't have the will to it.

>> No.7759347

read as "lifting people I find interesting"

>> No.7759354
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>> No.7759372

It was never about society valuing me, it was about keeping my mind healthy and trying to adhere to the idea of manhood I idolize. My shit negative outlook has far many more variables than just this, I explained this particular one because it pertained with the topic at hand, which was the sharing of hobbies.

>> No.7759387

Fencing, biking, finding new music, learning German. Between work, trying to my degree, and wallowing in self pity I don't have time for much else.

>> No.7759393
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>rare 4AM cigarette conversations when I get to talk about real stuff.

>> No.7759421

3 is believable. Other two make me want to vomit.

>> No.7759473
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Playing and listening to music, smoking a lot of weed and constantly having sex with my qt 6/10 gf

>> No.7759478
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Six actually ends up being really good for me. Unless you have already factored in personality. Then again, I have a pretty high standard in the 1-10 rating.

>> No.7759492

Would fuck all three. But I'm kinda gay anyway.

>> No.7759500

Well ya, I'd fuck them. But, lately, I have started to define being gay as "willing and wanting to take it in the ass", which I don't.
holy shit i'm gay by normal standards aren't I, and i'm only rationalizing. fuck.

>> No.7759504

I am 'olympic weightlifter'. I am also an actor and producer for a small, semi-professional theatre company.

>> No.7759505
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I cry myself to sleep every night.

That's about it.

>> No.7759510
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>I am also an actor and producer for a small, semi-professional theatre company.
Can I join?
p-pls ;-;

>> No.7759513


Is she wearing a napkin on her head? And she has the gall to look at me like I'm the one committing a faux-pas?

Girl in the back wants the d tho.

>> No.7759517

If you fuck another guy you are gay too.

>> No.7759523

>Girl in the back wants the d tho.
Eat it maybe. She looks she'd be a demon akin to the one in the beginning of Berserk.
What if I only jerk him off while I fuck him in the ass?

>> No.7759525

>an actor and producer for a small, semi-professional theatre company.

Nice, what kind of plays?

>> No.7759529

>What if I only jerk him off while I fuck him in the ass?

Nigger, what if you like to have sex with a man? Unless you live in Iran no one gives a shit, stop rationalizing this.

>> No.7759531

Outside of reading (and general interest in the arts), I play hockey.

I'm pretty lame.

>> No.7759543

I vape, professionally

>> No.7759556


We're always looking to work with new folks, so if you're in the PNW then yeah, that's possible.


We started out doing Shakespeare as that was a common interest. Our first show together as a troupe was Much Ado About Nothing. Since then we've done a variety of productions, bigger and smaller. Our last two major shows were The Language Archive by Julia Cho, and J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.

>> No.7759564

>We're always looking to work with new folks, so if you're in the PNW then yeah, that's possible.
Ah. East Coast. Always something I've been interested in pursuing. I love what you're doing mate.

>> No.7759568


Listening to music, practicing cello as of late


learning languages (russian and german)...I don't have friends anymore who want to hang out, so I don't get out except for work

>> No.7759573

yeah you're definitely autistic. also

>implying masculinity exists

>> No.7759575

Vaping is for edgy teenagers who are too scared of cigarettes.

>> No.7759618

I love myself i order to hide the fact that I actually hate myself. I started many years ago and have got very good at it, most of the times I forget the real feelings. Some days ago, my only real friend, a fat female that I love/hate, and that hadn't seen me in a couple of months said I looked "powerful" and "independent". That's suiting because I consider myself to be better than everyone else, her included, and I pretend I don't care what others think of me; what frightens me is I think I'm just getting more isolated. I don't have any hobbies besides literature and chess, and I'm pretty bad at both.

I'm sorry this has little to do with the thread, I needed to write it.

>> No.7759692
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Flying through hyperspace, dominating dragons, and contacting aliens. I also talk to animals like elijah thornberry. I collect toenails in a jar and make guitar picks out of them. I'm currently a walrus trainer for sea world. I'm also a radical traditionalist neo reactionary. I think aristocracy is a superior form of societal arrangement. I also write symphonies no big deal. I'm actually part walrus. I'm actually 50% walrus genetically. I've always felt like a pelican trapped in a mans body. I identify as trans pelican.

I can also communicate with cartoon characters telepathically. Oh and I know the secrets of the universe.

>> No.7759758

Lately all I've been doing is studying and reading. Which I'm loving, since I neglected these two things my entire life.

>> No.7760845

>playing the lute
>chinese calligraphy
>jigsaw puzzles
>crafting illustrations of historical and traditional themes
>low budget super 8mm filmmaking
> improving my hellenismos altar

>> No.7760862

Student studying English and math so lots of homework, and reading, and studying
>work as a cook part time at a local casual 'fine dining restaurant'.
Really wanna get out of this industry though.
>exercise almost daily,
>play vidya(mgs v and firewatch rn)
>watch lots of movies or tv
>soccer when I get the time
>I don't see many friends anymore:(

>> No.7760910

I roleplay on World of Warcraft.

That's right.

I erp with futa's on a daily basis and that's my inspiration. Come at me.

>> No.7760970

reviews say it's only 3 hours of gameplay. is it worth it?

>> No.7762500


>> No.7762506

Sounds healthy t.bh

>> No.7762768


Aussies are cunts, mate.

>> No.7762785


I honestly just wanted to spread the word about surfing. It's so much fun, even if you're complete shit at it, and as you get better it only gets more addictive. I thought that that there might be a couple of people here that it could serve well.

>> No.7762837

I would avoid Benelux and Northwestern Germany because of immigrant camps. I plan on hitchhiking to Saint-Tropez this summer, hope it's worth it.

>> No.7762870

Southern France is no place to avoid sandniggers, anon.

>> No.7762906

>>7758842 and me

>> No.7762933
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Besides reading and writing, I like drawing, foreign languages, taking care of pets, and going for walks. I am on 4chan, so it's not hard to guess that "drawing" includes anime and cartoons, my second-best language is Japanese, and I've spent thousands of hours playing Pokemon. I have fun.

>> No.7762937

>'ve spent thousands of hours playing Pokemon
Alright. It's time. Rank the gens and favorite games.

>> No.7762942

B-but... muh Gendarme de St. Tropez. So where do I go in France to appreciate the nature, the countryside, the atmosphere and avoid sandniggers?

>> No.7763035

Is Burgundy still safe?